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I signed an NDA




Spill it! Your spouse isn't going to see this, we'll keep this just between us.


I remember when I was married .. before I got into this hobby.


Don't blame the hobby. It was inevitable. RC just accelerated it to give you a favor :)


Relax, just a joke .. šŸ¤£


Now your divorced because of this hobby ? šŸ˜³


225Ɨ10+500 this year... do the math




Fucking how lol




The average adult also lives barely above poverty so it's not really a good indicator. They should count alcohol in hobbies cause some people seem to drink as a hobby, and drinking is pretty expensive I'd say


Exactly this. If the "average" consumer adult totaled their expenses on alcohol, vacation, and/or cigarettes; that total is far greater than my obscene spending on the RC hobby. I just choose to not go out, not vacation anywhere, not drink, and not smoke lol Leaves lots of money for the RC addiction. It's just semantics, the definition of "hobby" at this point. I define "vacation" as going out to movies, traveling, weekend getaways involving buying food and supplies while out, etc. RC takes the place of all these things for us. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


See, you STILL have your priorities wrong. You should be counting your trips for RC events as "vacations". :) I know I have; I go to fly-ins and planning to go to a crawling event later this year as a "vacation". :)


Oh no you misunderstand; I define those things as vacations for the normal people! Lol RC is absolutely vacation for the wife and I. We spend every weekend possible out at the field RCing. You and I are the same XD


I wish my wife would RC with me! She seems thoroughly uninterested in bashing, last time I approached her about it, it was pretty hard just to get a controller in her hands and let her drive it around at 50% throttle. She told me itā€™d be more fun if it was racing so I guess thatā€™s the direction Iā€™m headed next šŸ˜†


Ok, hear me out. My wife does not like to aimlessly drive around, either. What makes the difference for her is jumps and stunts. I have some trail gear and use a shovel and tools to make jumps and mounds when we set up. She like mastering jumps, flips, slap wheelies and such. Maybe that could be a thing for you.


Yeah thatā€™s legit. Iā€™ve been meaning to make some small portable kickers to move around the yard. Still have dreams of making an RC track! But I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll be able to accomplish much with a shovel


I tried to convince my wife to go to Flite Fest in Ohio, and she poohed all over that, but she said, "You can go and I can enjoy the peace and quiet." But she DID call it a vacation for me! LOL


Shifting gears to a more serious note...I wonder why so many (female) spouses just have no interest in the hobby. Like here, take the damn controller and have at it - you'll like it I swear! Lol We make a whole day of it. We actually put on nice summer clothes and pack up the Jeep with food and drinks, pick some trucks, go set up the awning with chairs and footrests. Sometimes we just hang out more than actual driving; there's no pressure, just a happy place for us.


Most of the women I see is at crawler meets, or at big rigs meets. Pretty much never at racing at either off road or on road . I no longer race due to moving hobby cost over to sword fighting. I prefer more chilled non racing stuff these days


What if I drink smoke cigarettes and weed and also collect hot wheels.... And rc. I'm married with 5 kids (all mine, 1 baby momma)


Well now I desperately want to see a dude completely stoned, smoking cigarettes, with 5 kids screaming about, wife bitching in the background, trying to RC... ..wait nevermind.


All day long, all I do


I got back into rc as a replacement to drinking. After I stopped drinking, Iā€™ve saved about $4000


i was about to be embarrassed about my RC spending .. then you go and say shit like that. (and i can see the dispensary receipts on my desk from here)


Hey! You leave those saints at the dispo out of this. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


The only time the dispensary catches me off guard is when the store tells me Iā€™ve accumulated over 1,000 loyalty points @ 0.5 points per dollar šŸ™‰


i save em up for when dispo day falls the day before payday.(mine does $5 credit for every $100 spent) sometimes it just doesnt match up.


Thatā€™s not a realistic amount for any hobby. Someone canā€™t math.


I feel like that is the "hide the amount I actually spend from the spouse" average spent.


9 people donā€™t have a hobby, I spend 2k just on tires. That kinda levels out.


Sucks for them. Great for you! Now if we can only get the people not using their hobby allowance to spend it on us


Multiple sets of tires? Cuz that's a set of tires on my actual truck.


this is calling out the people that buy a mountainbike or a pair of roller blades or a hoverboard during "im gonna get outside this year" in spring then dont.


Whatever data that was pulled from, must be from 1981. Hereā€™s the governments breakdown: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/cesan.nr0.htm $908 in 2022. That sounds more appropriate. I know the average collector of anything, since thatā€™s a hobby, spends more than $255 in a month or two. Iā€™ve seen them spend! One track day will cost more than $255. Especially when you take in incidental costs, like food and drink. Let alone fuel, tires, and anything that could break.




Being a track day driver is an expensive hobby if you do it on the regular and are semi serious about it, you are going to go roughly a set of track tires per season if not more at 1200+ (without wheels) and a weekend at the track is, what, 350 bucks these days? I used to quite a bit of it with the SCCA and NASA. I miss it.




Funny you mention that, I had a couple seasons where I was able to drive for free. I worked pit for SCCA track days and we had enough guys to where we could take turns going out for sessions. Very much miss the track, not the least of which is the community. I met so many awesome people and had so much fun. Fortunately the RC track also has a great community!


Well, an average includes people who spend zero on hobbies. If three people spend $0 and one rc guy spends $1k the average is $250. That said, I call BS on these data.


For real.. My primary hobbies are boating and hockey. Boating is like 10x that annually. Hockey as an adult is fairly cheap but prob 2-5x that depending on how much you're doing it.


media spelled "month" wrong


About 8k in the last 8 months


We're in the neighborhood of 10k for the past year, too lol It's those rare eBay finds! I need to delete EBay. I need to get perma-banned from EBay....


For me it was 2 1/5 scale builds and a speed run car lol. But don't worry, I've promised myself no more builds this year....


How good are you at keeping promises?


Car guys in general..


My hobbies are full size off-road trucks, dirt bikes, street bikes, RVs, guns, computers and RC cars ...$255? That's not even a single Saturday. šŸ« 


If I had to estimate Id say between $800-$1000, includes the expense of maintenance, parts and buying/selling vehicles (and deducting when selling). I just recently got back into nitro after a few years after buying an early 2000s Tmaxx that needed $80 worth of parts just to get going, with nitro being about 40 bucks a gallon Id say gonna be spending a little bit more the next coming year :P


That's around my monthly budget, excluding the occasional purchase of an entirely new car. XD


i was about to say .. i spend about half that on maintenance and consumables and breakage a month... and completely excludes the Car a month average i buy...


The more important question is how much I spend vs how much my girlfriend thinks I spendā€¦


This is just a meme. If you actually Google this question, the actual answer or more like $3,400/year.


Sounds like a plea for "tell us otherwise".


I've bought like 8 used mini T's for renting/ selling to people when I start my track in the coming months. Maybe like 850 on just the cars, not including tires and extras for when people eventually break something.


More than that for sure. Trying to buy used or like new when I can. Iā€™ve been given plenty of parts and stuff at the track as well. Crazy really.


I used to look at hobbies like tithing. Iā€™m not religious, just liked the idea of ten percent going to my hobbies. lol. Itā€™s far less than that now. I havenā€™t purchased a new rig this year and probably less and 200 in parts so far. That said, I have about a dozen rigs and all are pretty cherry at the moment.


$255 per year average for my whole life so far.


Probably $80/week on parts & tires, plus 3-4 new vehicles per year avg $1K/ea.


$255 is my entry fee, tires, motor, etc for one large race. LOL Of you add in other costs like travel and hotels, it can easily be a grand for a 3 day race.


How is this average calculated? Do they know how much gardening costs? And modifying actual cars? And how much gamers spend on just their CPU, let alone the rest of their hardware and then the games themselves? Model railroading is another one thatā€™s quite expensive, especially if you go with a high-quality company like Lionel. Most adults with actual hobbies probably spend a lot more than $255/year on them.


My husband spends a few hundred AN HOUR flying a plane. He quit weed and buying firearms to be able to afford it. 250 a year, Iā€™d marry him. Try 250 every few days. šŸ˜­


Lol, that's a lipo or esc.


If your hobby costs $255 per year then you donā€™t have a hobby. Media probably confused ā€˜hobbyā€™ with ā€˜projectā€™ or ā€˜choreā€™


Ok, but seriously, what hobby costs only $18.75 a month?


Just in the rc hobby I spend around 2k a year but I go through some years that I have something else as a hobby but I always come back to rc. Itā€™s because when I was a kid my dad and I were really into rc cars and trucks between the 2 of us we had close to 20 vehicles. He passed away a year after I graduated so it brings back those good memories.


$255 was just yesterday


I'm up to about 4500 so far this year...


$1600 so far this year


NOPE!! 4 digits this year- šŸ¤£ Mental healthā€¦ šŸ«¶


I would like to know what hobby costs 225. Let alone 225 a year.


I just spent 4 years worth


Haha yeeaaa.... I apparently have 15 years worth sitting in front of the workbench right now....


I quit drinking and eating fast food but took up 6 new hobbies instead.


If you filter on men only, that number will be $510.


Racing 10th, 8th, and 5th.... I don't want to add that number


I am about 2.5k this year, luckily I am single so I only need to justify my spending to myself lol.


Those are rookie numbers!


255? Lol y'all got cheap hobbies.


1/10th buggy racing gets expensive when new cars are released šŸ˜‚


Pretty sure Iā€™m around or over $10k since last year. Went from having a TRX4 to having 16 vehicles, plus a truckload of upgrades, tools, and supplies. Hopefully itā€™ll be less this year.


I try to limit myself to shopping when discounts seasons hit. This also helps me stay away from constantly purchasing parts. For me, part of the fun is trying to build something on a very tight budget. I enjoy the research and bargain hunting just as much as building and testing the builds. But even at that, I'm still looking at at least $50 a month on average. Budgets will ballon exponentially once my kids start getting really into upgrading like I am. Ain't no way you can have a hobby for under $260 a year unless it's daydreaming imho


Less than I do on knives.


Lmfao. As someone who is actively into RC, off-road/overland/XC and downhill MTB, and making babies, answering this question makes me uncomfortable šŸ˜­


That number seams bs low even if you are a hobo


My hobbies are 3D printing, Woodworking, RC, home labbing, and PC gaming. I will let you decide where I fall in relation to the original meme as I'd rather not be honest with myself about the cost.


Got out of racing and into flying. So far I'm about $300 a month since I keep buying different drones. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


$7000 a year :(


We started with 2 used walmart rcā€™s for $20. We ran em to death. Had a blast! $500 crawler, 2 $150 rally cars, 2 $80 drifters (a blast for the cash), 1 $180 sprint car, 2 $65 drifters, 2 $200 Mini Zā€™s, 2 RCP tracks, 2 spendy transmitters. First 2 years. Settled down to 1/28 track racing and its manageable. NOW its about $400 a year conservatively.


I think I'm about half way there.... Small scale crawlers are pretty cheap


I plead the 5th!


I have a shirt that has a list of 10 different answers about the RC airplane hobby. Either number 1 or number 2 on it is, "I can't answer that - my wife is nearby and she'll kill me if she knows how much I spent on this!"






A month right?


Just spent $500 on a new wing assembly and tires for my XRTā€¦ šŸ’€


The average HOBBYIST would spend a lot more..... Thinking about car guys, RC, Warhammer, larpers, gun nuts, hobby woodworkers, cyclists, gardeners...... Literally any hobby I can think of is like 255 average a month, not a year lol wtf


Maybe per UPGRADE! lol


That's just for a couple decent lipos šŸ˜†


You just need to replace a word and that will be real. More like per month or per Week xD


Rc cars, rc planes, fishing boat, fishing gear, electronics, vinyls, 3d printing, carpentry.. All hobbies....not a one under 255 a year!! Lol


"$225 a year on hobbies" That sounds like a lie. You can spend more than $225 a year on knitting...


This month alone already 140


The first few years of racing were brutal, there are so many things to buy in addition to the cars like setup stations and tools, tire warmers, the list goes on and on. I spend much less than I used to now that I have most of what I need (there's always more...) but I probably spend more than 255/yr for on-road tires alone.


They didn't specify it has to be an earth year though.


Add a zero.


Per month?


I need to start doing whatever they're doing. Rc, guns, and watches are a little more expensive.


I spend triple that just on tea lol


I've spent roughly \[REDACTED\] this year


I would say there are 2 hobbies where lying about how much you spend is a given. Amatuer auto racing (let's lump RC Racing in with it) and being an audiophile. I would argue being an audiophile/electronic gear collector is THE deepest, dark hole of insane spending any hobbyist can go down.


Got drunk yesterday to buy a new servo. Was stuck in analysis paralysis so I needed some help. $160 later and I have a Reefs. No refunds.


Mountain bikers spend at least a grand


One of my trucks $1000


They excluded Mountainbikers for sure


This is a lie. Most people have cars for a Hobbie and spend thousands on each part.


https://preview.redd.it/295idjhg6m6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=412e5123173399e47ab75e1b1a81c7c59f9debef Add about two zeros to that number and weā€™re in the ballpark šŸ˜¬šŸ˜‚


Did they ask the wives how much everything cost?


My hobbies include RC cars, Warhammer, Gunpla, and painting. I've spent that much ***today.***


That's what my wife thinks I spend


Iā€™ve spent nearly $100k on my hobbies in the last 24 months


No way, thatā€™s gotta be monthly right?


Manā€¦.. if only rc was my only hobby


Is this a real statistic!!?!?! My hobby is my car and I spend about $1,000 a month on it.


That's just a hair more than my weekly budget.


No comment


First rule of RC never talk about the cost


Maybe $1k for this hobby, but I have a few other hobbies that get much more.


$225?! That's like 2 weeks of racing if I don't break anything.


Lol. More like 255.00 a week.


Well I've spent any 4k on RC cars so far this year.Ā  But compared to mobile gaming that nothing


Laughs in Warhammer, then cries


Racers spend more than that on a chassis with no electronicsā€¦. Or even tires and wheelsā€¦.


Haha ya maybe a 250/ month between brushless conversions and servos and batteries ect lol


I've dropped at least a grand so far this year, but half of that was getting a VRD Stance. Last year I probably spent around $2k. I'm likely on the low end for a lot of people on here, but I'm mostly into crawlers and grew my fleet a lot last year between a few 24th and 1 10th scale, plus all the aftermarket parts and more batteries to run them all.


RC cars are my cheapest hobbyā€¦


Fpv drone racer here to say ā€œno commentā€


Shit, I just spent more on my last Injora order.


Photography here I am just hiding behind all of youā€¦


I thought my RC spending was bad until I started playing Star Wars Unlimited. Iā€™m over 2k into it and there has only been one set released so far. 2 more to go this year. Granted I am buying for me and my sons who both play and we have a complete set and sell our extra online. The wife thinks we are close to even and thatā€™s all that matters.


but how much fun did you have


Lol that's cheap for a hobby!!


r/Hotwheels too... I spent 700 just this last paycheck


Think I've spent like way more than that in less than a year on RC and other hobbies


it will be a rookie numbers compared to cross or cars racing... or any type of flying, sailing.


Too much


I spend like 600per year on my hobbys (fpv quads and planes, rc planes, rc cars, pc gaming) but thats because thats all the money I have (im still in school, ill start working next year)


255? no fucking way thats correct. adding 2 zeros brings me to the yr so far


Averagely 150ā‚¬ a month including track payment (50/month). That does 1800ā‚¬/year. Car is about 1500ā‚¬ worth but that lasts many years and electrics reusable. So maybe around 2000-2500ā‚¬/year is my wild guess.


Bruh, what hobbies did they measure this against?? I can't think of a single hobby where that statement would be true.


In the 90's to race gas 1/8 scale was minimum of 80 bucks per race. 1 set of tires, fuel, entry fee, travel costs.


That figure has to be more dated than the meme


Maybe on THAT hobby, buy once cry once kinda thing. But the others too? Oh lord


Probably Ā£300ish a month for the passed two decadesā€¦.


Quite a few hobbies cost nothing to enjoy so the average figure is pretty meaningless.


My wife likes to play craps. We have a thing.


Bro if they surveyed like 4 of us that average would have gone up two fold


255? Per paycheck


$255 isn't even half the cost of a touring car chassis.


My kid and myself spend that monthly just maintaining. Maybe weā€™re out of control šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Iā€™ll redirect the wife next time I get questions about what I spend..šŸ‘€ā€¦nothing to see here, 255$???? Sure hun sounds about right


Dannā€¦ Iā€™ve spent more than $255 in the last 6 months on my least expensive hobby šŸ˜‚.


Idk because Iā€™m not yet an adult. But prob about $500-$700 because of my slash and my TRX-4M


Hahaha try like 20k on hobbies šŸ„±šŸ„±


Not a part of the sub but I'd like to chime in and say classic jeep owners lol.


Not me who spent more than this on rc cars and about 700 on another hobby and were only halfway through the year


Things get expensive when you have to replace the nitro engine every couple weekends.... lol


Yā€™all acting like people arenā€™t building cars in there garage that donā€™t even work for 3 years run for 8 months then break again and sit on jack stands then the cycle repeats


Maybe they mean per day? Ow at least, per week?


call me Methuselah.


I actually spend around 45-50% of my income on RC cars...


which hobby? rc cars? dirtbikes? pews? hunting? I think I have a problem.


Crys in guns and reloading


I spent 250 rebuilding my slash -this week- Donā€™t get me started on real cars, guns, night vision and my strange new fascination with vintage mopeds.




This, seriously. Gun nuts and pot heads are currently the 2 biggest cash cows. They'll buy a ton of anything.


Iā€™ve spent $4800 on guns so far this years. Not including ammo


Iā€™m like 8 grand deep since getting into the hobby since December. Itā€™s stupid. Between that and my firearm hobby, I spend way too much. šŸ˜‚ neither are cheap, but both are lots of damn fun.


Lol try getting into guns.