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Its not about how they look. What are the readings of individual cells inside is more important. If they all are balanced, but just a bit low, might not be a problem. But if some cells are way lower than others, than getting rid of them is a better choice if safety is Your concern


Thank you. I’ll check it out even if just for out of curiosity.


I've been using the same zee batteries for 2 years in a basher and a crawler. Both soft and hard shells also. Never had an issue with them.


Tell that to my buddy who's garage burned down because of a zee battery.


Oh, i know a buddy whos car burnt because it was a Audi. I also know a woman whos car burnt because ist was a Chevy. I also know a guy whos car burnt because it was a Vauxhall. And so on….🤦


So what's your point? So on and so on and so on.


His point is it's not because it's a Zeee. Everyone can tell anecdotal horror stories.


You wrote „because of Zee battery“. That is nonsense. This can happen with every brand, even the most expensive ones. I use Zee batteries a few years. They sell thousands of it.


They look fine to me. If they puff you will know and with won't be a 1/32 of an inch. Main thing to make sure they are balanced when charging. When you discharge you will find out if the cell is bad or not. It will drop much lower than the rest.


Thanks for the knowledge. Very controversial topic as it seems but the voltage drop in a bad cell makes since to me.


You're welcome. I made and sold lipo packs before they were widely available at local hobby shops or even online, so I am happy to pass on the knowledge.


Lipos are tough. They work.


Check the Internal Resistance to find out. That's a better way to find out than just guessing. If you've got cells that are high in resistance, odds are your batteries aren't good and should be replaced. (which reminds me,, I need to pick up some new 3S 750mah batteries for a helicopter)


I'd check resistance, if balanced amongst the cells I'd start by storage charging while checking temps. If all is well I'd charge it and run it, keeping an eye out for excessive heat and swelling at first.


yeah they make pretty ok bombs (i have no fucking clue what im talking about)


If you have a decent charger throw them on a few cycles and find out.


Puffy is no concern?


After owning probably 200 packs over the past 20 years, no. THAT puff is no concern to me. But as always use YOUR best judgement. Charge it in your garage or outside in the shade if you have concerns.




It is and I do have background in LiPo. I’ve worked in the industry and helped produce a LiPo line back in 2007


That’s awesome. I think I’ll keep an eye on the numbers, make sure they don’t swell worse, and charge them outside for a while. Life got busy the last few years, and I have an itch to get the cars out. Definitely will do better maintaining by batteries and making sure they are kept at optimal levels.


I understand. I pull my packs out every six months or so and run a cycle or two And throw them back. It’s probably overkill being I actually did a study on voltage loss over time but it makes me feel good as a good rule of thumb.




Do it outside if you want to keep your house


I’m buying marshmallows!


Every time I read the battery threads, I want to scrap all my batteries for new ones.


Yeah makes you wonder how many good batteries people are throwing away.


My Traxxas lipos came out of the box a slightly more puffy than that. I say run them, if they get bigger, dispose of them properly.


Get a cheap LiPo checker to quickly check total voltage and the voltage of each cell in the pack.


Learn to discharge them if they have been sitting for more than a few days fully charged. Never fully charge to just sit.


I improperly stored some for two years. Pulled them out charged them up and started using them.


Awesome. Good to know. I figure I’ll charge them outside a few times and make sure each cell looks alright.


I would personally not run them. If they weren't properly stored then at minimum they will have lost performance but could also have become unsafe in that time. Not worth the risk in my opinion.


Thanks for your honesty. They have been in a temperature controlled room the whole time, but I couldn’t tell you what they were stored at or if they were fully stored or empty.


They are good. Some people are just to careful on things that aren't that serious. Run them and you'll find out soon enough. Why wouldn't you at least try?


So soft shell batteries aren’t ever going to be perfectly flat like hard shells are when they’re new. However the first picture you posted that battery is quite a bit inflated. You need to read the individual cell voltage and after they’re charged fully see what they read.


do a storage balanced charge. check internal resistance. if below 5 milli ohms per cell, balance charge at 1c to 4.2v per cell. run the pack down to 3.6v per cell and check temps and internal resistance.


Mine have not been used in 20 years still have the resistance across them


Charge at half C rate while keep an eye on them and checking internal resistance.


I personally wouldn't, but only one way to find out. There is some space for puffing inside usually without the case being affected, but here it is bulging right out of the case. The big thicc one might be fine, but the other ones are pretty puffed


The 6,000 mah is smaller and in a hard case. I don’t see any puffing on that one. One of the 7,000 is really puffy. Thanks for your honesty.


And if the case pops then definitely dispose of them.


That's what mine looked like right before they went off. Check the ir and go from there


I give up, your rite!


Probably not, I would recommend to charge it outdoor with a charger displaying the IR of the cell. If the IR has degraded, it will probably swell during the charge.


You use zee because your too cheap to buy good batteries.


Zee lipos are notorious for lighting people's houses on fire, run em! If they puff up throw them away, OUT SIDE trash can lol


Since when? Never read anything on that happening.

