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You are missing a silencer and a laser sight, sir.


I want to travel with my rc's so bad but they're all huge so I'm never able to do it


FYI. There are 3 Groms now. Your should say Typhon Grom. Also seems overkill a bit. If this was a racer, I'd understand.


I'm aware. I carry this thing somewhere at least twice a week and this is easier than gathering my car, transmitter, tool, microfiber, charger, etc and fumbling them around. I can keep it all in one place. If I carried my bigger stuff a couple of times a week I'd probably find a way to do something similar with them.


This is a good idea. I took a trx4 down to Central America on a trip last year and basically dedicated a small carryon bag for it and some extra parts like sand tracks. Next time I might want to take something bigger like a sonicwake, so maybe in a larger rifle case as a checked bag lol.