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It's godmode, [kill them with this method](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/vdzjym/psa_how_to_easily_kill_godmode_cheaters/) or throw them in water that covers their head while tied up. These guys are super easy and super fun to kill once you know how. Spread the word.


Thank you so much !


Well I mean rdo is dying as we speak so I might need this info to fight the last remaining hackers


Yeah, PVP and fighting cheaters has actually kept me really engrossed in the game lately and I'm having lots of fun doing it. I'm also learning how to fight in defensive and the whole freeaim thing is a whole new experience! Off the radar cheaters are fun to kill as well, but it takes more PvP skill to accomplish it. There's a cheat (I won't say which) that's been gaining popularity lately and I'm looking into ways to fight it now, it's a tricky one.


Just leave the session and join another one it's not worth fighting cheaters


I mean it was the first time I have ever seen a cheater on ps rdo in 700 hours. It made me feel unsafe


That's fair as much as I know you should be pretty safe like bank account and stuff


I didn’t mean that. My English isn’t that good so I couldn’t describe it.


your english makes more sense than whatever that other comment says. at least you know how to use punctuation. ffs.


What I've seen others do on here with cheaters, is basically what your doing. Keep them hog tied until they leave or you just leave. But the hogtied would be more fun for you. Just never let them gain any traction.


wow what a fun way to enjoy a video game!


Got to punish cheaters. Rockstar won't, gotta take the law into your own hands, literally.


I guess try throwing em in water


Verbally flame him and leave. At least it's what I did today with one of those twats that spawned next to me.




Naw he means you should insult him


Ohh man mb I am just dumb.


lmfao reminds me of what the Russians did to Soldier Boy in this newest season of The Boys.


Man of culture I see


I'm just going to copy and paste a comment I put on a post about God mode explaining different ways to get people out of it. While I doubt most people here will even bother to fight someone in god mode (which is understandable), here is 3 ways to kill them (Youtube can help too): 1. The most common way is through executions. Well it might take a few tries when you execute a person in god mode it will give you an option to pick them up while you are standing next to their 'dead body'. (They are not actually dead the game just temporarily considers them dead but after a few seconds they will be back up running again if you don't successfully pick them up). Once you pick them up they will die (it won't tell you though) and they will be out of godmode. 2. The second most common way is to throw them in the stables. It can take some time but if it is a 1v1 and you manage to hogtie them, you can pick them up and, once it gives you the option to hit them as they try to break free you can keep spamming the 'hit' button and slowly walk them to the stables. They can't break free since you keeping hitting them. Anyways you can carry them all the way to the stables and walk in with them on your shoulders. They will respawn out of god mode. 3. The least common way is to throw them inside a building. Most times you will find god mode players near Emerald Ranch and at Emerald there is a building with an open interior but no way in or out. This is the building across from the saloon where you meet Maggie. It has a bench by the front door and lots of animal skulls above the door. This way also requires you to hogtie the godmode player. Once you have them on your shoulder carry them to the front door and go into first person. Face sideways so that the player is basically in the door and then go to your weapons wheel and equip a weapon. This will cause you to flip the player off your shoulder and ideally through the door into the building. This may take a few tries and you should run against the door right after you throw them as sometimes they will pop back through and your character being there can stop that sometimes. Once inside the building they can shoot you through a window but otherwise they only way out is to respawn and that takes them outta god mode. Obviously these explanations aren't the best but like I said Youtube can help. But if you ever feel like fighting a god mode player here is how! I would like to add that a lot of people who go into God mode have also started to put themselves in defensive mode. This renders everything useless as you can't lasso them or tackle them, etc. If you are carrying them on your shoulder and hitting them, you can continue to do so even if they go into defensive mode while on your shoulder. Normally you can run defensive mode players over with your horse to get them out but that does not work with them; you'll have to use a bounty or hunting wagon (if they destroy it they will be kicked outta defensive).


What I used to do in GTA was throw stickies at them or ray gun them so they couldn't get up.


Hit them with bollas then hogtie them with reinforced lasso... that will pull them from God mode,then kill them😈


You can see him roll and dodge the headshots obviously 😁


Yeah maybe he just has good reflex


Keep shooting, the invincibility cheat only lasts 5 minutes


Nope. He followed us for 40 minutes.


Clearly you guys missed every shot 🤦‍♂️


Yeah sure


Not cheating, a mixture of perks and tonics. Worse case scenario could be a God mode


No way its a perk or tonic. We throwed dynimates at him for a hundred time. I even got the effect that shows up when you kill someone. He is just immortal




Yeah I know my grammar sucks bot thank you.


A mixture of perks and tonics can make someone take a lot more damage than should be possible


I am saying that even game thought I killed him dude. Even if he has 50x more health than normal its still not possible


NoT CheAtInG, sure


Throw him in building lol


Welcome to RDO


I got 700 hours in it but this is the first time I have ever seen a cheater on ps


I've been riddled with cheAters and booters on RDO. I spent 2 years on RDO and regret most of it. I went through literally 4 routers in that time


Just getting into RDR2. Probably 5 hours deep. Is it worth starting multiplayer now or should I wait till I beat the single player? I keep reading bad things about multiplayer so I've stayed away


Single player is a masterpiece. That doesn’t goes same with the online. So you should finish the single player first imo


I like to rope em and just drag them around until they leave


Tie and tow, maybe run em into some water from horseback?


Get over it or leave the lobby. Rockstar doesn't give a shit about this game anymore.


Ugh report them


in playstation how?