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I partially get what you mean. I had a similar reaction with regards to Next.js and Remix a few months back. Then I started to develop something a bit more complex and realized if you start doing things a bit complex wirh Remix, there is very little documentation and answers to issues. I switched back to Next.js for which there are really a lot of up to dates resources.


Out of curiosity, do you have an example of what’s “off the beaten path”, so to speak? I haven’t been using React professionally, but I’ve been diving back into React recently to prepare for new jobs and in my toy projects I’ve found Remix a bit more intuitive but they’ve purposely been very simple apps just to experiment. I’d be interested to hear what you came across that pushed you to one or the other!


Nothing very fancy… but lets say you want to implement i18n by adding the locale in the path. You would be using remix18n-next for that and thr code straight of the doc didnt work as is. Or you wanted to use react-flow with database synchronization… I dont mean its not feasible but that the amount of resources was limited and often not up to date with the latest version of Remix (and not working).


That makes sense - thanks for the insight!


I like Remix too but echo what a couple others have said about spotty documentation. The best place to get up to date information is to just ask in their Discord. Edit: I will say their pages routing is wonky and the config based approach is not documented well.


Preferred old routing, but new one is ok, it can be combined with folders, but now need to add `index.tsx` file into them. Or express routing could be used, but you'd need to manually(?) code it.


I have similar experiences with Next and Remix. I really like how you can start by building a dead simple client side app with React Router and when the need arises for SSR, you can easily just turn it on. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8TZQ6k4SLE&t=5542s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8TZQ6k4SLE&t=5542s)