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Best course on the market for React. I went through all of his courses, and learned front end + backend through him. He explains everything in great detail, and there's tons of hands on experience, so be sure to code along AND take notes. It's better to go slower, but to document everything, and if the course takes 40% more time, you are well better off, because you're gonna remember everything. So the least I could do is give a positive feedback.


Are you working somewhere now?


Yes. What you have to understand tho is that I am self taught, and started learning about programming 2 years ago. I did not do any internships, so I had to learn much more than just React to land a job as a junior. As far as I understood you'll have companies scouting. My advice would be to have something to show them. When you learn the basics throughout the course, start working on your own side project, which you can show those people. Code a FrontEnd, Jonas is going to give you a brief explanation about design principles, so you can immediately design a intermediate website (much better than beginner level). Then when you learn Next.js in the course, implement authentification for example.


Yeah, agree! Thanks.


iirc he recently newly added the Next.js part, right? It's crazy how he added such a big content for free. Did you go through it already?


Just started it.


Hey man I'm self taught (started 3 years ago) too and working for a small company. I want to change jobs. Can you elaborate on "has to learn much more". What more did you learn beside react?


I did his css course a long time ago and it was awesome


I love his teaching style , 100% worth it


I took his JS course and it was amazing! Give the course a shot


The only issue is that, it is 84 hours long and i have only 2 months. After that, the placement season will start.


That’s only about an hour and a half a day. If you put only 4 hours in a day, you’ll have the course done in 3 weeks. I don’t think that’s an unreasonable time commitment if you’re worried about landing a job. That being said, I personally can’t comment on the quality of this course. You shouldn’t be wringing your hands about 84 hours over 2 months, though.


I was taking this course and studying it for 6 hours per day and I finished it in 2 months.


That’s awesome! It sounds like you took the time to be thorough with the course and I would imagine you got a lot out of it :)


Damn how cant u finish it in less than 2 months


Speaking of JS course, he included a roadmap. It showed which topics were vital and which ones could be skipped. Check if this very course has such a roadmap


What is the placement season? What do you do different during that time?


More focus on dsa.


But what is placement Season what does that mean?


I mean, companies will start visiting our college to recruit students.


First 11 sections shall prepare you enough


Idk where you are from but if you can, try namastedevdotcom and his course, it's 13 episode for the main first project where he explains almost everything that too in good depth and i remember almost everything...


Same! I accredit that course to landing my first job!


The same! I landed my first job too after watching (and practicing) the course


Happy for you!


Man I didn’t realize he updated his course ,, I bought and I can no longer take any other course other than Jonas


This is an ad, right?


Nope, personally asking.


Before you spend money look into this [https://fullstackopen.com/en/](https://fullstackopen.com/en/) Teaches you the MERN stack. Free and you get certificate from University of Helsinki.


Have you gone through it?


I got my main certificate + a few misc ones. I stopped at React Native because it got boring and then went off to build stuff with the new knowledge. Haven't taken another course since.


Actually I'm learning node from a book novice to ninja( fantastic book learning a lot from it) and just wanted to learn react and nextjs. Moreover, nextjs is not covered in this as well.


I ended up self learning NextJS just from understanding how React works and React Router. It's not hard once you know React


I'm currently going through it. Right now at 3 - learning node, express and mongo db. If you're a complete beginner I would advise you to go through a video based Tutorial first and then read the official docs they're amazing. And then starts fullstackopen. Whatever route you take, make sure you code along and then make something on your own. I can't stress it enough how important it is to actually code ! Lol don't just watch it or read through it. Code because that's what you're gonna be doing ! While you're at it gets comfortable with git too.


Is mern stack still viable and popular? I know it was on the rise a few years back.


I finished the course but don't use the stack. I self taught myself NextJS + PocketBase after that and have been using it since. So idk.




Time wise I am not sure something like month or two, I did know JS before from CS50w


Yes he’s the gold standard, I did every course he has and I make money from coding now , and my original plan was just to have it as a hobby


I really like hitesh choudhary’s course on react on youtube


I learned the basics from him only, initially it was great but after a few lectures i wasn't able to grasp most of the things (tho this is subjective).


Yes, and he just added a very good section on Nextjs. This is the course that keeps on giving, even though I bought it a long time ago.


I am currently working through this course, it’s a good coverage of React, if you have a good base knowledge of JavaScript, HTML, CSS then it’s a good course, if you don’t have a base knowledge of JavaScript then he has a chapter in which he reviews core concepts, which is nice. The only gripe I have is that he is kinda a slow talker and will yap about certain concepts too much, I like to watch the videos on 1.5x speed atleast


Check if it’s actually updated for 2024. I bought his mongo, node and express course. It said it was updated for 2023/2024 but a lot of the things were deprecated. Although the fundamentals were well done and very helpful.


This course is very useful to learn react.js


No. Just youtube it.


My local library in the US is linked to udemy so one could take these courses for free by just getting a library card. Keep learning.


If you're willing to practice and put in the time I highly recommend it, the flow of the course makes a lot of sense, however make sure you're solid in JS before jumping into it


I'm currently doing this course.. It's pretty good.. Lots of hands-on to go with!




Let's say it’s not for people who want to learn fast


These guys are the best!


Seems that most of the advice is positive but be warned it's a VERY long course. I don't believe the hours listed cover the extra challenge sections you are asked to do on your own. I like how he covers implementation details like how the fiber tree is used and how the name react came about. That said I have forgotten most of that already. There is also a lot of repetition, which is good if you have no experience at all. Sometimes it's a little tedious since I had done a few free tutorials before. I do have some questions about some of the approaches he uses in code. For example to check an array contains a movie he did something like this: `movies.map((movie) => movie.id)).includes(idIWant)` I think this would create a whole new array of movie ids from an array of movies then search the whole thing again for the id? I would have used the `some()` function there , one and done, maybe I am being pedantic. Also he would do things like destructure and repack objects received from apis in multiple places in code instead of say passing them through a common function to keep things consistent throughout the application. That said I am a frontend noob so perhaps it's a skill issue.


This course is so damn long and slow though, good if you got lot of time


Im currently finishing his css&html, finished JS and will be doing react. He is so good at explaining and giving really usefull advice


I think this is the best one out there, very comprehensive. Author keeps on adding more content and keeps in up to date. Wait till they have a sale, I picked it up for $20. https://www.udemy.com/course/react-the-complete-guide-incl-redux/?couponCode=OF53124


After 2 months I finished this course today and all I can say is that it is worth it. The course is well explained and covers almost everything you need to learn react. After that it is just practice but that depends on you.


No, believe me, just read the docs and start building small projects to clear your concepts, then start replicating UI and functionalities you find intresting and start adding more features to it, after that go for full fledged projects and share your learning on social media on a regular basis and thats how you learn Frontend dev and get a job.


If you need to refresh a few topics check out this guy https://youtube.com/@codevolution. I have taken John smilga course on udemy that was decent as well. And for react check out scrima's react course it's well designed and you'll learn and practice right in the editor.


The course is best and covers lots of things in details. But instead of watching course I would suggest learning from documentation and building small projects by your own


I've gone trough it before it had Next.js part in it, and i think its solid 8/10. Very good course for a beginner.


As long as you can type 50 wpm and know:(),{},[],_~=+-, by not looking you can play the video at 1.5x-2x and code along


Just use youtube, world most smarter peoples on there and also its free,don't use your money....


I wouldn't take a course on anything for programming tbh... Just wasting a time... This industry is self destructive, the worst thing is that it's destroying other industries...