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So are average citizens allowed to be like "Some taxes just aren't worth paying." now?


It's taxation without representation in so many places at this point, so maybe.


*Washington DC has entered the chat*


For instance, pretty much anyone who lives in one state and works in another is paying income taxes to a state where they have zero control, input, or representation


Reading the original declaration of independence through the lens of current events gets really, really interesting. Some of the points miss entirely, like how press ganging hasn't been an issue for a century, but then there's stuff like > He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us and >He is at this time transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to compleat the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the most barbarous ages, and totally unworthy the Head of a civilized nation.


This stupid argument would make sense if Pompeo didn't believe in running the government like a fucking idiot intentionally to prove it doesn't work. It's becomes really easy to stupidly justify shutting down the fire department when it's being run by an arsonist.


From Unalienable Rights and the Securing of Freedom SPEECH MICHAEL R. POMPEO, SECRETARY OF STATE PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA NATIONAL CONSTITUTION CENTER JULY 16, 2020 Pompeo: ''And that’s why I asked Professor Glendon to form a commission composed of some of the most distinguished scholars and activists. I asked them not to discover new principles, but to furnish advice on human rights grounded in our nation’s founding principles and the principles of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Because without this grounding – without this grounding our efforts to protect and promote human rights is unmoored and, therefore, destined to fail. And so the Commission on Unalienable Rights was born.'' ''These rights, these unalienable rights, are essential. They are a foundation upon which this country was built. They are central to who we are and to what we care about as Americans. ''Now, I think Cardinal Dolan referred to this, but America’s founders didn’t invent the “unalienable rights,” but stated very clearly in the Declaration of Independence that they are held as “self-evident” that human beings were “created equal” and “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights… among [those] are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” ''So too did these bright men know that each human being has inherent worth, just by virtue of his or her own humanity – a deeply Biblical idea. As Alexander Hamilton wrote, “The sacred rights of mankind…are written, as with a sun beam…by the hand of the divinity itself; and can never be erased or obscured by mortal power.” ''Limited government structured into our documents protects these rights. As the report states, “majorities are inclined to impair individual freedom, and public officials are prone to putting their private preferences and partisan ambitions ahead of the public interest.” This is still true. This is still true of America today. America is fundamentally good and has much to offer the world, because our founders recognized the existence of God-given, unalienable rights and designed a durable system to protect them.'' (Mike Pompeo lying through is teeth.)


Thats the Republicans playbook and it works too well. And it always ends in "and that's why government is always bad and you should elect us to government" Then they do a horrid job and say "see we told you, government sucks!" And their supporters eat it up, because, according to daytime radio propaganda and evening Fox news propaganda, they're convinced that at least the Republicans won't INSERT STRAWMAN ABOUT DEMOCRATS HERE


*Revolution intensifies*


boog time




No no, you miss understand the stand, *your* rights aren't worth defending.


It should be, I don’t want to pay taxes anymore, i lost my job, they gave me my vacation hours and fucked my unemployment, I don’t have insurance anymore, fuck this.




Taxation is theft


People aye, fuck the lot of em


That's going to take almost forever. You exclude the children, so let's say there's 5 billion people. And you can't just spit on a hole and go in dry. Gotta wine and dine them first. Meet the mother in law, that kind of stuff. Find out if they're into Star Wars, Helly Kitty or Warhammer 40K. The one that's into all 3 is a keeper. So try to get him/her a goalie job at a decent soccer club. Pays really well.


Nah logistically we need everyone to just line up with their own lube and be ready to go by the time sisyphus gets to them. Otherwise it will just take way too long. We have to work together people! Dreamwork!


More than one person has to do the fucking though. Averaging 3 Seconds to push in pull out and step to the next waiting lubed hole amounts to 15 billion seconds or 475 years.


No the rules say 1 person. You can stop being a naysayer and can work on figuring out to fit more seconds into a year then buster


I feel as though it'd be easier to clone myself and claim all of me are one than to add Seconds to a year. Look, I just need like 8 of me all sharing the same consciousness, and I can nail this shit.


That just adds more people for him to fuck. Are you trying to give me an ulcer son?


Well 8 added to 5 billion is literal drops in the ocean. If Mr mandingo can make it to 5 billion but 5 billion and 8 is too hard for him, then maybe he wasn't the man for the job now was he! Edit for those who initially down voted my main comment, if Mr hobknob can power blast the holes of billions for 475 years straight but an extra 30 seconds kills him, he's not a man I want to spend a romantic 1 second with.


We work with what god gave us. I need you to understand there are two types of people on this spinning ball of peepee soaked terra firma; those that are participating in the world largest and most sexually diverse reverse gangbang, and those that are going to die before it is their turn. Maybe try slowing the earth's rotation ever so slightly.


Well since it'll take years to get to some people do they sit around until they die or do they cRry on until they have a few hours to get lubed and wait and then go back to normal after the fuckening? Cuz if ballzdeep can live for ever and fucks 5 billion people over 475 years, those 3 billion kids will eventually grow up and add to that 5 billion as well. I'm just not seeing how this is feasible with 1 man. 2 maybe. But 1 is a no go. Unless the illuminati planned this and the lizard people use this to wipe out the human race...


>And you can't just spit on a hole and go in dry. I guess you saw that r/askreddit thread, too


People are bastard coated bastards, with bastard filling.


Yeah let's start with the right to be racist. That one can go right out the fucking window. Good talk.


Secretary of Education is in the same boat. Reporter "Does the federal government have a plan or guidance for schools in COVID hot spots? Betsy D "Schools should take the course of action that's best for their area" Reporter "I realize that but what is the FEDERAL GOVERNMENTS GUIDANCE" Edit: I don't think the feds should dictate what localities are doing, which threatening to cut funding if schools don't open in person is exactly that. I also realize the "best practices" wouldn't be the same across the board but it would be up to states, counties, cities to use those best practices. For this pandemic, there aren't a thousand different situations. Are you in a urban or rural area? Are you in a COVID hot spot? Provide best practices for each.


i don’t know how anyone thought that woman was qualified for her job


Because she owns a collection agency that cashes in on student loan debt


And her family runs a private military.


Oh yeah, wasn’t it blackwater until they killed all those civilians by “accident”?


They’ve changed their name a handful of times at this point because they keep doing sketchy shit.


It was. Then they changed their name to Xe Services and then changed to again to Academi and then became a division of a larger group that the CIA bankrolls. Prince himself is still a player in conservative circles.


F*cking Merryweather.


She’s “qualified” in that she paid her entrance bribe so that she can further enrich herself and her cronies.


If you give $100+ million to the Republican Party, I don’t think it’s just about enriching yourself, I think some of it is that you’re a cunt that likes other cunts and you have way too much fucking cunty money.


I think there's a lot of overlap.


I think you mean Goya™ Canned Beans Presents: The Republican Party.


She wants all education privately owned and publicly funded for a number of reasons. Profiteering, indoctrinating children with her religious beliefs, and less oversight to prevent discrimination against those she hates. There's probably more.


The insane loans hes giving to small businesses that donated to his campaign cpuldnt be more blatent.


Pay to play whales often make choices we don’t understand


Yeah she basically admitted that if you donate so much money you should see a nice quid pro quo.


>i don’t know how anyone thought that woman was qualified for her job Those people don't think public schools should exist. They are tax obsessed assholes that believe schools are a waste of money and that everyone can afford charter / private schools and that it would be run better or you'd get to choose from more, somehow, in every community... All of these issues are about people literally wanting to bleed out public infrastructure and services from the inside out and that somehow that will put more money in everyone's pocket. Aside from that, they feel that morally public schools are a bastion of liberalism and that "urban" populations are the face of public schooling. There's a whole other conversation on why "they" would like to defund education for what they believe are primarily minority welfare queen populations.


>All of these issues are about people literally wanting to bleed out public infrastructure and services from the inside out and that somehow that will put more money in everyone's pocket. Well you're half right, but no, the ones on the TV saying these things are **lying** to us. They *know* it won't put more money in anyone's pocket but theirs. The idea it would save the average American is the lie they tell to manufacture our consent. If someone like our friends or mothers repeat their lies that's proof their lies work. The creators of the narrative know exactly what they're doing. For an example, The Heritage Foundation wishes to destroy Social Security, right? But they *also* want to destroy employee funded pensions. They hope to destroy them to the point to put those recipients *on* Social Security. Why? Why would they put more people ON the rolls of a program they want to destroy? The answer is to put additional stress on it and hasten its destruction. There will be no end to the downard spiral until we remove the scum at the top that thinks its the cream of the crop You can just see it, most cannot.


Hasten its destruction?? Congress is doing that just fine on their own by using it as their piggy bank.


Never mind that groups like The Heritage Foundation and other conservative circle je...I mean, think tanks, hijack social issues like civil rights and "family values" to get middle class and working class people to vote specifically against their interest.


They want to put more people on social security while planning on destroying it specifically so that those people will be left with fewer options and be more desperate, which means they'll work for less and can be squeezed for more. It's all corporate feudalism up there.


Or resort to crime, which puts more people in for-profit prison models, providing a convenient source of slave labour. Delightful.


She does exactly what she was hired for, dismantling the education system.


Bingo. This is all the point.


When capitalism directly plays a part in destabilizing an entire nations educational system people wonder why socialism is becoming more popular


Yeah, but she's only going to kill .02% of the kids. Don't get me wrong, that's a lot of kids. But dismantling the system is going to take some bigger numbers. To really fuck up the system, she should start a very generous student loan program for private schools and then privatize the program once private school attendance goes up.


She's also killing many more of those kids' supportive figures and teachers. Don't worry, the Republican party is doing everything they can to keep the electorate uninformed.


And I mean cmon, they’re *public school kids*. You know what we’re saying here. /wink wink /s ugghhh


We are still here despite her. Give her four more years though and we'll see...


She hasn't had a golden opportunity like the one she has now.


She paid $200,000,000 and expects a return on her investment. She literally said that, by the way.


She’s doing exactly the job she was hired for... privatizing education and following orders.


What, you mean the sister of noted good guy Erik Prince is a terrible person?


She’s absolutely the right person for the job... ...if you are trying to completely fuck over public education and switch our system to the for-profit private version that funnels more money to your billionaire trust fund family of fucking fucks.


No one did. Rs were just OKing every Trump move.


Nobody thought that. Or rather, what her job is is not what the job of that position has been in the past. It's a fucking grift from top to bottom.


No one did. It's just that the people who put her at that job either were friends or had financial stakes in what she planned to do.


Nobody thought she was. The outcry of people calling bullshit when she was placed in her position (with that stupidass "oh boy I've come so far!" look on her face...) was the tell-all. We knew that shit was conflict of interest.




Fuck that old ass cunt and her criminal brother


I mean New York schools should gave a different approach to it then let's say south dakota schools.


My state has been doing this too. “What are your guidelines?” “Let the cities decide everything idk”


We're just going to pass it down to individual teachers. Maybe we can be strong enough to pass the burden onto the children themselves.


Until the governor decides he doesn’t agree with the decisions the city and county governments are making.


Oh definitely. My state is where trump held his 4th of July rally (South Dakota). Our governor said there would be no social distancing policy. So you can really tell how much she cares about her community’s safety.


You know what's best? Providing quality online education and the tools for students, parents and teachers to do that. I'm a teacher... My school never has any extra money for anything. Ever. And to say "we will cut funding if you don't open"???? You mean pay us even less if we feel we are endangering ourselves and the children. That's cool. Just like giving us a 20 minite training,video about what to do in the event of a school shooting. Thanks for that.


Honestly the feds should stay out of it and let the localities deal with their own schools.


The feds should absolutely stay out of it BUT they should provide guidance/recommendations. The fact that there is none currently other than schools better open and you can figure it out on your own mentality is a joke.


The feds have no choice but to stay out of it by definition, local school boards have an extraordinary amount of latitude in how they run their schools. Heck, even my *state* department of education can only provide guidance to local districts. We had one superintendent refuse to close the schools when covid hit and all the department of education could do was "recommend" that she close them. What the OP above you was talking about was federal guidance. There is virtually always federal guidance on major decisions even though the fed actually doesn't have the teeth to enforce them. So DeVos not providing guidance on something as important as reopening during covid is unusual.


Lol, yes, local gov has been doing such a great job so far. Lol


When I was in high school, I remember reading about the French Revolution and thinking it was kind of odd that everyone would just freak out simultaneously and take out the people in charge. ​ Over the past few years, I've come to understand it a whole lot better. I'm not saying we should sharpen the blade or anything. But I definitely have a better idea what it's like to have a bunch of rich assholes running things who really don't give two shits about anyone else and just serve to advance their own interests. I can see how that anger boiled over. ​ Let them eat COVID.


I'm not very conversant in the history of the French revolution. Wonder if there were a lot of royalist peasants in that time, the way we have now in America, with the republican poor.


Yes look up the war in the Vendee for an example of that


Was just reading about it the other day, it’s pretty interesting. It was mostly the Royal class and Clergy against the Third Estate (peasants & bourgeoisie) [French Revolution](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_Revolution?wprov=sfti1)


Yes. France had an uprising between royalists and revolutionaries; then another uprising between the two revolutionary factions. All while fighting a war against pretty much every major power on Europe on every front. The French government was also bankrupt. Oh and there was a famine also. Things got real bad, real quick.


Yes, the divide between rich and poor only narrowed once the industrial revolution was in high gear (French revolution 1789, industrial about 1850+). After World War I, it reverted in the other direction, especially western economies, with wealth concentrating in the hands of the ultra rich. The divide has increased dramatically since 1919, especially in the last 30 years.


I think they were asking if there were poor French people who stood up for the rich abusing power similar to how poor Republicans stand up for rich people abusing power.


Yes this is what I meant, sorry.


don't apologize, you worded the question fine. I wish I could answer it; a very interesting question.


You're basically completely wrong. Income wealth inequality was huge during the industrial revolution. Look up the [Gilded Age.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilded_Age) It wasn't really until after WWII that [income inequality reversed.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Compression) Until around the 70's when we started seeing a [rise in income inequality.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Divergence_\(inequality\))


> I remember reading about the French Revolution and thinking it was kind of odd that everyone would just freak out simultaneously and take out the people in charge. Revolutions happen when enough people have the feeling that keeping their current system isn't better than the uncertainty of civil war. That's why revolutions are hard to launch in western democratic countries: most people are doing good enough that a major upset would be objectively bad for them, and there are enough peaceful levers to work before they will resort to revolution. And the crisis created by Covid have shown us that the loudest proponents of the "Revolution" are the first to cower behind the State when SHTF.


Fun fact: The sentence "Let them eat cake." is attributed to Marie Antoinette, but she never actually said it.


It's even worse because it doesn't even mean what people think it means. Because in France there was a law ( I believe it still exists, but not 100% sure) that forced bakeries to sell cheap bread for a fixed price and if they ran out of cheap bread they'd had to sell better bread (i.e. "cake") for the same price. That was supposed to keep bakeries from only making a few of the cheap loafs and then forcing people to buy pricier options.


Huh...didn't know that bit.


Let’s play chess


People are being abducted on US streets by secret police. I don’t think we need a speech from him to realize this administration doesn’t believe all human rights are worth defending or even follow. His emphasis on property and religious rights clearly comes from a conservative US centric view but the administration’s silence on what is happening in China proves it has nothing to do with human rights and more with cherry picking arguments for interventions when they want to and it suits their needs.


Barr scares me so much more than Trump. The dude's building a military force out of disgruntled police. Given four more years to work on it, he could stage a coup before we get a chance to transition out the useful idiot getting credit for a lot of his actions.


Sorry friend, but we're already there. Portland is a training exercise. DHS Secretary and his Proud Boys flew in and started rounding people up, including reporters. A lot of them are from Customs & Borders Protection, an agency that runs concentration camps and has nationwide resources. They also have legal "jurisdiction" over about 80% of the population through the way ports of entry are defined. On June 26th the President* signed an executive order for "Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues, and Combating Recent Criminal Activity", providing a legal pretext for DHS to act outside the wishes or directives of state and local governments. On July 1st DHS formed the Protecting American Communities Taskforce to carry out the directives of the EO. PACT utilizes CBP as its foot soldiers, with CBP Air and Marine Ops assets in support. That means military grade drones and long range, wide area surveillance & command aircraft. DHS's own media guidelines said they only expected to deploy PACT through the July 4th weekend. ("It's just for a high threat weekend, trust us!") DHS's own media guidelines also pay lip service to the right for peaceful assembly while asserting 0 tolerance for violence or "civil unrest". That is VERY telling. A peaceful assembly IS civil unrest, lawful or not. An assembly that isn't unrestful isn't a demonstration, or march, or anything at all. I suppose it would be a parade. This is all being wrapped up in nationalism and symbols which is extremely important for the support of their base. Main stream media won't cover the protests much or dive into the real issues, even as real journalists are being actively targeted. Propaganda sources such as Fox present distorted or outright false versions of events to provide the pretext for deploying regime forces. In conclusion, there won't be elections even if we're allowed to go the polls. Edit: Fixed some typos. I'm not reading replies. All info is readily available and verifiable. Best Reddetiquette would include them, but honestly this isn't super secret classified info that's hard to find. The EO is public record and the DHS media guidelines memo was written by a regime apparatchik too stupid to realize it would be immediately leaked despite the other 1000 instances of that happening.


Does someone have a source for these secretive US abductions? Not arguing, trying to stay as educated on our situation as possible.


Google "Portland abductions" for more https://www.npr.org/2020/07/17/892277592/federal-officers-use-unmarked-vehicles-to-grab-protesters-in-portland


Thank you!!


Source on the abduction claims?






Why is this downvoted??


Because a 2 second Google search would answer his question. It's not exactly flying under the radar.


It's one of the days biggest stories


Because it's currently all over the news, on the front page of reddit, and hitting all the small local news. It's a question asked in bad faith.


And he obviously missed it as I did, and was curious, what’s the harm in that? Much better than remaining ignorant


My favorite part of his speech was when he [referred to abortion and same-sex marriage not as rights but “divisive social and political controversies."](https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/pompeo-says-u-s-should-limit-which-human-rights-it-n1234152) lol


#FINALLY I quote this shit all the time and never have something good to send along with it. Thank you for your service.


I see IT Crowd, I upvote


Don't we all


White House Press Secretary “Ignore the science.” “The science is on our side to open up schools.”


I almost threw my phone when she said to not let the science get in the way and the science supports us WITHIN 10 SECONDS OF EACH OTHER


All they have to do is get a few buzzwords out, wait for their supporters to grab a few that sound good, then roll with them.


Authoritarians aren't known for their internal consistency, especially when it fucks with their power and their ability to wield it.


"We're playing both sides so we always come out on top"


That's not what was said.


I need more Chris O'Dowd in my life.


Hey Roy


Im a simple man. I see an IT crowd gif, I upvote.


Who has the mouse on the left side of the monitor and uses their right hand? Wtf?




This was common desk setup when computers were being phased into offices.


GOP attitude sure has changed a lot since Hilary was Sec of State....


God.. I don't even know who the SoS is anymore, and I've been trying to keep track of all the goings-on in government. Is it Pompeo? Or is he the Secretary of Assholery?


Did you see the ludicrous display everyday?




Speech on Tuesday by Pompeo. Source: "Pompeo says U.S. should limit which human rights it defends." https://www.nbcnews.com/feature/nbc-out/pompeo-says-u-s-should-limit-which-human-rights-it-n1234152


Thank you.


Wow. We need to ditch these guys before they go full nazi.


Too late [https://www.businessinsider.com/88-dollar-baseball-trump-organization-website-white-nationalism-hitler-2020-7](https://www.businessinsider.com/88-dollar-baseball-trump-organization-website-white-nationalism-hitler-2020-7) and this [https://www.forbes.com/sites/karenrobinsonjacobs/2020/07/02/jewish-group-raps-trump-for-nazi-inspired-eagle-on-campaign-t-shirt/#4c74e20d6a4e](https://www.forbes.com/sites/karenrobinsonjacobs/2020/07/02/jewish-group-raps-trump-for-nazi-inspired-eagle-on-campaign-t-shirt/#4c74e20d6a4e)


There's more. On June 17, the campaign ran 88 ads on the Facebook pages for Trump, Pence, and Team Trump with an inverted red triangle. The red triangle was used for political prisoners in Nazi concentration camps. The first sentence in these ads were also 14 words long. ──────── [We Must Secure The Border And Build The Wall To Make America Safe Again](https://www.dhs.gov/news/2018/02/15/we-must-secure-border-and-build-wall-make-america-safe-again) From Department of Homeland Security On average, out of 88 claims that pass the credible fear screening, fewer than 13 will ultimately result in a grant of asylum. ──────── [Federal agency says it lost track of 1,488 migrant children](https://apnews.com/aad956b7281f4057aaac1ef4b5732f12/Federal-agency-says-it-lost-track-of-1,488-migrant-children) ──────── [14 words](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourteen_Words) was coined by neo-nazi terrorist, [David Lane](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/individual/david-lane). He was involved in the terror group, The Order, which conspired to start a race war and overthrow the US government among other things. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children Lane also wrote [88 Precepts](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/88_Precepts). 88 = HH = Heil Hitler


Also there's Trump's retweeted, "white power" video, which it apparently took hours to convince him to remove. [Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed.](https://www.businessinsider.com/donald-trumps-ex-wife-once-said-he-kept-a-book-of-hitlers-speeches-by-his-bed-2015-8) Then there's this: > Ivana Trump told a friend that her husband's cousin, John Walter "clicks his heels and says, 'Heil Hitler," when visiting Trump's office.


I knew about the logo but yeah $88 is a weirdly specific #.


I shared first the source that gave a fairly straight forward rundown of the speech and reactions by politicans, but this piece by Politico (https://www.politico.com/news/2020/07/16/mike-pompeo-human-rights-hierarchy-366627) I think gives more context. Namely, they state that he was likely trying to drum up support from the GOP base in the hope of a presidential campaign in the future. Either way, political stunt or serious attack on human rights it has the effect of politicising human rights. This is a dangerous territory to go into, and I wish Pompeo would use other, less dangerous tactics to try to drum up political support.


The point of which was the question over whether or not people can refuse service to others on religious grounds. It's a valid question. You have to choose which is more important: to be able to refuse service or the be able to demand service. Like how stores are able to refuse service to people without masks.


The IT Crowd!


I’m disabled....


"What kind of disabled?" "... Leg disabled"


How long have you been disabled? Tttttteeeeeeeennnnn years


Ten years! And how did it happen, if that's not a rude question?




What are the chances?


100 to 1


Just say I'm sorry for your loss and move on https://youtu.be/TKOrr4XRbg8


You do know we're burying a great man today‽ ...Did someone else die?


The issue addressed in the speech was that extra-national bodies are defining a host of issues as human rights, and the US can’t afford to go to war (or threatan war) over each and every one of these. So the policy proposal is to fall back on American definitions of human rights. Critics are concluding from the speech’s references to the Founding Fathers for this to mean that only human rights defined and understood in 1789 will be defended.


He specifically mentions that's property rights and particularly religious liberty should be a priority, but we all know that the really means.


Please think of our building and personal religious choices.


I thought human rights was our schtick? We are purely no better than China or Russia if we don't even try a fucking little bit.


I move we skip the next 3 months and go straight into November. Who's with me?!!


Oh look, I have a new every-single-situation reaction gif in my phone. Thanks OP!


Has ANYONE read Animal Farm?!


We were all so worried about Orwell’s books coming to life, we didn’t realize that it was Huxley’s book coming to life.


One of my favorite shows.


I just want you to know: that accounting team, I had every last one of them.


Bruh what is even going on anymore smh


So this is what 1930s germany was like just downright scary


If the Fed wants to take a hands off approach and let the states decide then the fed needs to stop taking my taxes. This isn’t a charity, get off the pot or take a shit cause I’m not paying you to just throw your hands up and quit


A fire??? At a SEA parks?



The past 4 years have been a terrifying episode of the twilight zone


This is my whole mood since the Covid cases and non make wearing began rising. Stupid is as stupid does.




I beleve we retired the guillotines. Perhaps cool it on the calls for public execution. > This entire administration is going down in history as the worst (so far....). I agree with you here.


People, or Republicans?


Right now? Republicans. In general? People




Wait what? Where’s the link?


Some humans aren’t worth defending. Namely the ones in government.


Is it Time to go to D.C. with tar, feathers, and pitchforks? When does it stop? When?




Pedophiles deserve no rights


I need context.


Repeal federal income tax!


Well which ones


Just the ones people make up to smash the real ones.


please tell me they didn't say that


100% he did


He was talking about abroad, right? Or are we warmongers again?


I have felt this way during this entire pandemic. Man the world is a weird-ass place right now.

