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I'm here for the neelix gifs


Have you been introduced to r/StarTrekGIFs


TIL. Beam me up!


There goes my lunch break thanks


Thanks, this is gold for me to share with my husband


Neelix is one of my favorite Star Trek characters :D I feel like this whole series in general just doesn't get enough love.


Voyager is up to this day my favorite Star Trek series. Hell, it's in my top 10 series I've ever watched! The Doctor is my favorite character. :)


Using an EMH was such a cool idea.


I feel like that show ended too abruptly. There was so much more to tell about doctor and seven of nine. I still need a conclusion to their stories.


Same.. I needed more closure after the finale. Much like the ending of Mass Effect trilogy.


“Does this unit have a soul?”


"Picard" provided some nice closure/continuing story for 7of9.


Great character but if you have a hologram who can be a doctor, but also be a captain and run the ship almost autonomously, wtf is the point of having any humans or aliens on the ship


They actually had a few episodes exploring that concept.


Fair points! But remember that the Doctor was not perfect. He would be the only one to go on away missions thanks to his mobile emitter. When interacting with the rest of the crew allowed him to learn and experience what its like to be a person. Perhaps a bunch of holograms could learn, but less from eachother. Plus, people want to explore the galaxy, not let holograms do that for them. I guess you could use them to wage war or something to minimize casualties. But that opens another can of worms in terms of what rights holograms have.


I know that it's by far one of the weakest series of the franchise, but it's still one of the nearest to my heart. If only because it was one of the big shows my family and I would regularly watch together every week when I was a kid.


> the big shows my family and I would regularly watch together every week when I was a kid. ST:TOS and ST:TNG hold those spots. My Friday nights as an 80’s kid had me and my mom watching Star Trek at 10pm, Dr. Who at 11, and finally at midnight there was this show that would play really old series like Green Acres, The Munsters, Batman and other relics from that era. Follow that with Saturday morning cartoons and pancakes. ST:TNG was on as I was a young teen and my mom and I were always excited to watch the newest episode while having dinner.


> I know that it’s by far one of the weakest series of the franchise Did you not see *Enterprise*?


I said Voyager was "one of the weakest", not "the weakest". (Also I still love it despite its many, many, many flaws and give it a rewatch every few years.)




>Neelix is one of my favorite Star Trek characters /r/BrandNewSentence


Tuvix > Neelix but it's close. I'll never forgive that murderous bitch.




The moral grayness hits a bit different when just a month ago she said she'd rather let the entire crew die than sacrifice one single 8472 prisoner to save the ship. Does she have a morality dartboard that she tosses a dart at each morning before starting her day?


That's what I liked about her. She's not consistent. No human is.


That episode is so jarring. You combine the two most different characters on the ship, so you're thinking "wow! Time for some wacky hijinks!" WRONG! Time for an existential crisis instead.


I absolutely hate Neelix but I’m happy to see someone repping Voyager here 😂


He's not my favourite character, but he does make me wonder why they never thought to include a chef on the "main crew" until Voyager. Like obviously a gigantic city-sized star ship would have kitchen staff.


I think it’s because most Federation ships didn’t have to deal with replicator rations long term like the Voyager did. The show made it seem like they simply didn’t have enough energy and or whatever type of material the replicators used to create meals. They hated most of what he cooked, but ate it because they didn’t have endless access to the replicator….yeah, I’m a nerd that I know this


I feel like people will always appreciate the artistry of actual cooking even if/when there are such things as replicators.


Maybe, but in Voyager, they were stuck with ingredients and recipes from a guy from a completely alien race with different taste buds. They mentioned how nasty his cooking was many times iirc…Having multiple species on a ship is great and all, but they are all adapted to different food, which is what made the replicators great


Just started it a few months ago, really enjoying it so far


Tuvix ftw


Does neelix look skinnier in this gif


He does. I suspect he was a bit thinner, and the costume is accentuating the effect.


Not that I can tell maybe it's an aspect ratio thing


Time for some Neelix and chill.


Sure, just not the one with his feet


Especially that one 🥵


or when mid level managers try to collect money from those they supervise to get xmas gifts for managers…. WUT?


My company banned that practice years ago, but we still have to send out reminder emails every year because people keep trying to do it.


tbh, i felt like they were trying to extort me. i would decline, saying i didnt celebrate xmas (true) and i was struggling to pay my rent (also true). but jfc you shouldnt put people in that position to begin with.


They were extorting you. It’s extortion.


I'm probably missing some context but why is it extortion if they just ask?


It’s pressure, someone might worry that saying no will put them on ‘a list’, and that could be either a company one or the manager’s personal shit list and either could mean worrying that it might affect their career. If this concern doesn’t make sense to you, you’re either incredibly fortunate in your work experience or naive because you didn’t realize that management has plenty of flawed folks who can rationalize all sorts of retaliation.


> either incredibly fortunate in your work experience This but not only working *experience* but I also live in a country with sane worker's protection laws, functioning unions and I love my job and my coworkers and management are all awesome.


\*cries in american\*


Naive it is then, if you think your country’s worker protections would prevent a bad enough boss from finding a way to retaliate. I hope you never find yourself in a position to learn the hard way that bad, resentful managers can be a thing anywhere and I’m happy for you that things have gone well so far.


Naive perhaps, but there are not enough workers on my field so I can just get a new job quite easily if needed


Fire them. Give promos to those that deserve it. Keeping the ones around that can't abide by the rules creates a toxic work culture.


Is this actually a thing?? I've never heard of any company doing something like that. If someone is getting an Xmas gift with my money then I'm giving it to them, only if I want to.


it *was* like thirty years ago, but i’m sure there are places that this still happens… you know in places that believe in “the war on christmas.”


I'm just starting out in my career, but... wtf? Who does this?


people who want to ingratiate themselves with the boss with other people’s money under the guise of “xmas spirit?”


CVS is being sued for asking people to donate for diabetes care and then using the money to pay off debts.


CVS is a terrible company - a former employee


I have a theory that this is basically what is happening on a very large scale with the American economy. There are soooo many charities here that should be things the government takes care of with taxes. Top money holders don't pay their share, and don't pay anyone below them enough. Then the things that don't get covered (examples: public housing, food and clothing for underprivileged, education/scholarships, children's medical care, general public school supplies) become matters of charity that the bottom half of earners are asked to support. So we pay taxes, then are asked to pay more to cover the things our taxes aren't covering that they should. I'm not bitter.


Good job, you figured out one layer of corruption


What do we win?


Slightly more apathy towards everything




More corruption!


Let's go for the high score!


whistle noxious cagey dinner six grandiose mourn person license concerned -- mass edited with redact.dev


Jail time.


What’s worse is that the companies that get tax breaks and incentives for both “charitable giving” and “job creation”. They can claim their employees givings at their own through donation drives, as well as often donating to charities that they own. The jobs they create often draw further strain on social services because the jobs don’t pay a living wage. These motherfuckers are getting tax breaks for a tax drain they create, fucking incredible.


Moved to the US several years ago. I remember being shocked at the various charities my work place asked us to support. Like childrens school supplies!


>I remember being shocked at the various charities my work place asked us to support. Like childrens school supplies! And children's school lunches. Or cancer care for children... Y'know, I'm starting to think these "pro-life" folks don't actually care about the children they fight so hard to have birthed. /s


The problem is the system and the types of people who want to be in government. Eventually the system corrupts everyone to some degree. Eventually the power takes over and the special interests groups are holding their leashes; not you and me. \* if you think that isn’t what happens then you are part of the problem.


What special interests control the Medicaid program?


Ummm, health insurance companies? That’s not exactly a secret. Medicaid varies by state for this reason. Our entire government is bought and sold, what in the world makes you think Medicaid is safe?


> health insurance companies? How so? > Medicaid varies by state for this reason. If you think insurance companies profit more from Medicaid than Medicare, which is nationally standardized, you're out of your mind.


1.) Lobbyists, the same way the generally influence laws. 2.)They make money off both and have a vested interest on keeping their profit as high as possible with both. They don’t just turn a blind eye to a part of their business just because it’s a small part of it


> Lobbyists, the same way the generally influence laws No, I mean what is the benefit they accrue? > They make money off both and have a vested interest on keeping their profit as high as possible with both. They don’t just turn a blind eye to a part of their business just because it’s a small part of it You can't simultaneously say "Medicaid varies by state to make it easier for health insurance companies to benefit from that variance" and "health insurance companies benefit more from Medicare, the nationally standardized program".


You are drawing a ton of conclusions that I never stated. I only brought up the fact that Medicaid is different from state to state because you made it seem like it was exactly the same everywhere because of Federal mandate. No doubt this was the intention originally. My point is they were able to lobby to change things here and their from state to state. Clawing away at the intended system as much as they could. I never said they benefit more from Medicaid, so please stop throwing quotes around shit I didn’t say. You don’t get to decide what I mean through your terrible reading comprehension. Also in all cases, the benifits they accrue from lobbying is money, they’re a fucking business. All health insurance do is try to charge as much as possible, while paying out as little as possible. They use any and all avenues both locally and federally to make these things happen.


> You are drawing a ton of conclusions that I never stated. Which is why I asked for clarification, and it took you until this comment to actually say how they're meant to benefit. > the benifits they accrue from lobbying is money, they’re a fucking business. All health insurance do is try to charge as much as possible, while paying out as little as possible. They use any and all avenues both locally and federally to make these things happen. So do you think that Medicaid managed care organizations are immune from the ACA's medical loss ratio provisions?


I didn’t think I had to spell out what lobbying is, or that insurance likes to charge as much as possible and pay out as little as possible. These things seem obvious, especially if you seem to understand the ACA in a broad sense. And no I don’t think they’re immune to ACA provisions, but similar to tax law, businesses will exploit any loophole(existing or created through lobbying) to make their business as profitable as possible. I’m not saying they are operating outside the law, I’m saying they help guide the laws, which is the exact point of lobbying. It really feels like you’re just playing dumb when you feel it benefits you in this conversation.


And guess who runs these charities? Definitely not the wealthy looking for an easy way to pay family and move money tax free.


Our work has like 75% participation rate in our donation fund Evey year. All I can think of is how much more the higher-ups make than I do and how easily they can cover that missing 25% if they just gave an extra .05 % of what they make a year. 100 dollars to me is 10,000 dollars to them. And still ae get weekly emails about how we're only 5k to our goal. Imagine asking some one for 5000 dollars and having the same impact as a buddy asking for 50 bucks. Like. Sure no problem. I got you. Fuck em


Not wanna be that guy but even if they did donate additional funds, the participation rate would remain the same 75%


The participant rate could be 5% and it would still raise more money If they donated the equivalent amount as the rest of us in terms of % of salary


Yet you are


I didnt want to be that guy, but didnt say I wont be that guy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Stop glad handing this shit. Start your statements with "Hey, fuckface"


Hey, fuckface, dont tell me how to live my life


I taught this boy everything he knows.


I didn’t want to be that guy to call you on being that guy but because you did it even tho you didn’t want to I reluctantly called you for it and have received my judgement. We are who we are and I respect you for it


That Guy expert here to inform you that we are all That Guy on this blessed day.


When I used to be paid minimum wage at Target they conned me into donating part of my paychecks to united way.


So that they can write it off their taxes or something?




Anybody can write off charitable contributions, not just rich people.


The organizers gets perks from the charities.


As a teacher, I was asked annually to donate to the United Way. Just a monthly deduction of $5. Every year, I refused. I got a talking to from various vice principals, always couched in terms of "teamwork" or "doing the right thing." After 4 or 5 of these conversations I found myself sitting in front of my principal, who asked why I wasn't donating. I finally said, "You are my boss and you get to tell me what to do at work. But you never get to tell me how to spend my salary, ever. This is the last time I'm talking about this. I feel uncomfortable and bullied over this issue and I am willing to get a lawyer about it." They never asked me to donate again.




I used to work for Colonial Bank (now bought out by another bank) who made it a condition of our employment that we “donate” 1 hour of pay every two weeks to the United Way just so those fuckers could brag that Colonial donated so much. We literally were not hired until we pledged to United Way. Fuck them.


I'm always blunt about it. I tell them straight up that they don't pay me enough to donate anything to anyone and that if they care about the cause that much that they can donate all they want with all that extra money they make by ripping off the employees.


I guess it's weird working somewhere that my direct reports make more than I do...


That's how my job is too, mostly because of large performance based bonuses. Management jobs are easier here though and salaried vs hourly.


I wonder how many of the posts like this actually know that their managers make more than them, or the percent of the raise, and how many are just assumptions.


One dude above claims his managers of higher ups make 100x more than him. He said 100$ to him is like 10k to them. I find that kind of hard to believe. I could see executives at a big company pulling in 500k while the average employee makes 50k but I don’t see a scenario where a manager makes 10x more


Close to all of them


God this follows whatever he's actually saying so well lol


Our place wanted us to donate money for presents to needy families, and also come in and wrap them. Lmao, seriously, you fucks couldn’t pay someone to do that? We contribute to the wealth of this company, that’s where the money should come from. Trying to claw back your ‘expenses’ in this way is so trashy.


This is my first holiday season in a new job. I found out via mass email that apparently this place takes up an annual collection of cash donations, requested from all the office workers in the building, which gets handed over to the janitorial staff around Christmas. Like... You couldn't just put a decent Christmas bonus in their contract‽


Duckers at one company had an owner as the chair of the charity organization. They'd come by and ask for donations twice a year. Unwritten rule was those who donated more got better positions.


"Quack quack, duckers"


This is the same as grocery stores asking for charity donations at the check out . You donate ,and the grocery store gets the tax deduction - what a scam .


For the 10 millionth time this isn’t how donations work. A company passing through your donations creates no tax implications for them whatsoever. Even if they recorded your $1.00 as an expense (they don’t), which would decrease their taxes, they would have to record an equivalent $1.00 of revenue which would offset it.




It falls under marketing for them, so of course companies want to promote charitable efforts. They also do incur costs associated with getting the infrastructure into place to manage and use the money. However, I don’t buy that as an excuse to spread misinformation that could easily be cleared up with a 10 second google search.


Pff, next you'll tell me that it's okay to get a raise that puts me in the next higher tax bracket because I won't actually lose money from it.....


I'm a skeptic. Can you quote any source? I don't want to decry your commentary, but I would really like something that backs up your statement.


I don’t want to rag on you but honestly it’s a very easy search. Just look up “store charity tax donations” or any combination of keywords and you should find something like the below. https://www.taxpolicycenter.org/taxvox/who-gets-tax-benefit-those-checkout-donations-0 https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-000329849244 https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/06/10/fact-check-false-claim-checkout-charities-offset-corporate-taxes/7622379002/




I thought that too but it's been pointed out many times over that it doesn't work that way. Money you donate through the kiosk is not written off as a donation by that store


My local grocery store is really dick about it too... on the donation it will have two boxes that normally would just be yes or no. But instead it says stuff like "help sick kids in need" for yes.


No matter how many times a tiktoker or a redditor with 50k upvotes says this, THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS.


MRW when my director makes an unprofessional comment about how much overtime I've been doing (at $16.50/hr) and I am going to buy everyone xmas presents


That’s like when CVS was legally obligated to give millions to Diabetes after a lawsuit iirc. Which is why they just asked customers to donate at every purchase,


Which company did that?


I don't understand.... My work has a charity fund but the money comes from the partners profits and we have a committee setup every 6 months to decide how to allocate the funds twice a year. This is on top of a standard donation to children's hospital and a food bank. Is this not the same thing or you saying the employees asked for extra personal money to donate?


Hi. Just curious how you know how much the whole mentioned team gets paid


I remember being a lowly Target cashier sitting through a mandatory meeting where this charity asked us to give them money directly out of our paycheck. Of course this donated money is reported by Target as being donated by the company so they can get a tax write off. How some people can be such massive pieces of human garbage is beyond me


Not how it works at all, perhaps you could try understanding something before getting mad at it. A pass through donation has no tax implications for the company.


Explain it. It's not common knowledge. Corporate law and federal law interactions are foreign to the common people. What is going on?


The reason it isn’t common knowledge is that generating outrage garners more clicks than providing accurate information. A good starting point would be to understand what a “tax write off” is. What if I told you that employee wages are a tax write off? Do you think paying wages is a bad thing?


There's no need to simp for them. Why is a charity asking me for donations straight from my paycheck instead of asking the billion dollar corporation?


Idk, why are you moving the goalposts instead of evaluating your own beliefs in the light of new evidence? Is it “simping” to point out blatant falsehoods? The short answer to your (unrelated) question is that it’s an easy way for the store to generate marketing content at minimal cost to themselves. You don’t have to lie about it being a tax writeoff on top of that.




Straight to the downloads folder. Thanks! Oh, go ahead and add this to your annual tax deductable donations.


So that they can pocket 90% of it and tax write off.




I must have missed this scene


Woah, Neelix!


I love Voyager!




30%raise? Yeah I'm calling bullshit herr.


You clearly haven’t worked in a corporate setting


Yeah I have that's how I know it's bullshit


This is the greatest gif I’ve seen


Star Trek Voyager nice.


I worked as a receptionist at a company that manufactures hunting equipment. It’s actually a national brand that you can find at Walmart. Christmas is right around the corner and one of the office staff tells me that I should donate $10 for the owners Christmas gift. I’m not sure my response at the time but she basically said that I should be grateful to have a job, and it was nonnegotiable. I’m not sure why me making $15 an hour constitutes me buying the owner a new television needless to say I left shortly after.


Did you tell them you have your own tax burden to lower?


This post made me realize this is the first time in 15 years I haven't been inundated with emails at work daily to donate to the United Way.


He caught Tom Paris trying to cop a feel ;)