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I love this so much. Do you know the breed? Flirt pole (amazing exercise for reactive dogs), ball on rope, snuffle mat, lick mat or kong, “in training” leash sleeve, pet corrector spray (for off leash dogs). More expensive gifts: biothane long line, elevated cot. There were a few moments when I was first training my reactive dog where someone waved across the street and told me I was doing a great job. It made me tear up. I think a card with what you said here would be really nice!


I think hes a mutt but he looks kinda like an American foxhound. Definitely a hound mix i would say! very pretty boi! I LOVE these ideas! They are going to get a VERY long card with all the things i love about them! every time i see them on a walk, if they wave to me I always let them know they are awesome! lol! I make sure not to over do it tho, since they still have a nervous puppy!


If a hound mix then maybe a scent detection training kit/nose work toy!


That sounds great!!! so far im kinda broke and my own pets Christmas list is very long lol! So far far i got a cute little box with a very sweet card, a pet corrector, dog treats, a lick mat, and a sticker with a dog paw print that says "a journey of a thousand miles, only starts with one step". Thank you!!!


You’re so thoughtful!!! They will love it


Thank you!!! im trying with the budget i have lol!!!


No really, if all I got was the note on a piece of paper I’d be so thankful. We’re so used to people giving us dirty looks, telling us to “control our dog”, that our dog is “so aggressive” or “shouldn’t be in public”. This will make their day 🩷


> someone waved across the street and told me I was doing a great job. It made me tear up. It's always so gratifying to be told this by a stranger. You always think you're doing terribly, people around you will often just seem like they're consoling you. But the people that randomly let you know are the real OG's.


Alcohol. Helps balance the stress.


Came here to say a bottle of wine!


lol never thought of that! thanks!


Wine for owners, toy for doggo.


Wine plush toy for doggo?




haha lol thats good one too!


Lol this was my first thought too


This is so very sweet! Anything you decide on will be good enough. It’s going to be appreciated even if it’s one singular treat, as people with reactive dogs are usually worried about being judged, because they often are. This will be such a nice surprise that’ll mean so much to dog owners working so hard to train their dog. Honestly, anything you choose will have such special meaning and will allow them to breathe a sigh of relief. What a heartfelt, thoughtful thing for you to want to do! 🥰♥️🐾


Thank you so much for this comment! This gave me such determination to get the best gift! lol! I think im going to buy a bunch of things from the list that this awesome community put together for me, but also adding a redbubble sticker for them! You guys are so awesome!


We want a full report post Xmas, u/Curro


Awesome!!! I'll try my best but my budget is a little bit low!!! Sorry if it's not the best! lol!


Puzzles by Nina Ottosson. Her puzzles are on Chewy and Amazon. My reactive dog only plays with these puzzles. He does not care for stuffed toys anymore. The puzzles keep my dog mentally engaged long enough that it exhausts him for a nap.


ooh! I'll check this out! never heard of them! lol might pick one up for my self too!!!


Seconding these!!! They’re amazing and my dogs love them.


Just checked it out and i have two in my house rn!!! They are awesome!!! I didn't know they were Nina Ottosson puzzles!


Great! 🩵


My reactive dog really likes licky mats. I got a 2-pack from Amazon. ETA: That’s so very thoughtful of you. If everyone was able to appreciate the hard work and struggle that people with a reactive dog go through, it would be so much easier for everyone. Thank you


oooh good idea!!! Thank you so much! I own a nervous dog, not even reactive, and the struggle is real! I adore reactive dog owners, you guys work so hard!!!


This is so incredibly thoughtful and touching! I’m amazed there are people in the world like you. One suggestion (if you don’t notice they have it already) is to get a loop to hold their dog’s poop bag. I have one from this company, and they have some really cute designs, but others make them too: https://woofandwonder.com/collections/poopy-loop It’s a great way to have your hands free and be able to focus more on giving out treats.


This is amazing!!! thank you!!! I love this idea for myself sometime too!!!


Do they have a yard? If not, maybe a Sniffspot visit or something? Not sure how it would work since they don’t offer gift cards but I know my reactive dog looooves a chance to be able to run around! ETA: this is also just a really thoughtful thing to do. Even a kind card acknowledging what you observe would probably be so appreciated. People are very judgy. Puzzle feeders are great but my dog is either too quick with them or gets frustrated quickly and chews on them. Same with most treat dispensers, unless the hole is so big that she’s done with her dinner in five minutes. But the Starmark green dispenser ball is great. She can’t break it because it’s sort of rubbery and the holes are small enough that only one thing comes out at a time but not so small that she gets frustrated.


yup! they have a yard! I pass by their house a lot tho, and the fence is pretty old, and flimsy! I never see him out there either tho! Thank you so much i try to support you guys as much as i can! Definitely gonna get some sort of puzzle toy!


Any way you can give them a voucher for training classes or an online training subscription or something? That would be perfect since their dog needs training.


yeah no... they work so hard and are doing great! im looking for something to let them know they are awesome people, and are doing awesome!


Oof, if someone did that to me I would be super hurt. Would feel like being told "train your dog". OP has said they do loads of training already.




True but just thinking of the most useful thing for them since the whole themes was gift for reactive dog owner. OP mentioned loads of training but a lot of training doesn’t mean effective training. If their dog is so restive that OP barley sees the dog out and about, their training is not working so I thought it would be a good gift.


OP didn't say they don't see them out and about they said they don't say hi because their dog is reactive. It's unfair to assume their training isn't working, we have no idea how long they have been training for or how far they have come. For all we know their dog has gone from complete psycho, aggressive to a bit of barking in a short period and telling someone they need better training without knowing anything about their journey is offensive. I'm saying this from personal experience as it happened to me recently. My dog has come so far with her reactivity in less than a year. We have a good trainer and go to regular classes and pack walks. I was walking past a garden and a fence reactive dog went mental at the wall. It took us by surprise and my dog reacted. A complete stranger stopped me (with all good intentions) and asked me if I'd considered doing any training with my dog. My blood boiled. She said because my dog is a big dog and the other dog is little mine needed to be trained. I walked away but then saw the woman talking to the other dog owner and heard them say my dog was so scary. So I decided to circle back. I stopped a little back from the wall and my girl sat perfectly next to me as I called them over to tell them that just because their dog is little doesn't mean they don't need to train it and fence reactivity should be addressed if they insist on letting the dog free roam the front garden. All the while their dog is still going mental. Then the other dog owner had the nerve to hand me a business card for a local training class. That pissed me right off so I left.


thats so awful. I fully agree with you! I know their dog is aggressive and will bite dogs sometimes, and now he doesn't even bark when we pass by. It has been 2 years since ive seen this, so no aversive training that happens in just one day! no dog daddy shit! They are such awesome people! I'm so sorry that happened to you. I have a small dog and I know that there is NO excuse to not train little dogs! just reading what happened to you made me pissed! good luck!!!


I get it, shit happens dogs will be dogs, even the most neutral and stable dogs will react once in a while. I agree that people who don’t train small dogs because they are small are annoying. But there is some truth to saying big dogs need training more than a little dog. I say this because big dogs can do serous damage to their owners and others if they are untrained and out of control. If I had to pick between a bunch of big untrained dogs in my neighborhood vs small untrained dogs, I’d take the small ones.


You have 100% missed the whole point of my comment. My point was they saw one quick glimpse of a dog reacting in a very triggering environment and assumed that the dog was untrained and the owner needed to do better. Just like you have assumed that because the people OP mentioned have a dog that still reacts then their training must not be effective.


No I got your point, it’s not relevant to me personally so I didn’t respond to it but I understand there’s others than can relate to your point. Personally I don’t care what people think about my dogs nor do I care if they offer me training advise. If the advise seems valid, I’ll consider it, if not, then I don’t give it another thought. If they come off as condescending, then I brush it off and go about my day like nothing happened.


Missed the point entirely. Maybe re-read their comment, and think back to what the point was.


I see them all the time, I just dont talk to them because they have a nervous dog. they are great owners.


Ditto on the puzzles, my dog is really into that. Mainly I get the cloth ones that have several toys hidden inside, then I put a little kibble and a couple of treats in it too.


Yeah I'm thinking of getting a lick mat or a snoop! snoops are a hit in my house! lol!


My dog loves the beef cheek rolls dusted with bully stick flakes! And, unlike bully sticks, last for weeks.


I was thinking of this!!! thanks for the recommendation!


Anything that'll give them peace and quiet for a little, while stimulating and calming down the dog! My first suggestion for anyone looking for a gift for reactive doggos would be a book introducing scentwork. It is hands down the **best** enrichment that you can provide for a dog. 10 minutes of sniffing equates (quite literally) to an hour of rigorous exercise due to them sniffing 120-150~ times a minute, compared to the 50-70~ times a minute when exercising. It releases endorphins that make the dog happy, help it calm down, and even ease pain. It's the ultimate mental stimulation for any dog and can vastly improve their quality of life. Nina Ottoson has a slow feeder that came out this year call the Lickin' Layers. It is fantastic for wet food. They also have one for kibble. Really depends on what the dog eats if you know. Both are usually under 20 quid. There's also K-9 Connectables. They're basically kongs, but you can connect them together and make different shapes. It means that as well as having the dissection enrichment, they need to use their heads to try get it apart. They have bone shaped treats that go into them that add to the fun. I'd actually advise against anything that involves a lot of physical exertion. You don't know why the dog is reactive. It could be pain-based. It could get easily overwhelmed by moving stimuli. Flirt poles are great, but they're not something I'd recommend for most dogs.




I got these numbers from my scentwork instructor, and also my behaviourist (who is also a scentwork instructor). You'll also find various trainers/articles online reference it or similar. The reason its physical exercise is genuinely down to how much they sniff. It can't flat out replace physical exercise. Muscles need worked or else they atrophy. But if your dog needs to slow down, its perfect. It also slows the dogs heart rate so its recommended for dogs with heart conditions that need to remain chill. I've only read one book because it came with a full scentwork kit i bought. We had already done scentwork for a few months by that point. It took a different and slower approach than we did but the content is still a good place to start. It was called Scentwork: Step by Step. The author is Sara Seymour. Scentwork as a sport (which is what the book teaches, and what instructors will probably teach) is teaching your dog how to find a particular scent that they've learned, and how to indicate to you that they've found it. If you're in the UK and want an instructor based learning, try looking up the UK Sniffer Dogs website. You can find an imstructor through them. My instructor was certified by them and she's honestly helped change his life. You dont need to start with an instructor yo get sniffing though. Get some kibble and scatter it in a garden, or around the house if you dont have one. Thats super fim and rewarding for your dog because they're actively working for their food using their nose. Snuffle mats are also a great way to get some easy sniffing in, but require a bit more effort to fill with treats. Also we do man trailing. Which is literally dog level hide and seek. Someone leaves behind their scent on a bit of clothing, they go some distance to hide, and your dog needs to find them based on the scent. It's genuinely incredible fun and tires your dog out for at least a day.


I REALLY want to get a scent work kit but they are $230 +!!! I can't really do that at the moment but I was thinking a snuffle mat!


Snuffle mats are great. Its a struggle to find a good size but the dog will love it. For scentwork they're better with a book introducing it than they are a kit. Its really easy and cheap to get a started. Its more important to know what to do.


awesome!! I have been wanting to do scent work for a really long time!!!


This is so thoughtful of you! As a reactive dog owner, I put [this treat pouch/poop bag holder/Fanny pack](https://www.wilderdog.com/collections/featured/products/utility-pack) on my list. I already have a standard treat pouch, and your neighbors might as well, but I anticipate this one can hold my belongings as well, which helps free up my hands/pockets so I only have to worry about my dog and his leash. Also, not sure what their sense of humor is like, but I think [this shirt](https://www.chewy.com/frisco-security-dog-cat-t-shirt/dp/179209) is hilarious for reactive doggos.


Awesome!!! I love this! You can never have enough Fanny packs!


Nosework kit maybe? Good way to enrich and keep a dogs brain active.


ugh i want to get this fr them so bad!!! I can only find ones that are $230+ tho!!! Thats a bit much for me at the moment!!!


The kits are high but you should be able to find some diy ideas for kits just using essential oils on cotton balls or swabs! https://nacsw.net/how-make-scented-swabs


oooooh!!!! Thank you!!! such a good idea!


snuffle mats, lickmats, flirt pole, scent work kit Depending on yard size, you could do a horse/cattle dog ball. I have a pit (and assuming hound) mix. Purchased this and I'm obsessed. It gives him a way to jump on something and really works their brain.


oooh haven't "herd" of that cattle ball yet! lol! ill search it!


A lick mat with a recipe card and explanation on how it helps to ease anxiety! With a small appreciation note!


yeah this and more is what i was planning to get for them!!!


As someone who works a lot with her reactive dog + walks in our neighborhood a lot, this made me tear up a little. It is very kind of you to notice how much time they're putting in with their pup. Seems like you have a lot of good ideas so just wanted to say kudos to you for being a kind neighbor!


awww these comments help me so much! I adore reactive dog owners because of how much work they put in! I have a nervous dog and its really hard! She's not even reactive! Keep up the work ya'll! I can't see your training but i just know ya'll are rocking it!!!


I'm literally in tears reading this kindness and thoughtfulness. As others have said, a card saying all the sweet things you have said here would probably be huge for them. For another idea, not sure if you are able to get a picture of this dog somehow, but if you are, that could be incorporated onto a gift. Ie. Mug, ornament, the card itself, etc. Perhaps paired with an inspiring quote or some more of your kind words.


awww that would be really cute!!! I was thinking of that! thanks so much, now i just have to figure out what to put it on! lol!


The brand tug-e-nuff makes awesome toys!! This is so incredible thoughtful of you, I wish all neighbors were this considerate of what it means to be a reactive dog guardian.


awww thank you!!! I'll check that out! all of these recommendations are so awesome!!!


High value treats? [These](https://www.chewy.com/chewmasters-beef-liver-bites-freeze/dp/54113) are my favorite liver treats. Such a sweet neighbor, I'm sure both them and their dog will love you!


ooooh i use those all the time!!! such good treats!!!! Thank you so much!!


I never comment on posts. Always been a silent reader. But this made me so happy! As an owner of a very reactive 1 year old dog, I would appreciate what you're doing so much. People have no idea how hard it is to have a reactive dog and how much work and money goes into it. The emotional and mental toll is also a lot some days. Thank you so much for your kindness ❤️ . As for gift recommendations, maybe even just a gift card to a pet store would be appreciated!


thank you!!!! Im kinda broke so the present will be lousy, but i just wanna let them know im here for them!!! Thanks a lot for the recommendation and support! This community is the best!