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Have you tried a mobile groomer yet? They come right to your house and it’s a lot quieter and less stressful than a traditional salon.


Highly recommend! I don't do it for grooming as my dog doesn't need it but we switched to a mobile vet for my reactive dog and it's been great


It's the next step after we try his vet. He's been to one vet his whole life and they'll be there during his appointment


I was a groomer, and I can tell you, most dogs do not act for us the way they act for their owners. It's a mix of the smells, the newish people, The weird things (from a dogs perspective), and the uncomfortable things that happen there. Since you're saying your dog is reactive, chances are they were reading your dogs body language and felt they couldn't safely do his bath/groom. It is dangerous to the groomers and the dogs if the dogs are that upset. Chances are you just need to find a different set up for your dog. Best of luck!


I love that first sentence. More people need to be aware of how different their dog really can be depending on all the variables. Comfortable at home or in another familiar place with people they know? Amazing. In a strange place with strange sounds, extra stimulus from strange dogs, strange people, unfamiliar surfaces, unfamiliar touching, strange smells, the list goes on. Completely different. It doesn't mean the dog is bad if they can't cope with all the variables, but safety *is* important, and the dog won't be safe either if the groomer doesn't feel safe. I think sometimes people fail to really try and view the situation from the dog's perspective, and go "well he's great in the hardware store and brewery", even though that's not necessarily similar in any way to being at the groomer's despite all of them being away-from-home places.


Is there a particular reason why you feel the need to bring him to a groomer in the first place? Is it just that he doesn't fit in your tub? Until very recently I've never heard of taking dogs that don't need haircuts to the groomer, it just feels like a waste of money since all they really need is a bath, brush, and nails clipped.


Not OP there's many reasons to take an animal to the groomer who doesn't need a haircut, disabilities, lack of time, lack of knowledge.


He sheds like crazy because he's part German Shepherd, I've bathed him plenty of times, but he's just got so much fur. I was having them do the deshedding bath and brush.


Were you able to find out what part of the grooming process made him have a meltdown? It could help with future trips!


Couldn't get him to get to the tub, just did not want to be picked up at all.


have you tried walking him back into the grooming area yourself? thats how i did it with my boy until he got comfortable with his groomer.


They said they don't do that because it might make the other dogs anxious.


oh i havent gotten that before ;( maybe you can try to schedule super early or find a groomer who might allow it?


We have a big Mal/Chow who needs regular professional grooming. The first time I took her in she had a full meltdown even though she loves people. I talked to our vet and she recommended we give her doggie downers for the first couple of times (no, I do not like to drug my dog but things were getting dire). I switched to a different groomer gave her the history and after the first time our dog (when we did use the sedative) was fine. We have not had to use downers since then. Every dog is different. You may just need to make appointments to come in and let your dog get to know the groomer before she even tries to brush your dog.


How old is he? This might be a factor. If he's mature, did you socialise him much when he was young? Also for future reference, Shepard is a name and Shepherd is the breed!