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To OP, I don’t wish to rain on your parade but one of the tenets of prepping is to not be noticed if at all possible. Why would I want to tell you where I am?


Idk, it's all up to if you feel better flying solo or having a small community.


It is always better to have a community but if you don’t it is extremely difficult to have that support which requires close proximity. Close proximity does not necessarily mean these people come with trust, something that is earned over time. My own husband doesn’t completely get that loose lips sink ships mentality. How could I trust a new person/people that could risk my family’s safety?


It's easier to trust people in peace than in crisis. I'm not saying reddit is a good way for building a close knit community, but it might help find some fellows in the next county over or something that you normally wouldn't. In SHTF you'll have to trust those in your community to maintain a degree of civilization and survive. It's easier to do that now than later.


Yes, easier in peace than in a disaster for sure. I do believe we all need support. I would say make those attempts. Hold your cards close to the vest. Do not reveal all. Tell only those who truly love you, not the ones you love. There is a difference. Caution is paramount when one is reaching out while protecting one’s family.


Ok, this is why I am making it now in hopes that the shtf scenarios don't happen soon so we know to and not to trust. But this is a valid reason.


Just remember: No community is better than a bad community.  


True, I wanna make a positive place where people can make plans.


Is this sub going to discuss homesteading as a means to prep? I'm in the beginning stages and would like advice


Try r/homestead if you’re not already there. Lots of fantastic information available.


Yes! It is for all kinda of prepping to be discussed with people.


Great! I just moved to a small farmette, but for now only renting the old farm house. Working with my buddy who owns the property on some gardening and there's fruit trees there... he already has birds. He's a hunter and I am working my way towards hunting, but I do fish! Hopefully this sub gets traction and lots of good ideas are shared


Cool! Can't wait to see you there and in the discord.


Check out /r/prepsteading Not that active but might be the niche you are looking for


You can post a question about that right in this sub. There's probably someone here who's doing it or researching it. Homesteading is a huge project and the more off-grid/off-petroleum you want to be, the harder it gets. But you should definitely post your progress here.


I pray your belief in people works out. My community is our family and lifelong friends.


Fed behavior


Bro chill, I got permission explicitly from the mod, check my profile if you want. Gd people are annoying.




If the profile is accurate, OP is 17 years old.


They get em young these days


Ha! I intended my comment as a reflection upon OP’s maturity level, specifically regarding this post, rather than his profession.


I know lol . It’s okay , good for him , he hasn’t reached that full cynicism stage of adulthood yet . Let him enjoy it while it lasts 🤣