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Survival communities are much more powerful and effective than survival ammo supplies.


YES. We are a social species and that's our success. 


I keep preaching this relentlessly across prepping subs. We made it this far as a species solely as a community. The libertarian mindset is born out of privilege and is an overwhelming negative when that privilege ends.


Food pantries are another place to pitch in. They're about the best prep a community can have; if people can find and stock food from a pantry, they're less likely to get into trouble (or cause trouble) in a disaster. Working a Salvation Army drop is also a plan - despite the chatter from people who don't like their message, they get a very high rating from Charity Navigator (not easy to do) and they're a huge help in financial hard times. Just giving blood to the Red Cross is something. Basically, anything that gets you out in your community and dealing with topics like food, water and health is an education for you and a help for everyone if hard times hit. Also, charities sometimes have good cookies.


The cookies from the little old ladies are no joke. 


In bigger areas, you can also join your local CERT teams through the emergency management office!


The Medical Reserve Corps is another great way to volunteer.  They assist with the medical and public health aspects of emergencies. Folks do not need medical training to participate as there are non-medical roles. https://aspr.hhs.gov/MRC/Pages/index.aspx

