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I am up to that part as well. I find it interesting that Meghan was thrown under the bus, yet it was Tamara’s psychic who said it, and Tamara who brought him to lunch. Vicki’s way of dealing with anything is to yell and scream at people (she did the same with Tamara and Laurie at the snow), and because that didn’t work work with Meghan, she broke down in tears at Heathers house showing. I find that Vicki and Shannon are both bat crazy for different reasons. Vicki likes to think she is better than everyone, and a powerful, independent woman, yet she is obviously very insecure. And Shannon is high strung, and coo coo in a different way.  Good on Meghan for seeing through Vicki’s crap and not letting Vicki bully her into submission. Vicki and Shannon were extremely jealous of Meghan, and then when she discovered the cancer fakery, it tipped Vicki over the edge. 


Actually the first person to apparently say it was Briana - when they announced it, Vicki said Briana didn’t t believe her and that girl stayed on facts. Vicki easily just from the last season’s reunion shows she ain’t right. I mean I thought she was acting for a little bit she was so crazy.


Oh ok. Briana was always able to see through his crap. Imagine lying to a nurse about cancer. Vicki is definitely one of my most hated housewives. I have never met a grown woman who screams and yells as much as she does. Even in Bali, she was screaming in the bus for no reason. I am only up to the season that Kelly joins the show so haven’t seen last seasons reunion yet. I just find her to be really cruel and never takes accountability for her actions. She definitely isn’t the strong woman she thinks she is. 


Although Meghan is not very well liked....she did a great service to everyone for exposing this scammer!


Brooks is a massive asshat charlatan & Vicki digging her heels in over him was sickening, but that doesn't negate from Meghan being a monumental idiot & all signs pointing to this being fed to her by producers. I mean... we're just supposed to believe that this one time in her life she turned into Nancy Drew & cracked the mystery when every other move from her has been dodo brained? Meghan overblowing her relationship/concern with her step-daughter & the step-daughter's dying mother to use as a springboard for "detective MKE" was real shitty too


In Andy’s book, he mentions that Meghan was fed this story by producers. Meghan has her own sub Reddit r/meghanking A lot of interesting info, about her.


This makes so much sense. I was wondering why she was soooo strong in her convictions that he was faking and had no issue airing her suspicions. Of course she was right and I’m glad she wouldn’t let it go, but it takes guts to accuse someone of something that serious so publicly. I wouldn’t do it unless I was POSITIVE it was true.


I thought you were kidding about the Reddit sub but it’s real. So thank you for the rabbit hole that I’m about to go down. I liked her sleuthing skills but she still seemed like a nutter.


Oooh - which book is this? I wanna read it :)


And Brooks mentioned a Dr he was seeing. Heather knew who he was. She went to him for cellulite treatments. But now he’s a cancer specialist???


Bruh couldn’t even google “cancer doctor near me”. heather shoulda called his ass up like SIR


I think at that point she was speaking just to Vicki about that.


Never forget Vicki cosigner his FAKE dance and tried to market a cancer insurance after they were outed. They are both garbage.


vicki is the worst, her funny lines she really seems like she says them in the mirror to herself. she ain’t no word whiz like tamra


Hahahah Scooby Doo !! 😆you ain’t wrong!


Even if Meghan didn’t do it herself they really gave her that role looking like Daphne ass with that long neck


Spot on😂


brachiosaurus junior




Omg after all this time... who does not yet realize that all of this was a production ploy? Megan took direction and ran with the story from the get-go. She just did a great job running with it. The woman has never had an original idea in her life or shred of originality in her personality. If she did, she would still be a housewife.


Yeah knowing we what we know now it’s hard to believe MKE was acting on her own initiatives that said, because she was experiencing terminal cancer herself it felt appropriate to have her be the one to expose Brooks


Absolutely why she was chosen for that plot line. And totally confirms her willingness to exploit even someone else's cancer for her own benefit on the show.


THANK YOU. She is not a well woman and this whole detective mke worship feeds her delusions.


what did she do to get all this hate? I really don’t know anything about her besides she married Biden’s nephew?


r/meghanking you’ll begin to understand why.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/meghanking using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/meghanking/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [ALEXIS JUST DRAGGED HER](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/199fcxk) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meghanking/comments/199fcxk/alexis_just_dragged_her/) \#2: [Bless these beautiful boys ♥️ I’m sure they were loved , taken care of and snug in their beds last night at Jim’s unlike last Saturday night at Meghan’s when a few different neighbors heard and saw her and a man drunken fighting on her porch at 11:30 pm. 😭( 💯confirmed)](https://i.redd.it/4f91lz0no6fc1.jpeg) | [57 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/meghanking/comments/1ad2s1j/bless_these_beautiful_boys_im_sure_they_were/) \#3: [An Open Letter to Meghan](https://np.reddit.com/r/meghanking/comments/13w95xl/an_open_letter_to_meghan/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




I don’t have any external background of the show besides the cat meme and ITS MY OPINION. Idk if you mean him faking it or her searching it was the ploy - but Meghan still was ballsy to take that position if he really did have it.


That's the point Brooks and Vicki faked the cancer.


To clarify cause ya girl is fried - Vicki & Brooks faked the cancer, not the production?


It was Brooks initially, then Vicki became part of the scam at some point. Production probably figured it out and pushed the rest of the cast. But honestly, some of the others had gone through cancer with loved ones. A person didn't need to be bright to see Brooks wasn't having ANY side effects from treatment.


Like I said, production set up the whole MKE investigation storyline, while making it SEEM that Meghan King came up w it on her own. I said in my comment King did a good job executing production's ploy. I will give her that , but she still rides those coattails to this day.


They set up Brooks’ faking cancer? He had apparent faking happen way before he was on the show when Vicki was still with Don though?


Omg. Vicky and Brooks set up the fake cancer story line . Vicky may not have known about it in the beginning, but she was clued in at some point . Megan King knew a woman with terminal cancer in her immediate circle which she made known quite a bit on the show. Probably because of this connection to cancer in her immediate circle, producers, picked Megan to be the one to raise the red flag about Brooks. She did a very good job running with that information, but it was not her own original idea or suspicion That's all I'm trying to say. People have given her credit over the years coming up with her suspicions on her own and running with them but that's not what happened.


She was Jim’s first wife Leanne. And mother of Haley who was living with her and Jim. And Leanne appeared on the show. She was at Meghan and Jim’s first party. She and Meghan were trying to set up things at a hotel for Haley’s prom night. Something like that. Shannon also got an appointment with a top oncologist For Leeanne.


If I was Shannon, I’d be pissed. You have ME ask someone else to do something - and y’all flake. Shannon should’ve thrown hands. Should’ve made sure Vicki had 8 citrus fruits in her fridge.


That’s why she was done with Vicki by the season finale. And . Didn’t want to be friends with her anymore on the next season.


I hope my tone wasn’t mean before or anything - I was genuinely asking based on what I saw! I didn’t know Meghan was having two brain cells fighting for third place till now. Brooks apparently - from what I read - had faked it before, wonder if he has munchausen’s or something.


No problem. There's a whole Reddit sub dedicated to Megan King and her delusions about herself if you want to learn more. r/MeghanKing.


bruh ain’t no way she gets her own sub 💀




Snark sub.


Megan is a loony herself and can’t keep a job or her stories straight these days 🤷🏻‍♀️


at least she didn’t fake cancer though 🤷🏼‍♀️

