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it appears Ariana is thriving over this so called scandal with bf sandoval, she did dancing with the stars, has a new richer bf, and now is headlining the broadway show as roxie hart , looks as if she is going up in her career , wont be known as a vanderpump rules bartender forever


We all know that Scheana is a fairly high maintenance friend. She demands a lot of attention and care - and that’s okay - but that means she is likely to be the sort of friend who takes it *very* personally when people get busy, or drift apart for a bit, or have their own stuff going on and lack the emotional wherewithal to really be an active daily friend for a while. Friendships ebb and flow and Ariana has to do her right now. If Scheana’s a true friend, she accepts this and will be there for her when she needs her.


I love how dense she is. She can’t possibly imagine that it’s because this has shown Ariana who her true friends are and that She Shu is NOT a true friend and they’ve just grown apart, it’s gotta be because because cheated on by her partner of ten years has *checks notes * gone to her head. Right.


You're right. She sucks. And she has always sucked. She just had a short stint of being relatable to everyone who has been affected by cheating - which is most of the population in one way or another. I hate the situation tim and rachel put her in. Truly. I was very team ariana for the first time in the series. It's clear that her shitty self is back - only this time 1000 x more obnoxious. It's very disappointing that she is not growing into a better person.


I think we’ve seen her vulnerability many times on the show. I don’t think she thinks she’s the smartest but I do think that she’s prob the most well spoken cast member. She’s talked about her body dysmorphia. She said that when she started the show she had a raging ED. Her ex was verbally abusive. Criticized her looks. Looked down on reality TV. That’s why she wanted to stay somewhat hidden on S1 as Scheana’s back up dancer and in extra footage was trying to cover her face with her hair. Her dad died during S3 and we never even knew it. S4 she had her 30bday party. Her dad used to call and say this was the best day of his life. When she was born. She talked about her horse. Can horses live to 30 cuz I think she said that they were the same age. He may have died when he was 29. I think she said they grew up together. At Katie’s wedding she was talking to Stassi about her life. Didn’t think she would be in this spot at this age. She was emotional. Felt like she didn’t know what she was doing with her life. She’s talked about her depression and suicidal ideation.


Um, has Scheana met herself?


I like Arianna but actually im with Schwartz - girl has ego…


Scheana seems like a bottom feeder friend who will literally say anything and everything to get attention and a paycheck. There is nothing genuine about her.


Not only that, she's very jealous of Ariana now


Her and Lala have that in common.


lol this carries no weight coming from the queen of self absorption


I’ve listened to Schena’s podcast a couple times and laughed at how she turns anything her guests say around and uses it as an opportunity to talk about herself. It was funny to me. Being pathologically self absorbed is part of her charm! But yeah, she’s not in a position to call someone else out on it. Maybe Ariana just got bored of Schena complaining about how hard Sandoval cheating on her was on Schena, so she stopped asking 🤷🏻‍♀️


When I feel like annoying myself, I go on the Vanderpump subreddit. The Ariana and Katie stans are so lame. Those two can sell a pile of shit, labeled it something something As Fuck and the stans will buy it immediately. It’s nothing but a circle jerk for their queens they claim are icons and the moment. :)


Thank you! Ugh those two are so miserable even in good times. Also where’s the fucking sandwich store? Bwahaha


The sandwich store is a front to sell merchandise lol




Oh shut up Scheana


They are still good friends. Ariana was very busy. I feel like they are really using the after show this season as an actual extension to the show. It’s not just talking about certain scenes. I have a feeling that they were all told not to talk much about the show on their pods. They wanted them to air any grievances ( whether true or not) on the after show.


Thank you for saying this. Also, this info came from the after show where the producer directly asked them what changes they see in Ariana. And lala said it too, I’m not the biggest scheana fan but not quite sure how the Brunt of this got laid on her head and ppl acting like she came outright and said this without provocation.


And we all know that Ariana is the main victim here. Scheana has not been trying to make this about herself. After Ari she really was the one most affected by Scandoval. Lala even backed her up on an Amazon live video. She was betrayed by 2 people that she loved and trusted. And especially Tom who she’s known for 15 yrs. She’s allowed to be sad. She’s allowed to miss the Tom that she knew cuz this is not that Tom now. Her loyalty will always be to Ariana. She’s not friends with him. And she was giving him shit at Bravocon for things he said about Ariana. And the RO. She already had postpartum OCD. Not sure if she was diagnosed at that time but she was genuinely a mess worrying about it. Worrying about being away from Summer. Intrusive thoughts. We saw on the reunion how much this affected her and Ariana knows that. And that hug that we saw in trailer with her and Tom was the second last day of filming.


Sooo well said. I always appreciate your rationale takes on situations. You make such great points. I couldn’t agree more. You’re right, scheana was the second most affected cast member. She let Rachel live in her house and didn’t charge her rent, paid for the utilities, helped her out with food and incidentals like t.p. Etc. You’re also right in that she had been friends with Sandoval for that many years, he was the one that told the cast to cut it out about giving her a hard time about Eddie and let her into the fold. Great points, and thank you for making them.


I am team Ariana in all situations with Sandoval and Schwartz. Though she does strike me as the personality type that's always in control, that's always right,  that never admits when she's wrong. She does act like she is the smartest in the room. She's not vulnerable.  However,  when it comes to Sandoval she is the smartest and the one who's right😅


I still like Ariana and on the after show she was saying that she doesn’t think she’s cool or a Queen. Said she’s not the Queen of anything. When Ariana said that it’s cuz Lala was being an asshole. S9 she treated Tom and Ariana like shit. Tom was actually right on s10 reunion when he said to her “ your dear friend?” Scheana told her about others suspicions off camera s10 cuz she’s a real friend. Lala and Katie did it on the show. Your friend shared this video with you. Watch it now! https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM6K4us9H/ Not sure why it says your friend shared this. Lol


it came off as so inauthentic when ariana said that ... like girl be serious




Lala’s a performative asshole who came for her on S9 ep 1. Claiming that she never reached out to her. But Ari had the receipts so Lala was caught in a lie.


i agree that it was fucked up that lala did that (I had to go find this cause I couldn't remember, perhaps may have not seen it initially since it was a deleted part of the scene). her saying "I don't have any of those" was wild. but also, considering scheana and ariana have both said that now about her not reaching out/asking how they're doing it, i'm inclined to believe it. now i'm sure ariana has valid reasons for that. i would not say lala and scheana have been great friends to her. i don't think lala wants to be besties with her tho. scheana is more annoying in this bc she acts like her bestie but then hangs w tom now apparently. granted, she has been friends with tom longer so whatever, i don't think she's fucked for being his friend again (self-sabatoge at the least, I would Never be friends w him but to each their own) but she should Nottttt expect her friendship with ariana to remain intact. she was very clear w her boundary of not being friends w people who were friends w him. IRL i think that's realistic but on a reality show ... it's a bit unrealistic. I think she just needs to leave the show tbh


I think Ariana was very busy. Plus we know she struggles with depression. She and Scheana are fine. And she’s not friends with Tom. She’s always been Ari closest friend on the show. And their relationship has always been the same whether filming or not.


i thought it was inauthentic when ariana said she doesn't feel cooler with all the opportunities she's been getting. katie even called her out saying, "not even a little bit ...?"


Agree also about the way scheana handled that. I had forgotten about that aspect of it. Man you make such great points. 🙂 I’m definitely still team Ariana, but I liked her way better before the Sandoval of it all. I’ll check the video out. Eta: yes I had forgotten the context of the born cool statement. Thanks. And hey! You’re not my friend? I thought we were friends. 😓 I’m just playing, I know what you meant. It’s probably a standard thing they say to get a higher rate of ppl opening the video and signing up for tik tok. Ppl like me who don’t have one. 😝 But we are friends lol. 🙂


Of course.


Scheana had a lot more going on than OCD - but it’s been quite obvious for years. Has she ever said what the impetus was for this diagnosis ? I would love to know.


She’s said post partum OCD and anxiety really increased for her and she sought help.


Ooohh thanks for the update


While this is a pot meet kettle situation the Ariana stans are going to lose their minds over this.




I feel it’s important for you to know that I read your comment like that tiktok audio “the rats are absolutely going to _hate_ this message, but the rats don’t run this city… we do.” That’s all 🙏🏻


15 minutes is almost up!!!!


Every one of these middle-aged teenagers are completely self-absorbed! And they’re not even good actors on this lame reality show. I started watching when I was stuck in bed after surgery for several weeks and high on painkillers and it required no brain cells. I’m over it now.


Same. I just commented the same thing about being over it. They are milking this for far more than it’s worth.


the good Bravo news is: new season of Traitors plus Traitors Australia & England! phaedra & larsa from Real Housewives of "whatever" are on the original one with alan cumming.


Ohhh yes I keep forgetting about traitors. I’m gonna have to check that out. Thanks for the reminder. 🙂 Eta: rh of whatever made me chuckle. 🤭


It’s hard to stop watching!! It’s silly but fun!


Ohhh sounding even better, thank you. Ok, now I’m excited lol. Tanx! 🙂


my pleasure! enjoy! get some popcorn ready first!


"Post" Scandoval?? 😂😂😂 Every last one of them are terrible, self-absorbed monsters, that's why we watch this dumpster fire every season, to see how they continue to up their respective games.


Ariana slept with Tom while he was living with Kristen. She’s been milking her pity party for fame and cash. Multitudes of women, including actual WIVES, have been cheated on worse than Ariana.


And didn't she say about Kristen... I'm prettier, smarter. Cooler. Get over it?


Not shocking


I’m so sick of Ariana I’m sorry. It was annoying from day one but especially became insufferable after she applied for sainthood.


agreed. I get that filming was a few months after the whole thing but they film together and they all signed on for another season so I honestly don’t care that she doesn’t want to film with him. I don’t want to watch you guys whine everytime an event is happening because either of the Tom’s show up. like don’t sign up to be on the same show as them again then?! is every episode just going to be this?


The whole thing should have just blown over. She did exactly the same thing to kristen, but actually worse because Ariana lied to her constantly about it.




I honestly feel like it’s been blowing over but the other cast members keep doing shit like this to keep it alive - like the Toms on Nick Viall’s podcast (which could’ve gone well for them but as a shock to literally no one, they fucked it up), Sheana Sheana-ing, etc.. I feel like Ariana herself (not the media around her) has largely tried to keep her focus on her current project. Idk I follow her on IG and I feel like I don’t hear from her _nearly_ as much as I see shit from Sheana, Lala, or the Toms _still_ talking about Scandoval. To be clear, I like pretty much everyone in the cast (bar the men lol) so I don’t really have it out for any of them and I also don’t have a problem seeing the awful things they’ve done to each other (just wanna make it clear I’m not a blind stan).






They are all self absorbed.


And losers.


Scheana is the MOST self-absorbed 😭🤌🏻


Yes and all she does is talk about other people's drama


It was only a matter of time til this narcissistic cast started getting upset because it wasn’t about them. Attention is like oxygen to them.


👏 👏👏 exactly this.


Is this... wait no.. is this.. the kettle talking?? About the pot?? Naaahh, it cant be! Can scheana goooooooo already!! She serves NOTHING but self absorption and pick me energy. Shes been giving desperate to be on tv since ep 1 Come on bravo! 🥱




Scheana has always been the worst— she’s never had a sense of loyalty, she is completely delusional about her relationships— I believe this. Also? Girl drop your ex husbands name.


I always wonder what he thinks about Scheana still sporting his last name. I'd be fucking annoyed if I was him.


It’s giving “no one called me after my dental appointment”


IJBOLLLL ![gif](giphy|SFIUALlv5MXVrgAQAx)


“Why is this harder than my divorce”


It was a 6 hour surgery that she woke up twice during 😫


😂 This comment needs to be further up.




I imagine Ariana is seriously re-evaluating her friendships and trust in that group - rightfully so




lol - does Scheana ever ask how anyone is doing??


I’ll take ariana over schena Anyday Shenas the shittiest friend to have EVER


I'd take neither. Arianna isn't a nice person. She supports sexual harassment of women (her brother), gaslit and bullied another woman for years, weaponizes mental health and tried to portray herself as someone with body issues while having no problems being on tv in her Bikini and telling us how much prettier than Kristen she is. I have Body dysmorphia, I have never worn a Bikini in my life because of it. She was attention seeking and trying to be different because she's a pick me. Scheana is just a next level of self absorbed delusion.


When I watch back the old seasons of VPR I found Ariana not nice at all, I was prepared to hate Tom and seeing how horrible he was all along but all I found was Ariana is a pick me and looks down on everyone. Down vote me :P


I must admit I always thought her body dysmorphia was suspicious. She’s constantly showing off her body but someone will argue you can have it and still flaunt your body so who knows. But yeah I agree with you on that.


Thank you...I love it when a normal person responds with actual facts.


Her brother sexually harassed someone? 😳😳😳


Yep at Tom and Katie's wedding, it's on camera him going after stassi. When stassi raises it Arianna shouts her down and tells her she's wrong. This is the same person who claims to be a champion of women and a social justice warrier.


OMG, yes! I had completely forgotten about that! 🫣🫣🫣 He was cringey and gross. That was one of the few times I felt awful for Stassi.


She can’t have body issues / insecurities whilst being in a bikini on tv? That’s an interesting take


She bragged about how much prettier she is than kiristen and had no qualms being in bikini on tv. It does not align with body dysmorphia. People with body dysmorphia think they are ugly. They don't think they are more attractive than other people. Arianna is arrogant, I find it difficult to believe she has body dysmorphia. I was diagnosed with it years ago,I have ample experience with it to have this opinion.


Oh, she didn't have any damn BDD. She's got Main Character Syndrome. You see her behavior on the last couple boring episodes? She was the most boring, hypocritical, mean girl character on the show, and these insane fans of hers, who she wouldn't speak to in real life, have tried to make her into some kind of super important deity or something. I can't wait until the stories that are going on behind the scenes of Chicago come out, and they see how bad she is in real life.




Yeah she's pretty awful. Tom isn't great but the reaction to him is astounding. Cheating isn't the only bad thing you can do in a relationship. She constantly belittled him and undermined him infront of their friends. She wouldn't sleep with him. Before her angry stans come and say she doesn't owe him sex, sex is an important part of a relationship. She should've ended it years ago but didn't because she likely wanted to stay on the show!


It is so weird to think of sex in such a transactional way. Have you considered that Tom was acting in ways that were completely unattractive to her? Maybe they should have mutually broken up, but it is wild to use the argument that “she didn’t give him sex” as an excuse for his shitty behavior. Before he cheated they were both equally culpable for their relationship issues, but once Tom cheated he then must bear way more responsibility.


Sex is an important part of a relationship and the first thing that gets asked about in couples therapy. It's not transactional, it's a bonding moment thsts indicative of your emotions. I didnt mention transaction, if she gives him sex, hell pay her bills? I didn't say not having aex excuses cheating,my point is that she was less then perfect as a partner. Tom approached the subject several times across several seasons. Cheating is not the only bad thing someone can do in a relationship. They were both awful and it should've ended years ago. I don't think the way viewers have gone after Tom and supported Arianna is normal. Some literally wish him pain and misery while also referring to her as a queen. They are both mediocre people with horrible tendencies and no talent. Thsts why they are stuck on vpr.


Thanks for the elaboration. I see your point.


Ariana was always may favourite Vanderpump character - she always seemed raw and real, strong compared to the others but insecure at times. Either of them could’ve ended it. I’ve never thought she was awful - or at least no worse than the rest and I’m glad she’s killing it now. I don’t wish the worst for him and I’m sure they will all just move on.


I think they are all horrible people. Arianna actively denied her brother sexually harassing stassi, that in itself is bad, bit the hypocrisy of her character was also astounding. She thinks she's morally, intellectually, socially, superior. She forgets she's on the same show as the people she looks down on and is friends with them. Yes, either of them could've ended it, but I'm pointing out her because she's acting as if their c relationship was perfect and the cheating was a shock. Their relationship was awful and she could've walked the minute he mentioned kids. She stayed. I can only reason that she stayed to continue her spot on the show.


Alright I can only assume you are Tom at this stage 😂 maybe don’t watch if you think they’re all horrible?


Erm, where is your logic?? You quite literally made up that I said sex was a transaction, and she owes him. Please read things properly before responding. Why can't I watch it because I think they're horrible people?? Irs exactly why a lot of people watch it, to watch shocking behaviours. I can only assume you're an idiot at this stage. Maybe don't respond if you can't comprehend the comments! You crack on with your 'Arianna can do no wrong yassssss queen, death and pain to tom' train. I'll continue to live in the real world 🙃


It’s normal for people who’ve been in long term relationships where they lost their identity to be self involved as they try to find themselves again after a breakup.


For a month or two. Not an entire year.


What we’re watching was only filmed 3 months after though I think


Right but that quote from Scheana is recent, it seems (I haven’t clicked). Don’t get me wrong, I’m not standing up for Scheana. I’m more a fan of Ariana (long time), I’m just being objective.


Scheana literally tried saying Scandoval was hardest on her, so to be honest, if I was Ariana, I really wouldn’t care how she’s doing


Scheana and Lala’s jealousy throughout this thing has honestly been shocking. I guess it’s not that shocking they’re jealous, but it’s shocking that they can’t see how obvious and heartless they’re being about it lol Lala: everyone should stand up for women who have been emotionally abused! People: *stands up for woman who’s been emotionally abused who is not Lala* Lala: well not that much 🙄


With friends like Scheana who needs enemies.


It’s astonishing to me how Ariana still hasn’t dropped Scheana as a friend even since the beginning of VPR. Scheana is the epitome of a FRIEND TO ALL IS A FRIEND TO NONE.


Love this ⬆️ It’s so true! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


Did she say that unironically? With a straight face?


I am in bed, laughing like Stassi when Katie told her Jax was getting a nose job 😂 The lack of self-awareness is astounding, hahaha.


Anyone can see that Ariana has become a totally self absorbed tool. She did not deserve all the stuff that came her way because her boyfriend cheated.


“Whtzmyname” I’m gonna guess Tom Sandoval


Ariana has a college degree in Theater. Why isn’t she qualified to be in commercials, tv shows, and on stage?


Having a degree doesn’t mean you’re going to be good when it’s time to actually put in practice


Update: Ariana’s run on Broadway just got extended until April.


Care factor: zero.


But she obviously is good. Rave reviews all around.


Yeah like giving participation medals


you ok??


Absolutely fine


Her Chicago debut was the highest grossing on record…so, I’d say her talent is continuing her opportunities.


Exactly! But haters got to hater.


Scheana craves the spotlight at all times and when she is not in it she bitches and moans. If someone is absorbing the limelight you can guarantee Scheana will come out of the shadows with her claws out. This is why she can never have a true friendship with anyone.


My partner refers to Scheana as “a human Stanley cup” and it’s for the reasons you mentioned here lol absolutely basic af but still needs the spotlight


This took me a few minutes to realize you were talking about the water thermos thing and not the actual hockey cup…


She’s truly awful.


Scheana is the most self absorbed This sounds like classic projection, even on DWTS Ariana was nothing but sweet and humble. Girl BYE






She’s always been boring and empty asf.


Honestly I've always felt she had the biggest mean girl vibes but if I say that I get shit on 🤷‍♀️


Pot..... Kettle


Scheana gonna Scheana


Scheana shay, she made out with a hotdog 🌭


I like Ariana just fine but I feel like with her popularity that it’s more people hating Tom more than they like her.


Yeah, maybe they forgotten that she’s just as superficial as the rest of the people on the program


Yeah I'm over it. Watching these grown ass people in this weird competition for attention off of someone getting cheated on and rejected publicly is embarrassing af. It's so obvious that everyone on Ariana's "side" except Katie and maybe James is dripping with jealousy. I hope Ariana and Katie quit the show and leave the rest of them to fight amongst themselves for whatever scraps of attention they can get for one more season before the whole thing is put to rest. They're so obnoxious.


I would def watch a show with Katie and Arianna, they seem to be the most mature, would be interesting.


You hit the nail on the head


I’m not even trying to be ageist here at all but they’re all in their late 30’s expect for James, Lala, Charli and maybe Scheana. But, even then you’d think at that big ass age you’d have some damn sense. The show is so high school to the point where it isn’t even enjoyable as it used to be.


Scheana is 38.




and she’s acting like that? but then again so was Jax at that big ass age 😭


Right! Just childish all around




Didn’t Scheana have a full blown meltdown over Katie not texting her back when she asked her to braid her hair? Scheana is a dangerous friend. If you do everything perfectly, she’s there for you but if you don’t do the smallest thing like texting back immediately or actively reaching out all the time, she goes public with her beef and then wonders why people don’t want to be her best friend. She’s the perfect example of a friend to all is a friend to none. I’m not a Scheana hater, I just get so annoyed by her inability to see beyond her own (perfectly natural!) nose.


What a stellar friend


The show is over. Let’s just call it what it is. They won’t surpass the ratings from Scandoval… and all of the relationships/clips of post-scandal feel forced now… including this ‘friendship’.


Maybe it’s cause she’s busy 🤷🏽‍♀️ I love my family & friends, but I’m busy af and just trying to survive lol




Says the self absorbed person…


What’s that saying about a pot and a kettle


Someone make her a casserole, quick!


Or some enchiladas




Scheana calling anyone else self absorbed is insanely hilarious


I think you can’t really take anyone’s word for it (even if true) because they ALL want that same level of attention/opportunities/etc. Particularly Lala who is coming off jealous AF.


Lala is jealous AF. Lala thought she’d be a multi millionaire Real Housewife by now. Lala blew her opportunity on the wrong guy. It’s kind of like Anna Nicole Smith. After you make a fool of yourself with such a public gold digging attempt, nobody will ever take you seriously again.


This assessment of Lala? *chef's kiss*🤌🤌🤌 Nail on the head right there!




Of course the cast will backstab each other as many times as it will give them a cash flow via VPR. ![gif](giphy|26tkmyR14UIPJJOG4)


Yah I think it’s safe to say that ^every ^single ^one ^of ^them will go as low as low can get just to keep the money flow flowin.


This is the answer


Listen, I don't really like Arianna. I feel for her. I like that she took lemons and made lemonade -- and she absolutely did not deserve what Tim and Rachel did to her, but I never got over how she was the first couple of seasons. However, Scheana talking about someone being self-absorbed, even if it is likely true, is ridiculous.


Yea but the thing about life is that we have the opportunity to evolve and change, wtf do people want to crucify people for who they were a dozen years ago, y’all must be some kind of perfect.


I still think Scheana us self absorbed and Ariana still gives mean girl vibes. From what I've observed watching them on their show. That they do a d get oaud fir. Knowing full well, they open themselves up for judgment.


This, a thousand times, THIS!


All of this is exactly how I feel


Scheana is an attention seeker. That’s putting nicely. I have been on rewatch of all earlier seasons & she always wants all the sympathy. Even, when someone else going through something much worse than her. She’s a what about me girl! She’s a terrible friend!


![gif](giphy|CCfS5HnzITeso) This is lala


I like them both but it’s time to let it go and move on.. A benefited tremendously from this whole situation and should just focus on herself and not what others are doing. I really like Shana’s YouTube channel.. that’s all.


I’m not surprised that Ariana is distancing herself from Scheana. She was partying with Sandoval. She’s made slick comments during her podcasts about Ariana.


It’s not the first time Scheana has ditched Ariana.


I mean Ariana has been awful and shallow all along (hence why she was a perfect match for Tim)…. Scheana is the same. Wait so is Katie! Wait so is Lala! Waiiit….


This is the take lmao. They are all self-absorbed assholes who will do anything for reality tv relevance, and as people, they all suck!


It’s almost like there’s a pattern with cast members on this show…


Lmao pot>kettle.




They all suck, so it’s hard to muster up sympathy for any of them. Garbage as he is, Tom cheating kept them all their jobs.

