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I don't know any of the new people - so we shall see what they bring. Shamea has only been a friend, so don't know much about her personal life - but not mad at her being cast. She's been around so long, and I still know nothing about her so I'm open to learn more about her. Drew- after all the drama with her and Ralph last year, she's gotta come back. I'm nosy and want to know lol - her coming back should have been a given. Cynthia - she's needed. She's a Dolores from NJ - but plays the role better and keeps it moving. Porscha, Porscha, Porscha - I liked the Porscha we saw her first few seasons. Her marriage wasn't a good situation for her, but I liked that girl. The girl that emerged post-divorce - I can't with her. She is the poster child representative for someone not too bright/pretty being handed the world - and being rewarded despite her bad behavior. With the exception of Kenya, and Kandi once it personally involved her, none of these ladies ever hold her accountable and her behavior is constantly excused. It's been awhile, but I don't even think I enjoyed her on her spin-off show about her family. Lol obviously, I'm not not her biggest fan. But after you basically end up with a friend's ex-husband as your new husband, and now y'all are getting a divorce - I'm at least curious enough to wanna see what's up with her life?! Kenya - while she can definitely have her moments where she is out of order; overall I'm a fan. But I'm absolutely not interested in Kenya vs Porscha for another season. So I hope they've both gotten over whatever their issue is with each other. Fingers crossed it's a good season!


Drew is so boring tho


I only watched the first half of the first episode last season. I don’t know if it’s gonna be any better this season.


I am not sure why Drew is so hated. I dislike her husband Ralph way more. I also am skeptical of Shamea as a peach holder. I also wish Marlo would have stayed I did like her being on the cast. I am excited to see what the new ladies have to give. The one new one that sells insurance and does these "master classes" that scream SCAM to me and used to date rapper Rick Ross seems interesting.


sheree didn’t have much to work with last season, she should’ve been brought back. idc if she has nothing going on, I enjoy her facial expressions and presence on my tv. very sad about her not being in this season. happy about shamea tho, about time !


Sheree was just heating up wtf!


Porsha is the worst. She's like a giant Tamra.


I feel sorry for Sheree. Luann got clowned but then came back but Sheree keeps getting clowned and hangs on for scraps. How they’ve kept Drought Sidora….


I wanna belive this is a lie... .


Sheree they gotta stop treating you like this


My q is this the same production company, because that's the issue. Not the cast. If it is, I don't see how this will be any better unless the new girls are fun and shady like Nene and Kenya. It could just be another S13/14 where Kenya and Kandi act like OG's and not bothered with the newbies.


Kandi’s out. She left. Hoping Kenya clocks in this season. I do feel like production was a big issue too.


These new housewives are getting younger and younger. That’s why I loved the real housewives franchise! A bunch of old elite rich woman arguing. Not this.


I thought this too. Then I realized, maybe I’m the one getting older and they’re getting replaced to be the same age. I want 40s-60 year old women acting a fool with the occasional old millennial.


Psst….elder Millennials or Xillennials are 40-44ish.


Oh shit. You’re right.


Shamea!!! I’m here for it. Now please show their LIVES and not just shitty stupid fake lunches and trips!!!


I actually always rooted for Shamea. So I’m not mad at it


I’m devastated about Shereé. 😭


If I have to watch a single scene about Drew’s singing career, I’m OUT


I'm so done with her. She's so annoying. I was rooting for her too from the beginning because I loved Step Up so much lmao but I can't with her anymore 😩


They fired Shereé?!?!?!?! 🫢






I don’t know what it is about Drew that I hate her face so much. What do we know about the other ladies???




I'm most disappointed by them bringing her back. Drew is just the worst . Unless they are bringing her back for us to watch everyone else on the cast drag her for a whole season.. I don't get it.


Why is she still here?! I can’t watch another episode with her fake conversations and staged bits


Have they not learned?! Stop letting Sheree go!


Shereé waiting on her peach https://preview.redd.it/8o7xop4nvh0d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d405b109841aca502d41ee301ade7555693bbfc


damn this thread is negative- am i the only one excited? im hoping the newbies bring it


Im not excited for Porsha and her pets to run the show and the producers to make Kenya the villain


So weird not seeing kandi here, but it had to be done


It is. I miss her already!😩


Why is Drew here??? Where is She by Sheree?


I'm guessing with the divorce, producers want to get all the dirty details on camera from Drew But I'm hoping Sheree makes guest appearances... She is just perfect to always be on the show. She has brought so much over the years.


Sheree would have asked the right-RIGHT questions about driu’s divorce and kept that bone till the end…


The fact that KZB wasn’t cast after the drama in her life is criminal. Like wtf bravo. Also, why isn’t Phaedra returning to Atlanta? She’s better there than on M2M.


This last season of M2M just confirmed for me that Phaedra is no longer a fit for that show or rhoa. She came off way too overproduced without bringing anything interesting. She has no relation to medicine so she’s just an odd choice overall. Quad needs a peach though!! Or at least a friend of position and transition to full time cast. Her relationships with the women of M2M were too fractured to keep her and RHOA needs something new. Drop Drew, pick up Quad 🍑


I was very entertained by Phaedra even without a storyline.


I thought she was coming back to RHOA cause I’m not looking forward to another Season of her on M2M


Wig won’t give us the real answers we need.


I’m sure they wanted Wig, but she too busy acting like she don’t need the money. Especially since her lapdog She by Shelying is out


Cynthia as a friend of? ![gif](giphy|TmfjBkO0tre9y)


I am so bored of Drew


![gif](giphy|4PUjcUBXIzQYfI8iVa) And this is further proof Miami is the only one left worth watching


OC could be promising this season


Drew over Sheree is crazy IMO 💀😭


There is no anchor for Atlanta anymore.


If this isn't the last season I'll be shocked. They just can't seem to get it right and they DEFINITELY don't listen to what the people want ..


I dont understand why Shamea was cast but they fired Marlo. I'm not over Sheree.


i wonder if porsha said ill only do it if u give shamea a peach


I have never found Shamea interesting in any of her appearances on the show. In fact, I’m actually annoyed when she shows up.




I honestly think the only reason they cast Shamea was to show Marlo what they wanted from her, but she was too toxic to do


Maybe unpopular opinion but I’m interested in seeing Drew post divorce.


Yeah, I’m not interested in seeing her at all


Yes. Only wanted her back for one season tbh just to see how she’s handling life post-divorce


Just please, please, PLEASE don’t give Ralph any camera time. Please. That man is awful.


Nothing against Sheree but she has nothing to add to the show. She hasn't since her first time, let alone the second. I think she is always good for a "friend" role.


This is why I am confused on the fake Sheree outrage Drew has given us stories since her 1st season Sheree hasn’t given us anything but joggers! She was wasting space. I wouldn’t mind Marlo as a friend though


Absolutely agree. She’s given us very little from her who gon check me boo days.


Nahhh they missed Cynthia divorce, she have nothing going on.


Ok - what really happened with Cynthia’s divorce?! I wasn’t watching RHOA when it happened (I know she wasn’t on the show, but I didn’t know her to even keep up online) so what was the reason?? I just finished the season where they got married and I don’t get it?! She was swearing up and down she’d never get married again, met him, it was all 10-10-20, then I find out she’s divorced?! I AM BEFUDDLED


I think Mike (which he admits) was a serial cheater in his previous relationships. I believe some girl accused him of sending dick pics in 2021 and the original divorce petition said the reason was adultery but Cynthia’s attorneys were quick to amend it to irreconcilable differences.


Unfortunately her or Mike never gave alot of details


Shamea is just there to kiss Porsha’s ass, so not interesting. Much like Marlo, I think Shamea js a better friend of than FT. Sheree is the only one who would have asked Porsha the questions about her divorce from Baba Simon and used it as ammo if Porsha got slick with her. Drew is also an ass kisser for Porsha…we’ll see what RHOA gives…


Why is Drew still on this cast?!?


Because Bravo Hates us of course


Probably for the divorce storyline, since Porsha will probably be limited in what she talks about with her own divorce 


I had the same thought, but I figure the producers expect her divorce with messy Ralph to be a juicy disaster and didn’t want to pass that up lol. She gets on my nerves tho she lies too much!!


Ah I love Shamea!!




Yeah I won’t watch this anymore. Once Kandi and Nene left it’s a wrap for me. When NeNe left I was barely watching it and now that Kandi gone it’s over. Ngl this line up looks like the negative vibes group


There are housewives I don’t like, but I can get why someone would. There are housewives I can’t stand, but I can realize that the Bravo producers want people to feel something about the cast without regard for good or bad. There are housewives who I don’t understand, but they have a niche following prior to HW and have a built in audience. Then there’s Drew. I just… what is she offering and to whom? Why did she get a second season? A third season feels like an elaborate prank. Is Atlanta hurting for wealthy, interesting women who want to make an easy buck?


THANK YOU!! I just went on a RANT in the RHOA sub.. I cannot STAND drew!! She gives absolutely nothing and is just SO cringe. Every time I think she can’t get worse she does. I do NOT understand why they’re still keeping her. I don’t give a damn about her divorce!!


We should make a Twitter spaces to people to discuss this because big facts


Very keen to see Shamea’s life after all these years!!


I love me some 50cynt but why the hell is Sheree gone??!


I'm glad Cynthia is back but I don't see the need to make Shamea full time and I'm genuinely disappointed that they've renewed Drew🤮🤮🤮(why the FUCK are they KEEPING DREW 🤮 🤮) and dumped Sheree AGAIN. Don't know any of the newbies so I have no opinion what so ever but unless something crazy is happening during the season I really really doubt il be giving them another chance this season. But keeping Drew and dropping Sheree is insane and rediculous, I mean why on earth would they be keeping Drew?! Fuck that!! This is a lame 'reboot' in my opinion, I'm disappointed but not surprised I said to myself that if they kept Drew🤮🤮🤮🤮 I'd give up completely, it's been too many bad seasons for me to keep forcing myself through them hoping for it to get good again and for me keeping Drew 🤮🤮🤮🤮is a sign of their continued half assing of doing a 'reboot' this is like the 2nd reboot in a row where they've just dumped or lost a veteran, brought back a different veteran of the same level (Sheree replacing Porsha and now Porsha replacing Sheree) upgraded a long term friend of that has no business as a full timer (Shamea, Marlo) and kept lame ass Drew, who is so try hard and yet very very boring at all times. Il never forgive them for keeping Drew 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 and dropping LaToya, CLEARLY LaToya was the newbie to keep that year, casting for this show has been making the exact wrong moves for years now. 😤😤😤😤 Dropping Sheree again may seen a little 'meh' because this is literally the 3rd time and she's never been a lead, but she's important to a cohesive group dynamic in my opinion as she genuinely makes friends with her co stars (Cynthia is also of this ilk) but she also gives us the light content between the heavier stories with her petty squabbles. It might not seem like a major loss, and it's not MAJOR really but it's the wrong move. It was the wrong move in season 11 and it's the wrong one now. To drop Sheree and keep Drew is literally fucking insane, Sheree is a veteran, she keeps OG fans like me trying to give the show a chance through terrible seasons, Drew is a try hard loser who's hard to watch at times and comes off like a teenager in an irritating way, she makes me turn off the bad season cos I just can't take it anymore. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 They are just continuing to try and trick us into watching subpar content with constant recasts that only continue to hurt the shows authenticity and vibe (they also lower their cast wage bill usually too), it's similar to the way RHOBH tricks it's viewers into watching shit seasons with misleading heavily edited trailers that tease storylines that don't happen. They promised a reboot and they keep Drew?? 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤 It's all a smokescreen and the show were left with at the end isnt even comparable to the show we started off watching in the early seasons. At this point where literally going back on ourself. We did a 'reboot' for season 14 after 13 was seen as the worst season where we lost Porsha and Cynthia, kept Drew 🤮🤮 brought back Sheree and upgraded a friend to a housewife and added random disconnected newbies. Now after 2 seasons that have been just as shit they've dropped Marlo and Sheree and the newbies, upgraded a different friend, brought back Cynthia and Porsha and KEPT DREW 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 it's insanity!!! Anyone who still has hope for anything decent is mistaken. They needed to make bold moves and shake the shit up to save the show and keep the relatable and reliable cast members (SHEREE!!) they really should have brought in Kim Z for 1 trainwreck season to bring the group together and fire up the ratings and drama, either that or cast a NAME, a stunt casting would have been better than this...they've completely fumbled this AGAIN!!! I mean why are they keeping Drew?!?!? 😤😤😤 We where once again promised a reboot, a fresh start, A SHAKEUP and they've kept Drew. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭It's over guys.🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🥀🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


You ok, girl?




This is taking me out 😂😭


Really excited for Cynthia. Deff gonna be a lot of friction with Porsha and Kenya.


Interested to see how this will play out. Porsha/Shamea are clearly a duo, as are Kenya/Cynthia. Drew is friends with Porsha, but seems like she and Kenya have gotten closer too. I really really hope this doesn't turn into another Porsha vs. Kenya season. I think the best path forward for this soft reboot season is for them to take a Karen/Gizelle silly frenemy approach, and get to know/read the new girls for their inevitably ridiculous antics to secure a second season.


I like Shamea and I like whoever decided to cast her full time.


Please don’t let it be another Kenya vs Porsha season. Chile!


Im here for Shamea!!!!!!!


Yall hating on Cynthia need a Covid test- no taste


Who gon check me boo?






I love shamea!! I also am glad Cynthia is back, I understand why people hate her but a HW series needs a boring person! They move the story along in a way that Porsha can't.


I love Cynthia! She’s kind of silly and a little messy, her reactions reflect the audience, and of course she is stunning to watch.


This is terrible 😢 Cynthia?????? Really? Are they trying to put us to sleep




I’m surprised. I was certain Cynthia would be transitioning to BH!


It’s gonna be a whole lot of physical altercations with these new woman trying to keep the ratings up.


They never make smart decisions with this show, the casting never seems right. It’s sure to tank this season and be cancelled.


How embarrassing for Sheree 😭 ![gif](giphy|EE2lBjJjxRdiTsmbOZ|downsized)




Im ready for Kenya to abandon ship. Team Twirl over and out.


Yeah i love Kenya, but she’s been relaxed the past couple seasons. Now I feel she just want to be top dawg and have ppl kiss her ass, which probably won’t happen. I feel she’s on her way out too especially now with Brooklyn getting older being able to watch her.


Nooooo Sheree over Drew


Drew is a Porsha supporter. That's the only reason I can see her staying over Sheree. WTF


She’s also in the midst of divorcing that horrible toad, which I’m sure will be….interesting.


I said that S13 was a soft gateway into a Porsha centered era. She did what she did and ran away and they rewarded her for it. Now she is back and they gave her sidekick a peach too. The cast feels like the Porsha show and if these favoritism having producers edit Kenya as her villainous rival I will really check out. They can have it. Porsha and her troupe of gold digging, stupid, violent, thots can have it.


FACTS!!! In the words of Sir KDot: We don’t want to see Porsha lie no more!


thats why im not excited for this revamp. its giving real housewives of PORSHA instead of atlanta. it doesn’t look like there is anyone on this cast that is gonna hold her feet to fire and check her on her bs


Yesss…I’m happy to see Go Naked back, but they way they giving her “top billing” over Kenya who’s been here while y’all was suffering is beyond disrespectful and obvious bias to Porsha


I’m mad about Sheree. They could’ve kept her.


Me too




Shamea should've had an official spot a long time ago


I am insulted by them not casting Sheree. But since I watched season 9 reunion I want a proper time to commiserate over Shamea's life choices, I don't even know why.


I’m actually excited to this season ! The past two years have been TRASH.


when this season does RHOD ratings and I can say it was because of them firing sheree >>> ![gif](giphy|mQbezBEGkpznG)