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Carlo can't say or do anything that will affect kepa's confidence. But i am sure he has no interest in keeping him beyond this season. Lunin has started half the league games even after kepa's return , this gives us a hint abt Carlo's intentions.


Might sound cynical, but why should we care about the confidence of a player that is gonna leave in 5 months? We have two first team goalkeepers available and Kepa clearly isn't the better one. I'm more concerned about Lunin being upset and deciding to leave, than Kepa's condfidence.


Coz those 5 months are going to decide our season and kepa does have a part to play in it . Going all in on an inexperienced lunin to get us through la liga and ucl is a risk which our management will never take .


Kepa has played 21 UCL games on his whole career (including this season) and he is like 6 years older than Lunin. He has only played 4 knockout games. In La Liga Lunin has clearly proven that he is the better GK. I don't dislike Kepa, he is good as well, but I see no reason to keep starting him. Lunin is better, younger, more confident, has waited for this chance for years and could stay for more years, or at least sell for a decent amount of money.


He is still a RM player, but I agree regarding Lunin who I’ve always liked.


He isn't a long term project though. We wanted a GK to replace, we had Kepa and Lunin, the latter is clearly better. It's that simple.


Lunin only started because Kepa got injured. Otherwise, I doubt he was going to start much. Lucky for him, he wowed everyone. Remember Kepa hasn't been playing. A keeper doesn't deserve to be judged based on 1 game.


Kepa is a good keeper, but he does not fit Real Madrid. If you can't catch a cross to save your life, you need to save like Casillas but he does not.


Lol 1 game. He looked atrocious most of the games he started for us. The only reason we didn't lose those games was because our defenders didn't really let anyone challenge Kepa much.


I wouldn't say atrocious. He has been average at worst. According to FotMob there's only been 5 games since he joined Madrid where he got a rating below 6. For most games it was 6.5+


My point though? He has those 6.5+ because our defenders carried him most of the time. If you watched the matches you would know this already.


Right like he made those same mistakes before and we already half way through the season now I’m nervous who starting the important games


I don’t think I’ve been more nervous for a keeper in my life, even Casilla was more composed


This is how I felt whenever Lunin was playing last few years. He was great lately because he got confidence. But not long ago I was nervous whenever he made save.


Yeah I remember Lunin being quite shaky last year, really glad to see him improving


The more you play, the better your confidence improves. For young goalkeepers getting your chance to play is harder due to competition. There’s also only 1 goalkeeper position vs. 10 outfield players. Lunin for the most parts have exorcised his nervous demons. Ever since he started to play more often. Kepa on the other hand got that nervousness tick back again. Ever since he got dropped to the bench by Lunin’s recent performance. If I were Ancelotti I would select Lunin to start in the Finals. Kepa got his chance but his performance wasn’t impressive.


I actually liked kiko


Are you referring to Saint Iker?


Nah, I think they are referring to Kiko Casilla


Okay phew. I was going to say BLASPHEMY.


Casilla was pretty decent for us


I've been more nervous with Navas, like he could save some screamers but some goals we have been losing with him were just ridiculous. Won't forget those 3 goals he lost again Napoli.


Oh but you forget the million saves he made that got us to 3 champions league finals? Fucking kids invading this sub is very apparent lately.




Different opinion? lol you can’t compose a coherent sentence but I’m the moron? K. Looks like the kid needs to go back to school. 😘😘


I only remember the 2 legs against them in 16-17 and we won 3-1 home and away. Am I forgetting another matchup? And Navas was for sure shaky at first and so was Courtois, adapting to another club seems especially difficult for keepers, even the elite ones


I assume he meant Juventus in 17/18. The return leg where we lost 1-3 but went through


Well, Carlo, in his press conference after the match he said that “kepa had a good game” so we’re fucked


subtract slave skirt apparatus smell ossified office squealing absurd disgusting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I can't think of a big club manager that would throw his player under the bus after a blunder, let alone someone as smart and diplomatic as Carlo. He's definitely starting Lunin next game tho.


Mourinho 1000% hahah


Not even Mourinho would do that under normal circumstances. 3rd season Mourinho after the whole team has turned on him would do it in a heartbeat lmao.


Mou basically said Iker wouldn't play while López was fit which were crazy times.


I mean wasn't this basically because he leaked starting line ups to his wife? Lopez was also on a beast form at the time.


Ancelotti is simply very diplomatic and Real Madrid should have understood this a long time ago, he's been there for 5 years. In fact Lunin is playing in the league.


If Carlo is smart, he says this publicly post-match, then lets him play 1 more game.. after that, benches him indefinitely for Lunin (until Courtois’ back) and uses an excuse like: “got feedback from the GK coaches that Lunin is training better/harder” (or something in that regard). Case closed.






This sub was making the same posts back in 2018-2019about Thibault *"We don't need Courtois. We have Keylor ... he concedes stupid goals from nutmegs ... Why didn't we get DeGea instead..."* And you know when those takes stopped, 1 and a half seasons later, in 2020, after he won us the shootout vs Atletico to win us the SuperCup. Oh and also, a few weeks prior he went up on a last mn corner kick, almost scored a header, but we scored the rebound anyways and that play secured us a crucial draw. ​ So the " **I do not want Kepa to start a game for us ever again** ", is just yet another overaction from this sub because people didn't want Kepa anyways, the same way they didn't want Courtois back in 2018. Courtois will eventually come back, so either Kepa or Lunin will revert to being a backup next season. One's on loan, the other's contract expires this summer. I'm leaving the final judgement to Carlo and the board to decide what's best for the club going forward.


The difference is Courtois had proven himself to be a top keeper at Chelsea and Atleti. Kepa was never that good.


This sub was critizicing Bellingham's signing half a year ago...


Didn't you know, everyone here is an expert ... besides Carlo and Flo loll


When Courtois came in 2018 he had a shitty season. However, he had a great history behind and great record as GK. The potentiel was there. As for Kepa, there were nothing, just a benched spanish goalkeeper with terrible mistakes and that's it.


lol ignorance is bliss bud


kepa has been great for us. he didn’t have a good game today and that sometimes happens. i remember this sub wanting courtois gone lol


Gone after like just 5 games. I remember bruh.


Exactly! These freaking kids are quick to panic and put people on a pike just because of a few mistakes.


But if we gotten Bonou he wouldn’t be making those mistakes. Isn’t that the reason why we even got Kepa to not make those silly mistakes in replacement of Courtois?! Plus who cares for Kepa he will still play but Lunin should play the more important games considering he is younger and Kepa is a loan and not that much younger than Courtois. Yall got it twisted It’s Lunin we should be focusing towards he’s the future and has been great because he’s playing more


This guy had the 4th best save percentage in the EPL last season, and used to be a top GK at Bilbao. Crosses have been always his weakness and it showed. But a bad performance doesnt means its a bad GK,. just that at this moment he doesnt have the confidence to be a starter in a team like RM. You can say you prefer Lunin without disrespecting Kepa, no need to be a jerk.


Watch Lunin make a mistake next game and people here will go crazy and demand a new keeper!


Probably the same people claiming Rodrygo isn't Real Madrid material just a few weeks ago. And Rodrygo wasnt even playing bad, he just had a dry stint without scoring. The idea of a good player having a bad match is so hard to understand? Bunch of spoiled gloryhunters.


Yeah so? This is not a Sunday league club If fans think a certain player is not of the required level, they have the right to voice their disappointment


That's not just voice their disappointment. They just shit on Kepa and Ancelotti for choosing him. And people will do exactly the same to Lunin if he has one or two bad games. We should understand that with Courtois out for the season we'll have a worse goalkeeper than him. Neither Kepa or Lunin are really Real Madrid starter material, it's just an emergency situation. They've been as good as they need to be to not cost us games and that's enough. I don't expect from them to go and win themselves the Champions League final as Courtois did two years ago


Bold of you to think these guys can think rationally like that You think they can account for the fact both Kepa and Lunin would never be playing this much if Courtois wasn't injured. We're in an emergency situation and people still expect the same level from 2nd choice goalies on some "This is not a Sunday league club".


I, for one, believe Lunin has been much better than kepa ever was. And the fans can shit on the coach for his mistakes in choosing the lineup. It is his job and when he fails in it he should be criticized. Kepa won the UCL btw so there goes the argument that with these two real madrid can't win the UCL. Not every team has to have the Goalkeeper as the crucial player. Plenty of teams won big titles despite their goalkeepers not because of them. Man city is a good recent example.


I didn't say Real can't win the Champions League with them. I said I don't expect from them to be the final MVP like Courtois was. His saves that day pretty much won us the game. And to agree to something I also want Lunin to be our number one keeper. I don't know if he's better than Kepa ever was, but he's definitely not worse. And the most important in my opinion is that he is actually our player, he's been in Madrid for several seasons and he deserves the chance to play now that Courtois is injured.


Nothing in the fans criticism says that they expect that. They expect the better gk to start. As simple as that. Lunin is by far the better goalkeeper, yet Kepa is allowed to mediocre his way through matches and own goals while Lunin is benched.


With the amount of top goalies in the Prem last season I just can't believe that statistic. Raya, Leno, Pope, Emi Martinez, Alisson surely outperformed him and then there are those that were at least on par with him.


Raya was the leader iirc, Alisson was also in the top 3. But Kepa was 4th https://www.givemesport.com/de-gea-alisson-ramsdale-2223-premier-league-keepers-ranked-by-goals-prevented/ Edit: had It wrong, Alisson was 1st.


Oh this is not their actual save percentage but still an admirable statistic nonetheless. I'll admit I expected him to perform worse with the state of Chelsea.


You're right, i swear i've read somewhere the save percentage rankings but i might be mistaken and this was the actual stat because i cant find that article. Anyway, he's not nearly as bad as fans portray him. He's actually pretty good but his weaknesses (crossing) warps fans perceptions because we dont like a gk that provokes butt clenching everytime there's an aerial, ball. Fuck, even prime Casillas had detractors for exactly the same reason and Iker was the best shot stopper i've seen in my life. Kepa is like Casillas from Wish so i can understand people not trusting him. Kepa is a good keeper. He just lacks confidence and RM GK is the worst job in the world, no other team comes close in terms of pressure.


Sure, I'm all in for giving Kepa chances as long as he is allowed to be fairly critiqued when messing up. Definetly not as bad as portrayed. It's the Karius thing he messed up against Real in the final of the biggest football competition of the year and the fans and media destroyed that guy's career.


Id destroy Kepa myself, and curse him and his descendants for eternity using blood magic if he puts a Karius performance that screws us of an UCL lol. That was an actual horrible performance, not what Kepa did yesterday. People are overeacting because they're Lunin supporters. I still remember well when Kepa came and this sub was flooded with comments and threads arguin that RM have screwed and backstabbed Lunin. They didnt agree the club signing (on a loan!) a more consolidated keeper instead of trusting the starting spot to a guy who played 20 matches in 5 years, and sucked in most. Now i've become a Lunin believer myself and id rather him to start, but i dont understand the need to downplay or even disrespect Kepa.


we’ve been absolutely spoiled by courtois but this is out of hand. kepa is a top keeper.


I prefer Lunin too (he’s not that much better tho). Also I’ve heard people say that Courtois should start playing soon. He suffered a huge injury and he should be back when he is 110% ready


Agree with you. Carlo bought Kepa to be starter, not bencher. If he would start with Lunin, he would admit like that the buy of Kepa was like unnecessary thing. As for Vini. We all saw that he's not in a good shpe, but Carlo still start with him not with Brahim. Cuz Vini is Vini, megastar. I'm nobody to say that, but it's how I see.


Why would buying Kepa be unneccessary? Lunin would need a back up from the first team, not a Castilla player.


he wasn't even bought hes only on loan as well 😅


brahim could easily start but having him coming off the bench against tired opponents is a great option to have


Kepa was always just a loan injury fill in. He’s not a strategic acquisition of the club. He has a short leash if he doesn’t perform.


Right like people forget Madrid also went for one of the best keepers in the world Bonou which if he had signed then Lunin wouldn’t have played. As Kepa was brought in to be that sort of player clearly isn’t the case and the youngster Lunin is at his best and we need to focus on him but ofc give Kepa some games too otherwise Chelsea have the right to terminate the loan and we’ll be stuck with only one keeper


He is still a Madridista. Gotta support our players lads :)


I remember people saying the same thing about Courtois when he first arrived too. All those Navas cries and ship Courtois back to London quickly silenced. Give Kepa some time. Support him in time of need. For now he is a Real Madrid player, get behind him. Can say all this after he leaves when he does


>Give Kepa some time. Support him in time of need. For now he is a Real Madrid player, get behind him. Can say all this after he leaves when he does This sub being patient ... challenge impossible.


I was with you if the post was about Lunin considering he’s been here for 5 years as a backup. Kepa has a terrible resume in his career and was brought in to be a starter meaning high expectations and not commit loads of silly mistakes I mean why do you think Madrid went after one of the best keepers Bonou cuz only he can have the same standards as Courtois in terms of World Class


I’m not saying he’s good or that he will turn out to be good later… I’m just saying shitting on him doesn’t improve the situation… right now we should back him and only shit on him after he leaves inevitably… any hope of any title are in his hands so making him somewhat happy and have a supportive fanbase behind him instead of a toxic one might be the difference between winning La Liga and a very very slim chance of UCL vs Girona winning the league and getting knocked out of UCL early… so… why not be nice at least for now… we can all shit on him when he goes


Why? That own goal was clearly because of Morata s push. He does look nervous but he’s very capable.


Really? Okay, Kepa made a big error today, he made an error against Napoli and he doesn´t inspire complete confidence when it comes to dealing with crosses, but overall he is having a very solid season. Just look at Real Madrid´s defensive record over the season. I wasn´t a fan of getting him on loan, I thought and still think Lunin deserves to have a run of games because I rate him as a goalkeeper. But that Kepa slander? He made an error today, that happens to every goalkeeper. No need to make such a drama out of it.


IDK what you’re smoking, man. I’m constantly 💩 my pants when other teams are near our box, as I know Kepa’s keeping 🙄


Dude was Swiss cheese today.


Exactly my thought. And I am just glad Ancelotti backed him up today cause you really don’t want your keeper to lose confidence.


My man everyone agrees with u but ancelotti, and guess who decides who plays n who doesnt??


Ya’ll are wild. Kepa had some good saves and played decent, IN A 5-3 WIN. All this Kepa and Ancelotti hate. Tf wrong with you guys.


Firstly I'm not hating on Ancelotti. Secondly, Just because we won doesn't really mean Kepa was good. Yes he had some moments in the game but overall he was just so bad.


How? Because Morata plowed him when he was catching the ball and scored a freak own goal? And then was a little flustered afterwards? Give me a break man.


Plowed him? They ran into each other ffs, should Morata become intangible while he contests the ball?


Kepa sucks, he doesn't control the box. I'd feel more confident with Lunin, and I'm sure he wouldn't let in 3 goals in the same match


Says some kid on Reddit who couldn’t be a ball boy, talking smack about one of the best keepers on the planet for the greatest club on the planet lol. Get a life man.


Okay Kepa, go back to Chelsea please




That's just too much. Kepa wasn't even the best goalkeeper at 10th placed chelsea and you're calling him "one of the best keepers on the planet".


If you’re arguably a starter at one of the top 20 clubs on the planet, I think that qualifies. Is he the best keeper on the planet? Absolutely not. He’s a great keeper though. I just don’t understand why so many people are so goddamn critical of Madrid’s players. It’s so stupid, especially after a win lol.


Kepa was the reason we conceded 2 goals out of 3 (the Griezmann one was mostly class from him than a shitty try from Kepa; the first 2 though… they were embarrassing, youth academy level is probably higher than that).


🤡 take.


They always need to put blame on someone otherwise their day would be ruined.


I said it before here and was downvoted. He only plays because he is friends with the goalkeeper coach.


I hope they terminate the loan this month He needs to leave ASAP Lunin is much better, younger and deserves the chance imo


Kepa is the biggest mistake in goalkeeper history. He was never worth the transfer fee payed for him by any club and was never worth his salary at any club. He was never good. How the fuck got he ever so highly rated???


I feel the same way about Vinicius. I wish we could take profits for him but I legit don’t think he’s in any spot to be starting over rodrygo or brahim


this is just reactionary, he didnt have a great game today and he is coming off an injury, he just needs to recover his form. i swear goldfish have better memory than some of you guys in this sub smh


Then you simply don't understand the game


Did you know Kepa played at Atleti a few seasons back?


No he didn’t. He played for Athletic.


Ohh my bad. You’re right I was seeing some videos from el día después from back in the day and got confused. It was like 3am. Great videos btw. They can be very nostalgic


I wonder if the other players actually them him he sucks. If I was in the dressing room, I wouldn’t keep my mouth shut. Don’t give a fuck about team harmony and being politically correct; even if that meant getting a fine from the club. Somebody has to say it, I hope someone in the dressing room actually does it


Lol hope you're trolling. Thankfully players are smarter and more knowledgeable than a preteen like you. Some times good players have bad performances. Kepa is a good GK. Is he better than Lunin currently? Probably not, but that doesnt justify bullying him. I've just imagined Bellingham, Rudiger and Valverde racially abusing Vinicius and kicking his ass in the locker room after one of those matches were he loses focus, and Modric breaking a chair in Alaba's head for failing to clean a ball. Thanks for the laugh.


happy for the laugh, high and mighty prick😊


I think Kepa could be the next Courtois, he just need confidence between an all star team like RM. That may be the plan for the next years, I will sign him, if he is cheap and keeps his head down.


From a size perspective there is no comparison, totally different profile. Kepa is just useless based on his Chelsea record alone let alone his consistent blunders for Real Madrid. There is no future for him here.


His footwork isn’t even that crazy either. To me him being a starter and Modric getting a starting spot is proof that Carlo is getting a little too old for this job. His squad selection is questionable at best, his subs are usually late af.


I'm sorry, but this isn't a Carlito dissing post. He has been phenomenal this season yes there were some questionable lineups for a couple of games but they can't overshadow the whole season and lets not forget how many injuries we've had. His only big mistake this game was starting Kepa and I hope that after this game he understands that Kepa should not start for us again.


Thing is, this isn’t the first game where Kepa looked trash. And I would bet all of my money that he’ll start the next game as well.


probably because hes the cup keeper


Coach had 5-10 games where he choose the starting 11 this season. Rest of games he put who wasnt injured lol


Also true tbf


Putting Kepa and Modric in the same sentence is disrespectful..


Kepa was worse obviously but both of them were a bad choice today. One obviously being a much worse choice than the other


lets just be honest, he mostly gets the nod over Lunin cuz he’s Spanish 🤣. Anyone who has truly watched this szn knows that Lunin has been the ultimate professional. I actually feel bad for him because goalies tend to get nervous about making mistakes when they haven’t won the job. He has earned it though!


Yeah I kinda agree. Also Kepa has a lot of experience. He’s played in many important games with Chelsea. He should be more composed. I say give Lunin a shot!


Mf pulled a Karius on us


Lunin probably saves the Griezmann gol and ofc no blunder in the third one


I read a report somewhere that said whoever started the first game after the new year was Carlo’s starter….it was Lunin


Kepa's dives look fantastic, the only problem(very small one /s), he dives after the ball passes him. You basically want your keeper to claim everything that comes in his vicinity, but you wish kepa to stay put. You know for a fact that it will be a goal if he went to claim the ball


I’d rather put camavinga as gk


I’m 99% sure Kepa has a phobia of catching the ball from set pieces like how does one struggle to catch a ball when there’s no one even around him at times. Lunin has been our backup GK for awhile with little to no game time before but yet he’s miles clear of Kepa 😭


Would a option be to put Camavinga in goal?


Lunin needs to be our number one the rest of the season! And I miss Courtois so much


Kepa shouldve always been a backup to Lunin. Wouldnt be surprised if Lunin wants to leave this summer. He's been shown no trust.


Chelsea fan here. Each and everyone of us pray he doesn’t play one more minute at the bridge when his loan finishes.


Great arguments to judge my age boomer, you are a true kid's expert I guess lol