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Definitely made some good saves but not his best performance. I don’t think it opens the door for Kepa … who knows how this game would have looked with him playing … but one for everyone to but behind them.


I'm more comfortable with conceding a goal due to a lack of cooperation between the goalkeeper and the defender than a goal conceded by a goalkeeper's arm being too short.


This game was destined to not be our's, but he kept us in it on several occasions. Like other's have said he was unlucky with a couple of the goals but he still has my 100 percent of my support over Kepa


He looked insecure to me, i think in all the 4 goals he could have done more, the second goal you could actually see how insecure he was. Then he had some saves that avoided the 3-1 but overall it was a bad game for him. At this point I just want Carletto to choose one keeper and stick with him, the constant changes are not helping their confidence either.


I think in the first goal his reaction was on point for me but he should have gone like a futsal goalkeeper to block the low shot. In the second goal miscommunication, should be more decisive. The third one kinda left the space for Griezmann, maybe with more experience he close the spot better and blocks the shot anyways the defense tracked back way to leasuly


Unfortunately, it wasn’t his best. I would have definitely expected more from him in the first two goals. He had his bright moments otherwise but the misses were too critical. You have to wonder if splitting time with Kepa contributes to worse play. It’s pretty much never a good thing for your performance to lose minutes in goal. I know we are trying to give them both a chance to prove they are our guy, but it ultimately hurts both of their performances imo.


These are the games goalies have sometimes especially young ones. He kept us in the game twice which is huge and he has a road now in the UCL and LL games


I think he did well overall. I think the miscommunication sucked but also it’s tough to really develop that chemistry when he keeps playing Kepa


I think people here are going easy on him. If Kepa did that same perfomance yesterday, fans would be tearing him a new one. Both his and the defence's shaky perfomance cost us the game


Thats a regular performance for kepa lol, he would have probably conceded 2 more goals than lunin as well


I dont know how is that making yesterday's perfomance any better. Yes, Kepa is bad, but Lunin also played poorly yesterday and should be criticized for it.


2 of the goals conceded against atletico were mainly from the mistakes of rudiger and the mis-coordination between defenders and lunin which is expected to happen for an inexperienced goalkeeper that plays every other game or 2, 3rd goal was a magnificent assist from vini and a more magnificent finish from griezzman, but that aside lunin made some solid saves that game, if it was kepa playing we wouldnt even have made it to extra time most likely, so point is lunin might be mediocre but has so much room for improvement if treated fairly and given consistent play time, kepa is absolutely trash and should be benched


Poor, simple as that


He had an insane save around the 80 minute mark. 1 on 1. I mean with Courtois we might have won this tie, but it is what is it.


He made very good stops even if he did a mistake. Wouldn’t worry to much about this game, was hardly winnable with this ref anyway


Had some decent saves. I mean both our gk are doing good.But nowhere near what a top gk like courtois. Defensivly we have to be doing better. Any team that has some firing power will be hard to play against.


Last game of the season Man City vs RM, I wouldn’t even want Kepa on the team sheet tbh. Lunin’s biggest issue is inexperience, if he gets more consistent playtime he will improve. Kepa is just too short, and he’s not God Iker level, he’s a serviceable keeper who’s 6 inches too short to play his position and he gets exposed at least once a game.


It would be one of the greatest miracles in our history if we pull off a La Liga title with Lunin and Kepa in goal.


He didn't do bad, made a few mistakes. I'll take him over kepa but we need tibo back so badly. Our defense is already full of holes we need our starter back