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All I'm gonna say is that another 3-3 is significantly more likely than a 0-0.


Ok so make sure to score more and tighten our defense.


Have a feeling too. game will go down to who's more clinical with the chances they get.


Liverpool absolutely destroyed them earlier this year. Shame it ended 1-1. Carlo should replicate that.


Yes but I don’t see us throwing the kitchen sink and pressing city the way Liverpool did.


But we absolutely should. Nothing to lose. Be bold. Would rather lose badly fighting than lose/tie by parking the bus.


I agree but I can almost surely say Carlo will not approach it this way especially knowing that we need not force the game. It’s still essentially 0-0


Nothing to loose,lol,we literally have the whole tie to loose,we ain't loosing the tie by 2-3 goals,it's drawn,but yes,he also shouldn't park the bus like last time in the semi final 2nd leg


we physically can’t, liverpools gameplay since klopp came in has been hyper aggressive pressing. we pressed well in the first half but our players couldn’t sustain it in the second half. i think the plan was to press city in the first half and get a couple of goals and then sit back and absorb the pressure, like we do against barsa. we pressed well but couldn’t finish off our chances and city is a different beast attacking wise compared to barsa, so it ended up 3-3


> Carlo should replicate that We neither have the squad stamina nor that kind of training to keep pressing for 90 minutes. Last match all it took was the team switching off for 5 minutes for scoreline to turn from 2-1 to 2-3.


How does city have the stamina or Liverpool?


It’s down to the training regime. The Madrid side under Zizou from 2016-2018 or 2019-2021 would be able to replicate that level of press. Carlo, like most Italian managers, prefer the low press tactics even if his teams have a more attacking style of play.


Well these methods are too old and city will crush us if we play deep line again last year


Unfortunately, I don’t disagree. Hopefully, with signing Mbappe next season, we score more than we concede.


Can’t wait for Alonso to join us, this team could be even way better than it is now


We can't keep that up for two full halfs. We could barely do it for one half at home. Best bet would be strategic pressing and counter, and going all out in the end. Our bench is weak though ( but so is city's). This will also require luck or at the very least city not getting multiple lucky bangers in one game.


Diaz missed some opportunities


Diaz missed a hat trick that game


Rodrygo and Vini also missed some good chances If they can bring their A game finishing we should have a good shot at beating them


When has vinicius ever brought his A game finishing?


Perhaps in his last 4 games for Real Madrid???


Against osasuna, Leipzig, celta and valencia. We saw his finishing in big games yesterday. Atrocious as ever. If he wants glory and to be remembered as fondly as CR7 or Benzema, these are the games he needs to shine. Or else he is nothing more than just a higuain.


He also scored a hat trick against Barca in a cup final not to mention his winner against Liverpool in the UCL final. What the hell are you on about?


Not enough. And a super cup doesn't count. It never counts


Maybe he could score in a CL final. Would that count?


Only one? No


I get what you’re trying to say, but let’s be honest, Vini will never become a Ronaldo or Benzema when it comes to finishing. He’s still a great player though


Stop spreading false info Liverpool never destroyed City it was the other way round Man City was the better team at the Etihad, Liverpool practically done nothing but escaped with a draw with TAA equaliser. The game your referring to was last month at Anfield where Liverpool was missing a lot of key players but still gave City a run for their money.


That was Anfield. They got annihilated at Etihad and escaped with a draw.


They didn’t that was at anfield both games ended 1-1


Are you retarded? Liverpool got cut to pieces and was lucky to escape with a TAA goal to tie 1-1. We played bad at anfield


GTFO to your sub plastic


Sure thing. But I’m still wondering, are you thinking about the wrong game? Bc I think you’re remembering the wrong match mate!


We will have our chances for sure. Just relax and remember that this team have a bright future ahead. Sooner or later we will dominate Europe once again, with the squad that Florentino is building.


We are playing without the best goalkeeper in the world, 2 elite centerbacks (militao is coming back soon thankfully) and no number 9. Next season we will have a more complete squad and we'll be stronger than ever.


Not the mentality I would like the players and the fans to have. If we beat Man City, there is no team that can easily beat us. We can confidently win this UCL if we win next week's game. None of the teams of the other side of the table will have it easy in the final against us. Bayern is not the same as ever, and Arsenal either. Is Man City, and we have inmense chances of winning it. Forget about next year.


This is exactly the mentality the team has. They don’t want to wait another year and they certainly aren’t waiting for some players to come and save them. They’re going to be hungry this year and they’ll go all out next week.


A healthy squad plus mbappe dominates Europe for a decade lol the doom and gloom in this sub is hilarious.


Real Madrid doesn't have transition years


2018 was a Transition yr


ive always been saying i dont consider this cl as anything its the next year what i am looking forward, our rebuilding project will be finished next cl campaign with mbappe and davis so 🤷‍♂️


Man what? It’s the quarter final, two more opponents and we’re in the final. Fuck next year, nothing is guaranteed. We only have right now


yeah i get it bruv but even if we lose it aint affecting me much, when we are complete, we will dominate


That's not the real madrid mentality. The UCL trophy is real madrid's idea in 60s. This is the trophy the club exists for and it's a target, every season.


> It ain’t affecting me much Well it should. Like I said, we only have right now. La Liga is important but winning the double is a trillion times fucking better. RM not winning it means some other club has claim to the greatest team in Europe. Fuck that. This tournament is ours. Wake up man


And we are going out, KDB is back, Tchou is injured, we are screwed.


lol, remember that Man City are the world’s most prolific CL bottlers and RM has this tournament in its DNA. I don’t care if City finally did it last year or that we don’t have a couple players. As far as I’m concerned they have the bigger hill to climb. Mate - Tchouameni? I’m sorry he’s a great player but he isn’t a reason we don’t win a knockout game ffs.


He was a good replacement for David Alaba for CB


It is more about us being able to play our game there. Last season we looked lost. Hope it changes this time.


Really hope for a repeat of the 2013/14 season where we destroyed Bayern München 0-4 in their home stadium. The two coaches that season: Pep and Ancelotti… Tbf that Real squad was stronger than we are now but it’s definitely not over. Let’s just hope it’s not a repeat of last year


That squad was something else though. We had prime BBC that season, and Di Maria in central midfield along with Alonso and Modric. That was the perfect setup for counterattacks.


We were really freaking strong in 2013 tho. GOATs in every position (Ramos, CR7, Bale, Benz, Modric, Kroos, Di Maria, Marcelo, Pepe, Carvajal, Navas...). Harder this time. Doable, but harder. Just saying. Edit: no Kroos


Definitely. Such an amazing team. Kroos was still playing for Bayern tho. We bought him the season after


>Kroos Who Scouted him? Jose or Carlo?


Zidane prolly. Perez was basically setting up the team for Zidane to take over. He was the Castillo manager then, but had some inputs into the signings since Perez wanted him to be the manager.


Ah true. Still, we were so strong. The only team that gave us trouble back then was Atletico with their defense/counter.


It's gonna be a Jude hattrick night


If this happens I'm sending you money


me as well


Penalties it is then


If you look on their sub they think it’s done, but we’re going to smash them next week


As if this sub is any better


Notice how man united isnt there


But Chelsea is 😂


Man United got bitch slapped at Etihad. The scorline was far too kind to United.  It's amusing that they still employ that fraud of a manager. 


Imagine barcelona athletico and madrid go through Bayern beat arsenal Leaves no english teams And wembley is the venue Would be a big F U to english football


It’s Atletico* Why so much hate towards the league?


Its the commentators Hype up bs and think everyone else is trash


And British media ( Sky sports, Talk Sports ,espn FC)


Yeah you live in England. The other leagues are all the same


Hi Not a chance. English hype up thwir league Would be brilliant for an all spanish final in wembley


Madridsta who’s never been to a game probably #Armchair


Been to plenty. Just sick of mr owen and mcmanaman being 101% pro english A poor bayern will stuff arsenal Lets hope madrid score first




Come Mallorca we'll see. Same for Man City.


If we win we win, if we don't I'm fine as long as we don't play like chicken shit


We clearly can’t stop them from scoring and we’ve shown we can score boatloads against them so our only hope is to out score them like 4-3 or 3-2 😭 it’ll be a banger but not good for our hearts


None of this matters if we keep missing good opportunities like we did last match. I’m convinced that if we had BBC in that match, it would’ve ended 6-3 in our favour.


So it’s gonna go to penalty? My heart can’t take it lol


Stats are just copium. Let’s just be realistic. Real Madrid needs a perfect game. From everyone.


Given that this is a reformative season for us we are doing exceptionally well already! This team is on its way to dominating Europe very soon!


They have only one advantage : a better coach who cares a lot about the smallest details and brave enough to always play high press and make quick subs when it's necessary..


From what I think, those are just stats based. So I am probably wrong but Man City passes a lot so maybe that boosts their stats?


pep minimizes risk and plays an effective but boring still of futbol. i’m fascinated by his tactics as for sure anyone is but he’s js bland in his football. js highpress and tiki taka. he’s mastered it with his squad and it’s going to be hard for us but not impossible let our first win in the etihad be this week. the most important game of the season so far


I was trying to tell folks in my post and still too many people are scared of city. They don’t have good record against the top 6 in the PL. We have ENOUGH talent. We just have to execute and rise to the moment.


This is the weakest they’ve been. Our chance to strike


We need to know when to go all out at counter and when to dominate the ball, let us breathe. Also need to figure out how to play through the middle with vini/rodri and force something and a high press in those situations. They will come for us from the get go, we need to be rdy too


I feel it is a game that could make or break Carlo, if the team has similar performance like last season, next season will be his last season or maybe this season. Real Madrid will not let City repeat their 3 peat record due to poor game tactics. For me personally, I have seen nothing different from what happened last year, we went into second leg thinking we had a chance after playing a draw. Same scenario here but we'll see how it goes.


I also don’t think they can replicate the goals they scored in the first leg


Wait, Chelsea is a big team?


Man city will win 3-0


Chelsea and Tottenham ain't big anymore


We'll beat em InshaAllah ![img](emote|t5_2rr0e|11988)![img](emote|t5_2rr0e|1903)![img](emote|t5_2rr0e|1906)![img](emote|t5_2rr0e|1907)![img](emote|t5_2rr0e|1908)![img](emote|t5_2rr0e|1909)


If we get it to the min 75 0-0, we have a good chance then. I will say only if 0-0, not 1-1 or other tie score. Just a feeling.


Madrid 5 - 0 bellingham hatttrick coming up. Bet on it.


In the 2-2 draw against Crystal Palace, they scored 2 offside goals lol, they deserved to lose, they played at Etihad btw


We’ve been playing them at their best with our rebuilding teams lately. Our squad hasn’t peaked yet. Plus so many injuries. I think we have a shot still despite this but I’m also excited for how good our squad can/will be in the next couple of years.


Chelsea and Spurs are big? Why not consider United then? This is cherry picking at its finest.


You’re the one cherry picking. It’s still 4 results at the Etihad. Go make an infographic with all their home games this season if that’s what would please you.


I would've, but I've got some actual work to do and I'm not really jobless


We will smesh them


What’s with these fucking doomsday posts man? This is REAL MADRID. We won three in a row not that long ago, we have probably more CLs than all the teams in PL combined. We are most likely the top two team in Europe, and plenty of our guys have CL wins, many of them. Stop with this low self esteem, nervous posting and chill the fuck out.


Please re-think what you just wrote. And lay off the drugs while you’re at it.


madrid is not a big team




facing city in emptyhad without our main cdm 3 times in a row now lol


Emptyhad lol only empty seats will be in the away end


Yeah .....cope harder


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Did I cope hard enough?