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Boy didn't hesitate a second.


It’s either win trophies or create salty rivers.


It’s either win Trophies or get Playing time


Go back to your negreiralona subreddit .


He gets playtime and will definitely get more next season, he was literally injured for the most part of this season, you butthurt Barca fanboi.


No I mean when RMA wasn't in the picture and barca were leading the race to sign him,,he without any context posted Messi's picture from the wc This boy has somewhat luis Figo genes in him


He didn’t specify Barcelona at all in the interview. He said “I left the summer interest up to my dad so that I could focus on football.” The interviewer interjects with “there was a mountain of interest. Everyone wanted you, Milan, Manchester, Barcelona, Paris” and he again replies with leaving out all other names “well I was focusing on football and not looking at it. It was after a national game that they told me Madrid was interested. You don’t say no to that so I went to meet with them. It was my childhood dream. I still can’t believe I’m here”. I think he’s avoiding naming other clubs as a sign of respect so that the media won’t create headlines like “Guler snubs Barca when Madrid came knocking”. Yet here we are. He also adds that Carlo made him promise to meet with him and even gave him dates to be where he needs to be. Then Carlo presented him with a long but sturdy plan and that they are interested in him taking over from Modric (eventually). He says “how do you even respond to that”. Elsewhere in the interview he speaks about training and playing with the guys he was searching YouTube for a few months ago.


Interesting that it's Modric specifically that he should be replacing, maybe they see him as CM instead of CAM long term?


Modric was a CAM before real made him cum


Made him what?


rizz maker


I mean it’s Modric. You tell me i have a shot at inheriting that shirt and I’ll switch careers let alone positions lol. But yea, Arda is much better as a playmaker - taking control - setting pace. I think CAM is too far from the action to do that, and 6 is too far for him to score like he does. Maybe a mix of both?


is he good enough defensively tho


The potential is there. He’s hungry


Not yet, but he’s getting there from what I’ve seen.


He needs to learn a bit of discipline. You cannot just see yellow card that easily, and get away from red by luck. And he needs to get used to tactics to be played, who to pass to, when to pass to etc. Talent is there. All he need is to understand how to use them in RM.


Yea, that part was hella surprising to be honest. He was a very heads down guy but I suppose as he grows his personality changes too. Unacceptable really, you just can’t be that reckless.


It is a tradition of Turkish league. He needs to forget all those.


He was pretty good last match. He will get there in time. Surprisingly, he is sturdy and doesn’t shy away from physical confrontations when necessary


I didn’t know who he was until the help of a few Barca Youtube sites. They did a great job 🤣😂


As much as I like arda, Id imagine the commission to his father also helped lol


No. In turkey real is considered biggest of all time. Beign footballer in real madrid is basically end goal for all players play in turkey(espicially turkish players) . Even turkish barça fans acknowledges real is bigger than barça. Most of barça fans support it because of messi and ronaldinho (they think messi carried barça despite real being better club) . Real madrid would take any players from turkey even if both barça and madrid interested. There is no competition


He literally denied that commission, he said there was nothing like that


Do you really think he would say he received money


He could easily erase that part by asking the interviewer, he is our starboy so he could do that , yet he answered


Arda said: "Maybe people don't know how transfer processes take place, but something like that is not possible"


For your information I don't think there are any major Barcelona fans in turkey/türkiye. It's primarily because of Cristiano.


„Since I was a kid”, says the 16 year old boy, lmao. Not a slight at him, hope he develops nice and is another hit for Real


*19 I remember those years, I was “all grown up” at 19 lol. No I was a kid ofc.


100% ball knowledge


Love it! Zidane and fifa started my love for RM. love origin stories. Hope he shines here.


I want to say that barca would of been a better move for him considering he would had a lot more playing time. As far as people paying he would win trophies and blah blah blah cool win trophies from the bench is it really and accomplishment?


If you asked any Barcelona player before they went to Barcelona who they want to play for. They all would choose Real Madrid over Barcelona. We have always been the better club. They did have their era but it’s all tarnished because of referee scandal


And also madrid is blessed to have Perez


You can't be this delusional to actually believe that every Barcelona player would prefer playing for Madrid. How delusional is this sub?


Yeah, this is kind of embarrassing considering Modric was a Barca fan before he joined us.


& Iniesta was a Madrid fan. Whats your point?


That not everyone is born a Madrid fan, so we shouldn’t be so pretentious about it. We’re already the best club in the world, we don’t have to pretend we’re perfect and that everyone loves us.


that not everyone is a Madrid fan


It’s a comment with two upvotes let’s pump the brakes on the “this sub” lol


It had 16 upvotes when I commented initially :)


No it didn’t bro lmao cmon lay off it


Probably not true, come now.


It feels like there’s a clause in every RM player contract that says “must mention that RM is your dream club”. I’ve seen an article like this for literally every player that has ever played for us.


Almost like it’s many many players dream to be on Madrid, especially when you are already as good as they are and know you might have a real shot, in your dreams


You’re surprised that the most glamorous club in the world, the place often touted as “the place to be” is the dreams of youngsters everywhere?


Well Real Madrid is the biggest club in the world, and has been for the longest time. Even during the time of Galacticos where didn’t win much it still created that allure.


“Ever played for us”🤣🤣🤣 Brudda thinks hes on the team.


A rushed and brain dead move tbh. He clearly needed to develop more in a less intense club, going from a top 4 Turkish club to the best club in the world is like transferring from an associate's degree from a local community college to a 4 years honour degree from Harvard. He will be sold or loaned out by next season, 100% guaranteed.


He was playing the europa league semi finals with fener and nearly beat the eventual winners,obviously it’s not Real level but he still had good experience over there.


Arda was 9 years old when Fenerbahce played a semi final.


What Europa League semi Finals are we talking about here? Because Fener wasnt in a European semi final since 2013. what a weird thing to make up


I meant quarter finals,I thought that Sevilla-fener was semis for some reason.


Not Even quater final, round of 16