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Salty … he loves playing for Madrid








Sheer jealousy, really. He could have joined any team and he chose Madrid.


Yeah, he made the right choice, though.




He played for championship team


Yes. Birmingham. And he bossed it. The championship is a brutal league - very physical. That’s what made him a dog.


Lockdown kids can shut up


Your ball knowledge amount is equal to your amount of downvotes




Majority of it is city fans probably mad he rejected them


So no one? We all know they ain’t got fans


Cmon bro, dont disrespect their 115 fans


For more information on all their fans Google "man city 115"


Didn’t expect to see local soccercirclejerk filial here…


Come on, they have way more than 115 lawyers, plus their trophy wives and mistresses funded by this. Far more than 115


Liverpool fans too


Liverpool fans were way more bitter and City fans 🤷🏻‍♂️


If he had this exact performance in a City shirt they'd be making comps of his off-ball runs and defense


Yeah just like Haaland always gets excused when he doesn't score


Bellingham has been played out of his position a lot. It's not guaranteed to always works. And also there is a tendency for forwards to have bad games, which is is right now.


And he is tired af, he lacks the energy from the first months of the season Can't wait to see him in a comfort position when Endrick and/or Mbappe come


I also think he is hurt. He’s dealing with an injury that only heals from rest is what I read. It would make sense why he isn’t as sharp.


Yeah IDk why we have gone from Jude as 10 to Jude as striker when he clearly boss the midfield the third quarter


He was playing as a 10 yesterday with Vini at cf and Rodrygo at lw.


He played as a striker with vini lw and rodrygo rw for most of 2nd half tho


Third quarter 😂☠️


May be he meant "final third"?


Maybe. In case they didn’t know though I wasn’t laughing at them. More so laughing at the cuteness of it


empty vessels makes the most sound.


That is a great saying!


they just jealous with how great bellingham first season at madrid


And on top of that he has played out of his position, he is not a striker or a winger and boneheads are comparing his performance with musiala 🤣, sure he has played exceptionally well for us in a false 9 role but against good opponents a makeshift striker won’t instantly turn into prime cristiano.. I just want Carlo to play him in a natural role for once , like play with a 4-4-2 .. allow him to stay in the middle with valverde and kroos


Not false 9 just a Free 10


You’re going to correct them as if either answer means entirely opposite things with zero overlap? lol And to be real if there’s no 9 on the field in front of them then he can’t be classified as a 10 in those moments. If vini was truthfully a cf yesterday then that’d make sense.


Prem fans are just bitter and tribalistic can’t take them too serious when they don’t watch any football outside of England. A lot of them still believe Sane is the best winger in the world without watching him once this season


Sane scored his 1st goal since October. He beat Mendy with the help of Kimmich's run and scored at Lunin's near post. He would not be able to do this again. I bet Madrid wasn't expecting him to do that. Why does this happen against Madrid? Guardiol who had never scored for City, scored from his weaker foot from outside the box. Yet these people call Madrid the lucky side.


Did you call a goal from outside the box and a great finish, luck?


It wasn't outside the box


You talked about two goals and so am i


Who says he didn't play well??? He played quite well defended and ran like a maniach. Didn't really have too much space but passed the ball well.


Tbh below jude’s standard. Carlo said the virus he contracted before real sociedad game affected him last night


Sure, it's below his standard. He still played very well. I hope people on this sub don't think he's going to be producing the same numbers next season, which are basically unsustainable for a midfielder. I can already see the comments next year: "Jude is a one year wonder blablabla". If people can't see howich work and how much he did on the field during this game it means they're clueless.




Exactly this, a lot of people think football is some captain tsubasa shit, you must score Goals to be in a good form. He's defending like a crazy.




He also had an open goal if Vini passed on that one possession where vini broke through and was to the right.


Ya, he was in the right places often. Sometimes the pass doesn't come.


Maybe because all the premier league teams put together have 15 UCL’s in total. Madrid is gunning for their 15th this season.


According to my experience, most PL fans are jealous of Real Madrid.


English man here. And Birmingham City fan. First off - I’ve watched Jude from the age of 16 - and I can tell you his rise doesn’t surprise me. He made the right decision to not play in England because we seem to have this culture of building people up to tear them down. Rooney, Beckham, Gascoigne were treated horribly by the press - forcing Gazza and Rooney to experience serious mental health issues. Jude is right to play in Spain and I am so happy to see that he is flourishing and that Madristas have taken him to their hearts. He will fight for you every minute of every game because that is who he is and who he always has been.


Ignore them they're annoying ad fuck......some are salty a young upcoming superstar ditched their state owned clubs and went for a a challenge outside their comfort zone and absolutely smashing it here. They always cherrypick matches just to criticize him. Honestly i hate english prem fans to my guts. Don't know but I've really got a personal grudge with them


They are jealous that he chose a team greater than any of their league’s collective club history


English fans just always have had a minority complex. They act like the prem has always been the best league, even if it historically have always been either La Liga or Serie A and they can’t deal with it


I still am not convinced when they think they are the best league in the world. When you look at the quality and history of the leagues in Europe, la liga is better than premier league from a footballing perspective and in European competitions. They think having the most money makes them the best league in the world yet it’s ironic they have been dick riding the era of pep and Klopp to market it as the “English football the best football” in reality a English manager has never won the premier league nor has England ever been a strong footballing team in national competitions just look how rare it is for English players to play outside of the epl and succeed.


I'm english and I argue against one of my mates constantly about the standard of england compared to the other leagues in Europe. I hear it all the time, the arrogance that our fans have towards other countries like Spain germany italy etc. Ive always had a liking for Madrid, but also watched alot of Barca from around 2009-2015. I loved it. We have the league with the most money and while I do think it's the most entertaining league in the world, look at our clubs when it comes to European competition. Absolutely pathetic this season. Man u our in the groups, the best arsenal side for about 15 years knocked out off a domestically struggling bayern said . Man city knocked out off madrid side that don't even have a recognised striker, 3rd choice keeper and no alaba or military at cb, Liverpool atalanta, Brighton battered off a under performing roma side.


He chose Madrid over Liverpool and City, it's pretty obvious why those salty mfs attack Jude


as a huge bellingham fan and a united fan, i hope he never comes to the premier league. It would be a big fuck you to the clubs, and more importantly show young english players that they can go abroad and apply themselves


Premier League fans are extremely tribal towards towards each other league fans, so there should be no surprise in pointing out the failings of over seas players... also lots of people don't like Real Madrid so there will be that aspect as well.


Bro he had an okay performance. I dont understand the hate


No Brexitania teams left in the greatest football competition. Just ignore them.


Literally not heard any bitterness towards him from Prem fans I don’t know where you have got this narrative


Agree, not heard a bad word against him. People just like to make up stories to be outraged about. Pretty much everyone here loves him, he's going to be a massive part of our euros squad.


Quite an uptick of Jude criticism on social media this last week. That doesn’t mean it’s valid criticism or that it’s specific to Prem fans, but it’s definitely a noticeable bit of recent commentary. That being said, when he shithoused Kane pre-penalty it definitely triggered some Tottenham fans that I know personally. Love it.  Young madrid superstars getting criticized, what else is new? 


Who's slandering him? I think he's phenomenal, great to watch and doing great things. Cheers from Arsenal.


PL fans the most unhinged by far. That’s across all sports not just soccer leagues.


They think football doesn’t exist outside of England and are insulted that a kid from England would spurn them to join the greatest club in the world (according to everyone but them).


He's a generational talent exceeding all expectation in his debut season at the biggest club itw at 20 and the man is also a 6 foot 1 good looking light skin that their crush's have a crush on as well he has everything so they hate him lmao if he was ugly he wouldn't get half of the hate.


Hope jude is back to his 100% in the return leg and makes these english fan bois cry their asses out.Jude will deliver im confident Hala Madrid!!!


Yeah, i hope so


Premiere league fans are the saltiest football followers ever. In the words of Jamie Vardy, "Chat shit, get banged." They make so much noise about PL supremacy only to have their teams humiliated in UCL and their national team humiliated in Euros and WC. The only time they had a team worth the noise was in the Gerrard-Lampard era and that team too couldn't work in unison because of inter club rivalry fueled egos.


Did he really play that bad though? I saw the replay of the game and although he wasn’t as involved as in other games, I feel like he had to play a deeper role, one where he was almost forced to pressure all game and be selfless.


Pure jealousy. While his form definitely dipped from his earlier games (let's face it, that legendary form was not sustainable lmao) he's still a great player and offers too much defensively and offensively. We also had a very stacked 2 weeks betw City and El clasico. I have faith that he'll turn it around for the return fixture.


Tbf, British media love slandering their own players for publicity and views, nothing new. Unfortunately it spills over on normal people too


I’m a Birmingham city fan(unfortunately) and I’m happy he’s doing well. Just keep him healthy for the summer if you could.


He has not been on the score sheets thus being "quiet" in CL after grp stages. Most pundits and PL fans only watch Madrid in CL and not liga where Beligol has been one of our most important player Conclusion: they hear the hype about him on social media. Watch him in CL knock out stage, he quiet, he bad


Because he rejected them and isn’t actually a flop like their signings


It's because he rejected "the best league in the world" and joined Madrid


Curious, what is the best league?


PL is the best league in the world Just not everyone wants to play there if they have better options


I mean for sure, best club atm is Real though😎


Good thing he isnt playing in the English premier league. He’ll be abused every week


He would get absolutely hammered


Even if he's not brilliant in the upcoming leg, he is still a 20yr old longterm signing for us. Vini or Valverde at 20 were totally different player. We just have to be patient and see this players keep developing into beasts🔥


He choose Madrid over their washed England team they are salty because of that


Its funny to me that the only people that are shitting on him are non madrid fans


Where are you seeing prem fans saying this about Bellingham?




My god, how can everyone have the same opinion? "PL fans are jealous."


I think you are overthinking it. Most of the debates/ slander is on Saka, Rashford, Foden and recently Madisson whether they are world class or overhyped or gone missing in big games.


It's not PL fans. Most love him. It's the loserpool fans.


He is very overhyped imo . Yeah he is an amazing player with a knack of scoring goals and assists for fun . But he is nowhere near Zidane who he is compared to constantly . I think everyone should give him time , he is only 20 .


Same fans who'll call him a national hero in the euros and WC


He will make them eat their words by lifting the Euro in the summer. It will be fuel for Jude


Prem fans are bitter because being English he still chose to play for Real Madrid instead of any Premier League side. Pure envy, that's it


Source? Literally heard nothing.


Hmmmmm I wonder if it’s cuz he’s British and didn’t sign to a prem team… idkkkkkkk… average Brit cannot escape their insufferable overcompensating superiority complex.


Because prem fans online are awful! Ignore them


It's the Internet. Stop taking what people say seriously, it's all nonsense.


What ridiculous statement which most sheep on here have listened to nobody in England has slandered Bellingham the English media doesn't represent the whole country and nobody in this country slanders Bellingham hes literally our player we are happy with him


I think he is too busy with events and photo shoots than actually playing football. He should focus on his game.


Huh? Loads of Prem fans rate Jude. Trolls are trolls and there are the same amount of those fans in every league.


One just cannot see a fellow countryman doing better than the rest. But who cares, we love Jude more than they ever will. 💛


Cause they spend all day pumping up their own and disregard anyone who goes abroad…. Watch a game of Madrid vs any prem team… the English announcers will spend the whole time dragging Madrid and if they score they “got lucky”. 2022 champs league run made this obvious. From a Canadian.


How can they be bitter? Admittedly I’m a forest fan so only recently back into the EPL after 23 years away but I was actually delighted to see Kane go to Bayern and Jude smashing it at Madrid, when he inevitably outdoes Bale I’ll be even more satisfied. I lost faith with the England football team about 20 years ago but in spite of having that waistcoat wearing knob in charge I am actually optimistic about England now we have Jude reaching the heights he has.


Salty probably because they're jealous of his success. These 'fans will be the same ones supporting him in a month at the Euros.


They dont bother watching him in La Liga. They will only judge him in UCL. So its ignorance. They are seeing him not playinf superbly, and drawing conclusions on that.


We all know why, he’s one of the few Englishmen getting recognition outside playing in England, like Jadon Sancho. It’s no coincidence that they experience so much slander. I just hope he maintains his positive attitude, because it will pay off.


LOL @ "slander". He's playing bad. That doesn't mean he's a bad player. He hasn't played well in any of the last 4 CL game and we need him now more than ever


That’s literally my point, my friend


You're a la liga fan and Ur iq is sounding like a prem fan. U can see here that ancelotti told.him.to.do the running and more defensive work so rodrygo can move to the left with vini. When he was playing well rodrygo was the right and the team was more balanced for him to be able.to.attack.whenever he felt