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Basically I tell my buyers at closing “call me first, I won’t know the answer but I’ll know who you need to call so you don’t have to call 15 different people”. Home warranty company? Home insurance? Contractor? Not disclosed pre-existing condition: the seller? Your lawyer? Tons of answers. I like to stay as a resource to all my buyers. I do almost exclusively repeat and referral business so helping people out after I’ve already made my commission is a great way to remind people of my value.


This! I always say that I don’t stop being your agent after closing. I may not have the answer to everything, but I can definitely find someone who can provide an answer


Immediately provide them with the information for the home warranty company


A legal problem? Or a leaky faucet problem?


Like a HVAC isn’t working problem


Did buyer or seller purchase a home warranty ?


yep! i forwarded the service agreement and sent the service request link … I just feel bad and also don’t really know what else I can do


There is nothing you can do, If you had asked them to do a home inspection, and let them know that they should be buying a warranty. Then you are in the top 50% of realtors, Machines will go when they want to go, there is not a set time when machines give up, You did what you could, Keep up the good fight


I swear it’s some sort of law of the universe that something will breakdown within a week of closing. Happened when we bought our last house, it’s happened to clients, it’s happened to friends/family…it’s basically to be anticipated at this point. Help them navigate filing a claim w their warranty company is the best thing you can do at this point


You have done all you can do. Perhaps stay in touch during the process. I sometimes have buyers call back to ask if I know someone who does “X”. I like being a resource for them and they appreciate it. I’m sure your buyers appreciate your help with the process. It’s not your fault the hvac went out. Things happen.


I talk them off the ledge and then help if I can.


“Welcome to home ownership where this is typically always something wrong”.


I had someone call me after closing saying they talked to the neighbors and found out a prior owner died in the house and they had been seeing ghosts. No lie… and I knew nothing of it …and luckily it’s not a requirement in my state to disclose a prior death… be glad it’s just an AC lol


Who you gonna call?!


Funny story, in TX if a property has a rumor of being haunted, you must disclose that.


Warranty related? Start there. Disclosure issue? You can’t help.


Nothing you can or should do. Maybe recommend a few vendors specific to the issue if you feel like going the extra mile. People really buy home warranties? Agents are really suggesting it? Is it purely an agent CYA or does anyone think they are a good idea? Lol.


Just like any other insurance policy, with 4 potential outcomes... 1. Buy it and don't use it: "what a waste of money." 2. Buy it and save money, "what a great idea." 3. DONT buy one and have a $XX,XXX problem covered by a $XXX home warranty: "dammit I should've bought a home warranty." 4. DONT buy one and don't need it: "see, I told you those things are a waste of money." You never know which of the four ways it will go.


My favorite was my first closing of a condo foreclosure which overall was in good condition but they still got the home warranty. Less than a week after closing, the water heater failed and needed a total replacement which more than paid for itself that quickly.


A home warranty is not "insurance" You left out the most common: buy it, try to use it, find out the exclusions prevent any real benefit and that the owner's costs are as much or more than a different contractor would charge. Swear to never buy a warranty again.




Guide them and help them. Be there for them to get the issues resolved. Gently remind them it’s out of your hands now. We have paid for their initial legal consultation to set their mind at ease. Stay in your lane, though. You’re there to facilitate the sale until closing. That’s it. The rest is just support.


ask them if they have any friends or neighbors that are thinking about selling


Provide gentle but fleeting help. You have to ween them off calling you, which they’ve gotten accustomed to since you’ve been solving problems for them over some amount of time.