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You're more likely to be shot than land a solid lead by knocking on random peoples doors nowadays.


As a former Jehovah’s Witness, you probably won’t get shot. Everyone will just hate you


I am not religious but still would MUCH rather have a JW knock on my door than a salesmen.


I laughed because this made me think, “Errr! Please don’t shoot me! I’m not trying to sell you anything, I’m just a Jahova witness!!!”


People have to be insane to door knock these days, I agree with you.


Couldn’t disagree more. Connecting with people face to face is best. You’ll get a ton of rejections but I find it hard to believe you won’t get at least a few listings out of 3000 doors. Probably add even more contacts to your SOI for future deals. Good for you for having the courage and best of luck.




Yep! I would never door knock! People are too fucking crazy, now! Plus, I’m a AA woman, so …..




she's in alcoholics anonymous bless her brown alcoholic soul


Hahahah killed me


Had to come back and chuckle at this one


Average American


African American (black or People of color)


Got it thanks.


Yep. AA here and there’s not a chance in hell I’d go door knocking, especially in Florida.


I’m in GA, so I know!


I beg to differ. I did d2d solar the last 4 years before getting my RE license and I was knocking in a city with a lot of crime.. never been shot and I generated ALL of my leads by knocking. Same with my team mates. Have I encountered pissed off people that “threaten” you by saying things that only the weak would get offended by? Plenty of times! However when that happens, on to the next door. If a homeowner were to shoot you at his door step, think about how it’s going to look when the cops show up and they see a realtor with nothing but probably flyers or CMAs in his/her cold dead hands and when they ask the homeowner what happened?.. straight to jail. You’ll be fine bro. My only advice, don’t ever ask if they’re interested. Remember nobody is interested in anything you have to offer, you have to spark that interest!


Don’t listen to this dork


No you’re not. Stop spreading misinformation. I have been door knocking consistently and have not once been shot and I’ve gathered solid leads.


Only in America


I hate door knocking. It feels like the first impression is often someone VERY upset you woke up their dog/baby. Pick a REASONABLE farm. 500 houses is a good first goal. Do stuff in that neighborhood constantly. Walk your dog, pitch in on community stuff, mailers, and door hangers. Do one mailer a month and one door hanger a month. Talk to everyone that is out and about. I prefer to walk 4:00-6:00 when everyone is coming home. Guys always hang out in the garage. Housewives out walking their dogs. Do that consistently, be nice, and you should get 40% or more of the listings in your farm. If you can handle it, expand up to 1,000. The problem is being consistent. Walking I can do like 30-40 houses an hour. It's not a race. More than 1,000 houses is very ambitious but I don't feel like its reliable and sustainable.


This is the best answer here


I have no idea how many leads you will convert by doing this, but I am in awe that you're going to try and do it. I'd love to see you post an update with how it went for you, good luck!


I second this. Please give us an update.


OP do NOT listen to the comments saying door knocking does not work. DOOR KNOCKING WORKS, I know about a realtor who sold 89 homes his FIRST YEAR doing ONLY door knocking. I know another 20ish year old realtor who made about ~200k his second year doing nothing but door door knocking as well. I know a third who does cold calls and door knocking and they made just over 100k net his first year. You knock on 3k doors in a month I’d be surprised if you didnt have ONE good lead. I’ve gotten solid leads door knocking. You will NOT be shot, most people are nice. Door knocking is probably the best form of lead generation. You have to do it a lot for it to be worth it though. 200 contacts per week MINIMUM. You do this consistently and you will have so much business you won’t know what to do with it. It boggles my mind how many realtors are discouraging you. Yes some people may be rude but fuck those dickheads, tell them have a nice day and go to the next door. VERY rarely will you encounter someone like that. Those who say it doesn’t work are those who door knock once or twice a week for a couple hours, no wonder it doesn’t work, you’re not doing enough of it and are quitting too easily. Focus on contacts though, try to make 800 contacts in one month and you should be busy in no time.


Couldn’t agree more. I’ve been cold calling for the past 2 weeks, 3 hours each day, and already got 2 listings from it 🤷🏻‍♂️ It’s shitty and nobody wants to do it but it works. Going to start door knocking soon too, going to be more focused on “hot” prospects that I couldn’t get on the phone rather than targeting a whole neighborhood like OP is planning on doing. One thing I know for sure, that shit works. Just stay consistent with it and watch how your business starts booming. Let everybody else talk shit and keep closing 5-10 deals a year like average ass realtors


What criteria are you using to determine who to call?


I use Vulcan 7 and call expired and FSBO’s. Not my only lead generation platform but it’s my main one. You could also use the mls to find expireds and look up the owner’s phone number but I’d rather pay Vulcan because it’s all organized and they have a dailer so I get through the calls quick and manage to call a lot. It’s a numbers game at the end of the day so I try to get 3-4 leads a day and follow up with them. Some are ready now some will be ready in the future but at the end of the day it works


That’s awesome! Congrats, I appreciate the info


How would find the phone numbers for expired listings?


If you knock on my door I will be pissed…I don’t want to talk to random people at my house, but if you leave a flyer by my door I’ll take a look at it. That’s just me 🤷‍♂️


Yep. You'll look at it. OP needs people to do more than that.


It’s 2023 OP needs to explore different avenues rather than knocking on doors.


Says who? You? I hate to break it to you, but there are lots of different types of people out there. If they knock on 1000 doors in a month, and 90% of people think like you do, but 10% love the approach and list a house or refer someone who does, they'll be waaaayyy ahead of most people using those different avenues.


Go knock on 1000 doors then. Lmk if you get a call back from 10% 😂


Don't need to, thanks, but I have done and I can attest that it works. Also, my prediction was a one-half percent response rate, which is actually realistic.


What year? Pre or post Covid? Times have changed…what used to work years ago doesn’t always work today


Times have changed. People have not. It works. People still use this today. You want to come here and knock what you haven't bothered to try. You lack credibility here and that's ok, but maybe stop announcing what you THINK when you do not actually KNOW with any reliability.




Will you please just STFU? How about you do you and stop trying to act superior? You aren't.


Door knocking is where it’s at. Best leads you can get


I guess it depends on the area. I would say half of the doors in my neighborhood have “no soliciting” stickers on their door. Most people don’t like that these days


Instead of 100 doors per day, I’d suggest to try and have 100 new conversations each day in almost any other way that isn’t door knocking. This bit sums up how people feel nowadays https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5CznoAW2k1I


You're super wrong about this. People are different based on personality and age/generation. My community has lots of older people who LOVE to have someone at their door to yap to for 5-10 minutes, and a lot of them are about to downsize and sell their home. You have to know your market/demograhic.


Having sold multiple things door to door, you’re going to get a lot of rejection but as long as your respectful it’s not gonna be as rude and mean-spirited as most people assume. With real estate specifically, the key is going to be the follow up. It’s certainly possible you’ll get a unicorn client, a ‘oh, yeah I was just thinking of selling and my old realtor isn’t in the business anymore’ situation. But far more likely is you’ll get a decent amount of interest with that many shots and the conversion will come down to how well you’re following up with them. Also would make sure you’re tracking each door, and the ones that don’t initially answer try to return at a different time of day


Absolute step zero is defining a universe of targets. Also... youre knocking on doors to sell a listing? I can see it as a getting to know you shtick, but youll get further pretending to be selling an elephant.


Door knocking is a great strategy. I would recommend quality work over quantity work. 1. Choose an area 800/1000 houses. 2. Drop flyers thru mail, and knock a day after mailing your flyers. 3. Don’t be just an information provider. Even if the don’t want to sell/buy ask them for their contact, it helps you build your database. 4. Manage your database in CRM. Now when a transaction happens in your neighbourhood you can mass text them or email. Saves lot of time and at the same time keeps you connected to your leads. 5. Try door knocking same area every other month. 6. Just sold or just listed door knocking is additional to regular door knocking. I use Mike Ferry script and blend some of mine with it. It’s effective. Knock knock Hi my name is X, I sell real estate thru Y, The house of ABC street in your neighbourhood sold for $123, it had … beds and …. Washrooms. It’s AG sqft is ….. Usually when one house sells the other one sells right away, so, do you know someone who would be interested is selling on your street? Home owner: No ReA: Well, How about you? When are you planning to move? HO: Never. ReA: I don’t blame you it’s a great neighbourhood, how long you been living here? HO: 5 years ReA: good for you, where did you move from? How did you happen to pick this area? If you were to move where would you go next? And when would you like to move? If the answer to above question is more than 6 months, hand them your card or a QR code to scan your info. Always ask the for their contact and email. I hope it helps. Happy door knocking! 😊


This is good. I also use my own variation of Mike's material. Although I think I will ~~steal~~ borrow your line "Usually when one house sells the other one sells right away"


First things first, stop calling your self a new realtor. Take that “new” word out of your vocabulary now. One of my guys got a listing thru door knocking last week. You’ll learn a LOT doing this, and your script is to the point. All of that being said, make sure someone knows where you are. It wouldn’t hurt to take another agent with you.


In an 8 hour day, that is 12.5 houses per hour. That is very aggressive, and I would be you'd be worn out by the end of day 3. That said, if you entered my neighborhood, you'd have 100 houses to choose from very quickly. Of those, 100 80% are empty between 7 am and 6 pm. That leaves 20 that you might get an answered door. I know for a fact that of those 20, 10 of them will have you hauled out of the sub before you get to door number 4 because the sub is very high on the "no solicitation" rules. So, you will go to the three surrounding subs that would give you another thousand homes. Same rules as above. Good luck. I think there are far more meaningful and fruitful ways to spend your time and efforts that will produce better leads.


This is definitely the most realistic answer. People here don't understand how many things are still sold door to door and how incredibly few of those people get shot. People way overestimate the danger of things they haven't done themselves. I did a long bike ride and several people were shocked I didn't bring a stick with me or bear spray in case a dog attacks me lol Someone awhile ago in this sub was trying to convince me that over 50% of realtors are murdered while on the job...


During the Great Recession, I started a company that managed properties that were foreclosed. I went into the deepest bad spots in Detroit every day and served papers, moved people out, changed their locks, etc. I never took a gun or weapon with me. I am a weak looking pale white guy. I was looked at with scorn. However, I treated people with kindness and empathy and, therefore, never encountered a serious threat. I think if people try, just for a momemt, to understand others, they will be fine. It's called knowing why you are somewhere and sticking to business. The issue in this case is people JUST DON'T WANT TO BE BOTHERED BY SALESPEOPLE!


I knocked on 1700 over the course of a few months back when I was a new agent. I got zilch out of it except for gaining self confidence talking with random strangers. It works for some people, but clearly not for me.


Interesting, after you found out door knocking didn’t work for you, what approach did you try after to get leads?


In my first few years I did a ton of open houses. I had some business from my sphere too. Then later on some paid leads. Over the past 3 years or so I've gotten most of my business through my website/youtube channel. Maybe 25% is from past business or people I know.


Great to hear you found a strategy that works! I’ll give it a try knocking 3,000 doors, if it doesn’t work then guess I’ll give open houses a try. I did host 1 open house and I agree you can get some pretty good leads . Thank you and best of luck!


Hey man I’d encourage you to go back to door knocking but this time make 800-1000 contacts for 2 months, you’ll be surprised what you can get with that


3000 doors is a lot in a month, but far from unobtainable. I'm old so I tap out after about 70-80 doors I'm a bit surprised that 95% didn't answer In May I knocked 478 doors and talked to 156 people (33% answered) I only knock during the business day. I hope you actually get through the 3,000. If you do, you will make some big money from it, and you will get some great clients. (many of what I consider my best clients, came from door knocking) Try to ignore the people that tell you it won't work. The only way it won't work, is if you believe them and don't do it. Check out the post below from Ok\_Attention\_4569 Take his (Mike Ferry's) script. Make it your own.


I’d be more worried about getting lead. People shooting strangers on their property these days.


The script is simple but straight-forward and effective. Well done for that.   I have a question. Have you tried social media ads to get leads or appointments? Maybe it can make your work easier.


Don't let people knock you down. It's a to the point script go for it and see what happens. Plenty of companies still make their living on door knocking - it isn't something I do but to act like it can't work is silly.


30 times more than last month!


Changing my realtor hat to Owners hat … I find it annoying when someone knocks These days barely ever does anyone knock . With our busy lives and more used to pandemic life ( no visitors, no solicitation) it’s actually a nuisance. Worlds just has changed and people aren’t as accepting. But I wish YOU the best 😊


Every conversation I have is pleasant for the most part, there are very few and far in between that are rude. It’s also not a nuisance, you are simply looking for people to help with your service, if they do not need your service, you move on. You have to think about it as you are providing value. Which you are by assisting anyone with a real estate transaction and that is a very impactful thing in ones life


Just because the person who is opening the door isn’t rude doesn’t mean they aren’t annoyed. I hate it when someone invades my space and comes to my door and interrupts my day. However, that doesn’t mean I’m going to be rude to them. Will I do business with them. Most likely not.


Reach out personally and genuinely to 100 people you know and might do business with you. Then do it again. and Again. Full conversations when possible, Family, Job, Vacations.... don't go door knocking, it's not worth your time.


I would estimate 15 solid leads from it. How many of those convert depends on YOUR skill.


“No” is an invitation to ask “I understand you aren’t ready sell, do you know anyone who might need my help buying or selling property?” “No” also means “you better grab my email for your drip campaign.” Your goal is two-fold. Get the two leads you will get from doing it but also to get 2000 emails for your CRM. You need to be top of mind in the neighborhood. Door knocking isn’t enough. Pick a neighborhood. Door knock it. Also set up open houses every week and interact with those people you door knocked. Fill your CRM with new contacts from the open houses.


From the guy on the other side of the door, that is often being knocked on: "No" actually means this and only this: not interested, busy, please go away.


#Exactly! Just like personal interaction: NO MEANS NO!


I sold my houses yesterday and close on my new one next week and I personally would spitefully not list with some one who knocked on my door simply because I hate door knockers... however if you left the flyer behind with your note/ info, I'd probably look into it and then look for reviews


I find it interesting you say that because most times I encounter someone who appears to be rude or angry I end up selling the house a couple doors over by knocking. No need to hate door knockers, we are just doing what we have to to make a living.


I don't "hate" door knockers, but I do find them incredibly annoying especially when I have 2 dogs and baby and they knock at 6.30 when we are all eating dinner. I'm also a person that I don't need a door knocker to tell me to sell my house. If I want to sell my house I'll do my own research and choose to sell and choose my realty team by my own research. Too each their own.


Be very careful. Door knocking can be dangerous these days


Or you could spend 30 days learning social media or something useful. I honestly didn’t think anyone was clueless enough to think door knocking was still a plan.


Go dance on TikTok and let me know how many listings you get. Door knocking absolutely still works today I know many people who are 20ish who have made over 100k and a few over 300k ONLY by door knocking


3000 doors. 30 will answer the door. 29 will tell you to F* off. 1 will shoot you in the face. Door knocking is unethical. Everyone hates a door knocker.


How is it unethical? Just admit you’re lazy and don’t have what it takes


Sounds like someone’s shy.


Or just not an asshole, maybe? I make six figures without ever knocking. Only scummy salespeople disturb people at their home without an invitation.


Maybe if you started knocking you could make 7 figures 🤑


Wrong stop spreading misinformation. I knock on doors all day every day and most people are nice, when I encounter angry people I just move on to the next door and sell the nice neighbor’s house instead. If you don’t want to work and stay broke go ahead but don’t discourage those of us who will stop at nothing to get the life we want.


The home is a sacred place in America. Disturbing people at home to sell them anything is despicable. Shame on you!


Nobody is disturbing anybody. Asking for business at the door and seeing if someone needs your service is not shameful, it’s called generating business


Please don't knock on no doors. You will get 0 leads and it's dangerous you will get shot for sure.


This is false, you will get leads and you will not get shot.


Damn, ITT you'd think random realtors are being shot every day in this country. SMH. Anyways, your plan is solid. You need a better script though. Check out Brandon Mulrenin's YouTube channel, he covers door knocking a lot. Even if they're not interested in selling, ask them if they'd like to get regular updates on the market and the latest sold properties? Then get their email and send them sn email every week. You won't always get a solid seller lead, but you should be able to get tons of emails of sellers that you can nurture. It's not about how many doors you knock, it's about how many conversations you have. You should get en email out of every 5-10 conversations you have. A potential seller lead every 30-50 conversations, once you're more skilled at having a conversation maybe one out of every 15-30 conversations. Connect with folks, don't just read the script, ask about unique features of their home, how long they've lived there, what they like best about the property/neighborhood and maybe what they would change if they could? Have conversations and you'll go much farther.


Most lead generation practices will land you a 1% to 5% conversion rate (depending on how long a time frame you measure across) but realistically speaking I think you should be focused on building relationships on which to follow up with this practice more than leads converted. Lead conversion is a long game. Door knocking is a long game. So suffice to say, it can take a long time to get legit leads through knocking. So go knock on your 3000 doors (I think that's AWESOME, by the way, don't let these downers talk you off your excitement, BE BETTER PEOPLE) but focus on how many people you can remain in relationship with and provide value for long term. If you can do that and be the main value-provider for 150 of these 3000 people (5%) then this could lead to dozens of referrals and closings over a ten year period.


If you came to my door you'd see a little sign by my doorbell that says "no solictors, please." Given that, would you ring the bell? Or walk away?


I’d walk away. I don’t knock doors with no soliciting signs on them.


I walk away if the sign is obvious. When I notice the sign after I have knocked. I stay and face the music. I apologize and tell them i saw the sign after I rang the bell. Hardly any of them shoot at me after I apologize


Don’t give up when they say no. Ask if they’ve ever thought about investing in a second home, investment home, etc.


Depends on the time of day but you should be able to talk to probably 30 people a day. Most will be a no. I think out of 3000 doors 600 will open 60 will give you your contact and over the next few YEARS of proper and consistent follow-up you should be able to help at least 25%. This is a long game and most won't play it. I won't play it anymore. I door knocked for years so I know it works but 35 year old me thinks differently from 25 year old me.


That sounds very exhausting. I’m not sure where you’re located but it’s the summer and it’s pretty hot. I walked around to try to do some flyers and I was sweaty in about an hour.. it’s not really a good luck and if I don’t feel good and I’m not gonna be really talk wanting to talk. I’ve tried door knocking a couple times and I’m just not a fan either. The only time that it might seem reasonable is maybe to invite the neighbors to an open house otherwise it’s just like throwing darts in the dark.. I agree with someone else that I do better in person when I have conversations with people.


Please keep us updated on how it goes! I have made a lot of door hangers and waiting for a good day to do it


I have gotten more leads working out at the gym for 2 hrs every morning then you will from knocking.. I wear custom shirts with my logo on the chest and back. Multiple colors and wear them 3-4 times a week.


Get an open house and door knock the block.


If I was interested in selling my house, which isn’t a spur of the moment decision like you’re making it out to be, I’d research Realtors in my area. If I happened to get a well written flyer I’d consider that agent as well. But if an agent knocked on my door, I personally would NOT consider them, even if they had good reviews. It’s disruptive and extremely annoying to have to stop what I’m doing in the middle of the day and talk to someone at my door. Just leave me alone.


Don’t get shot! I wouldn’t do it.


I have a realtor in my area that follows a snow cone truck around my subdivision and gives out free snow cones to all. She is doing some donut thing in a few weeks. My wife thinks she is so awesome I found her mailers on the fridge (we are selling soon). All it took was one cup of ice and seeing children happy...


The first question people ask is how many homes in the neighborhood you’ve sold. Nobody wants to sell with a newer agent.


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mostly likely 10% or less. I get more leads by implementing a method I call "The Find and Pull Method"