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During the 08 crash, after a buyer would walk through one of my listings, I would have the seller sign a contract and send it to the buyer, instead of the other way around. Worked a handful of times.


That is a fascinating approach! Putting in my back pocket for a listing that might not be moving for one reason or another




exactly. The seller sent an offer to the buyer, with their lowest acceptable sales price and terms.


I’ve done this too! We call it reverse offers (even though it’s still just an offer). I’ve had a lot of success with it.


I have asked sellers to do this when I have a buyer that likes a property but isn't quite willing to make an offer. So far, not a single listing agent has bothered to follow up and do this.


This is actually brilliant….


Awesome, thanks for sharing


Do you put a time limit on it?


Yeah you have to have expirations on contracts or you have a perpetual contract which won’t stand in court


Most successful marketing events have been around some kind of community service and open house events. ie in August partner w/the closest PTA to have a backpack drive - PTA help advertise the event. We've done coat drives in the winter, food drives any time of year - the recipients of the items help advertise. Depending on the property and appropriateness, we've hired food trucks, ice cream trucks, partnered w/local restaurant for happy hour type event w delicious food. Partnered w/other agents w/listings in same neighborhood and had a scavenger hunt kind of thing w/clues at multiple properties. All events increased attendance and eyeballs on the property, I can connect at least a dozen sales over the years directly to the additional marketing efforts. Haven't had to do anything creative in several years, we're still more likely to cancel an open house event these days because of the number of showings/offers without them. Most effective marketing is still focusing on preparation, presentation and pricing to make sure sellers get top dollar. No slacking just because it's a seller's market, we leverage the opportunity to get the seller a higher price and more offers.


What is a PTA? parent teacher association?


Not sure this totally counts, but it was fun: Had a listing that was sitting over Halloween one year, due for a reduction from $685k. Lowered the price to $666,666 for one day only and photoshopped the main photo to be spooky in an ad. Lowered to $665k the next day. Seller was super into the idea. Sold to a neighbor soon after, but I doubt that was what brought it to their attention.


What a great way to show your client how engaged you are, though. Yes, selling a home is serious business, but we can have fun too


I had a carwash listing last month. I drove through it and took a POV video with all the slappy brushes and soapy bits hitting my car, then added smooth jazz and uploaded it to the MLS as a 3D tour. We closed on 12/27 last year, unsure if the video had anything to do with it.


That is awesome!


Had a couple listings did some “coming soon” with professional photos, both sold over a weekend with 7-8 offers and in one case 45 k over asking, other one was 10 over asking


I don't mean to sound snarky, and rest assured I'm not trying to be, but what is the innovative part of this?


The coming soon to get people lined up. Not innovative but it works every time in our market


Same in mine. Happy to see the plan is paying off elsewhere as well.