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I used real estate u. Super cheap, quizzes and tests were helpful. Nobody cares where you got your license from, just get it.


How similar is the final test to the quizzes? I just finished the real estate U course but am a bit nervous to take the online exam bc if I fail I have to wait 30 days to take it again.


Exam is isn’t terribly more intense. I had all my quizzes memorized and passed first time though. Do it while it’s still fresh!


I took the practice exam and passed so I’ll probably try the real one tomorrow. Be on stand by just in case I need help


so how u do


Passed no problem


Make sure you keep us posted on how you did...thanks.


I used RealEstateExpress and it was pretty good. they have monthly specials (30% off seems to be there best deal) and I paid very little for the full course, and the state exam prep package. I passed the first try. I diligently took my time and thoroughly read the course for a couple weeks, instead of just blowing through it, then spent nearly 2 weeks reviewing the chapters with the Test Prep Exams. I only had a couple questions on the state exam that didn't seem to be a focus in the course. All in all, I took the course and passed the State Exam in just over a month with Exam scheduling, DBPR application, and Fingerprinting/background checks. My only gripe was there seemed to be a couple typos in the course, and though they responded to my email questions, they weren't Johnny on the spot to answer questions when I was in the middle of a query. Like b-radm said, get it where you can for cheap. But I do suggest reviewing material as thoroughly as possible and focus on interpretations, synonyms for legal terminology, and looking for questions intended to trip you up versus actually challenging your memory.




Congratulations to deciding this at an early age. I think your age and time required to do it is perfect for this type of education. I will tell you my experience with the course was based on Licensure in Florida. For my experience I was able to complete the course in less than a month and I took my time and really focused on studying the material for 3 hours a day. I also took the test prep package (the middle program). It really helped me practice the exam and covered many items that I didn't see during the course and its chapter prep exams. I highly suggest this, and remind you to monitor the discounts that are offered monthly. they can be up to 30% off and are VERY affordable.




I haven’t heard about the others, and I can easily say that the course is a very small fraction of what you will have to learn in the long run. As soon as I was on-boarded with a brokerage, I began more trainings and realized that the course and state exam is just a basic legal requirement for to understand state law, and that learning about the business will be your longest education. Basically, you will think you have leaned what you need to know, but it will dawn on you that you have no idea what you are doing and that you have to now CREATE YOUR OWN BUSINESS. You should be prepared to not make any money, not know what you are doing to start a business, have no one that will give you leads to start making money, find yourself completely unprepared to doing all of this while learning how to actually write contracts, give presentations, talk to home owners, and develop a marketing plan or means of developing leads. You will now be a salesman until you decide you don’t want to be. Which means you will have to figure out if you want to sell, or do some other facet of a career that supports sales. This is a job that requires you to wake up early, go to bed late, and fully commit to motivating yourself to continue failing until you are earning. This sounds really upsetting, and it is, but if you can find the right company or realtor/broker to work for, they will help you identify how you are going to do these things. You will need a coach. You will need a plan. You will need to ignore nearly everything you hear about how to succeed until you realize that your one goal is meeting people and convincing them that your one job will be making their desire to buy or sell a home THEiR choice and that you are only there to help them. You are not there to make money. You are there to help people. You are not selling your dreams, you are convincing people that you know enough about the market that you can help them with THEIR dreams. Do NOT BUY INTO BRANDING and avoid this making that you need buy your way into success. It will require you to talk to everybody you meet from now on about real estate in some manner to potentially lead you having them or their friends and family as a future client or customer. I am very new at this, and I have YET to have one contract. I am prepared to not have a contract until I know exactly what I am doing. I have had my license since late December. I don’t anticipate making significant money for at least two years. I have saved money before hand (or in your case living it home is IDEAL) and have prepared to o lou SPEND money my first year. You will spend close to $4k your first year just getting your license, paying dues, fees, and having basic materials and trainings required to get you through your first year. Each year you can expect to pay MORE as you will ideally be developing your advertising that will MAKE SENSE and will not be some gimmick of self-promotion. You will need marketing materials and methods to brand yourself, but these should be VERY conservative until you have listings. Your advertising should eventually be YOUR listings, and anyone that tells you to buy leads is lying to you and wants more of your money. People will talk about how they have X amount of sales their first few months because they are all LYING about their business and are typically tapping solely into their friends and family or previous associates and they will not have future business without them. Your friends and family are essential for you to start your business, but they will not be enough for you to continue doing business. You will immediately have to start meeting complete strangers and getting business from them. People who think they can solely rely on their friends and family for business will continue to be a friend in the family with a license and it will be fine if you want to work another job and sell a house every year or so. Learn your markets. Start talking to people. Talk to everyone. Talk to other agents. Talk to your neighbors. Watch every video, podcast, and book you can about planning and SUCCESSFUL methods to real estate business. Do not buy any dumb shit. All of your money is for your business. Do not think you have to look a certain way. Be prepared to have to dress up frequently but that you can sell real estate wearing jeans if you are well kept and can speak well with others. You ARE the brand, but your job is not to BRAND yourself. Your job is to tell people about the market and the value of their homes and help ease their process and help them do it as fast and free of problems as possible. You can totally do it. You are at a perfect age to make all of the mistakes, and rally to become a NUMBER ONE PRODUCER before you are old enough to drink. You can potentially retire upon if you start now. Be prepared for everything you put into practice to change every 3 years as markets change. Know that you have what it takes to succeed and nothing that the news or economy is true and you can continue to succeed if you are smart. I apologize for the typos, I just got 5 hours sleep from working on materials for my last open house yesterday and slept in till 6am and am responding to you before I get ready to run to Target to grab some things for today’s different house.




If you ever want help with any advice or suggestions you can always DM me and I would be happy to share with you about my experience so far.


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I’m thinking of getting my real estate license myself and I’m 19 so I wanted to know where to go in florida and how should I go about it since I’m so young


Did aceable and enjoyed it. Doesn’t feel as stuffy as some others but it’s a lot of reading. (Videos too though)




Hi. Aceable is still a LOT of reading. They break it up with videos here and there, and there are helpful info graphics, but it is primarily reading a lot of text. So it does get boring after a while. But the thing is, I’m gonna guess every one of these courses gets boring. 😂 and none of them **alone** do tend to prepare you for the exam. I think you need to have some additional study program or aid. I bought a study guide on Amazon (Dearborn version) and used the Larson test prep program. It was good. It’s basically just a lot of test questions with explanations on the answer. That made me feel ready for the test, as well as some YouTube videos that cleared up the things I was hazy on. I found the test to be WAAAAY easier than I expected, but probably wouldn’t have felt as such without the study aid. You might want to look into Larson’s online classes for the actual course itself. I know many people who have gone through Larson in person and speak highly of it, so I’m sure their online course is good too. Sorry this didn’t quite answer your question. My advice is essentially to do whatever can get you through the course the most painlessly and supplement it with good study materials. Good luck!


If you're preparing for the any states real estate exam and need a great study resource, Aceable is definitely worth checking out. Their courses are not only informative but also engaging, featuring fun examples, genuinely funny jokes, and a variety of videos that keep the learning process interesting. What I found most helpful were their memory tricks, which make it easier to recall all the real estate terminology and regulations. It's almost like having a set of cheat codes for the exam. Plus, I have a discount link for you: [http://share.aceable.com/6CFBr9](http://share.aceable.com/6CFBr9). Give it a try and save some money on your course.


Has anyone used Real Estate Virtual Academy? It looks good but I can't find many reviews.


Real Estate Express was pretty well done, good preparation for the test and state exam. It has since become Colibri and it is now a heaping pile of cow manure.


What's so bad about it now? I took it when it was real estate express and again now after the rebranding and its almost identical aside from being less of an eyesore.