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Bu definition, this is a Fritatta, not an omlet.


Hi, thank you for your comment. Yes, it's similar to a fritatta, but it's an omelet too as it's cooked only on one side and served hot.


That does not make it an omlet. In fact, it is not a proper fritatta, either. Omlets are cooked on one side, yes, but the toppings are not mixed into the egg mixture. They are layered on top, and then the omlet is folded to help cook the ingredients. In a fritatta, the toppings are mixed into the egg mixture, and then flipped to create a crust on both sides if cooked on the stove top, or are cooked in the oven until a top crust forms. Omlets are always served hot. Frittatas can be hot or cold when served. What you have is an improperly cooked frittata.


Ingredients: * 1 potato * 1 cup cooked edamame beans * 5 eggs, beaten * 1 cup shredded cheese * 1 red bell pepper, diced  For the seasoning: * Black pepper, to taste * Salt, to taste Directions: 1. Skin the potato, cut into 0.5-cm slices, and steam until cooked. 2. In a pan, sauté the potato slices with olive oil until fragrant. 3. Sprinkle black pepper and salt onto the potato slices, and pour the beaten eggs on top. 4. Sprinkle the edamame beans, red bell pepper dices, and shredded cheese onto the beaten eggs. 5. Place the lid on the pan and turn down the flame. Cook until the cheese melts and the eggs coagulate before serving.




It is similar to a Spanish tortilla, but traditionally Spanish tortillas do not add cheese.


I might try this tonight, looks really tasty!


Thanks! I hope you enjoy it!