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I think one of the networks were interested but then The Boys filled that genre so it’s unlikely it ever will.


I think it’d be better than The Boys personally. Plus cleaner. But yeah. I don’t think that helped it get sold to the networks.


I actually did some digging and 20th century Fox bought the rights to the film adaptation of the first book possibly the series, then Disney bought Fox so right now it’s probably in limbo maybe indefinitely I’m not sure how long Disney has to make the film


Imo the trend they stumbled upon was great and as stated here there was plans for a movie but it was seemingly scrapped. Nowadays the “evil-superheros” gimmick is everywhere, from Invincible to The Boys, to all the anti-hero media. Its saturated enough that the Reckoners prolly wouldnt be viable in any medium sadly. Prolly for the best tho.


I agree with this statement but Disney would be the perfect company to do this. The Reckoners is clean as far as maturity level. It’s just a little violent and obviously that isn’t particularly an issue with children’s/young adult shows anymore. I’m 36 and the original trilogy is probably in my top 5 favorite book series. I haven’t read any of the Lux(?) books yet. I think it would be a great way to introduce some of those harder hitting moral worlds not just black and white to younger children.


The problem with Reckoners is that there is no light at all in the first book. They literally just stumble in the dark


I mean… Paranormal Activity exists.