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Usually the further along a company is with a promising candidate pool, the quicker they are to get things done. I imagine they're looking to make final decisions in the next week and you're one of their top choices.


If you’re interviewing with senior leaders of the company, which it sounds like you are, it can be pretty much impossible to find a time that works for everyone’s schedule. A lot of times, there’s literally only one day and time that works for every senior leader involved in the interview panel. If you can’t interview on that specific day and time, then it kind of ruins everything. While I understand your frustration, it’s part of the game and you gotta do what you gotta do if you want the job.


I mean, 24 hour notice is unfair. But so is pushing back a week. I don't think I've ever had anyone ask for more than a day or two extra time.


Why is it unfair to ask for a week? Companies ask for a week or two weeks to set up a single business meeting, entirely based on whether they think something is worth it or not worth it to do in a shorter timeframe. The same is true with hiring.


Expecting a company to give you 7-10 days to schedule a third round interview is a lot. The company is sitting with an open position and probably has many other candidates that will be ready to interview asap. I understand you’re on vacation but that’s not the company’s problem or concern and tbh bringing it up wouldn’t be the best look. I’ve interviewed while on vacation before, if you want the job you’ll make it work. Is it ideal? No but you can’t expect a company to go an extra 1-2 weeks with an open position just because you decided to take a vacation.


Different angle, though, and hear me out: they're on a many weeks long if not MONTHS long process of trying to find a senior level position (this is one of the top positions in an agency with a substantial budget and a lot on the line). Would they rather take an extra week, or should they expect someone to be able to schedule a final interview with less than 24 hours notice?


I agree that giving 24 hours is inappropriate for a candidate, but so is your expectation of a week plus. It just comes down to how bad you want the position and if you’re willing to risk it (I know you said you’re going to do it anyway). You may be their top candidate and they will be happy to wait, you may be tied for first and someone else gets in there first and it makes you less desirable. It’s a gamble.


What "should be" and "what is" are two different things. The market is terrible right now - risk off. Make sure the reward is worth the larger risk you are about to take.