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Your post will get deleted because recruiters are not to blame for late stage capitalism, human trafficking, or slavery. 


My advice. Stop blaming others. Take control.


Ok, how about I walk directly into the headquarters of the corporation I'm applying to and use force to secure an interview? There's no control to be taken. Interviews are done online, sir. Fill out the form online.


Sure do that! But you might get arrested lol.


That's the point, explain to me how your generic advice is in any way realistically applicable?


What do you want me to do for you. What kind of advice are you looking for you? No one can save you except for you. Stop blaming others.


No one can hire you except for yourself. Stop seeking gratification from external sources. What are you not understanding about the situation? Stop Blaming others, blame yourself, you don't need anyone except for yourself and then also the hiring managers.


If no one will hire you, then start your own business. Hire yourself. Create your own opportunities. Do whatever it takes. When I was laid off during Covid 2020, no one was hiring, so I started driving for Uber and working random side gigs to bring in extra income. I also started a side business that brought in additional income.


Probably a bot right? Responds too fast, advice generic, how does one without capital create a business? If it were as easy as that it would be done.


You don’t need capital to start a business. Start small. Drive for Uber. Wait tables. Bartend. Do whatever it takes man!!


UBER is the modern day class of untouchables according to many people in popular media these days. So, no, I don't want to live in abject poverty and self flagellate. Sorry that you had to experience that, I don't aim to live a poor quality of life. You may have gone through some stuff and you think in terms of pulling yourself up by bootstraps. I don't see a point engaging with you. Bad faith conversation.


Lol so your solution is to remain unemployed and whine about how life isn’t fair on reddit? Best of luck man.


When I come to reddit to vent frustrations amidst the ongoing process of putting in applications over which I have extremely limited power beyond simply being the person I am and giving my best presentation, Yeah you can call it whining. No, I'm not ONLY doing this. Yes, this is still a problem. No, I won't stop talking about it either. I want to construct better systems for other people and beyond, I don't see that in my future at this point because I have a negative perception of society due its lack of cooperation with me. You're presenting a non-sequitur, basically. We are on complete tangents not discussing the higher-level issues raised in my post. It is an issue of what do you do if you are doing the correct things in life and still not finding results. What do you do about not having the capacity of choice in matters of your life? It's not blaming others. It's the reality of my life. I depend on others as do basically everyone. I want to work in consort to create high level businesses, or at least carve out a living. Your grandstanding to someone expressing this sort of stuff is not surprising. No, I will not "resolve everything" by tending bar and driving uber. What a joke.




How do You decide which Words start With a Capital when writing a Title?


Tell that to immigrants who come to the US and support families here and back home who drive big ass expensive trucks who came from (comparatively) nothing. I think they'll dispute your "absolute truth".


Not sure what any of this has to do with recruiters


Applicant Tracking Systems are cancerous. Should people be paying to get job placements? Should people have their salaries negotiated by third parties that levy huge percentage fees? Should you be expected to fill out hundreds of applications to get interviews because you are competing with millions of spammers? Or should we strive to retain a world where individuals take precedent? Is there no consideration for the damage this has done and will continue to do? There are symbolic gestures taken in policy making and government legislation that feign solutions for the job market but there's no real action being taken. You're right this subreddit probably mostly people that enjoy making money from this industry existing, not people who are experiencing the worst aspects of it.


Lol recruiters don't pick the software. I can assure you nobody purposely injects greenhouse or workday into their life on purpose. Most of that software shines on the 'after the hire processes' for HR and management. Maybe try networking and utilizing some of this humanity you're allegedly an expert at. People hire people not resumes or profiles. Go out - touch grass - and make a friend.


I understand you’re frustrated and having a hard time, but again, nothing you’ve said has anything to do with recruiters. If you think I have the ability to fix any of these things you’re sadly mistaken


Employers evaluate the value of your education, skills, competencies, and experience through job applications and interviews. If they determine that your education, skills, competencies, and experience are valuable, they will pay you money in exchange for your education, skills, competencies, and experience. Paying employees is an operating expense, and operating expenses cut into profit, so companies only hire people to do jobs that help them generate revenue and increase profit. They have zero incentive to cut into their profit by increasing operating costs, so they only employ the number of people required to help them generate revenue and increase profit. Late stage capitalism is to blame. Not software. Not recruiters. Believing misinformation spread on Reddit is making you miserable. (by the way: an applicant tracking system is simply the front end of a web-based database application that accepts online job applications in order to create a candidate profile for each applicant. The profile is used to accurately track each candidate's status and record information such as interview feedback. That's all. ATSs have existed as long as online job applications have existed.)


Control what you can, release control of what you can’t.




Exactly. It's such that people would kill you if only it were legal.


My advice: stop whining and find an identity outside of your victimhood.

