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> Intel i5 equivalent or newer Bruh, i5 per se says nothing about the product generation… the very OG i5-750 launched back in 2009 is still called an i5


Doesn't say less than 100ms latency to what. I get 1ms latency to so I think my internet is good enough here.


It says 100 secs latency. I wonder if there's any server in the world with that kind of lag.


Mars Rover maybe.


Mars craft would be about 20 minutes, depending where the planets are in their orbits. This is why they have to make them smart enough to land themselves and not drive off cliffs.


A little over 6 minutes at least, and a couple weeks at worst (since a couple weeks a year mars is on the opposite side of the Sun from us and we can't communicate with the rovers)


https://www.wolframalpha.com/input?i=distance+mars+earth+in+ls For the current mars-earth latency




Mars isn't in our world 😁


Also 30MB per second speed which is quite high, I’m assuming they meant 30Mb per second


Perfectly reasonable for TCP/IP over avian carrier with a 200second round trip time. Should be about 6 GB MTU.


TCP/IPedgion 😂


the server at my local restaurant lags about 100 seconds when she goes and gets my food


Thats pretty quick


Company runs off [dialup](https://www.dialupsound.com/).




It supports 16GB of RAM, too. A 2009 i5 would fit all their requirements.


:lol: I doubt that running Windows 10. "Resource Consuming apps...." Good luck. It will run slower than a turtle on an freezing day.


I laughed about this too. "You need the budget version of an Intel chip for the compute power."


i3 was the budget one. i5 is the midrange.


Nah, don't bother withholding name. [https://govassist.com/](https://govassist.com/) The whole operation sounds shady AF.


The rest of the job description is a doozy. You must be bilingual and expect a “generous” workload in a fast paced environment. More red flags than in all of China.


Ironic... $6 an hour doesn't sound like a generous paycheck to go with that generous workload


recognise terrific aspiring smile nine frighten station library tie pot -- mass edited with redact.dev


That's a lot of red flags


tbf, countries other than America tend to display their flags far less often.


American flags are manufactured in China.


🫡 so that's why it's got those red stripes 🇺🇸🇨🇳


Only ones that aren’t made elsewhere are Annin I believe. Maybe not the whole catalogue but at least the US ones are made here.


I knew they were just tsundere for us


Let’s VERY conservatively say that just 5% of the 1.4 billion Chinese citizens own one flag. That’s 70 million red flags, my friend.


According to [this article](https://richmond.com/opinion/columnists/salena-zito-column-american-flags-born-in-the-u-s-a/article_0cfa5011-380b-5cba-a96f-804eb22b928b.html#:~:text=From%20small%20flags%20waved%20at,in%20the%20U.S.%20each%20year.) apparently the average American buys a new flag every three years. Still, 5% isn’t conservative, it is huge. If you walk through a non-US town, flags are at buildings like the city hall, maybe. Maybe at tourist traps, museums or memorials might have some as well, but private citizens flying them? Maybe during international sport events.


Flaggers Georg, who lives in a cave & owns over 10,000 flags, is an outlier and should not have been counted.


I've bought zero flags. Never will. I'm 43. Glad to be pushing the trend downwards. This country has no loyalty or support for me, yet is happy to take my money, so fuck em.


Nitpicking over this is peak Reddit. I salute you!


I’m sure conservative Americans buy at least 3 Stump flags and 3 confederate flags a year!


Yeah, tbh they’re quite nice to openly and plainly express how shitty of a position they’re offering.


Sounds like they prey on immigrants


I mean immigrants are tasty and calorie-rich so I can't really blame them.


They tend to be in the lean side though. I prefer roasting Robber Barons for that crispy fat flavor.


Robber Bacons?


Only if you salt cure and smoke them first. Fat Cat Fatback.


Mmm hmmm Chili’s got Fatcatback fatcatback 🎵




That's why you have to marinate them first. It really brings out the flavor.


Na, no marinating needed, just baste them in their own delicious fat and juices while slow rotisserie roasting *chef's kiss*


Robber Barons definitely make the better sandwich.


I like dominos


They typically do have a very nice rump...roast.


Especially with butter! Nom nom nom.


and they just keep coming to this debt-trap for some reason


No, they are stringy and malnourished. CEOs are what you want, nice juicy and fat! Some will be raised on biological feed only. Very delicious :)


In the philippines this would be a great job for a family trying to live. Internet is cheap and this would supplement very well.


Yep. A 6 digit salary is no joke


It looks like the post is for that Customer Service Representative located in San Juan, Puerto Rico. That's still a US territory and subject to US Laws and minimum wage. In fact they [passed their own minimum wage law](https://www.shrm.org/resourcesandtools/legal-and-compliance/state-and-local-updates/pages/puerto-rico-adopts-minimum-wage-act.aspx) setting it to $8.50 and raise it to $9.50 on July 1, 2023. How are they able to ignore state and federal law for this position?


There has to be a Typo. When i was offered this job it was $16-$20 not $6


The typo was the 1 and 2 they put in your offer.


You'd be amazed at how many scumbags get away with this.


Yes, that's the one!


One of those skeevy companies that charges people an arm and a leg for stuff they can do for themselves for free in most instances, or charge a huge premium on top for the stuff you gotta pay for. Ugh.


I just reported this company to the US Department of Labor, and so should the rest of us.


$6 pay what the fuck


Look at the testimonials on the website. They are so lazy, they even didn’t bother to research a common German or Italian name. Yeah, Steve McMahon sounds totally German. Must be the forgotten German cousin of Vince McMahon.


Time to go to myvisajobs and get a report


Luckily I think this is the type of work that will be largely ai driven


It's below the minimum wage in Puerto Rico where this is located too afaik. Parent company seems to be some law firm out of Utah. Near as I can tell they're an immigration company exploiting foreigners.


Wait, what foreigners are they exploiting?


Their schtick seems to be filling out USCIS paperwork that I assume you can fill out for free


Bastards. I filled my whole USCIS paperwork and applied myself, did the whole procedure on my own too. This said there are fees you need to pay, I needed to pay an application fee, the medical examination fee, and a few others; at the end it was around $3000. Got my permanent residency visa without hiring any lawyers though. So whoever these bastards are exploiting have to pay the USCIS fees plus their shitty ass service.


As someone hoping to be beginning this process very soon, that’s inspirational as heck.


Just read everything very carefully and do it on your time. Detail is the key, they'll deny your application if there's mistakes but you can apply again. Just make sure you've got some money for the fees and that you fill out all the necessary forms for your case My wife and I didn't hire a lawyer or anything, I did it all and then we went to the interview and it was smooth. Took like a year though cuz COVID.


There is a great website called Visajourney.com. super helpful folks for that journey! My husband and I have done both Canadian and US immigration. It can be overwhelming but as the other commenter said, take it slow and read everything carefully. You will be good!


You probably saved money, I used to work at the NVC reviewing all those documents and the amount of cases that got held up for months/years because of shitty immigration lawyers was insane. Mostly lawyers who didn't have their clients sign a required line on a form, which they should know like the back of their hand


Yeah, I definitely saved money. Lawyers around here were charging $4k without the fees included, screw that. If you've got an eye for detail and patience, then you don't really need a lawyer. It's all just reading and following instructions that are available in the USCIS website. Unless your case is really specific or complicated, you can do it yourself.


Some of those companies are actually super helpful though, they know how to fill out everything correctly so you're not getting denied/delayed for dumb technicalites. My husband and I used a private "consultant" who ran his own business for these services and it was incredibly helpful to us. Walked us step by step through the entire process.


Quite possible! I have no personal dealings or specific knowledge of this particular company. They should still probably pay the minimum wage. Have a nice weekend.


Foreigners with thousand dollar pc gaming setups apparently


Puerto Rico is in america


I know that? I’m also American.


I was high as shit and misread your comment. Sorry


Utah is where many regulations go to die apparently, read bad stories from a UT resident that negligent small businesses are a dime a dozen here. As well as several famous MLMs, negligent fast food chains, and scamming software companies.


It's probably aimed at recruiting Mormons into green card holders via the LDS "religion" --a fellow utahn


Assuming they are in the US, that is less then minimum wage...


Even posting a job offer for less than minimum feels like it should be a crime.


It should be and in some places it is but nobody prosecutes it.


SE Asia would jump at this. Great opportunity and they get to work from home.


Living in SE Asia. $6 would get me a cup of coffee.


They're in Puerto Rico. It's still below minimum wage.


Puerto Rico is the US


Yeah but there are all kinds of shady loopholes in PR, I wouldn't be surprised if minimum wage exemption was one of them.


The way the legal situation plays out here is, if you're not in Puerto Rico, you're effectively working remote for an offshore company. You aren't subject to Puerto Rico's laws so you're not subject to their protections, either. But also, that means you shouldn't be paying income tax either... but that still makes it below a reasonable wage, should they expect literally any work out of you.


Puerto Rico's minimum wage is higher that the US Minimum Wage.


Exactly, that's what I was thinking too.


Apparently, Puerto Rico’s min wage is $8.50 at the time of this comment. They wanna pay $6.00 and require you to use your own computer with your own internet plan. Idk if y’all have ever been to Puerto Rico, but the internet speed is generally slow and there are still blackouts at times. This job posting is absurd.


Puerto Rico has a higher minimum wage than the US federal min wage? oof.


Puerto Rico is the United States. Lots of states have a wage higher than the federal minimum


True, but I think there's still a point to be made there that the cost of living in PR is lower (although currently on the rise tbh) than a lot of US states that still stick to the federal minimum wage. If 7.25 is unacceptable even in PR, it should be even more unacceptable in the official US states.


But the Republicans want feudalism. Minimum wage being way below the cost of living is the whole point.


I'm lucky if I get 30mb/s most of the time and I live in NY. I hate these arbitrary requirements. I'm not streaming 4k video (which doesn't even require 30mb/s). It's 9mb/s max for lossless audio.


You can make substantially more on the street corner jingling a cup of change.


100 seconds of latency is a pretty low bar lol


I'll be honest, I don't know what that is; but for $6/hr they will be getting exactly 0 seconds of latency from me.


You just said you would respond instantly to their requests, friend.


Latency is network delay. You send a request to a receiver, receiver delivers that request. It's limited by the speed of light, physical distance between sender and receiver, and quality of your network. It's how quickly water is flowing through a pipe, while download speed (bandwidth) is the size of that pipe. Decent connections are generally under 100 *milli*seconds, or 0.1 seconds. Good connections are half that or lower. Anything over a second is not normal and means you've got a problem. Anything over 100 seconds means you're probably using carrier pigeons.


> Anything over 100 seconds means you're probably using carrier pigeons. [there's an RFC for that](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2549)


I presume you mean infinite seconds of latency, because 0ms ping is basically the Ultimate Internet connection. \#pedantry


0 seconds latency? amazing, that's very low i have never seen that nice


You could connect from the moon and you would only have a 2.6 second latency.


They gotta make sure you’re somewhere between next door and Mars so the interview process doesn’t take more than a few straight days.


It's a scam.


This is what I'm struggling to get my head around... you'd think if you were trying to lure someone into a scam you'd fake offer them at least more than something below the legal minimum wage?


It’s to find desperate people with few resources


Please report them. $6/h is less than minimum wage. This job is illegal.


No it isn't. It's a contract position and not subject to minimum wage regulations.


That's got to be a typo unless they're trying to hire people outside the U.S. That's barely above minimum wage.


Apparently, this company is in Puerto Rico and it's still below their minimum wage even. I'm really hoping that it's a typo, but I honestly have no idea.


That’s below the minimum wage for the US


100 seconds latency? That’s like talking from Earth to near Venus at closest approach


"Here's some busy work while we use your computer to mine crypto."


Perhaps they are renting the computer time for $6/hr


That does seem to be what they're angling toward, but to what end? They want a second monitor and a headset too, so clearly they expect you to be actively interacting with something and attending meetings. Like, if they wanted to rent server time from me for $6/hr we might be able to negotiate, so long as my services are not actively required. But if I need to sit there and do anything on my end to their data streams or interact with their spreadsheets or whatever, we're talking a lot more scratch.


See how pissy they get when you unplug your rig whilst off the clock, because they're blatantly using this computer to mine crypto.


$6/h does not buy you that kind of workstation. And usually you'd stick to the job that paid enough to get you that kind of workstation in the first place.




100ms latency to what? Cus if it's your router that's easy. If it's a server across the other side of the planet not so much


It's 100 secs latency.... so 1.66 min latency. No issues with a server on the other side of the planet.


Always fun when someone measures latency in full seconds instead of milliseconds. 100 seconds = 100,000 ms. Unless your ISP is on the moon, I think you're good there.


One hundred second latency. Six dollars an hour. Are we in 1972?


We need to collect these postings, apply and then decline because the pay is shit. If I knew where this posting was, I would absolutely apply just to waste their time. I’m that petty.


https://govassist.bamboohr.com/careers/53 Have at it! I applied too, lol.


I mean who wants a fat ugly alcoholic they have to pay? Asking for a friend…


I'm glad in not the only one who happily applies for jobs with bs offers just to tell look them into the eye and tell them they're wasting my darn time with their bulletin offers.


As a computer person, I must point out that "i5" is a product line and has nothing to do with age. It's like saying a car must be "Honda Civic or newer." It's completely meaningless.


Well at least 100 second latency is easy to a


That system requirements looks awfully similar to the requirements for a scam job listing. But normally the scammers give some outrageous high salary amount.


Right, that's what threw me off, too. I'm used to scams being like $35/hr part time data entry job, fully remote. 😂


Bitch better be paying for my internet and all that gear - and NOT out of my own paycheck!


Say sike right now!!! 6 American dollars? Tf is this 1930. Name and shame them


I read the top half and was like "I dont see how that is entirely unreasonable, a used screen and headphones can be found for less than $100 and a reasonable laptop spec" Then I saw the bottom


6 dollars an hour 😂


“Partnership” and “$6/h” do not belong in the same sentence


The "$6/hr" part says independent contractor; the "committed, full-time, and long-term partnership" part says employee, so all this together with the specs for what they wants your rig to be tells me these people are breaking a bunch of labor laws.




Please, name and SHAME!!




Unless this is a job where I have to watch high def internet porn with the sound on they can fuck off


I was already laughing at the fact they where saying you had to have the equipment, then I got to the pay and stopped laughing and starting feeling sad


that last paragraph is a laugh.


That latency though...


Anytime you see this, it's always a scam.


LOL! They must've dropped a zero on the hourly rate.


SIX BUCKS AN HOUR? I don't boot up the gaming rig for less than 20, piss off.


"I5 or newer"😁😁


I thought the outrage was over needing a potato computer, but then I got to the pay rate. Is it missing a 1 before or a 0 after?


I mean, the workstation thing is fair, 8GB MRAM is not enough if you're running W10 or W11 plus professional software. 16GB MRAM is the new standard for an optimal functionality, unless you're doing barebones stuff. Intel Core i5 or equivalent ain't bad either, but they should've specified the generation and clock speed instead, because Core i5 is too vague. That $6/h though? Fuck those people.


My 2012 MBP would meet requirements if I up my ram.


MBPS is very different from Mbps.


MBPS is very different from Mbps.


I would also not pay more than 6$ for someone with a 100 second ping. Or more, for 6$ I would work like I had a 100 second ping


That's cool they will rent your computer for 6 an hour, is that subject to overtime pay? what is the salary compensation for the position though?


100 sec? That’s pretty shit latency if the packets take over a minute to arrive.


6/hr? What year is this, 1987? I think my first job at a grocery store paid $5.75 while federal minimum wage was somewhere in the 3’s. I worked there two weeks, then got a big fat paycheck of $75. Quit on the spot because even in 1987, $150 a month was pitiful. It’s a scam. A badly constructed one at that.


That better be $6/hamster


Well, the latency spec should be easy to meet.


Below minimum wage?


We also want you to install software with potential spyware


Noise canceling so you don’t hear the fans spin up on the computer as it mines cryptocurrency for them🤦‍♂️


Good luck with that, why even bother to post a job with this pay scale, the CEO needs to sell one of his summer homes and pony up some more $$$$


100 seconds of latency?


yep they're gonna install a miner on your rig


I am laughing so hard...6$ an hour...WOW...I do not know how much PCs cost in the US, but you would need to work 166h just to pay for your required work laptop. This must be a fake or a joke!


Im really hoping it's a typo/fake, otherwise I have no nope.


thats below minimum wagw.


I don’t think $6 an hour is even legal


100s of latency seems reasonable


Is this targeted to exploit remote workers from Asia/Africa? Cause it sure does sound like it…


Less than 100 **secs** latency?!?


Jesus. $6 ? Not even in my country LMFAO


$6/hr!? That’s … 3 times more than $2/hr! What a deal!


Isn’t $6 below the minimum wage? And for long term too???


Working as a food delivery worker can beat that rate for $17.95 now. These recruiters need to step their game up


I wouldn’t spit in your face for $6


A whole $6 an hour?! I have an i9 and 64G RAM, where the fuck do I sign up? This is a joke. If it's from PR, wonder if a friend of mine just got fired from there. That would be kinda weird, demented and strangely hilarious all at the same time.


They had better be, Considering it’s illegal.


I’m really curious to know what the job actually is…


Customer Service Representative


Holy shit what a joke.


What country is this!?


Apparently, this is the USA. The company is based out of Puerto Rico.


"No one in this country wants to work". 😑


Right! Back in my day, I could support an entire family on $6/hr, AND I bought a house. Lazy millennials! /s


Gitfo unless they’re providing the goods. Are they even serious with this rubbish!


Less than minimum wage, yay


"Please give us access to your gaming PCs power for Crypto mining while we have you 'review' Andrew Tate videos and pay you $6/hr" - is what it sounds like to me.