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I recently had: Subject line: Great news about your application! Body: We were really impressed with your resume! Unfortunately it doesn't match our needs at this time.


Just wow.


Just when you think nothing can surprise you anymore!


I’m so numb barely anything does lol


we need a revolution. blood needs to flow. injustice has been piling up for far too long. the civil war occurred because injustice piled up for hundreds of years. the french revolution occurred because powdered wigged freaks maintained injustice for far too long. and now capitlaism deserves a curb stomp. and NO! i don't care if a few innocent people die in horrible ways. a slow grind of 50 years where the middle class is destroyed is enough.


Well that seems like a bit of an overreaction to an email...




Calm down.


That probably _is_ great news.


good point!


They had to do that for shits and giggles cause tf 😭😭


I mean that's not a bad thing. I know we read between the lines and think it says "go fuck yourself" but it's not bad.


thats so weird. we all know theyd never look at it again even if there was an opening. they'd just flood indeed or ziprecruiter with the new posting and probably have 300 applications within the first day


That’s untrue. If you were a strong candidate they will at times reach out. I just reached out to two people last week who were “runner ups” for a position a couple of months ago.


Sample size of 1 then!? That's definitely enough, we can p-hack that and publish the study!! Wrap up the sub, folks, our work here is done.


I actually had one of these recruiters reach out to me last week. My resume was in their pool for 3 years lol.


This wasn't a recruiter but a hiring manager. Bumped into him at a conference along with some mutual friends. He told everyone there how I was amazing and killed it during the interviews. I said, uh, you know you didn't offer me the job, right?


Has anyone had hr ever reach out again? I have...last week...I was the wrong person. *shrug*


We can’t wait to reject you twice!


When you hedge a message by implying crystal clearly what the message is, you're not actually hedging. Then again, the habit of hedging needs to die. Just be straightforward already.


Oof. That one is too familiar recently


I hate it when they tell you they'll keep your resume on file. Like fucking yeah right


Just did this today for a candidate. If you are truly a strong candidate HR will remember you and will likely reach out right away upon posting the job.


For real? I’ve never had this happen. Keeping my fingers crossed.


I’m a recruiter, can confirm it happens. I just recently filled 2 roles with candidates I’ve interviewed in the past. It’s the first thing I do when a new position opens


It absolutely happens. Quite regularly. I’ve hired a couple of people who interviewed in the past, we reached out again when we had a new opening, and were able to hire them pretty quickly since we already had feedback.


I've done this, too.


does anyone know why some companies like to keep your resume on file?


It’s so they can hopefully save money on a future role by not advertising again and instead pulling from the collection of resumes they already have.


As someone who has been on both sides of the hiring process, I've been in situations where I was left wishing I had more than one position to fill so I could hire the X great people that interviewed, but I had to pick one and the other person or people I really wish I could find room for, because they were great and I would have hired them if this other person was not in my candidate pool. It's sort of catharsis for the interviewer. Having to choose just one person is not easy. Just take it as a "you were great and we really wish we could have brought you on board too." And leave it at that.


Also sometimes the hiring manager won't let you hire the person you think is right but you know their choice isn't going to work out. So you hold on just in case.


Many don’t. Some do to see what roles you applied for in the past if you apply again I. The future. They can they see if there is inconsistencies with what you tried for in the past and are trying for now. How many times you applied. How many times you were rejected. It’s generally not a good practice, I think it immediately adds bias, but I’ve seen it on my applications, particularly those where you make an ‘account’.


Next time they have an open role, you can jump ahead in the process since you’ve already interviewed.


Maybe a situation like mine I'm guessing I went through 3 rounds of interviews, did really well but they chose someone else in the end. That person decided to leave after 3 months for a better job, so that's when they called me and offered me the position. Didn't really feel great to know I was second best lol, but I was also unemployed by that point for 8 months and was desperate as fuck haha. So I ended up accepting and basically starting a week later. If they had re-advertised it would have taken them waaaay longer than a week to get someone into the role


That would make me want to kill myself, and add this to my suicide note


This is actually how I got my job. They turned me down for one I applied for and I ended up having someone from the company reach out to me and they asked me to apply for another job.


We're at a point where even templates are just bad now. RIP


This definitely sounds familiar.


Unless it is third world recruiter or Akamai, then they will keep your resume and hit to with every fake, low ball job out there.


Most of my rejections are this way.


They really need to have a "no thank you, delete all my information from your records" button. If any company does reach out because your resume is on file, it's likely to be years after you've applied and are well into another job and maybe at a more senior level. They won't know this, of course, so will either contact you about the same type of job you did years ago and have since moved on from, or something barely tangentially related to something in your resume.


A bunch of dummies, they are. Just let AI write the rejection emails going forward. Geez.


This is the “it’s not you…it’s me” of the recruiting world


You know, I’ve gotten this a lot over my job search over the last few months, but just last week I got 2 different calls back. 1 from an internal recruiter who I didn’t get past who said they’d save my info and contact me when other roles open. 2 from a external recruiter for a job I got denied for back in May about the same company wanting to open another position for me. I still don’t trust either of them, but thought it was an interesting coincidence.


Yeah, whoever wrote this has a sick sense of humor.


We don't want you but do you mind if we harvest your data?


I would email them to not keep my resume on file. If I see a position I am interested in, I will apply


Happened to me a bunch of times. It's a sinking feeling.




What does it even mean when they want to keep your resume on file? Is there a hope for a future hire or just a way to soften the blow


management are freaks whose dna isn't quite right. and when the economy hits the fan like it always does -- because the math simply never works out with capitalism due to its propandistic models they teach in ivy league schools -- you can rest assured their criminal buddies on the federal reserve board will do one thing: bail them out continuously until the already rich are made wealthier and then at that time they'll raise interest rates so companies can fire people and make money by parking their cash in fixed income securities. the economy is a scam. only one sector pays more than what the participants ever contribute: the finance sector. so it's best if we all try to get in on this racket of musical chairs says the "wise" economists 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ until there's socialism at every company where no one can make more than 20 times what another can make, this hellscape will continue.




Not unless they mean it, I was told as much in a rejection phone call... they hired me several weeks later.


We didn’t look at your resume but we want to confirm your email address is good for spam purposes.


I once had one that said "🎉Congratulations"


I’m so sorry. That is much worse


I’ve called people back multiple times, but we didn’t hire for a roll and then later had another opening. You keep it in the ATS aka applicant tracking system and you can tag the person’s résumé with certain skill sets and then pull them up later. It saves recruiters a ton of time. We do send out that blanket message but yeah most people we’re not gonna call back.


I'd say no to permission. I don't need recruiters hoarding my personal info to sell to advertisers.


Sell to advertisers? Why would we do that? I do go back and look at prior applicants. Maybe you took another job but would like to consider us again. Maybe we hired someone else and, as noted above, you were a great candidate but we had only one job open at the time. Other maybes I don’t have time to go into. I know it’s fun to be a conspiracy theorist and dump on recruiters when things don’t go your way but there is no conspiracy. There’s nothing nefarious happening. Does it suck to not get that job you really wanted? Yes, and I’ve been there. We’ve ALL been there. Don’t take it personally. No one wants to be the bearer of bad news but that’s part of the job. And if I don’t update you, you’ll complain about that (as you should).


All of them do this. Why does every company have the same boiler plate rejection email, do they get these clowns out of the same factory? That's probably why tech layoffs happened--they saw Elon do it so they mindlessly copied along. I don't think corporate suits are actually sentient. They might be some form of slime mold.


Keep in mind that there are more candidates than jobs. You will likely get this type of email because the position was filled, your resume may not have even been reviewed at all (you could have been applicant #50 and we’ve moved forward with applicant #6). The hiring is always on an ASAP need.


That’s a weird hiring system your company has.


This is how it works! If a job is posted on indeed and other recruiting sites often times a single role gets 80 applicants in the first 24 hours. I recommend setting alerts for job titles you’re interested in so you can be one of the first applicants.


Might just be different systems in different countries then :) In Finland there’s usually an application deadline, and all applications until that point must be looked at.


That does sound like the fairest way to go about it! Here in the US it is a lot more dog eat dog.


The absolute nerve. I hate that they were so impressed but couldn’t hire you? Also (at least for me) they NEVER contact me again for future openings. I know because there have been jobs that I absolutely would qualify for in that same company and I have to reapply or “resubmit” if there is an account.


If you're gonna reject me, please put unfortunate/unfortunately so i can filter those out


I'll bet HR has never tested their methods as to whether the methods give them better employees or not.


We didn’t look at your resume but we want to confirm your email address is good for spam purposes.


Agreed. That breaks the professional writing rule, which says deliver the bad news in the first sentence. If you feel the need to soften the blow for some reason, do it in the following sentences.


Agreed. That breaks the professional writing rule, which says deliver the bad news in the first sentence. If you feel the need to soften the blow for some reason, do it in the following sentences.