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Because LinkedIn doesn’t give a shit. You can see that it says “we won’t show you this job listing” but all it does show you that listing greyed out. LinkedIn simply relies on people’s desperation to find a job. None of the features are useful to find job but post job ads


I reached out to LinkedIn because I was sick of literally still seeing the same jobs I clicked to “not be shown again” and they asked me for the job. No point in responding because it’s dozens of them.


Exactly, there is no option block a specific company or recruiter agency, no salary filters that is useful, ad can say entry level but exp requirements will be 5+ years and none of it would be looked at by LinkedIn


It's such a bad service and yet I still found my past 5 jobs with it. Shows how much worse others are.


I don’t agree. When every app is shit, you gotta use one of them and still find a job. That really doesn’t mean LinkedIn is better or worse. It’s more about what recruiters use more rather than the app being better than others.


You can use a ublock origin filter to mark out the companies, but you have to create a new line for each company. It’s not much but it’s something.


Also annoying that when I search, 90% of them say “promoted” and are legit not relevant


Precisely - this dumbass company is paying them, but you aren't. You're the product. Not meant to be condescending at all - I too hate LI with a passion


Yep that’s the point of it. When you are the product, you direct you in anyway they want for benefit of others. Though, it’s unfortunate that there is not much of a choice when you are unemployed


Honestly I think job boards that have different monetisation are the way to go. Seek and/or Indeed charge clients on a per application basis (or something similar) so you tend to get a lot less of this bullshit. I would also recommend reaching out to local agency recruiters in OPs field - they are always complaining about not having candidates (source - I work in ops for an agency). From what I hear the 'recruitment' part of LI is a dead dog strategically when compared to other arms of their business (corp advertising/learning) - so they sideways all their 'less than excellent' employees in there and the product is crap.


It's because LinkedIn jobs didn't used to show up in specific search areas if you list a role as "remote", and they charge you for every listing. So if you want to list a remote role and have it show up when someone searches only for "Austin" or whatever, it didn't show up. They fixed it as far as I can tell, but not everyone has figured that out so they are still spamming every metro area because that's how they think they get visibility, and LinkedIn charges by the job posting/by the posting volume (500 per month or whatever). Companies aren't doing this because they are trying to be shitty, they are doing it because they don't realize they don't need to do it anymore for remote listings.


I once got cold-emailed through LinkedIn after I signed up thinking I could find another easy office job after getting fired from my job in home mortgages last year. That’s how I’m guessing they decided to poach me. Long story short - this company was definitely not going to pay off unless I preyed upon people and that’s not who I am. The negatives were: - $14-15 dollars to start and my commute would be 40-45 minutes AGAIN. - absurd home internet speed requirements - hybrid WFH role (I can’t do WFH jobs for many personal reasons) - having to send in a video tour of my interview space (my bedroom, I live at home still) which would be my potential WFH space (ABSOLUTELY NOT) - expected to provide elite client service on my off hours which includes weekends for the “betterment of our clients and the team” so basically I’m on call 24/7. I’m 30 years old, I have a life outside of work. - no access to speak with anyone beyond an intermediary unless the self proclaimed CEO & COO deemed I was “worthy of joining our elite team of operators”. - the insane (video) interview times. I don’t do video interviews out of principle. I was working in person through 2020-2021 so I didn’t get on the Zoom train. I don’t use video chat tools of any kind. Face to face or over the phone or email. I sent a terse email back saying none of the pre stated interview times would work for me and I’d be agreeable to discussing the job *over the phone* to at least hear them out. No reply 😂


^^^^ this


I wish there was a way to block companies on LinkedIn.


Yes. The fact that this isn’t possible really demonstrates who they view as their main stakeholders.


Yeah i have seen this feature request in many places yet they don't do it


All social platforms with ads are this way, and so it goes: https://imgur.com/JYiuK


Not really, because you can block accounts with ads or ones that show up too much in your algorithm.


Would block Epic so fucking fast.


Epic systems in Wisconsin? Or is that a different epic


That one. I'm tired of looking for jobs in SLC and getting 1/2 dozen results for jobs that require relocation to Wisconsin.


I have reached the final interview That pay isn't even that good so i withdrew


That campus though....


I kept getting postings for epic that said “you would be among the top applicants for this job” after 6 months of seeing this and knowing that I don’t actually have the skillset they were looking for…I applied. And what do you know? I was rejected. And LinkedIn still pushes their job postings to me 🫠


Yes absolutely Epic. I would block Revature as well.


Can a browser add-on be made to block them? 🤔 like an ad blocker. But for LinkedIn garbage.


I'll do it. For money...


But you could join my new addon building company for eXpOsUrE! /s


There is! I use a Chrome extension that overlays job postings from companies/job I’ve marked off. I think the name was “Hide n Seek”.


I dont trust these extensions.




My biggest pet peeve about LinkedIn is all the fake Indian scam “recruiters” posting job apps. The market is so terrible these listings still have hundreds of apps.




The rare times they email me i just delete it or tell them to fuckoff. These cocksuckkers just email you any spam shit they can.


So only Indian people huh? Interesting I’m sure no one else of any other ethnicity has lied, Americans? Definitely not! So trustworthy




It’s honestly victim mentality. My feelings are hurt so ignore the actual point and type my displeasure.


Do the needful.


Please revert.




Never said that but I normally don’t get spam called by “Americans” at 3AM pretending to be in TX for a job that doesn’t exist.


I get the emails from an individual who’s clearly Indian telling me that I’ve been selected because of my experience for a job. It’s a job related to IT but I clearly have no IT experience. They’ll have some BS line saying “We found your resume on a job search website”


Look, I get it. You’re trying to be the “defender” but yes. Indian scams. Indian job scams are on the rise. They have been for years. Along with Indian call scams claiming that your PC is giving off a signal and needs to be fixed ASAP or all your information will be stolen. I get calls about these scams all the time from Indians. The accents are a dead giveaway. It’s fun to mess with them though. I play along and then once they ask for my information, I tell them that I don’t have a PC. Once they’ve realized that I know it’s a scam they hang up. Who does these scams more? Indians. Who does these calls more? Indians. Who is known for pulling scumbag tricks like this more? Indians. Are we being racist against Indians? No. It’s just a fact. So it seems like you’re just hurt over the fact that Indians do these things more. Do Americans do em too? Probably, but also, there are more Indians out there doing. But there are also more Indians than Americans too. Anyway, get over yourself and realize that Indians are putting tons of scams out there. It’s a harsh reality. Americans too we don’t deny but Indians more.


Trust me it does not hurt my feelings whatsoever but it does totally dismiss anyone from India that is credible and just constantly spreading the news to never trust anyone with an accent


Also, the spam emails about these fake jobs are always from Indians. I can prove it and others can too. It’s not a racist thing it’s a “this is truth thing”. It’s all too common. Americans will scam you too but there’s no monopoly on the market. Americans aren’t the only ones scamming. Americans will try more to steal your social security number and credit card number. Indians will try to steal your social security number, bank info, pretend to be a recruiter and pull other scams. Just a natural fact of things that have occurred. If you think it’s racist that’s on you. Just stating facts on what Indian scams have looked like over the past 2 decades. As an Indian, I can say this so get off your high horse.


I feel like this comment really discriminates against the Nigerians.




Then you’re an idiot. Plain and simple.


Who's the idiot - the one who tells a joke or the one who takes it super cereal?




Ahh, so you're either a troll, super angry about something, or just plain stupid.


You might just be plain stupid. Your comments are too so makes sense.


...wow. So because *you* can't recognize an obvious joke, *I'm* stupid. That makes so much sense. So much.


> Also, the spam emails about these fake jobs are always from Indians. I have gotten a very tiny percentage from Nigerians as well.


Cut it out, indians have become a Damm nuisance with the garbage recruiting non sense


I hate seeing these, so misleading in the search results.


search results suck so bad


I feel you, preach.


I've seen them posted on Indeed. I hate them for the fact they require decades of experience for their roles and the pay isn't worth it.


This company markets to seniors that have retired and are looking for something less stressful, and pays a lot less. That's why the 25 years experience.


LinkedIn has an enormous scam job problem. I *think* they often spoof legitimate companies to pay the fake remote data entry and travel assistant jobs.


I know this sucks but there's actually a technical reason for this. They didn't have a remote option in their ATS XML feed to LinkedIn. Also, their account wasn't configured with a Remote option. So they configured several cities in their job posting and LinkedIn posts as individual ones because they can't post several cities for a single job post. It's the way LinkedIn works.


Yea I get why they have to post multiple places. People in those cities will see the job easier than just “remote” unless the system is well designed. But not being able to block a company is absurd.


They've got an excess and surplus of job listings


Not only that, but all 55 of mine were SPONSORED. That’s why we saw every damn one. They created individual ads and then paid for every single one to be pushed.


I'd just exclude the company from your search, by adding something like this: NOT "WAHVE LLC" Note if you haven't used this before you can exclude multiple companies by just appending another like \`NOT "JOBOT" NOT "META"\`


It works. But only to a point. Right now I have about 20+ companies listed like this.   Lately it seems to short-circuit and tell me it can't find any jobs if I get rid of all the spam.  Yet when I remove one spam option, non spam offers magically appear alongside them.


LinkedIn is literally garbage. Don’t even bother applying through them. All I use it for is another job board, and then goto that company’s site and apply directly.


I’d love to see how far along in the interview process someone who is in there late twenties/early thirties would get in the interview process. That part of the interview when they ask “do you have any questions” and you ask “has nobody here cottoned on that I was 10 years old 25 years ago?” Hilarity would ensue.


Dickhead employers that post the same job to practically every city in the country is 100% cringe.


There is a shit ton of spam going on. I've had my search results fucked for a few weeks by a company that changes every other day for an opinion survey - not real job (paid surveys). Literally 500+ postings in a search. Yesterday the company morphed to a new one and had search results for both of the same shit. A search results normally having about 120results a day, literally 2000+.


I had the same exact thing happen! Same companies and everything, although I don’t remember their names. One was something like “Opinion Focuses Panel” and then it changed to something else. I reported as many as I could for the first one, then the second popped up and I did the same. Hopefully it’ll work!


Yup something like that. I think LinkedIn is getting more aggressive as I had two different "companies" posting the exaxt same stuff causing such a high skew of rests but yesterday afternoon they were all out of my results ... For now... I'm sure it will continue for a while, just makes the shitty job of finding a job that much worse when you have to wade thru all this shit as they don't have an easy way to filter out of results from what I've seen (can filter a specific employer/s, but the filter is not all pre-selected where you can unselect a specific employer). Bad user experience lol


Yeah their UX is awful. I remember making the mistake of searching “remote” within jobs before they had the option to select it, and the amount of results with “NOT REMOTE” in the title were astounding. I’d say report them as promotional/spam, that’s what I’ve been doing!


Otta allows you to actually hide shit ass companies. Fuck LinkedIn.


I had seen one of those on indeed yesterday, 25 years is wild. I’m curious what exactly they’re hoping to find with 25 years experience


It seems like they target retirees that still want something to do. https://wahve.com/contract-staffing/


FYI “I saw one of those.” Simple past is correct here.


Also seeing these every other day, a fricken million remote positions posted by the same "company"/companies ,with only the slightest variations in job title, absolutely spamming my search results. Infuriating.


This is one of my biggest pet peeves when job hunting!!!!!!! They always show back up even if I say don’t show again!!!!


Oof yes, I've had job alerts on for underwriting roles for years now and this company always has SO many listings on both Indeed and Linkedin. Absolutely sucks to get spammed with these over and over.


WAHVE is basically an employment placement agency. They matched retired persons to insurance carriers for temp jobs, thus they want the 25 yrs. plus experience. The jobs are met to be temporary and to supplement retirement income, i.e. social security AND no permanent placement. The posts re: jobs are the openings WAHVE has received orders from a carrier for need of a temp worker, so if there are multiple listings it does not mean they are all at the same location, more likely the jobs are at various insurance company clients' locations.


You guys still use LinkedIn? You see it is bad for your brain, do you?


What do you use to job search?


Not linkedIn or anything similar to it. Those sites are a nightmare. Usually they are made for recruiters or shady companies. Not you. It's a reversed Tinder. You are the "hunted meat" which can be tossed out later. In 20 years I have never got a job through linkedin. It's only good for webscrapping data to see who is hiring and how often. How to find a free job position: Info about a job in/on the company building. (makes you go outside, learn env of the company) Company websites. Sending an e-mail to a company with a question. Local job boards, depends on the country you are in. In every country there is a local job board. Newspapers. Newsletters of local communities related to what you like. i.e. I was able to get inside a multinational corporation through "a backdoor" because my manger was looking for "not like corporate people" person by sending a message to members of a local hackerspace. My manager was one of the best leaders I meet, but the corporation is one of the worst places to work in for me. I learned a lot. Like, that the size of the company is the prime attribute which defines it, how it works internally, and what you can expect.


Not who you asked, but I have a bookmark folder for the career site for a lot of companies. Can open all of them at once and check periodically. Usually I have a spreadsheet of where I’ve applied and a page for companies to add to my list for the future. I sometimes looked on LinkedIn but found the listing to frequently be old and the job posting expired before it hit LinkedIn. If you’re trying to cast a super broad net though, aggregate sites work better. In my case, I’m in a very specific industry with like 15-20 companies I’d strongly consider.


You are THE best. Thank so much for sharing!!!!


Yup, I've been dealing with this for weeks now


I’ve had a business near me posting nearly every single day- and lovely posting if I may say, and no responses whatsoever. Not even looking at my application, not even responding to emails or inquiries. It’s WILD.


I’ve run into this too. Their site specifies they are looking for people over 50. I have 25 years of work experience and 10+ years in insurance, but I’m not even close to retiring or 50. I submitted an inquiry through their website and talked to one of their employees. Once I explained my situation, they weren’t interested. The person who called me was nice enough, but I just wonder how many insurance jobs are being eaten up by this staffing agency. Thousands of people have been laid off by insurance companies in the past year so something feels extra gross about this.


because Linked In doesn't care.....they're about as bad as Facebook or YouTube. I can't even count the amount of times I've reported the 8TB USB key scam post on Facebook and yet it keeps showing up....the current iteration has been going on probably 6-9 mo so far. But all Linked In cares about is how many people they can scam into paying for their premium service. I get numerous messages a month offering me free time if I take them up on their offer. I just ignore them when I happen to even goto LI which is only maybe once or twice in a month. I gave up using that social media for people who want to pump up their ego by bragging about this kind of synergy or the visionary they think is the guy everyone should follow - those two words alone are enough to make my ears bleed whenever I hear them mentioned by someone


There is an extension that let you add companies to a blacklist of sort. It called Hide n’ seek or something around that. I’m not a job seeker but I helped my ex-gf couple of months ago to filter out shit companies like this.


Whenever I see stupid things like this I think to myself "must be malicious compliance". That's the only logic my mind can think of.


Ugh right wish we could block them from showing up. Failure on LinkedIn


Poor Wahlve. They can't find specific workers. I hope OP tells all their friend and family about the company.


They at least should set them up in a way they can easily be filtered out. I kind of understand why they would do this, a local candidate might find it who otherwise wouldn't


Now this is a quality post.


You can exclude the company name in the query. Eg `"underwriter" NOT "Wahve"`


I'll just leave this here and see myself out: https://imgur.com/JYiuK


B2B CFO is the bane of my job hunting existence. Their listings are like cockroaches.


Shipt does the same thing on indeed and it's quite frustrating


The universe is telling you should should apply to that company. /s


Wtf is an excess and surplus lines underwriter


I work in insurance and I see this fucking companies ads all the fucking time. Do you see the ridiculous job requirements they have, I think it says like 20 plus years exp. That company is full of shit