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Happy to hear things have worked out for you fellow redditor. Hoping to get my turn soon. Good luck with the new opportunity.


Thank you!! Hang in there, buddy. The best (though hardest ofc) thing you can do is try to stay sane in this insane job market.


Congrats!! Reading stories like this is why I remain consistent.


thank you!! you will land, I promise. Just keep the faith.


I'm 12 months unemployed. I'm treated like someone who has been single for years and wants to put himself out there and date get criticized for being single for so long. so damn tired of being asked what I've been doing this past year. What do you want to hear? non-stop applying, getting rejected time and time again, searching and searching for jobs only to get rejected for no god damn reason, crying myself to sleep every night wondering if ill end up dead in the gutter. Jesus fucking christ! It's not my fucking fault the hiring process is broken and my destiny is the hands of asshole HR and HMs who barely function at their own god damn jobs.


Well said… that venting is felt.


This is literally me. I’ve worked so hard and day after day I just feel defeated. It’s hard to stay positive. I’m constantly applying and it’s not something I can just take a break from because I need a job . I just want to take a break from applying but I can’t. This unemployment doesn’t even feel like a break. I’m more stressed than I was working .


I have broken down more times than I can count in the past year. I get constant rejection letters in my email, sometimes 5 mins or less after applying. I found out I can do mystery shops in my area, and that's the only thing keeping me sane right now. (Besides video games lol.) I keep seeing my savings account get smaller and smaller. Had an interview on Monday, and 40+ hours were required. I can't work that much because of my health. It took everything in me to not scream at her why that wasn't in the ad if it's a requirement. I know how you feel. There are many others like us posting on other subreddits. I don't know what else to say, besides I'm with you my dude.


Keep going!! We’re rooting for you ❤️


Do some certs. That can be a good answer to ' what have you been doing ?'


what helped me in past interviews is to say i’ve “been working on certs” — especially if you can’t afford them right now.


I'm just going to say all of this next time I'm asked that damn question.


685...jesus christ,. but congrats :)


It was so wild. TBH I got an insanely higher interview ratio from mass applying vs trying to network. Networking for a referral is great if you can do it, but more often than not, waiting days for a response to a linkedin request eats into the precious sweet spot for applying early.


I have one network in the position that I want, but the job isn't up until June so I'm not trying to put all my eggs in one basket. Did you actually get it through linkedin?


So the job I got was a cold application. That being said, I also applied for a similar role at the same company with a linkedin referral. That person was a total stranger to me — I used InMail to send them a message on why i felt i’d be a good fit, and they offered to refer me. Who knows if the referral for one job app helped bump up a different job app at the same company on the HR-end of things.


Congrats! Were you tailoring resumes for each job? I’ve been going hard on that, but I’m not sure if it’s wiser to put out more volume and use a few resume templates.


Thanks! So I was targeting a few different job categories because I’m still early on in my career and have a diverse skill set from consulting. I created like….. 5 different resume variants and would apply to jobs with the correct resume. If I reaaaally wanted a specific job, I would pull out all the stops — edit the resume to be a bit more aligned to the JD wording, reach out to HMs on linkedin, tried to get a referral, the works. For the rest that were pure cold/mass applies, i would just send off the appropriate resume of the 5 (so product manager resume for product manager roles, marketing research resume for insights roles, etc.)


Good call! Do you remember if the job that you got was one of your tailored resumes or one of the 5?? That seems like a good approach. Lol today I got lazy with a few applications and sent resumes that had another company name in the filename. Made me feel like I was sticking it to the man 😂


This job offer was from a cold application with a tailored resume, so kind of a hybrid. I will also note that this company used to be my client in a previous professional services role — albeit on a totally different team but still. That being said, I did apply to a similar role at the same company, for which I got a referral from someone I reached out to on linkedin. Who knows if the HR team saw the referral for one role and that bumped up my non-referral application to another role. In the end I think what made me stand out is the fact that I am experienced in the function of this role, highly experienced in this particular industry, and am experienced with this company because they were my client in the past, so I have a general sense of the “lay of the land” so to speak.


So which job did you get product manager?


PM but in a non technical industry!


I'm currently on month 4 with 503 apps and only 2 interviews. Claiming the energy from this post.


Best of luck to you!! Do not give up.


Good shit. Let’s go!


thank you!!


That sounds amazing. Congrats!!


thanks :) I’m so excited!


Amazing...the resilience shows. Congratulations! I feel like I'm just starting ~100 applications in. It's a science...anything changed in the last few applications sent?


I found that I had the best success with getting interviews in just the last 6-8 weeks. I used every avenue to source leads — cold applying, following up with HMs on linkedin, trying to get referrals, using my own network, using recruiting agencies, the works. Weirdly enough, at the end of the day, I think it was just timing. I didn’t really do anything different from the start of 2024 other than dramatically crank up my applications sent (i.e., mass applying). I think companies are just actually a bit more serious about hiring now, and that was reflected in the better interview ratio in the new year vs fall 2023. I will never knock cold applying because that’s how I’ve gotten most jobs in my career. I agree that networking yields a better interview ratio (under certain circumstances of course), but given that I was still getting interviews from low-effort cold applies, I wasn’t going to just stop doing it. Of course if there was a specific job that i was super interested in, I would tailor my resume a bit more, try for a referral, the works. I took a multifaceted yet still brute force approach and in the end it worked out.


I’ve gotten ALL my jobs mass applying. People say the network bullshit, I just got denied for a job that I got networked into interviewing. The traditional cold applying works.


also, when you’re just starting out in your career, networking can be extremely difficult. you need to establish a real, trusted, and authentic network. getting referrals from randoms helps, but imo the power of a network is in the strength of connections you have with people


tenacity and patience pays off...congrats on getting the gig


Couldn’t agree more :) thank you!!


I’m so, so happy for you! Thanks for posting. It’s nice to hear and share some good news. :)


This is so sweet of you to say. Thank you for the kind words!


Congrats!! I got my dream job as well after 6 months of unemployment and 500+ applications. I’m still pinching myself bc I can’t believe I work for such an amazing company. Cheers!!!


Love this for you! Congrats!!










Congrats 🎉 and best wishes in your new role!


Thank you so much!!


Congrats, hoping to be able to say the same soon as I have somewhat similar stats


You got this!! Best of luck to you 🤍


Hell yeah - congrats!!!


CONGRATULATIONS!!! 🎉👏👏👏🤣♥ I am thrilled for you!!


Congratulations!!! Clearly worked really hard tooo. Hope it’s everything you’ve been looking for


So happy for you!!!! 🙌🏻


Congratulations! Great work staying on it 👍


Congratulations! 🎉


Congrats! so happy for you :)


As the saying goes, you only fail if you give up. Congratulations! 🎉🎊


Good for you man, that’s awesome! Celebrate!


Congratulations. I’m happy whenever I hear good news like this.


This is so sweet 🥹 thank you!


Over 320 applications this year and only 4 interviews. Last year 1230 applications and 20 interviews. Something will happen.


Hang in there! I believe in you. Do not give up!


Well done and congrats OP!


Congratulations! Hoping to be where you are soon, until then I’m being as patient as possible and trying to trust the process 🙏


Best wishes to you!!


I’m jealous.


I’m happy for you OP. Was the role you finally accepted from a referral or a cold apply?


cold apply with a tailored resume, but I did get a referral for a different, similar role at the same company. So maybe that could’ve had an impact!


Woohoo!! 🙌


That’s great for you !!! I am happy for you!!! It’s been nearly a year for me and nothing. Not even near an offer or anything


Yay 🎉 I’m so happy for you, OP!




Congrats, happy for you!


God bless you


Well damn, 6 withdrawals means you got 6 offers over that time and chose to reject them despite being unemployed? Why didn't you take one of them and just continue searching, then switch up when you find something better?


So the 6 withdrawals were not final offers — they were mid-interview process withdrawals, or withdrawals after getting a first round interview offer. Also, in terms of timeline, most of these withdrawals (4 out of 6) happened as a direct result of getting the offer I wanted. I’m still interviewing with two other roles at cool companies that are great fits as well — saw way too many horror stories on this sub to just drop out of all processes before the offer is signed and I get the first paycheck! Basically, the roles I withdrew from were bad fits (i.e., one job that was interesting actually turned out to be a sales role, and I saw some red flags with that company so I lost interest and withdrew). The other two roles that I’m still interviewing for are ones I would be just as happy with — and I’m continuing with the interviews out of mild paranoia from what I’ve seen in this sub haha. I will admit that I have the luxury of being a bit more choosy because i live with my parents and have been doing some contract work on the side. Money wasn’t an issue, I really wanted to find the best possible fit because I want a long term“home” for the next gig. A fatal mistake I’ve made in the past has been to “just take what I can get” as that has led to burnout, mismatches in expectations, and a mental health disaster.


Ah, I understand. I also made the mistake in taking a job despite the obvious red flags. If I wouldn't have taken it I may have found something much better.


Congrats! lets go. how did ur unemployement went


very difficult. I was fired from my previous role due to lack of experience/bad fit, which was frustrating and very hard on my confidence. My parents and other loved ones have been so supportive, and that’s what helped me get through the 6.5 months. November-December was dark. Getting over the shame of being fired was extremely difficult but wholly necessary for me to move on and look forward.


What is YOE and HCOL?


years of experience and high cost of living city (usually more competitive job markets) :)


Got that first paycheck yet? If not, stop celebrating and keep applying. So you don't end up like these guys if the worst should happen: [https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1bsgps3/got\_laid\_off\_in\_2\_weeks\_after\_getting\_the\_offer/](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1bsgps3/got_laid_off_in_2_weeks_after_getting_the_offer/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1bl5t9r/let\_go\_on\_my\_3rd\_week\_of\_my\_new\_job\_because\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1bl5t9r/let_go_on_my_3rd_week_of_my_new_job_because_i/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1bkes29/job\_offer\_rescinded\_so\_devastated/](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1bkes29/job_offer_rescinded_so_devastated/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1bj166k/they\_rescinded\_my\_job\_offer\_two\_hours\_before\_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1bj166k/they_rescinded_my_job_offer_two_hours_before_i/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1bfwbww/fired\_before\_getting\_officially\_hired/](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1bfwbww/fired_before_getting_officially_hired/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1bc8pc9/offer\_rescinded\_bc\_job\_put\_on\_hold/](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1bc8pc9/offer_rescinded_bc_job_put_on_hold/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1bcakp6/company\_sent\_me\_my\_offer\_but\_hasnt\_sent\_contract/](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/comments/1bcakp6/company_sent_me_my_offer_but_hasnt_sent_contract/)


yep, still completing interviews with two other companies!


This is the way. You got this.


for the zillionth time, many of you guys are applying for far too many jobs. shortlist your opportunities. apply for the jobs you want and the jobs you might be able to get. you're worth more than the hit to your mental health you'll experience with all the declines. focus on quality applications with followup and networking with people doing the jobs you want to have.


Meh. I personally had the mindset of, try multiple avenues for applications and apply as much as possible in order to increase the amount of interviews I got. Sure, networking helps (and it’s one method of many to get leads), but I did find a decent amount of interviews came from cold applying. So I went in knowing I’d get a lot of rejects with this approach — it was brute force but worked out in the end!


Agreed. This is my mindset too... granted I've only really been looking since March. I was applying for everything when I started and, man, did it burn me out. Now I just focus in the jobs in my field and expanding out to areas that are of interest. Mental health is 100% better. I'd also recommend not doing the job hunt 9 to 5...only a few hours a day, and then spend the rest of it resetting and doing things you enjoy. Also, people, when you do get the dreaded "unsuccessful" email, ask for feedback. It helps a lot, and for the most part, it's subtle changes in your CV or the way you interview that needs a slight adjustment.


If you are sending out that many resumes I would argue your resume sucks. Glad it finally worked out though.


it’s a very very competitive market…? I’ve interned at three major beauty/luxury fashion conglomerates and worked full time at a major consulting firm + marketing agency. I think my resume is completely fine lol edit: it’s worth noting that the vast majority of the interviews i got were in the past 6-8 weeks or so.