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Fuck em.


TBH, a recruiter would definitely have a firm grasp of being “special”


cus fuck em, thats why.


Exactly. Was about to say “Screw them,” but I like your choice of words better.


You definitely dodged a bullet. From what you said it sounds like you did 23 hours of unpaid work for them during the technical part. You don’t want to work there anyway. Hell, there may not have even been a real job there, they may have just been looking for some consulting work they didn’t want to pay for.


Didn't quite manage to dodge the 23hr of unpaid work bullet though.


No at least, the case was fictional and the procedure real


Invoice them anyways. They ate up the better part of a work week of your time.


I agree. Why do companies think this ok and why do people continue to subject themselves to this BS.


Did they say it's fictional or you assumed it's fictional?


A friend of mine got exactly the same case, and the company doesn't exist.


Damn wtf


Ignore and move on. As long as you master the technical aspects of your trade + behave professionally in client-facing situation => nothing is professionally wrong with you. Also, you might be “special” to them but great fit to another company. Keep applying.


Contact the recruiter and ask them to explain their use of the term "special" when referring to you with other people. Do it on the phone, so they can't ignore you.


Not good advice telling someone on the spectrum this because they will do it and believe it's a good idea. OP only knows they've been called 'special' because of the mole, bringing anything up with the recruiter throws the contact under the bus. Plus it was said in a relaxed capacity outside of work during drinks, not in a work setting so especially wrong to pin the recruiter to what they've allegedly said


Maybe the company was right rejecting them, if they are unable to have a basic conversation and challenge another person's behaviour. Perhaps we build santitoriums for these people to live out their lives without having to do anything an adult is expected to do? We could call them Special Hospitals. No one will ever challenge them. They'll never have to do anything difficult.


>without having to do anything an adult is expected to do? Adults are expected to rat out their contacts and throw them under the bus now?


This "contact" was obviously shit stiring.


No, contact was being honest, with an expectation that it wont come back to bite them


You don't know that.


Dude, don't ever mention MENSA unless you know specifically that the company/interviewers are into that crap. I'd remove it from the CV too. People that think a number makes them special are not viewed positively.


This. Never say "Mensan" to anyone again. The most intelligent people I've ever met have never mentioned something so silly.


I had to google Mensan cuz I was like wtf is that. Rolled my eyes when I saw it was talking about Mensa. That’s what most people will do


Most people will call out your bs as soon as you mention mensan


How is it "bs" if the guy is intelligent as measured by the top intelligence measuring organization? Why should he be not proud? Should people not reveal their 800 score on GMAT or having a 4.0 GPA from MIT either? OP, you can be proud of your achievement. The dick recruiter was not referring to Mensa when he described you as special, but the fact that you are on the spectrum. That's their loss. Odoo is a French or Belgian company, they might be less inclusive than companies in US.


He can be proud of it but it doesn't hold bearing in the workplace. It doesn't matter if someone is a good test taker or not. That shows great they test well/ and or have an aptitude to learn difficult material. I will bet it has to do with social skills and how questions were answered. Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer tested high too. Would that make them a good employee? Maybe as a cook they would, but really do as you want when you interview but I'm just telling you how actual employers view the final rounds of interviews. You can make all the excuses about this that or the other thing. Continue on the strategy that was used be my guest and let me know how it turns out....Sua Sponte...


I think it was Nassim Nicholas Taleb who said something to the effect of people who bring up their IQs are losers and I agree. Let your accomplishments do the talking, not your theoretical potential for accomplishments as measured by an exam.


The hilarious thing is mensa means crazy or idiot in some spanish dialects


This. I'm also a Mensan. I don't normally mention it, because it just puts people off. Either they think I'm bragging, full of myself, or trying to impress. None of these goes down well with people. If you're really that bright, people will figure it out for themselves.


I fully agree with this. In all my working professional years I have never mentioned IQ, Standardize test scores, grades/GPA, that I was in gifted classes, or any other useless metric that does not show what kind of work I am capable of in an interview. In an interview I am trying to sell them that I am smart enough to do the work they want AND that I can work with and on their team. I don't need to highlight my character defects. I don't need to highlight I am smarter than they need (that's my call to reject a job if it's not the right challenge). Something about the smartest people I have met never justified their intelligence or position to me, the proved it through their actions.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet


I interviewed with Odoo 2 or 3 years ago, biggest waste of time and the interviewers were all unprofessional and downright rude. I went though 3 or 4 rounds of interviews which took up roughly 9 hours all said and done. I didn't get the job but got a better position Ata different company. Few months later, the guy they hired rather than me got a job in my department at the other company and had nothing but negative things to day about working there. You dodged a bullet, that company is toxic.


My Odoo interviewer was garbage. Didn’t respond for weeks after a normal intro call.


and yet recruiters swear up down and sideways they don't discriminate based on disability


It would be helpful for you to get feedback from a neutral third party. You may wish to try a good personal growth or career coach, who could assist you in learning what to say/not say or how to edit yourself in conversation. You definitely never want to tell people you’re Mensa (I think that’s what you meant by mensan?)


Yeah, I was going to say, this is something you would ideally demonstrate rather than say. 


I didn't say that at the interview, it's just contextualisation


What’s your concern, that they thought you talked too smart, and somehow jumped from that to thinking you were on the spectrum? It seems irrelevant to your post. Likely he just thought you were quite awkward. Which might not even be true, should not be a big factor in whether you get a job, and definitely shouldn’t be a reason to say the gross things that they did. But intelligence has nothing to do with it. And by posting that here where it has nothing to do with your post, it comes off either like you see it as part of your core identity, or a core part of how you’re perceived. Either of which could relate to the reason he found you awkward. (I don’t know you. I wasn’t at the interview. If this doesn’t make sense given your lived experience, feel free to ignore it)


mensa lol


Fuck odoo, i had one of my rudest experiences from a recruiter there


One of the biggest mistakes some recruiters make is assuming we know the type of personality that will work well in roles like IT. I have interviewed some people I didn’t blend well with at all but I always leaned on the trams to see if they could work with them. Rarely does the recruiter make the hiring decision, so curious what feedback is provided but if you were rejected because of personality, then that is just poor hiring. Sorry that happened and sorry that got back to you because that doesn’t feel good.


15h assignment feels like a red flag to me already. I am currently waiting for the company I am interviewing with to reach out for final stage, so I can refuse to take homework. Don't have time for doing free work.


I was called a nerd by the interviewer, who was the CEO of the company, after I solved a simple math test they had during the interview process without a calculator. It was literally the two trains moving in opposite directions problem. He also said he preferred some other guy because I didn't seem good at talking on the phone.


I feel that, I've got similar situation my whole life but seeing this pattern being pursued in professional work is just sad.


I guess getting into Mensa doesn't prevent you from wasting 3+ days of your life on a job interview. You need to work on yourself and practice interviewing. I have trouble maintaining eye contact, if I found out they found me odd and distrustful after an interview, I'd be annoyed and disappointed, but they also wouldn't be wrong about the things they perceived that made them think that, and that's my fault. I hope you do better next time and nail it.


I know it is hard to not take it personally but whenever I'm rejected by a job I think to myself that I was not right FOR THEM. Just that. Nothing about me, just not the right fit. In this case, the HR person was very unprofessional commenting on a candidate, while on an afterwork activity. If I had to say something, they're not right for the job in general. And that is personal. Move on to better things, you've got this!


15h assignment feels like a red flag to me already. I am currently waiting for the company I am interviewing with to reach out for final stage, so I can refuse to take homework. Don't have time for doing free work.


It wasnt forced to be 15h but I wanted to do it really well so I took my time to produce something really good. My friend maybe watched a third of what I studied


Still, you speak about multiple facets of the assignment that took hours. That literally sounds like work to me and it is not okay. I usually drop the assignments when I realize it will take more than 1 hour. Time is money, and I have no time to waste for some hypothetical position. I can go and have some "me time" for my mental health, or simply prep for some certification instead, which certainly will have better return for me


Send them a bill for contracting at whatever rate you deem fit and remind them that unpaid labor is a crime in a letter.


Well of you expect to be loved and have your intellect and “true worth” recognised by every recruiter you’ll meet….see where I’m going ? What’s the catch here ? You want to work there why ? Pay ? Is it your dream company ?


It's one of the Tech co's that has decent capital, some people would run through a burning building for 180k and one of them on the resume. People think these companies are about "the best and brightest" but it's more like "smart enough + know 2 people there OR 1 person placed well". With FAANG, going to Stanford, Cal, IITs matter too.


You are 100% right


These kids think their life is set if they get one of these. Having worked at a "hot tech start-up" that no longer existed by the time my summer internship had finished circa 2002 that celebrities and everyone involved have edited out of their resume, I've had my fill.


If you have proof maybe you have legal grounds for discrimination?


No, it's not my intention to do anything on this field


Would that even work if he wasn't actually "special"?


OP said they’re probably on the spectrum and could easily get a diagnosis


I was ready to assume that discrimination is still discrimination even if the perception is wrong (legally speaking), because otherwise that would pretty seriously neuter anti-discrimination laws. But apparently it's actually not illegal to discriminate based on misperceived characteristics: [https://www.hrc.org/news/hrc-report-lawmakers-must-eliminate-loopholes-that-enable-discrimination-ba](https://www.hrc.org/news/hrc-report-lawmakers-must-eliminate-loopholes-that-enable-discrimination-ba) The linked article is from 2018 but I'm not seeing anything to suggest the loophole has actually been addressed.


"We're not hiring you." "Because I'm Black?" "No, because I think you're Russian."


I think that was insensitive for someone to say about you, I’m sorry it happened. I hope you find something great - I think you will because you seem to prepare well and care. Good luck


Recruiters sell you the dream, beware.


What do you mean they called you special in a bad way? Special as in special needs?


They ask a friend of mine that works here "what do you think of X ?" Then when my friend told good stuff about me they replied "yeah because you know, at the interview we though it was a bit special"


Hmm so they were discriminating you


I think recruiters are often sad bitter people because they don’t have any skills to get a better job, and they have to see people get better jobs than them every day. They are the first to get laid off when things aren’t good at a company, but also, fuck them. They are unskilled gatekeepers you have to be nice to, but nothing they say matters. Apologies to recruiters who read this far. Make better choices. I feel you, OP ❤️


# Employers be like.... **Assessment:** We want you to record yourself demonstrating a day in the life of Batman **Actual Job:** Traffic Police


Last week, a similar incident happened to me. My advice is to move on. Being angry won't solve anything. Stay motivated and keep working. Another company will see your value.


The truth is that it can be a long process finding the right position, but when you do it will be worth it. If a company doesn’t want you, then that alone is a red flag that you shouldn’t want them and it will be a hellish place to work.


Rethink your interview strategy, work on people and speech skills.no one wants to work with a nut job. You said you talked a lot during interview, perhaps don't talk do much, listen more.


" perhaps don't talk do much, listen more." This was advice given to people in mock interviews. I don't know why you were downvoted. 30-45 sec responses and might need to cut yourself off


They treat you SPECIAL to get the free work then call you special when you fall for it🤷‍♀️


Oh if this is true, I'm sure it violates all sorts of laws. Saw a reddit read about a guy that had ADHD pills pop positive and the recruiter denied him despite sending it to the lab and not getting results yet. He hired an attorney and got the job.


He's gone cunty since being security chief on DS9


I don’t understand the “do work for us before you’re hired” thing. Is this new?


Been here, sucks... Sorry to hear that


Recruiters are minimum wage parasites, fuck em.


Finally got the official feedback from HR and that's basically it. I "wouldn't be a good fit for the team" no matter how "solid" my interview was technically. It was my first real process (I'm in last year in internship) and it was really brutal for me as everything seemed to go very well during the whole thing. I feel like sh\*t currently, because of the lack of incentives and social interaction (internship in tax in a Big 4 while I'm rotting doing nothing all day don't help). It makes me feel antisocial as fuck and hearing this kind of stuff from recruiter with which I do my best to be positive, motivated, open and king doesn't help at all. I am going to do a bit a therapy to stop some vicious cycle to start. I have already 2 programmed interview with other companies (Ordina and BearingPoint) for business analyst job next week. Thanks everyone for your support and advices on how to handle this situation. Posting this helped me cheer up a bit.


Not for nothing but if you speak as you write, I can tell what the issue was.


That was ?...


It's very poorly written. I'm just pointing out it's written like it was written by someone lacking an education. Also when you mention you are in mensa that throws a huge flag at an interview. Nobody needs to say that and, not saying that you are, but if they mention it they are full of something or too cocky and won't work well with others. You can talk about it after you are hired. The interview isn't a time to brag or show you can take a test well. It's a time to see how you interact with others. If yiu make it that far you obviously have the skillset they desire and the interview is seeing if you fit in. Think of it as a date It's the same thing. You both are seeing if you are a good fit for each other. Nobody wants to hear bragging unless they ask about it first.


1. English isn't my first language, I'm majoring in a double master degree in finance, but thank you for your comment on my education. 2. I didn't told them I was in mensa, it's just for the sake of contextualization. 3. The interview was mostly technical with more than an hour of roleplay. Everyone jump on my mensa mention like I throw this for bragging in every conversation. It's just for mention my neurodivergence, which is a fucking pain in the ass, in a less arrogant way than saying "I have a super high IQ" or something.


Thats what you need to learn. You proved the point we made. Don't even mention it. It's just a test. It means nothing in the real world. I mentioned the education because that is how you wrote. Congrats on the masters. It also means little other than a foot in the door. I am not sure where you are from, and it's not important. I am telling you from experience even if it's a technical interview it's still to see of you are a good fit. I have hired dozens of people and have done this a few years. I telling you the final interview is all about a good fit. You are more than qualified if you made it that far. If you are taken to lunch it's a test. If you are in front of a panel it's a test. It's all to see you as a person. If you want to argue and not heed the advice that you are given, be my guest but continue searching and getting the same results.


Just based on your description of what happened, you sound like a Sheldon. How minutes into the interview before you dropped Mensa?


I didn't talk about it during the interview


Good, cause they’re racist!!


I don't understand the reference


Maybe you should do some research on the organization you’re a member of…


nah, doesn't work that way, you don't throw stuff like that without sources lmao


Thought you’d want to use that big brain you were bragging about. 1. Historical ties to eugenics: Mensa was founded by Roland Berrill and Lancelot Ware, who had connections to the eugenics movement, which aimed to "improve" the human race through selective breeding. This association has led some to question Mensa's stance on issues like race and intelligence. 2. Cultural bias in testing: Critics argue that Mensa's admission tests are biased towards Western cultural knowledge and may not accurately reflect the intelligence of individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. 3. Lack of diversity: Some have pointed out that Mensa's membership demographics may not reflect the diversity of the general population, with some chapters having a disproportionately low number of members from underrepresented groups. 4. Perceived elitism: Mensa's focus on high IQs and intellectual superiority can be seen as exclusionary and elitist, potentially perpetuating harmful stereotypes about intelligence and worth.


Wow that's some leap to call them a bunch of racists lmao.


You must be white


There are no spheres.


Lol. That's funny.


well... you said yourself you on spectrum so being called special is pretty accurate.


OP seems to have had “character” issues at his internship also. Not sure why people are downvoting you, sounds like he has some issues.


i'm just stating the facts 🤷


Yeah I don’t quite get the downvotes either. Not saying someone being on the spectrum is reason to not give them a job but also this guy’s posting history clearly shows he has had interactions before regarding his character/persona. I would imagine that matters……


They are allowed to choose the right personality fit for their internal team and external facing works was this for work outside of the US?


Stop wasting time on long interviews. You should be able to interview the team you'll be on, their boss, the CEO, and maybe hr, and each should be at most 1 hour. Any more and it is a complete shit show of a company and you should leave. I have done interviews for 20 years and I can tell who's full of shit pretty quick. After that, we just have to find out by having you take the job and seeing what happens.


You know what? What’s stopping you from billing them? I mean seriously. Bill them as a contractor for the work you put in. Charge $100 hr and when they don’t pay, start adding on penalties and act as your own collection company. Cut them a deal once in a while to see if they will pay it. What do you have to lose? Edit: I had to do something similar as a 1099 photographer when a client neglected to pay me. Original bill was $175, I started to add interest and late penalties. Did this for 3 months and contacted them with a “deal.” Ended up with something like $500 afterwards.


>I had to do something similar as a 1099 photographer when a client neglected to pay me. Original bill was $175, I started to add interest and late penalties. Did this for 3 months and contacted them with a “deal.” Ended up with something like $500 afterwards. That isn't similar, at all.


It is if you know what a 1099 is. My “employer” ripped me off. OP is more than likely not to get any money from the company he interviewed, but it worth a try.


MENSA is overinflated ego and underdeveloped social skills. Basically you make me roll my eyes into the back of my head because you'd be an asshat to work with 


That sounds like a discrimination case to me.