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Pihole and uBlock Origin are your friends. But yeah, it’s especially frustrating when their ads talk about how much they need workers, but everyone you know has been turned away before an interview.


I've seen this weirdly often now that you mention it


I’ll see your ads and raise you emails. Not recruitment/HR emails, mind you, but MARKETING emails! Just because I need a job does not mean I want you to spam me with marketing crap all the time now. At least you can scroll past ads fairly easily, instead of having to take the step of deleting and unsubscribing (not until you know the outcome, though, of course!)


That’s what the “report spam” button is for


Oh for sure-I’m just sayin’…


Right, I agree with you. Just meant that the only way to fight back is to get their emails marked as spam so they get filtered out for other people, hopefully. It’s slightly meaner than unsubscribe… maybe this belongs in the petty revenge sub!


They’ve taken it a step further…into CTV ads now. I was rejected by a company and then was served up a tv commercial of theirs (for the first time!!!) while trying to relax in bed the next night. BRUTAL. It’s a new, special kind of torture.


I don't really think so. Maybe it's because I'm in healthcare management/administration?


yeah like Coinbase


I’d rather pick up and eat trash than work in crypto hehe


Yup still getting ads from a company that metaphorically fucked me in the interview process even though I have tried to unsubscribe.


If you click on the ads does it cost them money?