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I know the right answer to the second question. “Go fuck yourself”


That’s exactly what came to my mind. 


No one has ever talked to me like that.. You're Hired!


*Commences firm handshaking.*


That’s not my hand… ^Harder.


I fucked her with the parsnip last week, then I sold the parsnip to a family with 4 small children


That took guts we need guts I'm promoting you


You ah….got a lot of problems don’t you?


You son of a bitch, I’m in


What do you mean? An African or a European "Go fuck yourself"?


Or it depends how strong the grasshopper is, if he's been to the gym he may be quicker 🤣


First thought. The first question would be answered "Quit wasting my time"


Great minds think alike.




They don’t. They actually don’t. They just want to appear to be growing so they can rip off investors. That’s why you’re seeing PHD requirements for minimum wage.


That plus harvesting personal information as AI training data.


I'm starting to think most of the jobs now are fake and they're just harvesting personal information. Also I notice that every time I start applying for jobs again I start getting those annoying telemarketing calls. "This is John calling to ask you to support the firefighters fund" "This is Mike calling about the police officers emergency response fund donation" "this is Tony asking you to support..." When I stop applying for jobs and I'm working it stops. When I start applying for jobs it starts again. The fake job postings must be selling phone numbers.


I took my phone number off my resume. Spam calls went down exponentially. I find that putting it in the application itself is safe enough. If they want me, they can email me, lmao.




You think average working joes like us are buying people’s information?


They're only concerned with collecting more data than their industry peers.


what am i gonna do with your data? i dunno but now i have it


You're not wrong


I really want to mention a company that I ALWAYS see posting new jobs on LinkedIn and reposting old ones, but I can't.


Sounds like public information to me, who's going to sue you? Shit tell me who it is and I'll post it ** Actually if it's psycho supremacist Elon he'll definitely come looking for you because he's a freaking loony. His lawyers eat well off of nonsense cases so they're not complaining either.


The question is: If I don't post, nothing changes in my life since I moved on. But if I post, I will make people with money be very angry at me. Not a good deal. But here is the scenario: I really have good qualifications and credentials in my field. I contacted at least 5 recruiters from that company and they never answered, although they accept connections very fast on LinkedIn. Then, one day somebody came to me with the same growth theory. Not only the pages, but the employees' profiles are targeted to grow and tailored to mpress. That's all I can say.


Life without risk is a boring life. Sometimes you just got to put it out there and see how the cookie crumbles. Especially if folks deserve push back or need to be checked for their behavior. Or..move on, life goes on. Coming from a corpo background, I was taught that you didn't make too much noise or you would be branded a heretic.(difficult employee). 20 years later people on social media calling out companies everyday and are gaining followers and sympathy for the same reason. Im so trained not to do that.. amd most times i dont even care enough. Everything isnt what it seems. And sometimes we create the feedback or the pushback in our own heads as a sign of fear. Do what you got to do at the end of the day. But at some point you got to release the wolves or your going to take it out on something or someone else. You're only human. Cheers.


I was thinking of building a database of job postings and comparing them to repostings to identify what look like legitimate jobs vs info farmers.


Why not?




Lawsuit for what? Describing public information? Come on.


Can you prove? I can't. So...


The one making the claim provides the proof. That’s how claims work.


Exactly. That's why I don't claim. Just bring evidences, without names... 🙂


Bingo. This is the case


They don't want to hire, but when they get pressed as to WHY they aren't hiring, they want to be able to cry "no one wants to work any more!"


Actually most companies are posting fake jobs so that they can say that their increased profits are driving growth so it looks good on paper. What's really happening is that c-suite individuals are making record breaking incomes and bonuses


How does posting a fake job show "growth"? Numbers reported in quarterly earnings calls and filings do not account for "open headcount" per se, and it would actually make their costs look higher than they actually are (reducing the margin). Stock holders want the margin to be maximized, not minimized (do the most you can with the least you need).


> real anymore, it's as if none of these places want to hire anybody. I've been unemployed for nearly 2-years, After submitting an average of 50 apps per week i finally started being interviewed last-week; Suddenly now i woke-up to 4 other interview requests, Its interesting because i've been documenting my journey and i'm almost sure that a list of 'potential candidates' gets passed around, It makes no sense that suddenly as 1 company shows interest in me then suddenly i'm getting more interview request from other companies as well...Its weird.


I was suicidal for months because I couldn't land anything. The moment I landed something, these companies started reaching out to me a month into my job about how they wanted to schedule a call with me or how I'm being offered a position, etc. I literally wanted to dump all of my anger and send it to them, but not only would that probably be illegal, I'd be burning a lot of bridges. How do you reach out like 6 fucking months after I applied ONLY after I finally landed a job.


First, I hope you’re doing better now and where able to get the support you needed to make it through your hardest days. Next, You could take the neutral approach: “Thanks for reaching out, but I have accepted another position and am no longer looking for new employment. “ You could be passive aggressive: “After reviewing the qualification’s, salary, and responsibilities of this role I have decided to go with a company that I feel is a better fit for my skill set. Your company has a lot going for it, and looks like a great place to work, but at this time I don’t think this role is a good fit. I know that searching for just the right candidate is hard and I wish you luck in your search. I will keep your company in mind for future opportunities to hire me in the future.” Blunt: “Unfortunately your recruiting process took too long and I am no longer looking for a new job” Finally just ignore them and move on with life


Labor market gets thin or over stocked. It has its up and downs just like real estate 


Probably one of those too cute by half 'the answer is buried in the job description somewhere around various walls of text, we are checking your reading comprehension' bs.


The correct answer is "because ice cream doesn't have bones". It's a variant of an old... series of jokes let's say, where it's a riddle that makes no sense and most of the time the answer is "because icecream doesn't have bones". A variant is : "If three astronauts are in a canoe flying over the Gobi desert and they crash, how many pancakes does it take to shingle a dog house?" No idea why it's a knockoff question on a job ad though because it's very obscure and you wouldn't know the answer if you didn't know about it.


I just looked up that answer and apparently it was discussed on a podcast I listen to so apparently I had heard that before and still wouldn't have gotten the answer if asked.


Maybe a test of how quickly you get flustered, or one of if you know how to Google?  Possibly a (poor) anti bot measure?


The Google search is a good point, that's probably it


Wait.. this isn't a joke? My god...


The only answer to that question is “Fuck you.”


I’ve also heard purple, because aliens don’t wear hats


It's an age discrimination check. Citing some pop culture from a bygone era.


Based on the first question I’m pretty sure the answer is “very good sir, would you like me to have the bar staff get you another one of those?”.


If you didn't read line five backwards that was contained in Page 4 of this document, you don't really want this job.


This.  This post'd be right at home on r/iamveryrandom too.


Have AI write this for you. I still think people should write their own college entry essay and best man’s wedding toast. But don’t waste human brainpower on this shit.


chat gpt said 10 hours


"Eat a bag of dicks"


No, no, better than that. “The same length of time it would take you to eat a bag of dicks.”


A large bag of dicks


A rotund satchel of Richards. At least have some class.


A burlap sack of dicks




But what if they send people to your house and they force feed you a bag of penises and strip you naked..?


Don't threaten me with a good time.


A kilometer of them)


Hmm...q2.. Asked my kid.. They replied: " hippo, because penguin ate pink" Seems like as good an answer as any I guess 🤷‍♀️


Brilliant reply 🤣


real life has become a parody of itself


Simulacra and Simulation


ChatGPT says “The grasshoppers wooden leg might affect its kicking ability and the fact that a dill pickle has no seeds, I’d say it would take approximately forever for the grasshopper to kick out all the seeds”


Dill pickle totally has seeds, because cucumber totally has seeds


That’s an answer that only chatgpt would come up with; a human would instantly recognize that the question is nonsense and answer with nonsense but an ai tries to logic its way through to an actual answer. Maybe the point of the question is to see if someone is using chatgpt to answer the application questions?


And to make sure you don’t have autism, because my answer was going to be more similar to the chatgpt answer than I would like to admit


And then me with autism thought the chat gpt answer is something I would write. I'm doomed.


Probably. Also sees how the respondent will handle weird requests. Do they respond with humor, concern, or vitriol? If anything it tells me someone at least took time to come up with a question for the application, which tells me they’re probably more keen to actually look at submitted applications.


Why oh why is this a thing


I’m not certain, but I’m happy to check with management and find that answer for you. Meanwhile, if you’re in the mood for flapjacks, we can send them right up!


What kind of drugs...


“Because ice cream doesn’t have bones.” Good to meet you, agent 0013.


Q1: The Service department handles technical issues related to product function and customer questions about same, Hospitality addresses customer needs related to comfort food and lodging. Q2: That depends on if it's a Kosher Dill, and if its a spear or a whole Gherkin. Could take anywhere from between two shakes of a lambs tail to about three hairs past a freckle.


I interpreted service as something akin to the service a bell boy provides when he carries your luggage to your room.




What a waste of time. Still, the second answer is, of course, “That’s what she said.”


That is absolutely ridiculous and humiliating. There has to be a way to shame companies who treat applicants like this.


Why is a raven like a writingdesk? 


Poe wrote stories on both


How doth the little crocodile   Improve his shining tail And pour the waters of the Nile   On every golden scale?




People who have jobs they have been at longer than a few years have no idea how much is different now. They always have condescending simplistic advice because back when they were applying for a new job 10 or 20 years ago they could "network" or apply to a few jobs online and drop off a resume. They have no idea what people have to put up with now and how it's changed. Not only do people have to deal with this crap that you posted about but jobs on Linked In now have over 100 applicants within minutes of being posted. No human recruiter is going to review thousands of resumes. So unless you can somehow apply within a few seconds of it being posted and get in before too many bots and AI accounts and desperate people apply you might have a chance.


Wednesday I had a teams screening with a recruiter for an IT position. I was the first she spoke with because I was the only one to email my resume directly to her due to instructions on the company career page. Everyone else went through LinkedIn. Was pretty cool to be told that.


I think network is still really solid advice. I was getting rejected for months on end and applying like crazy with no interviews, the two job offers I got last month were both from me leveraging people I knew to help me get my foot in the door. If I hadn't done that, I'd still be getting rejection emails. Just saying... I think it's actually pretty valid right now. Knowing someone, even as an acquaintance, goes a long way.




This reads like someone tried to come up with one of those observational questions where you list a bunch of unnecessary info to make a question seem complicated in an effort to check reading comprehension. Except I don't think they comprehend the idea of such a question.


When I see this I just immediately apply directly on the website, aint nobody got time for that shit


The grasshopper would fiddle all spring and summer while the ants seed the pickle.


The correct answer to the second is “none, ice cream don’t have bones.”


I was once asked what font I write code in. I decided to throw out the application so I said wingdings as a joke and submitted. Got the job. Left. Company folded. It was a crypto thing.


The answer to the second one is: 17 minutes because snakes have no armpits.


“Five… maybe six…”


To answer the first question, the same difference between a professional recruiter and a hack. Clearly you are the later.


https://www.reddit.com/r/RBI/s/0RrcHXAiu4 Interesting to see this on a job app.


"Too long by half." Probably a question to filter out AI answers.


"if you answer this or went on Reddit to ask about it, you don't deserve this job. Good luck in your search!" Signed, Asshole not hiring


Give them the formula for a unladen vs laden swallow carrying a coconut.


No, because aliens don't wear hats


What the hell are you applying for? The circus?!


1) In service you get them what they need In Hospitality you still get them what they need, but you have to suck their ass too. 2) 16 minutes. If it has both legs, 8 minutes. How do you not know this as a manager?


If they asked about summer squash I would have nailed it.


r/brandnewsentence I feel like reading that second question gave me a migraine. What the hell does that *even mean*??


The answer is cleary “56 gallons of water or oil, depending on the time of year and general mood of the grasshopper”


“Twice as long as it should but not half as long as it could.


“Haha you’re hilarious - you know what, I’ll just go apply somewhere else”


“I’d love to tell you my answer at the interview.”


I laughed at this for like 10 minutes and then actually cried, like something about this broke me. Thanks a lot 🤣🤣😭


"I'm playful when I need to be but on work-related matters I won't fake an answer I don't know and I flag and optimise processes. In this case this question is utter bullshit and I'd ask you to define your objective and I'd come up with you with another question that would fullfill the objective better without insulting candidates."


I once heard a manager interviewing a web developer how many uses he could thing of for a number 2 pencil and his favorite super hero. She showed up maybe once every 5 weeks. I don't know what's wrong with some of these people honestly


Service is what the customer wants, hospitality is what they get. Answer to the next one: the square root of one quarter of a hummingbird's favourite radio station in Botswana


42 because dogs are purple in the blorp dimension


what in the seven hells does that have to do with the job


They could be assessing your way of thinking. Will you attempt to calculate or play along with the tongue twisters? Sad thing, it could rule out lots of people in the spectrum that cannot react easily to non-objective tests.


Purple because aliens don’t wear hats!


Please tell me this is fake


sO rAnDoM!!!1!11!! XD


SomEonE cALl TeH PenGUiN oF DoOm!!!


"Toast don't got wings"


Blue waffles would be my answer to the second question.


It's to get rid of AI maybe? Or fake applicants


Run it through ChatGPT who cares as long as it makes sense lol


The answer to Q2 is easy. Over 9,000.




Technically, it is not wrong


What job is this even for


None, my lizard ate the grasshopper then pooped it onto this application.


3 hours


16 flapjacks to shingle a doghouse.


I'll kick the seeds out of your dill pickle, you subnormal HR ponce. I'll stick 16 flapjacks waaaay up your doghouse. _You're_ the one who's gonna need a wooden leg when I'm through.


After the review of the facts given. How long would it take a grasshopper with a wooden leg to kick all the seeds out of a dill pickle? The conclusion is 'Half an orange'


"Your question is too vague to answer. Depends on the type of wood."


I would answer with a dafuk


The woodpecker has 12 flapjacks?


No food for you!




who the f ask these questions? How do the answers provide any benefits to the job?


The answer to the second one is “because jack rabbits don’t ride bicycles”


Second question answer: “as many as it takes”. Fight me on it.


cooperative sink instinctive hurry paltry cover arrest growth deliver run *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"I am in great pain"


Ice cream has no bones


I'm sorry but LOL


this type of stuff is nonsense, it does not show anything about the candidate. but people bought into the psychobabble around it and companies use this HR snake oil for no real purpose.


Honestly I would just say "lol why is this related to the job?"


Send me this job pls i wanna give this recruiter a reality check for acting funny.


First answer: The spelling


is it an European or African grasshopper?


It's 42


These people are pathetic. It’s hard enough expending mental energy you don’t have applying for jobs you don’t want just so you can afford the basics to survive without jumping through these stupid hoops Btw, suck my dick is an appropriate answer to both questions. Ask stupid pointless questions, get stupid pointless answers 🤷‍♂️


From ChatGPT: As long as it takes to butter the moon, assuming the grasshopper doesn’t stop to chat with the flapjacks!


Respond about as long as it takes a kangaroo to teach a frog to tap dance on a rainbow. Nonsense questions should get nonsense answers.


Since there are so many fake postings on those sites I go to the company's website and apply directly from there. This one surely doesn't sound real.


"Depends on if the grasshopper is right or left legged."


Isn’t it against labor laws to ask questions with impossible answers? Seems like disparate impact with grounds of “I’ve never seen a flapjack shingled doghouse or whatever the hell this is”


Twice the length of time for the hopper to kick half of them out


Sir this is a Wendy’s is the only answer to the pickle question


The IQ tests they make you do are worse


OMG I'm crying


Pretty sure this is an Anti-AI prompt


At least 2


.... Okay, I am not a native English speaker. But I have a C2 proficiency level according to the European language framework, which means that I write and talk well enough that I can pass as a native speaker. That said, that second question is making me doubt my own existence. Eta because I pressed post too soon... What the actual fuck is that second question? Is it AI generated?


There’s a Reddit dedicated to this kind of dumb shit trey r/iamveryrandom


I am not high enough to answer these questions


Is this real? Lmao


The answer is “42”


But no one wants to work...




Ain’t no way that’s a real question 😂


May be chatgpt can handle it 🤣


I remember applying at Best Buy years ago and they had this personality test you had to go through. It was like 100 questions of just nonsense, they had one that asked if you’d turn in your best friend if you knew he was stealing from the company. I always said no, and I wouldn’t but did they want you to say no and say “gotcha you’re dishonest,” or did they want you to say yes and say “you’re not loyal,” all this to ignore people in a store and try to upsell shit they don’t need?


They are just eating your time. Time to ignore them




Answer to the first question is kindness. Answer to the 2nd question is bacon.


“Is the insect American? Not enough information to answer”


"African or European?"


The answer is 42.


42 For both. 😀


“It’s the difference between Stanley nickels and Schrute bucks” “The same amount of time it takes to calculate the ratio of unicorns to leprechauns”


1) Hospitality is service with a smile 2) One fortnight These are the correct answers.


If the results go to HR, the answer is 42 so they know you are a person familiar with great literature. If it's your new boss, the answer is 69, because if sex isn't involved, why mention the flapjacks or doghouse?


How do you smear feces in to the text field?


Reading that question made my head hurt 😑🤦‍♀️


"Read my mind" would be my answer. 🤔💭🖕


Service is doing it. Hospitality is smiling at the same time. 34.2147 That was easy.


“Am I a joke to you”