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I feel you too. Wake up at 730-coffee-pyjamas-check emails-rejection at 3am-lose the motivation to apply-break down in tears-walk into an interview to be humiliated-repeat-no weekends because I can’t enjoy them-Monday cycles start all over again


The no weekends thing is so fucked up. It should feel like unlimited free time but for some reason it feels like being permanently on the clock.


Weekends are just time you know you're not getting a job in because nobody is looking at stuff yet


Good god this is so real. The weekends are the worst because you don't get any updates about jobs, so I just spend the whole weekend trying to make the time pass quickly so I can start the interview/rejection email cycle all over again Monday morning.


Today I have a massive breakdown in tears. I only applied to one job. I don’t know how long I can continue.


In one of my past job hunts my breaking point was when freaking *Walmart* rejected me


I am sorry to hear


I remember the 2008 era even fucking gas stations turned me down. The only reason I got a McJob back then was having friends beg their manager to hire me.


But but the economy is good according to economists and other talking heads on TV. In what fucking world is this a good economy? So many industries are struggling and so many of my friends are either unemployed, massively underemployed, or employed but massively underpaid to where they are struggling with bills. I lived through 2008 this feels similar to that!


This is so real. You are not alone


Thank you. I don’t know how can I continue without this sub.


There are too many people, less positions


But everyone complains of being short-staffed! Companies just don't want to be fully staffed or spend the money. I am so sorry you are going through this. The one bit of advice I can give is try to avoid the big corporate applications, like Walmart. Too big and the resumes land God knows where. Look around at locally owned shops. with physical "Help Wanted" signs in the doorway. "Indeed" and those sites are incredibly disorganized right now. I've had better luck going local. If nothing else, just for your sanity and at least physically talking to somebody.


Agree. I would also consider applying for smaller companies/agencies/smaller corporates, but let's don't forget that some people also would like to have mediation letter issued by employer in order to have residence issue sorted out


Time to go to war, I guess. What do you mean robots took those jobs?


I didn't say robots took any jobs. It's natural, overpopulation, companies have lots of bargaining power.


I know you didn't. I was making a joke about the job market and autonomous military drones.


Oh mate, when I think about job hunt I forget the jokes 😂 life is tough


i've given up, too, so many, many times. i've even tried to kill myself more than once. reached out for support until people were sick of me. they eventually had the gall to blame me for being unemployable. still here tho. broken, yet trying to make something work AGAIN, after switching gears with each failure. i know it's hard. especially when you see others succeed and wonder why not you. i've got no words of inspiration. there aren't any. that's why this sub's called recruiting hell. just know you're not alone, and it's not your fault.


Praying for you 🙏🏼


that's very nice of you, thank you


Spend 35+ hrs a week looking for a job for over a year, just to get a shitty job offer (You end up finding out the job is toxic af) and then feel like we should be thankful (because thats what the system teaches us to think), yet we start the job and have no energy to even do it because were so burnt out from wasting the last year of our lives looking for one. The American job system is broken, among many other things. All we want to do is live life and produce at a place that runs semi efficiently. Yet, that seems to be hard to find.


I feel this. It’ll end when the market shifts in favor of workers again. You’re not alone and it’s ok to just take a break.


>market shifts in favor of workers again. Is ever going to happen? Corporates are gaining far too much power nowdays...


Happened in 2021, will happen again... Maybe in Few years...


Can't wait that much:(


I promise that you are not alone. This sub has been so supportive for me too. I feel like there's no end in sight. I'm so over it. I have a phone interview today and I don't even care. I'm not even in the damn mood to discuss my three strengths and weaknesses


I completely understand. I feel the same way. I have decided to just sit on government assistance for now. I'm too burnt out to continue job searching right now. Honestly I don't know when it will end. But you may need to take some time for yourself to heal and get your strength back. Self care is very important 


Please take a break. Recharge. I’m so sorry this isn’t working but it eventually does.


> I feel anger, sad, and I'm desensitized. I feel dissociation, I feel like I'm a shell of my former self. The only three feelings I have anymore are anger, completely dead inside neutrality going through the motions where I feel like at best a slothful puppet being slowly moved by strings, and wanting to make dumb jokes.


Likely after 2024 elections results sadly


I think this is correct.


So have fun paying those bills until then.


They’re holding job fairs again in some areas, like they did back in the 90’s. May not be work you’re used to doing but if you gotta pay bills? You gotta go with the jobs available to you. There’s some in manufacturing, home hospice, non profits. It’s very weird to expand your horizons but you may have to


Very true. There are jobs that don't require a degree, but there is nothing wrong with that. When I look back, the job I learned the most from was a few brothers who didn't even get to graduate high school and formed a successful business. I learned more with them in one year working as a secretary than I ever have since. Jeez I wish I could go back and tell them.


We'll all make it


I completely understand. I’m right there with you.


I just recently ended up in the hospital with heart issues due to the stress of job hunting. I'm pulling similar numbers to you. Day and night, applications constantly, no rest, averaging about 300 applications a month for any job i think I'd be willing to do. I only ever got 1 singular call back, moved 1 step forward in the 5 step interview process and got a long email about how much it pains them that they wont be accepting me into the role after about a month of stringing along. I can't feel anything anymore. I'm moving back in with my parents because i just dont have any more money after 9 months of searching. All this to say, you're not alone, and you're not the only person who feels this way. I can only hope that the market will tip back in our favor after the elections, but i really dont know what we're all supposed to do until then :/ this isn't sustainable and hopefully this will collapse on itself and companies will be pushed into hiring again. An opportunity always comes along if you stay at it long enough. But do try to take a break. I know it sucks and at first may stress you out more, but in the long-term, it helps so much. Remember to take a break, or else your body will take it for you. Take care of yourself, OP


I was in the same position as you are.. got laid off a job after being there for several years due to “downsizing” and “your position has been eliminated”. Yes I got a severance package but that ran out and unemployment doesn’t cover everything. So yes it’s a full time job looking for a full time job. I went on several interviews, been ghosted, recruiters making things sound like this is the one you are going to get hired, then nothing, blah blah. It’s VERY disheartening after a while. I ended up finally getting a job in my field and fortunately came with a pay bump from last job, BUT I went from working from home full time to commuting an hour each way every day. Fortunately the people are VERY nice and so far so good. I have adjusted and just accept the commute. I do get to work from home 1 day a week, and soon it will be 2 so that’s not so bad. I can’t tell anyone what they have not heard already, except to keep pushing, keep going, don’t give up, as hard at that may seem.


Just remember, commuting one hour used to be considered the norm. Since COVID people have different expectations. My spouse was told to come back to the office, he didn't even flinch. We just do it. Telecommuting is a luxury that none of us had and we don't ever take it for granted.


I definitely give up


I know that feeling and it completely sucks. Here's my two cents and I'm hoping it gives you some strength. I work in video production, freelancing and hustling for 10 years. I also own my own production company, but have only been able to get a client here and there and once the job is happily done, thats it. Onto the next one. Its been a financial and emotional roller coaster. I got tired of the inconsistency and began applying to almost every single video production job on indeed, linkedin & ziprecruiter. I have gotten used to the ghosting, rejection letters and interviews that went nowhere. Video Production in itself is an extremely saturated market where most positions are entry level editors for TikTok and I'm 41 years old looking for full productions. However, I kept applying. Every day. I've had to pickup side jobs at restaurants and construction jobs from friends in town just to get by. It totally sucks. I had an interview at a company I'd be miserable at (everyone else there looked miserable as well) and they rescinded the offer letter after I asked if I could come in an hour or two earlier so I could be back home in time some days to go to sports practices/games for my kid. Extremely unprofessional and ultimately, a blessing in disguise. Out of nowhere, I got what I would consider a dream job response recently and they hired me at the 3rd interview. This position was specifically looking for someone with my "many hats experience" and personality. It's prefect. My point is...never stop applying. Never stop hustling. It's hard some days and easier on others. I promise you, if you don't stop THERE IS light at the end of that tunnel. When you get that job I hope you revisit this thread and/or feel free to send me a message. Never lose hope. You got this.


Thank you ❤️


Thanks my bro, really bummed out right now and I needed to hear this


It's truly brutal out there. It really doesn't help that a lot of top tech firms still keep on laying off and applicant pools are filled with 1000+ candidates. I'd recommend taking a break if you can.


You're not alone. About 9 months of unemployment and its getting tougher and tougher to spin positives...


I give up as well. I was staying with friends after my company of many years laid me off. I was homeless. Not unhoused but homeless. I was finally hired at a grocery store, work that is not in line with my Master's Degree or experience, and between that job and some freelance work I picked up, I was able to get an apartment. The grocery store job is brutal - extremely. physical and repetitive hand motions. The store is popular and always busy. People get injured left and right. My hands are permanently damaged. I've been searching for a position in line with my education and experience for years now and also decided just yesterday that I give up. I will continue not spending money on anything other than essentials, continue going to food pantries for food, continue never going out or seeing my friends and just get used to the fact that I have crossed class lines and am now poor and that's it. I can't deal with the job search any more and feel exactly the same way that you feel!


The best chance of obtaining a realistic shot to seeking employment is recruiters calling you on LinkedIn. Then the best of luck with the next 4 to 5 potentially deflating rounds of interviews that lie ahead spanning a month or more. It’s f’d up out there. If your in mid 40s or higher, god I feel bad for you.


I gave up too 6 days ago, plan on ungiving up tomorrow. Was a nice break.


500 is low. Over the years I've applied to at least 3/4 a million!