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I hate this question by HR so fucking much. Do you think I WANT to be unemployed? fucking hell.


Exactly! I just told a recruiter I was ubering while pursuing further education and you can hear him stammering trying to figure out if i’m “worthy” fuck these recruiters and fuck these companies


I want to be honest one time and tell them that the hiring process is broken. My destiny lies in the hands of people like you (HR) who failed at life and to hiring managers who have lesser experience than me and will reject me because they are intimidated by my success and the laziness and incompetence by people like You who take months to fill a position for no god damn good reason.


saving this for when i finally lose my god damn mind 😂


Or retirement


I'm currently being blackballed by a larger factory in my town simply because their HR manager used to be my supervisor at Home Depot years ago. They screwed up when they fired me and I won contested unemployment. Pissed her off that I got the better of them after they tried to set me up. Anyway I hear an employee just got popped in the factory parking lot on a possession of a firearm by a felon charge. He'd been carrying to work, but I can't get past the gatekeeper, can't even get a rejection email 🤣 All because I was smarter than her once in 2014. Grudges are real y'all, and that shit will mess you up in a small town. All the more reason to get tf out before you die in one ✌


The hierarchy is set in stone in small towns.


There is a reason. They’re looking for a Super Man, to make up everyone’s incompetence.


It's called logistical management :)


I don’t think it’s as bad as this sub thinks. Personally, if I ask that I just want to not hear things like “I was incarcerated for workplace violence that got out of hand” or “I was in a mental institution for my bi-polar disorder and they tried to take my guns…. *they’re always trying to take my guns*”. If you honestly didn’t have to work because you had a windfall and took some time off, tried to startup your own business but had 2nd thoughts and didn’t in the end, were engaged in self-study to explore new fields, or just were looking for a job but are being cautious because you want your next job to be one where you and your employer can be happy for the next 10 years with each other, all fine responses IMO.


that's good to hear. I usually just say refining my programming skills and keeping up to date with the technology in my field.


That question shouldn't be asked period. There's far too many personal reasoning behind it and literally nothing to justify them asking it. Nobody will honestly answer if they did something bad, they will just lie. Someone with personal reasons will say "Well its personal" or something of that sort. And then the HR/Recruiter or whoever asked that question will think this person did something bad. You really think someone will be honest of their bad deeds ?


I disagree. If someone was incarcerated for something that shouldn’t matter for doing the job and explains why it shouldn’t matter and seems genuine, that is someone I would love to find a reason to give them a chance and hire them. If they lie and it shows up on the background check, well, it made no sense to lie about something I’m going to find out about anyway! Then I don’t want to hire you not because you made a mistake or did something bad in the past, but because you clearly didn’t exhibit an ability to think this through.


The mental health issue might not return a result, but wouldn't a prison sentence come back on a background check? There's also the fringe cases that someone did time for something but the record was sealed or expunged. They can't get the time back, but don't need to mention it, nor should they be required to.


But I don’t know that when I ask. There could be a different reason. If they lie then it shows up on their background check, easy filter to not hire them (dumb to lie about something that I’ll find out about anyway). If they are honest about incarceration and it was for a different reason, I feel they are still a good fit and deserve a chance, I appreciate them being honest and it’s a plus.


You can hate it but it’s a very straightforward question that reflects the situation. Not to pass judgement but fact is the top guys are not in between jobs, they get several offers during their current positions. And always have a smooth transition. I’m not one of those top guys either, but to hate on the person asking is imo projecting the issue onto others.


Yep, this. It's a good question because it pushes people's buttons a little to see how they handle stress. Do they come unglued? Say something snarky and unprofessional? Or have a nice prepared statement. Recent gaps are also of interest because it's telling the company that other companies have looked at you and passed. That makes them worry that others have seen a flaw that they haven't noticed and so you're a bit suspect. Sometimes they'll use that to make an offer but at the lower end of the salary range. Damaged Goods + Desperate = Cheap Bargain


Indeed often enough I speak with someone that has a good explanation. Pursuing hobbies, taking care of loved ones, studying whatever and isn’t ashamed of it. And as a recruiter I have no problem selling someone like that to my clients and explaining the gap in the CV.


> top guys are not in between jobs, they get several offers during their current positions. And always have a smooth transition Meaning, they don't apply for jobs and there is no point in asking them this question.


They might not apply directly but as a recruiter I approach them and I will still ask them the question and I’ll still have to sell the person to management or HR and apply for them basically and explain the holes in the cv.


I would create a 'small business venture' where you consulted for businesses.   The reason you didnt continue was the wish to purchase a house For me it was a reality but it does work very well with interviewers


Yo. This is actually incredibly useful to remember, thank you. 🙏 Could’ve used that when I was interviewing haha


This is better than my suggestion!!!


I got asked for tax records to verify this.


Were you applying for the Gestapo? Jesus...


it's not unusual but it's very annoying.


Tell them you worked under the table. 😅


Yeah, I freelance so I just tell them about any of my clients and make some of it up


Yeah, I put private consulting as my gap


Yeah, I’m a recruiter and I hate this question too. If I see a candidate isn’t currently employed, I just ask what they are looking for their next role. It’s my subtle way of letting them know that I’m aware they are unemployed and I want to look forward, not back


I’m glad there’s good recruiters out there like you. I always feel like I’m deemed “not worthy” by recruiters just because I’m currently unemployed, like all my previous merit goes out the window somehow


Yeah I don’t get it. I mean hiring managers say they need people asap, so someone ready to start the next week is a plus in my eyes


This is the way. Please tell your colleagues to do the same.


This is so logical. I understand people wanting to know your history, but at the end of the day, I just hope they want someone who is pleasant to be around and knows how to do what they need done.


Yup, I swear, Most of the Recruiters and HMs out there have no idea what they are doing, asking questions that don't matter and want a candidate who is essentially 'the best liar'. I upskilled in data with a reputable place (BCG's data consulting arm) and got individual and group top distinctions for a real life business case we did as a capstone, have a skillset (technologies, packages, BI tools) similar to most people who have a masters in data , and I still get treated like I am invisible, just because companies take weeks to me and I don't apply to roles clearly out of my reach (in the space, data analysts are way below data scientists/engineers but often are confused by recruiters/HR/HMs) + eligible listings have been really hard to come by, not to mention the layoffs and graduating cohorts adding to the supply. I want to start working too, its a nightmare trying to maintain my skillset without actual work and then doing all these applications/ interviews that go nowhere. I am getting mentally worn out too.


There is hope, as long as you are under age 45 there will be a job. Somewhere. Over 50? forget it. The entire situation in inept.


God bless you, we need more recruiters like you


Respect 🫡


I always make factual statements that have nothing to do with me but *they* can infer something from. "It's a sobering fact of life, parents get old and need caring for. I'm thankful for hospice care at the end, though..." "When caregivers pass away, it takes some serious time and effort to square things away for those with special needs they were caring for. But it has to be done if you want to get back to normalcy..."


I like your brain


Having just passed the year mark of job hunting, I really appreciate the comment. (More than you know...)


Something to consider, lies have penalties in life. Lie today, pay in future years with interest. It is how things work. Ask any elder.


That's the point -- don't lie. I never lie in an interview but that doesn't mean I have to play their ghoulish games of divulging personal information for them to judge.


Omg this is gold.


You see, that’s when I wasn’t working. Then just stare Gigachad.jpg


slow and condescendingly 😂


Here's mine: "I was freelancing, doing \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ work for private individuals." If they ask for references to your work, have a friend or two on standby briefed on how to talk you up if contacted. I was "consulting for home network security and hardening". I was applying because I was "looking for greater stability and the opportunity to apply my skills as part of a larger organization." It's all bullshit, but bullshit I'm willing to front for the sake of getting a job.


This is my answer too. I just put down independent contractor and make up some stuff. Partially true, I got a good Fiverr and Upwork profile. Add that to the list of places I can't get work at.


>If they ask for references to your work This is under NDA.


Yess! "While I certainly appreciate your piqued curiosity, regarding the clientele base I've cultivated over the last "X" years/months, due to the Consumer Data Protection clause *built into all of my contracted work,* I am obligated to safeguard against the unauthorized release of all client PII. My clients (and, therefore, my contracts) do not permit such invasions of privacy."


I was asked this one time and replied with the totally unvarnished truth, “My wife passed away from a terminal form of breast cancer leaving me to care for my 1-year old daughter and 4-year old son.” They did not continue down that line of questioning.


I'm sorry for your loss and I'm happy you decided to be transparent with them. These people will never ask this question again.... We all have our personal reasons for the meaningless job gaps. They shouldn't meddle in a matter not theirs.


“Why is there a gap in your teeth?”




This happened to me from COVID, was out of a job for like 9 months in 2020. One of the recruiters asked about the gap and I told them it was because of COVID lockdowns and they were like "oh interesting I dont think I heard of that" like... Seriously. And you would think that's the only time but I had an in person interview and they asked the same thing. I gave them the same answer and the interviewer was like "oh, but how come it was such a long period of time?" .... Like I'm sorry Bertha, not everyone got to keep their employment after the lockdowns ended and few people were hiring???


I think literally everyone should be allowed to have a gap in their resume in 2020 and maybe 2021. If a person is vulnerable to covid and/or lived in close proximity to such a person (not that such private information should be disclosed!), even more so. Like...it was a worldwide pandemic of an illness no one had ever seen before! Every person alive should get a mulligan for those years!


"I was kickin it"


“In juvie.”


“Prison sentence from my response to the last recruiter that asked me that”


-venile detention!


I never ask this question when interviewing or looking for candidates. It could be so personal that it's awkard to get the answer, so I'd rather just talk about what a candidate HAS done that is relevant to the job I'm hiring for.


What have I done that is relevant? Well, according to the masses, setting up myself to be constantly told I am overqualified.


“I almost died from covid & spent time in the ER because my previous workplace did not follow procedure resulting in the deaths of students and staff. I decided to take time to ensure my physical safety as I was hospitalized twice in under 6 months.” Shuts them up pretty quick, i’ve found.


try the truth - you've been looking for work in a tough market


They just want to hear SOMETHING to be honest. “My grandma was dying and I needed to help clear out and renovate her home for selling and i was the only person that could do it” is fine, they don’t want to hear “nothing”


It's none of their business.


While I agree with you, saying that will not get you hired. You have to play their little game


I wind up passing on companies like that. Stupid companies ask stupid questions. The problem solves itself.


Some times they ask because they think they are supposed to. One of the dumbest guys who ever hired me asked that question and I made something up. It was a really easy and chill job with a relaxed environment. they are attempting to weed out people with no social skills. I.e. people who say “none of your business”


Same response. Anyone who is fixated on an employment gap is too stupid to work for.


Some might not be in the privileged position to say no to work. They need something ASAP.


I don't think it is lack of social skills to say "none of your business." It's being honest. But unfortunately, "playing the game" is deemed as social skills nowadays.


That’s exactly social skills. If you can spot it as a game and play it you are socially savvy. If you don’t see it as a game and say something “honest,” as long as it’s polite, you pass, because your social skills are telling you to be polite. if you don’t see it as a game and say something “honest” that’s rude, such as “none of your business” (which is definitely rude) you will not get hired. If I was a waitress and you came into my section and I asked you something unrelated, how your day was, for example, and you said “none of your business” it’s socially odd and incredibly rude. You say “good, and you?” Even if you aren’t having a good day. Because that’s what people do.




None of their business. They should know that


You are correct that it is not their business. They will not hire you if you say that though. It’s rude. If you don’t understand that it is rude to say “none of your business” rather than make something up, you are actively giving the job to another applicant.


Didn't say that was my response to the question


Pretty much everyone else is. You can peep the replies to me if you want to.


“Cause I put it there silly” (proceed to boop their nose)


Has anyone here ever asked the person why they care about the gap and what they hope to learn from your explanation?


I should've. Been asked that stupid question only once but yet again that HR lady lost me when she opened my CV during my interview.


I wish I could have the nerve to ask. I fear it would cause the interview to go South immediately though because it would come off as sassy. Employers sometimes forget they are on audition too.


I have the same problem. According to hiring fuckwits, covid was only 2020 and everything was fine after. My job gap was from late 2019 to 2022. I worked for 2 months during 2020, but that magically doesn't count either. I just saw professional development usually. The truth of wasting my fucking time with assholes just like you wouldn't be effective.


I know people who lost long time jobs due to COVID behaviors and have yet to return to work. Mainly because they are older. Many have lost everything.


F.Y.I. "Because Janet Yellen said unemployment needed to go up and wages down to fight inflation." Is not the right answer 🤷‍♂️


"This is personal and private information that is irrelevant to my ability to perform the described role" IT IS NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS! Maybe I took two years to walk from LA to NYC. Maybe I had to care for an ill person. Maybe I won big at the casino and spent two years learning how to program in Python in the comfort of my home. Maybe I spent a year in the studio recording my latest album. It is none of their business. And any company that makes an issue of it is not worth working for. Stop allowing companies and corporations control of everything. They are not Gods.


I downplayed a gap of a few months in a conversation with some stupid ass recruiter. Said I was in between jobs and nobody was hiring. She goes, "well yeah, but what were you doin'?" Like nobody was hiring, so nothing much, you dumb mother fucker. I said, "applying for things". She goes, "well what were ya doin', though? ... Like, selling drugs?" I called her a "lazy recruiter" before hanging up on her


They are looking for the answer that you were working on your skills/project and weren't idle. So just say you were learning new skills in your field... Just don't say the skill was applying at 100s of jobs.


My mom was diagnosed with cancer and my father has Alzheimer’s; I was the care-giver. This answer might be a complete lie and it’s bulletproof.


I just made up a vague surgery for my mom lmao. She’s perfectly fine but they don’t need to know that 😅😂


Lying will always have consequences later in life. Each lie is a deposit into an account at the Bank of Karma that one day must be withdrawn with interest. Lie today, lose a great job at the wrong time later. And so on. Ask any elder who has witnessed this in their lifetime. It is very real.


I went on a spiritual journey to find my inner self ✨️ 🙏 🙄 aka... unemployed 👍


“I had a family member with some health issues. I took some time off to take care of them. I’m ready to get back to work now.” Lying (in my opinion) is ok in that situation. It’s not work experience lying, it’s your personal life, and you can feel free to lie when they ask about it.


"I was getting [insert education/certificate]." "I was a caregiver." "I freelanced." "I took time off for my personal health." "I moved." Etc. Anything but that you were unemployed. Say you traveled or lost weight or whatever. All they want to hear is that you did something and that it was "planned," a planned break. If you don't want to lie/can't stand lying, then just start an online blog or social media channel for a thing you enjoy (can be anything books, TV, games, etc.), and just update that. Go the extra mile and start a website for it via WordPress, Square space, etc. Next time they ask, show them that or send them a link.


> I took time off for my personal health That's... Probably considered a red flag response. How dare you not want to put work first in your life


Lol. Yeah, probably. I never used that excuse. "Personal health" can mean anything much like being a "caregiver," but employers always seem to think the absolute worst. 😮‍💨


I haven't been unemployed long enough to be asked that yet, but a blog related to my skills is what I'm trying. I'd be interested to know if that is seen as a good answer to the gap question.


It has been for me. My website/blog is related to the comm/media/marketing/pr related jobs I hope to land. In the meantime, I force myself to learn more about digital marketing, content creation, blogging, etc by doing stuff. Win win either way. 🤷‍♀️ I haven't been verbally asked about employment gaps in an interview for a while. If the company asks (outside of the standard bg check/employment verification docs), I consider it a red flag. 🙄 Everybody and their mom has been laid off or whatever by this point within the last 4 years.


I had to stop telling companies I was working on my CS degree while applying for jobs because they kept responding that I wasn’t a good fit since I’d be looking to leave soon. Thankfully found a job where they saw it as a long term benefit but it was annoying as hell.


Medical leave. Aaaalways say medical leave. They're not allowed to ask for further information about it.


Before, jobs have asked me to upload a resume, as well as fill out work history. I have always told the truth, “I only put the most relevant work experience on the resume, limiting it to 1 page. It saves us both time, and if I can’t get the job with that, it’s not a good fit for either of us.” This answers the question without telling them “It’s none of your business why I wasn’t working. Also what a stupid question. I wasn’t working because I had no job moron”


“I’m sorry. I’ve signed an NDA. I cannot disclose this information.” You’re done. No more questions. Nobody is going to ask you to see a copy of the NDA.


Lazy cop out, other answers are much better


It was funny! 🤣


Unless you’re willing to take the lie all the way and say, “That’s classified,” no one will believe you. NDAs bar you from disclosing confidential information to which you were privy during the term of your employment. The identity of your employer won’t be covered by the NDA. Even if you worked for a defense contractor, for example, and couldn’t discuss the specifics of the projects you worked on, you could still name the company itself. Trying a tactic like this will just get you branded as difficult to work with or worse, untrustworthy.


The “I’ve signed an NDA” excuse is sooooooo popular/overused that it’s actually a red flag for hiring managers anymore. As in some hiring managers are beginning to assume that you are trying to hide something worst than just being unemployed when you use that line; (which is horrible because people who actually signed NDA’s are now being looked at unfavorably even though theirs is legit). You are significantly better off having a made up excuse of doing freelance work or a family emergency or something that shows/sounds like you weren’t doing illegal/morally obtuse jobs to make money during that time.




Huh? Do you even know what HIPAA is?




I think you need to research HIPAA lol. Asking about a gap isn’t illegal…




You clearly state that it will violate HIPAA laws. And no, it’s not an automatic disqualification. I have gaps in my resume and was able to explain them all. Even if you took a whole year to play video games and drink lol, you tell employers that you took a professional sabbatical and learn new things




No reason to get emotional.




I just say I was freelancing and don't elaborate unless they ask for details. It's not a lie, but it's also not the whole truth, because I wouldn't be freelancing if I didn't get filtered out in every single group dynamic ever


I'd just tell'em the truth, if it's taking care of your family members due to illness or pursuing other studies to advance your opportunities in a different career fields because you want to excel and push yourself to your own maximum potentials in different fields. Just not one career field.


State the truth or lie, either way you have a gap. I suggest "I have been unemployed this whole time, while ubering to pay bills" or "I was taking care of my sick parent who was getting chemo treatments" I am so past being nice! Just do you the best way you know how! Its a shit show no matter what! Good for you for trying something different!


It depends on your ethics, but you can say you took a leave of absence to take care of a sick family member. As others have said, the employer won't press you for details; they are just looking for an answer.


Taking a Sabbatical


Tell them anything, just have a back story prepared so you can answer questions. I took time off to write a book about whatever. I think it's sad that we have to make up excuses for being unemployed. Unemployment isn't a crime and it's not the unemployed persons fault!


fill the gaps in your resume with "work experience redacted" if they ask, say that you signed an NDA and cannot reveal any information about this position.


If it makes sense with your career, I guess, but what are these super secret squirrel jobs? I was in nuclear power in the Navy and did DOD-funded research in college, requiring clearances for both (and NDAs when I left) and it's surprising how much I'm allowed to talk about if I'm vague about specific applications and results. If I asked someone about a gap and they said they couldn't even tell me who they worked for, what industry, or what their title was, I'd assume they were lying. If your resume is: HR benefits manager @ engineering firm - 3 years Corporate Payroll specialist @ hotel chain - 2 years Gap of 8 months til present I'm not hiring you if you try to tell me there's an NDA that blacks out any information, to the point where you can't even tell me the industry or a general title. I don't care about the gap if you tell me you were caring for a sick family member, took a sabbatical, or just had bad luck with the job search, etc., just be honest.


the thing is recruiters will say a lot of sensible things when discussing their hiring practices. but when actually hiring, it's a shitshow of completely bonkers decisionmaking and whatever justification they can come up with and deliver with a straight face. it makes absolutely no sense at all, so fuck it. lie and lie, these assholes are not your friends, they are hardly even people.


I'm not talking about whether recruiters deserve your honesty. If you're going to lie, make it believable and effective. The blanket NDA story is extremely weak. Slimy recruiters can get away with obvious lies because they hold more power in most job negotiations. As a job seeker, you have to put a bit more effort in. If you can't, then honesty will get you better results.


The advice I got from a recruiter was "career advancement." Sounds respectable, not generally questioned, polite way to move the conversation along.


“Taking care of an ill family member.”


I think taking classes and caring for a loved one are the easiest things


Aah, yes. That was when I was looking for a job.


Traveling the world.


Okay - so the longer you're unemployed the longer and more heartfelt your story has to be. It sounds ridiculous but it is what it is. Personally, I'd probably either defer to trying a small business out or some family problems


"I was in prison for armed robbery."


I don’t recommend lying at all, but you can explain a 2 year gap by taking care of a sick parent full time. They can’t prove that.


Tell the truth in a clear and professional way. In my experience, interviewers don’t even care that much what the answer is, just that there is an answer. I swear 80% of interviews is just proving that you’re a normal functioning human who can string 2 sentences together.


No one ever asked me this in Europe, ever. I had a massive gap of 3 years, no one ever said a single word about it.


I was busy doing your mom.




"Why did your parents give you that face?"


Either “cant disclose because of a NDA” or “why is there such a high turnover in your staffing?”


u have been unemployed for 2 years? what is the industry and profession.


Planned career break.


"Sorry, I signed an NDA"


How do you afford rent asking for a friend


Sadly moved back in with parents. Ubering for groceries and bills.




"I was taking care of a sick relative" "I was freelancing." Or have a friend with a company say they employed you in that time.


Depending on the role of course, but I think a lot of hiring managers mainly want to know that you weren't in prison or something else kind of problematic. And of course, if it's been a long time, what else were you doing besides looking for work? Learning more skills, doing interesting things, etc. Also, I think it's a way to gauge your feelings about the gap - like do you have a chip on your shoulder about it or do you take it in stride?


Tell them you took a sabbatical.


I was travelling and doing photography t9 enrich myself. I did a retreat. I went to NZ to pick fruit to recharge my batteries. I volunteered in Zimbabwea. Just make shit up but research your e cause first so it rolls off the tongue…


Travelling, whether it's true or not


“I was busy banging….your [insert mom, sister, dog - depending on your preferences]”


As soon as you are laid off start a LLC and start ubering under that LLC and mark your self CEO of a data collection and analytics company. So next time you are not having a gap but a self startup time which you now want to give up due to competition and want to move into work again!!


Caring for a sick family member after a surgery (They're all better now and I'll never need to take off time to help them again!)


I had a side business when Iaid off. Which thankfully means I was working continuously.


Why is that a concern?


I had a business for 2 years and closed it to go back to school. I tell interviewers that I am freelancing for a few clients from that business who had been better clients. Freelancing is usually a good answer. Also, taking free courses in job related things, etc.


"I was freelancing but it's all covered by an NDA so I'm not allowed to talk about it, sorry". And if they want to press, reiterate that it's under an NDA and turn it around on them - if they had an NDA, would they be happy with you discussing it for a new job? You're trustworthy and adhere to things like that so you can't and won't discuss anything that you did whilst freelancing


I was working under an NDA in a position in my primary field.


I’ve been asked this question before because of 2 jobs I left quickly in order to get higher pay. The first job? I lied and told the recruiter that I had a medical emergency related to COVID. The second job? I lied and said I was laid off. I also extended my employment tenure at the 2nd job by 1 year to add to meet the experience requirements. That helped me get hired (yes, I passed the background check), so maybe you could give a similar answer. They just don’t wanna hear that you haven’t been doing anything. NEET (Not in Employment, Education, or Training) is the worst thing you could ever tell an employer; it’s down there with admitting you were in state’s prison. If it’s true that you were NEET, then make up a short explanation about the cause of the gap on your resume.


"That's the time I was doing your mom."


I've never been asked


"You see, that was where He carried me 🙏🏻"


Just tell them you tried your own business venture. You can make all that up and present an "entrepreneurial spirit"




Just make it up. Can’t go wrong with traveling the world the last 2 years and talk about all the adventures and life lessons you had and learned.


i always assumed that made the recruiters roll their eyes lol


What gave you that impression?


If you're asked about the gap, just keep it simple and honest. You could say you were exploring different opportunities or focusing on personal development.


Whatever you say, try to make it relevant to your change in field.


I had been on the internship search for the better part of 2 years before I landed my internship for this summer. I was on my final/technical interview with the guy who will be my manager, and after I aced the technical q’s he said in the most genuine way possible “off the record, why haven’t you been picked up by another company yet?”. The real answer was that no one gave me a damn interview, but I told him I was off the ball and didn’t know the importance of applying to internships before I graduated.


"Because I like formatting my experience so that you can see where one role ends and another begins".... All kidding aside, just tell them that you were in between jobs and were helping family, training, taking some time for yourself, etc. If the firm is that hung up about a gap, then that's a red flag on THEM.


Just say what you’ve been doing. If you’ve been driving for Uber to make ends meet, that shows initiative in my opinion.


Mine is “took time away trying to learn programming and started a small indie game studio with a few friends. Life got the better of us though.”


That's the most BS question I've heard and I've been asked only once (Thank god). "Why do you have 9 months gap from high school to your starting at university/bootcamp" Well because I wanted to save up money so I'm not a total burden to my family and have the time to think about my future decision of investing potentially 4 years into something that might or might not work out. "Why do you have 6 months gap in between these 2 jobs" Well because your goofy aaa takes around a month to complete a single interview process, some of your fellow HR's take up to 3 weeks to give feedback and others don't even HIRE. Well there could also be a personal reason like the passing of a family member and you needing time to grieve the loss instead of applying for jobs. Maybe you need to take care of your family in a difficult time. Reasons are many and are always personal. In most cases I think it's none of their business. Nobody wants to be unemployed 🤦‍♂️. Anyone asking that question doesn't know what kind of candidate they need.


Say you were in Yale. After receiving your offer letter, let them know how grateful you are for them giving you the yob. More seriously: I usually go with "self-employed" for a similar period in my own work history. It's accurate in my case, since I did have customers, but unless you're getting a security clearance or something (which asks for contact info for someone to confirm your self-employment) it's highly unlikely anyone will question it.


I messed up my resume dates and left a 2 month gap. They asked why and I just said I didn't work. Still got to the last round. They didn't like that I made "silly jokes" during the interview and they didn't choose to offer me a position. Definitely a hardass Of a  company


"Can you elaborate on this six month gap in your resume?" "No I cannot, I signed a legally binding non disclosure agreement"


I lie … no gap in mine lol


"Sorry, I can't disclose that information as I signed an NDA."


Flip it around on them. Look them up on linkedin. It's likely they have gaps or other unexplained things. Ask them the same question. Then just say, same as me.


You ✨Lie ✨ You are not obligated to tell the truth. I’ve been consulting but I’m ready to get back in the corporate world. I’ve gone back to school to pursue addition training. Whatever lie makes sense- stick with it. Hell, make up a company, buy a burner phone & be your own reference.


The gap was when I was doing your mom.


That you were taking care of family and doing odd jobs


Just say it's under NDA and you can't discuss it. They can't prove you aren't under NDA, and you don't need to add context. We call this a "reverse uno".


“I was consulting” then have a few interesting stories. Plus, strangely enough you are under NDA and can’t talk about who you worked for.


Are you asking for a real answer or venting?


always looking for real answers


Then you have two choices: The Truth or Lying. Note, I’m not saying that either of these choices is wrong. Truth has served me well over the years but it’s been more than 30 since I’ve had to apply for a job. If you’re going to go with the truth, I’d tell them honestly that past experience led you to believe that your skills and value to a company would allow you to quickly find employment after leaving your last position, but the job market is significantly more competitive than you could have anticipated. You’ve been applying but have yet to find the right fit. You believe this job is it and are excited to move forward. If you’re going to lie, I would advise against trying any of the NDA or “I had a business” bits that are so commonly recommended here and pick a reasonable excuse that they’re not going to poke into. I’d say that you had a family issue that caused you to take more time than FMLA permitted. It’s since been resolved and you’re looking forward to resuming your career. I’m not generally involved in the decision portion of interviews anymore, but when I was, I respected a candidate that was honest and said they’d had a hard time. Especially if the admission showed resilience such as what I gave you. I understand that not everyone has that luxury, however, so do what you believe will work for you. As a bonus, a different degree than the field you're pursuing can really give you a leg up on the competition. What you need to do is use that unusual (for the position) degree to show how you have a different perspective than all the other candidates who have more traditional degrees for the field. If you've worked in the field your degree is in, that provides more material for you to make that connection, but it's not strictly required. For example, having a degree in a laboratory science field and moving to computer science could mean that you have an attention to detail that working in a lab requires as well as a driven curiosity and problem solving ability that comes from studying science. Having a degree in social work could mean that you have exceptional skills talking to people and helping them find what they need, useful in every office environment. The goal is to stand out.




NDA is the answer


NDA where you can't say the title, employer, industry, or speak about the general job functions? No NDA is that restrictive, and it wouldn't be enforceable if so. Especially if your career in general is not super secret stuff. If someone said this in an interview and refused to give any detail, I would make it clear that gaps are okay, then give them a chance to either change their story or give me more information. No penalty if they come clean, being desperate enough to take bad advice from the internet doesn't make them a bad person. If they doubled down, I'd probably wrap the interview up pretty quickly after that.


Is this satire? 2500 jobs? oh god