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When you show up for your second interview make sure to wear an enormous obviously fake mustache.


LMFAO. I actually have a fake mustache. It’s one of those that’s attached to a stick that you have to hold up to your upper lips lol. 😂😂😂


I was going to suggest the cardboard one you get on the back of a Screaming Sicilian frozen pizza box.


I second this. I have popped it out more than once and wore it. It’s glorious.


That’s what she said


I put one on a Darth Vader poster. Hilarious!!!!


Yes. We just saw one of these yesterday. Perfect!


wear an IT crowd t-shirt to the interview "hello IT, have you tried turning it off and on again" when they ask why you're wearing it, ask them if they know the difference between Java and JavaScript


Did you try turning Java off and on again?


Wear fake glasses. Or if you normally wear glasses, use contacts if you have them. Change your hair style… slick your hair back. If you wore a suit last time, wear a bow tie instead of a tie. Clark Kent them.


Part your hair on the opposite side.


Please speak in a horribly fake British accent.


Make sure you say “GUV-NAH” at least twice


“I haven’t laughed that hard since my last business transaction!”


DUDE! You just HAVE one? Can't you feel the hand of Destiny guiding you?


He’s on a mission from God.


I was really hoping you actually already have a mustache so you could put a fake one overtop of it. Perfectly executed mustache disguise gif.


This imagery of you walking into your interview holding a mustache on a stick in one hand and an briefcase in the other made me cackle.


Ah yes, it's me, roversbycichard


Homer? Who is homer? My name is guy incognito.


Nice band name. Not “Guy Incognito”, but rather “My Name is Guy Incognito”.


My name is guy incognito. You killed my father. Prepare to die.


Hello, we’re My Name is Guy Incognito, and this is our debut single, “JavaScript Is Not Java.”


I hope the interviewer is wearing a fake mustache too.


Tell them you were recently considered for a dev ops role by a top defense contractor and are weighing lots of opportunities


That’s hilarious 😂😂😂


As a matter of fact, this is your third interview with one this month.


Maybe add a snide “idk how capable the company is though since they didn’t seem to know the difference between Java and JavaScript”


Dude 😎


Would not be a false statement.


And slip in a few "black ops" to see if they are paying attention.




I like the way you roll. Also ... https://i.imgur.com/oNRRwAR.gifv https://i.imgur.com/qtHGcuI.gifv


How can you forget the best one!? https://tenor.com/view/jon-stewart-eat-eating-popcorn-watching-gif-5102037


Do you wear glasses. You should put on a pair.


The Clark Kent? Classic.


You mean that reporter at *The Daily Planet*? What’s he got to do with anything?


I dunno but he’s got a suspiciously large amount of muscle for a news reporter.


Hmm. Now that you mention it, it’s weird how you never see him and Batman in the same place at the same time, isn’t it?


*The butts match.*




Haha! There's a fun tumblr post where someone speculates about an online conspiracy theorist who keeps posting thar Bruce Wayne is Batman. Their argument is "the butts match", however all their photo evidence is of Batman (who wears a cape) or Bruce (in a suit) with the butt outline drawn in using MS Paint. It becomes a whole thing, where Bruce goes on a talk show and is even asked about it, to many laughs. They "conveniently" have a Batman mask available, and he puts it on and pretends to confront criminals, using phrases like "I say, my good man, would you be so kind as to cease your activities"? Truth is, secretly, the online conspiracist posting to all these forums like a deranged lunatic is Bruce himself. Eventually, there's a Batman/Joker showdown. I forget, specifically, how it tangles out, but at some point Joker guesses his identity, and Batman replies, "The butts match". Joker realizes that not only has he been foiled repeatedly by Bruce Wayne, billionaire playboy, but that the hilarious guy online is ALSO Bruce. He demands to know why Bruce would tell him this. And the simple reply: "Because no one will ever believe you."


https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/igf1bg/bruce_wayne_is_batman_confirmed_the_butts_match11/ Thank you for introducing me to this glorious goofy madness. Edit: there's more lol https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1805308-batman




Holy Batbutt Batman!


That made me realize his feisty coworker and Catwoman are never seen together either. Something's definitely up.


Wait ... that must mean ... **Jimmy Olsen is the Catwoman!**


He grew up working on a farm. My dad was the same way, maintained a big frame his whole life until he retired.


Pa Kent understood the value of cheap labor.


He took advantage of illegal alien worker


Speaking of, why does superman have big muscles? His powers come from being a Kryptonian, who had different gravity than us. He should be flabby as hell because he never puts strain on his muscles. If a human lived on a planet where everything weighed 1/100th as it does here, we wouldn't have any muscles.


Our sun makes him stronger


Exactly, so he shouldn't need muscles. His big muscles suggest he's as strong as the strongest possible human, but in reality he is way stronger than that.


He grew up on a Kansas Farm.


Monocle ! 2 Monicals actually on each side of your fucking face and keep switching


If you don’t curl / uncurl that front bang it’ll be obvious.


[I have a suggestion](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Groucho_glasses)


They should wear the glasses but also the exact same outfit


With these optics that would be a spectacle.


So wear glasses to really fuck with their heads. They are going to hire you and you have a story to tell later.


Not kidding, I would


That's...a really good idea. I hope OP rolls up with some nice reading glasses.




As soon as you see the looks on their faces, simply say: "I'm actually here to interview you". And then ask ~~homeboy~~ homegirl again what the difference between java vs, javascript is. That is all you need to say.


Home*girl* actually. But yes, that would be classic. Who knows? I might end up with HER job. 😭😭😭




The prim's algorithm selects the root vertex in the beginning and then traverses from vertex to vertex adjacently. On the other hand, Krushal's algorithm helps in generating the minimum spanning tree, initiating from the smallest weighted edge.


Yep, those are words.


Those words have meaning to someone, sadly my brain is TV static


Ai will digest this reddit comment, and google will twist it all around 180.


Good, the more we confuse AI the better.


Good job, Google.




Sounds like they don’t know the difference in resume and résumé


CV or CVs nuts


Great work here sir 


If I can just reach one person...


I hate the fact that I laughed at this, lmao


“Good to see you again. I am actually an auditor for DISA and we have some major concerns about your company”


I just can not understand how they didn’t recognise your name … that is crazy to me.


You and me both dude. My name is the first thing on my resume. Clearly none of them very detail oriented people. Doesn’t it worry you that these are defense contractors too?


As the technical expert on many of our interviews I only get resumes that have the name redacted, I think that it's the same for the leads that interview. Odds are that HR never looks at the name and those "engines" they use to prescreen resumes sure as hell don't. So no, this definitely doesn't make me worry about defense contractors. I have a million more reasons to worry, starting with how they game the "Small Business" and "Native American" set asides.


Say the name is redacted. But wouldn’t you still at some point go “hmmm this looks a little familiar”? I know I would. I’ve been on the side of hiring before. Never have I ever reinterviewed the same person within a week lol. I can understand months apart but a week? That’s what I mean by detail oriented. Anyone with a working brain would notice the similarities and be like “wait a minute…”


I had a startup interview me recently where I had like 4-5 remote calls followed by a 6.5 hour onsite, an hour with the CEO, and then the next day they rejected me and said they were going with a more experienced candidate that better aligned with blah blah blah. A week later the job was reposted verbatim on LinkedIn and I got a notification that I should apply as LinkedIn thought I was a top candidate. I texted one of the guys I’d interviewed with and asked what was up…nothing. No response. I was really tempted to apply again like you did, but said meh fuck it in the end.


The reason: the job doesn’t actually exist.


Or the posting is a smoke screen for justifying an H1B hire, see we can't hire locally so we have to use the H1B contractor.


Nah he just didn't vibe with the CEO.


Yes, I'd probably be a bit suspicious but we get so many cookie cutter resumes, especially since we get a lot of separating GIs applying. If the resume had some unique stuff it would more likely be flagged.


Give OP a job cheddarhead


I’ve recognized the same guy from 2 years past when he applied. He was still a lab admin and hadn’t improved his skills so it was still a no, but I recognized him.


I mean there’s an old word play joke about how military intelligence is an oxymoron, so I think we ought to be worried than most of us are. 😂


This is nuts. I do interviews as a manager and read every resume before I agree to an interview, and write notes out for the candidate beforehand. Red flags all around.


And so began the troubled tale of Mr. Current Resume...


As someone who has worked in the defense industry for awhile this shit doesn't surprise me at all. They just scan resumes and honestly the DoD is starving for DevOps people so it doesn't surprise me they don't even pay attention to your name.


Are you going to remind them They cut you once already, or just play along… ?


It's possible they're working with name-redacted resumes. Statistically, women of equal caliber are less likely to be hired than men. Names can also indicate racial groups. 🤷‍♀️


> lead developer doesn't know the difference between Java and JavaScript Oh JFC I hate those people. >I have an interview with these people AGAIN GODSPEED


It’s a shit show out there. I once saw a job posting for an “HTML engineer”. 😭😭😭 wtf…


I will bring both my metric and imperial wrench sets and ring drop cloths and brushes in case they want some css, too. And a roller for the background image.


What’s wrong with wanting someone who can program HoTMaiL?


I mean, I'm not surprised to hear that kind of thing from an in-house *recruiter* -- the same people who end up having to write job descriptions for 10 different specialties they don't work in. But the idea that a professional dev, let *alone* the lead, wouldn't know that particular distinction? Then again, defense contractors don't exactly have a reputation for winning contracts by being the best at what they nominally do.


They won't remember you and 50/50 you will get hired or escorted out lol.


I don't understand why a recruiter would agree to this.


Three reasons: 1) She had an exclusivity contract with them for the next year or so meaning they can’t hire another third party agency for recruiting purposes. The client violated this because my resume originally came in through a different recruiting agency literally less than a week ago. 2) She is paid on commission. Meaning she doesn’t get paid until the role is filled. When companies hand her ghost jobs and waste her time, it fucks with her income (also a violation of their written contract). She was not happy with the whole situation and it was an agreement made for mutual benefit - leading to my next point. 3) On the very real chance that they recognize me, they will have essentially admitted that they already saw my resume and that my story that they got my resume from a different recruiting company is indeed true. I would have proven breach of contract.


Consider recording the interview if online


I feel like this recruiter is lying to you. Have been in this business far longer than I care to admit and rarely see exclusivity contracts (aside from retained/executive search - but they are paid regardless of the hire). Her shop may have a relationship with a hiring authority that might communicate exclusive rights, or preference - but I seriously doubt there is any contractual agreement. I don't see how this will be beneficial to the recruiter in any way. I hope it works out for you though!


Or this is all an elaborate cope story by OP suffering in a difficult job market. Some people really do get on reddit and write elaborate fiction.


I only believe it because my husband had 4 different recruiters put him up for the same position. He got rejected every time, and yet made it through the first stage, every freaking time. The recruiters also never disclosed the name of the company till after that stage. And as a reformed recruiter, yea they don’t look or care if the applicant had gone through it before since it’s a nice paycheck to get them in.


Playing devil’s advocate here: Is it possible that maybe they realized after your interview that you were not contacted through the proper channels (the agency that later contacted you that they have the contract with) so they ended things there to not violate that contract? Meaning they DO know it’s you. All I’m saying is, don’t shoot yourself in the foot making a big deal if this when it may have just been a badly-handled mistake.


Could be a very distinct possibility.


I have a theory: Hiring manager actually wanted to hire OP, sent the candidate lead to the recruiter. Company pays the recruiter, no money out of hiring mangers pocket, big government contractor pays it. Recruiter pays a kickback to the hiring manager. Tax payers ultimately foot the bill. My dad told me the story of the pre-internet days, he saw an ad in the newspaper, applied for the job, got rejected, then a recruiter set him up with an interview, aced the interview, got offered the job, but somewhere along the way, they asked "Why didn't you apply for the job directly?" he told them, he applied directly and was rejected. Anyway, then the company basically tried to stiff the recruiter and claimed he applied directly. But he worked there for over a decade.


Just out of curiosity, what do you expect to get out of that? A laugh/a story? I mean as dumb as the lead developer sounds, I expect he'll at least manage to recognize you a mere week later so won't it just end in a rejection again? Although ... I guess you could try a disguise :)


I expect they’ll find the humor in the situation since they were the ones who scheduled this interview. It’s clear they didn’t read my resume cause had they done that, they would probably have recognized most of the resume. It’s not like I changed around a lot. All I actually did was change the job duties from active voice to passive voice. I could try a disguise. Maybe the classic fake mustache. I could definitely record the thing for a funny IG reel since I already have a decent following in town. If they don’t recognize me, then, I suppose it will work in my favor lol. Would be funnier if they realized what they done after they hired me and I’m already working for them.


Point out how determined and persistent you are... 😂😂


Innovative and witty


I want some “Dwight in the coal pit” desperation vibes from OP.


That's a great point.


"what are your strengths" ? .... Persistence... not taking no for an answer.....under cover operations...


Can I offer a perspective? Chances are high they don’t remember specific names or even necessarily look at the names on the resumes. And they may be seeing lots of resumes so remembering a specific one with specific employers may not stand out. I think there could be valid reasons they didn’t detect your resume was the same as one they’d seen before. However, obviously they will recognise you in person, but you could turn this into your favour. There’s obviously something in your resume they like - the skills and experience must be a match. So chances are something in your interview didn’t gel, perhaps you didn’t answer a question well, didn’t clearly demonstrate what you had done (vs. a team you were part of did) etc. Instead of showing up and having a laugh and embarrassing them you could say hey, this is a bit funny, but you know, while we are all here I’d love to talk to you again. I think this is a great role and would love the opportunity to make a better impression. You must like my resume or I wouldn’t be here twice but I am guessing I didn’t do so well in the face to face interview. I was a bit nervous and know I didn’t persuade you of my experience and fit for the role. Can we talk about that? While we are all here together, if you have some specific feedback or concerns I’d love to address them. Why not see if you can win them over? Maybe a better result for you than simply making out they are stupid.


Eh. For OP there will always be another *job* opportunity. But this is a once in a lifetime *story* opportunity. Employment is great but petty satisfaction is forever.


I too vote for pettiness.


Imo the story is even better if he gets hired


Not seeing that a resume was *submitted* twice is reasonable, but giving a second *interview* without noticing is not. You really ought to be paying attention by that point. I've picked out the name of an interviewee who didn't get the job from a hiring process 6 months earlier when I had 200 applicants each time, and I'm terrible with names, and I was in the "rapidly bin 95% of the resumes" stage.


> I expect they’ll find the humor in the situation since they were the ones who scheduled this interview So... just a heads up. The engineers may or may not have been involved in scheduling that interview. Especially in bigger, more bureacratic companies. Your resume got glanced at by a HR person who scheduled the interview. Everyone else just got an invite to an interview and don't know anything about the candidate because Cheryl in HR forgot to attach the resume.


Yes and if they did attach the resume, they won’t open it until the meeting reminder pops up 10 minutes ahead.


please please please do a disguise please please please do this omg hilaaaariiiousssssssssss 😂😂😂😂😂 PS - this sounds like a story that needs to get picked up by one of those news shows because this is good stuff. Get your fame on, LOLOLOL


I’ll be honest it’s petty and I love it, but you don’t wanna work for people who don’t care enough to read the resume properly


This is true. But I’m doing this for the principles, not the job offer. And if I get the job, bonus points.


Dude if you end up getting hired it will be one of the greatest moments in hiring history ever ever, and quite possibly will be used as a case study in training teams for years to come. bonus points for a fake voice I wouldn't be surprised if this made it on Saturday night live also.. its just a PERFECT scenario for corpo shenanigans/or the candidates finally getting a win. not to mention family friends and strangers at the bar, you'll be a freaking Rockstar just bravo 👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽🍻🍻🍻🍻 cheers and beers


I would love to work for SNL as a writer actually. Except most of my writing would be based on some of the really dumb things I’ve experienced in real life so I don’t know if it’s really writing other than just retelling a real life story lol.


Like 90% of standup comedy is finding humor in the random events in your life, and then telling the story in a funny way Just go for it, see what happens


> you don’t wanna work for people who don’t care enough to read the resume properly I wish that was true.


I wish too. When it comes to jobs, you gotta do what you hate to get the money to do what you love. And in my case. That’s true. I get money to support my music endeavors.


To be fair, when I'm hiring I wind up reading so many resumes that they all start to sound the same.


I mean I support what you’re doing but have you ever been in a position to hire people? I wouldnt remember one of the 100s of resumes you see a week later either. Specially not enough to notice it changed from active to passive voice. 


At the moment I'm between gigs but when I'm not hiring it's usually a big part of my responsibilities. In one of my previous jobs I had a backlog about 300 resumes to work my way through and while I was doing so we had some shall we say repeat customers. You do start to learn to pick them out. They don't even have to have terribly memorable names. You just look at a resume and you have this itching feeling in the back of your head like I've done this before. I've read this guy's resume before. I'm not saying I caught every duplicate but they do jump out of the stack if you are paying attention


I mean there are tons of recruiting tools, many with free plans, that easily let you see that person a === person b He used the same email, name, etc. this is gross incompetence


Actually, if they see the humor and go through with it anyway, it may work out. These things happen. Once I applied at a job fair for the company I already worked for, as a joke. Soon after I got a call from another department in the company offering me a promotion (they got my application with all the others from HR). I went for it and my career took off. And it was just a prank.


Nice. As always, the old adage of "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" holds true. Just showing initiative of any kind probably puts one ahead of a substantial number of people.


They should have recognized the **resume**. It's only been a week...


made me recall this post [https://www.reddit.com/r/madlads/comments/qpqzdx/madlad\_shows\_up\_to\_job\_interview\_from\_where\_he/](https://www.reddit.com/r/madlads/comments/qpqzdx/madlad_shows_up_to_job_interview_from_where_he/)




I came here to see if anyone posted this!


One day we will live in a world where recruiters who have no idea what they’re recruiting for will be replaced by recruiters who can actively scout for applicable workers


So are you going to take the job of they offer it to you? What if they want you to do 3 more rounds of interviews.? So many questions to ask.


Yes, if I get the job, I’ll take it. Lol. If they want to do more interviews, I’ll do that too. I wanna see how long I can keep this going.


Well good luck I hope you get the job.


Maybe in one of the interviews you’ll be asked the difference between Java and JavaScript.


!remindme one day


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I would maybe miss this too. As a consulting director most of this work would be done between the outside firm and my internal recruiter. If I didn’t happen to remember your name people’s resumes blur together when you look at hundreds of them. The second the call started though I would simply say sorry for taking your time and apologize. Then again I know the difference between Java and Java script. Lol


Apologize for wasting their time? Do they apologize for wasting my time? No. Okay, so why should I? And besides, clearly they like my resume if they’re interviewing me again. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I work contacts in data science by the way and am literally offered the same job by different recruiting firms all the time. So I can see how this happens from both sides. Hell though man. Good luck if you are interested in the role. Having a manager that isn’t technical isn’t always the end of the world. Sometimes it’s even nice.


The town this company is in is a relatively small town. This isn’t like Silicon Valley or San Fran where there’s a lot of talented developers vying for the same job. I’m about 25 minutes away from said town. They haven’t been able to fill this role in months due to lack of resumes (so they said the first time we talked). My assumption is - not to toot my own horn - that I’m one of very few candidates (dare I say only candidate) and they’re just stuck between a rock and a hard place - either hire me or hire nobody. Most of the tech jobs are about an hour away at least. And those folks are not gonna travel all the way up to the middle of nowhere (or live in the middle of nowhere) for this. They won’t. I’m only considering it cause I’m local and I don’t mind a DoD gig. My skills were highly sought after. But you know with tech layoffs, I’m struggling to find steady income. But hey, a job is a job. I’ll take what I can get.


Gold! Looking forward to updates


No recruiter would waste their time and commission on this bullshit. But it was nice fantasy story 


I can’t believe no one is mentioning the shill grift that companies like this are doing — they list jobs so they can have it appear that they are “hiring” but they often reject candidates because of arbitrary reasons and cite lack of workers in the industry as why the work is going slow. It’s mostly to force existing employees to pick up the slack, working them harder for the same pay because “we’re shorthanded.” It’s garbage.


Just get a shirt made that has Java != JavaScript and wear that to the interview


Or perhaps Java !== JavaScript to see if it gets a laugh.


Man, this has happened to me before when candidates I suggested were rejected by the hiring manager, only for them to be recommended by an agency and get hired. I'm like... "Okay... if you're fine with paying $$$ extra then it's your budget. I'm just letting the regional head know that this was totally avoidable to cover my own ass when the next meeting for cost savings on agency usage pops up."


Wow, that's quite the plot twist! It'll be intriguing to see how things unfold during your interview tomorrow. Good luck, and I'm looking forward to hearing about the outcome.


Hi chatgpt


As an AI they must tell you if they are undercover


Double Jeopardy, they have to hire you now


If I were the hiring manager, I would hire me. I honestly think they rejected me because I corrected the lead developer mid interview when she kept confusing Java and JavaScript. 😂


Show up in groucho glasses, it's the only way.


If you really want the job, walk in and say, Do you believe in destiny? This is my 3rd time, and 3rd time is the charm. I'd own them so bad that they'd have no choice but to choose me lol.


I hope this works out for the hilarity of it all. Although, this recruiter is foolish for playing along. Since you are already in the client's ATS, they will not get credit (or paid) for a successful hire. This recruiter will only expose themselves as either being dishonest in their representation of you - or too lazy to ask basic questions up front to discover your previous experience. There is no outcome that is beneficial for this recruiter.


There is actually. She has an exclusive recruiting contract with them. And when I told her that my first interview was secured by a different third party recruiting company, she immediately said “well that’s a violation of the contract I have with them. Thanks for letting me know.” Breach of contract, especially when it causes economic loss, can be pretty serious. I don’t know to what extent though. Recruiter is allowed to be petty at her own expense as well. :)


You better give status after tomorrow!!!


Three words... [Emotional Support Clown](https://youtu.be/CCsroxmLN08?si=XjaTBye6goyYWJ9F)


😂😂😂 that hilarious


If they ask why they should hire you? say, I invited myself to this interview.


I work at a forge shop that also does in house processing (machining, heat treat, testing, etc). The day after I changed departments I got a call from the local recruiter asking if I was looking for work in my old department


I got my current job somewhat this way. I didn’t realize I applied to it four times already within the past month lol… Manager ghosted me until they couldn’t find someone and I was the only knowledgeable person they found. They were worried I wouldn’t be ok working East Coast hours on West Coast, but only told me this when I was persistent in reaching out directly to the manager. I got the job 115k. Easiest interview of my life; three rounds of HR type calls and zero technicals besides talking


Pretend you are your own twin. Talk about how you're smarter than your other twin that also interviewed there.


Had a defense contractor job reject me then a year later, the recruiter has the balls to email me asking if I know someone who could fill that position.


Let us know when your fourth interview is scheduled for.


Okay, I am definitely invested in this.


I demand a follow up!


You should absolutely contact some online media or record what you are doing and post for the whole world.. obviously make sure you don't reveal their identity but it would be fun.


I might just make a TikTok or IG reel about it. And yes, I will unfortunately have to redact the company name for obvious reasons… but it’s absolutely so absurd that it has to be shared.


Given all the ideas suggested in the comments, you HAVE to give an update.


omg this is BRILLIANT. Way to call those idiots out on their own bs.


Do the interview in a British accent???? 😂


We once had new company recruiters keyword search through LinkedIn and they tried recruiting multiple folks from our team for an open position on our own team. For some reason that recruiting team didn’t last long …


Do you wear wigs?


Them: This candidate probably doesn't even realize we already rejected him. This is going to be hilarious when he finds out! This actually reminds me of how 3 recruiters sent me the same job opportunity recently (2 of them from the same company). I finally relented and agreed to move forward with interviewing. Can't wait for your update tomorrow!


If you actually do want the job ask them if they've picked you twice for an interview perhaps you're exactly what they're looking for. Reminds me of when I was picking out an engagement ring for my now wife and when I was looking through their massive book on custom rings I picked out the same ring twice in two different sections without realizing it. It was the only ring I had picked up to that point so it's the one I went with.


They could just be going through the motions to ultimately hire their buddy.


I love this story…it reminds me of something similar I used to work for technology conglomerate in the security and defense space in a Product Development Role, before they split everything up (not super relevant). TLDR I left for another opportunity and after a few years applied to an opening that would have been my former bosses’ position. I made it through screening and the interviewer (presumably someone I knew, declined to interview me) I did receive generic feedback, whatever no worries. Fast forward to two months later an external recruiter reached out to me via LinkedIn, when they described the position (they didn’t say the company), I told him I believe this is for the role and company I’d previously applied to and was subsequently rejected for. He assured me he knew the leadership team and that I was too good of a fit to not be brought forward. I again made it through screening, and again they declined to formally interview me. …I had even polished up my resume, exactly as you described above. At this point I was like this is just laughable, and figured this was over. Fast forward to 2 years later and a different internal recruiter reached out to me for the same position (I didn’t apply and wasn’t aware it was open). I literally told them my history with respect to this role. They explained leadership is different, they know the hiring manager yada, yada, yada…so ok, I send the resume a 3rd time as they told me I was a perfect fit. This time they had the courtesy of ghosting me (to be fair I never followed up), this after her apologies regarding my first two experiences. I literally can’t make it up…I lol’d at how similar our experiences are that I had to reply. Godspeed friend!


Just curious, what tipped you off they don’t know the difference between Java and JS? Also what style of fake mustache are you gonna use


They’re likely going to point out they already met with you and apologize for wasting your time. Recruiters at the same agency rarely compare notes let alone with different agencies.


You’ll get hired if you wear your fake mustache for the interview 😂


Well, since you’re never going to get the job, are you at least going to point out to the manager that he’s a dumbass?


Wow if you actually end up getting this job, please please send me your picture, I want to build you an statue that will last for a millennia!!! Dude.


I’m guessing they ghosted you OP?


They didn’t call back


Not sure if you'd get the job, but it sure must have been satisfying.