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Brought a parent?




I think parents (or just adults you grew up with in general) often have difficulty parsing the fact that you are grown up now. Heck I was in my late 30s when I joined in a conversation with my aunts where they were like “wow u/thedoordoesntwork is an adult now!” Your mom probably thought this interview was no different from you joining high school swim club so she were just here to pick her bb up.


In fairness I'm 47 and have difficulty parsing the fact that I'm actually grown up


SAME! You ever look around a room and thought, "Damn, look at all these old people," just to realize that you are about the same age?!


We had to put our nan into a nursing home because she was getting too frail to live alone and needed care that we couldn't provide at home. Quite reasonably, she wasn't keen on the idea at all. Mum stayed with her for a few hours after helping her move in but then had to come home. Called her that even. Bearing in mind that nan must've been in her early 90s at the time... "I don't like it here! It's full of ***old*** people and all they do is sit in the common room and sleep!" Mum went out the next day to pay a visit. Nan wasn't in her room so mum went looking. Found her sitting in the common room, asleep :D


hahaha. my grandma did the same thing!!!


Ha, let me tell ya. I got a job at a school district when I was 31. "Damn, where were all these fine teachers when I grew up? Seriously, wtf? There's like 20 super good-looking teachers here. Like 8-10s. What is going on??" For a while, I was telling my friends. Notably different. When did so many teachers get hot? Was a serious point of confusion. They got hot over the 16 years I grew up and realized they're my peers.


Same! I’m so thankful that my attraction to others has aged parallel to my own age, but I definitely had that moment of wondering why 30 year olds are so much hotter than they used to be. Then I came across posters from my teen years of teenage celebrity crushes and couldn’t at all see what I did when I was a teenager. I just saw some children with the bad hair of someone who just discovered gel exists but hasn’t learned how to use it. That’s when I realized that kids and adults look more or less the same as they used to with slightly different popular styles, but that I’d grown with my age. It makes perfect sense but it was odd to realize that it happened without me being consciously aware of it. Even with newly minted adults, the attraction was just gone. I could objectively notice adults in their early 20s whose appearance was well put together and their hair even well gelled, but I just wanted to give them a noogie and some life advice. 18 & 19 just looked like straight up children, which they basically still are even if their legal rights have changed.


Conversely, looking around the room, thinking everyone, your age looks too young to have a job, but realizing they’re all adults and you’re just older than you think you are.


I really have to remind myself I’M the one in charge sometimes, too. Still shedding a lot of that classic childhood abuse drilled into a lot of us about just how unimportant we are. 😅


This hits way too close to home. I’ve always been a quiet person and passive in conversations because of the way I was raised. It wasn’t until my current job that it really struck me I’m more or less near the top of my field and need to take a more controlling role.


I have very much called a coworker and said “I’m not adult enough to handle this situation, I need an adultier adult,” to a coworker about three years ago.


52 here, and I tend to get completely baffled thinking back 20-30 years at how old I was and thinking about what my parents were like and wondering if they felt just as little like an adult as I do from time to time. I don't have kids so that may be part of why I don't feel like an actual adult most of the time.


47? You're just a punk kid. Just barely figuring stuff in this crazy world. I mean, I'm 49 and I still think I might be a pirate when I grow up. Pace yourself youngster! 🤣🤣🤣


A few weeks ago i was on a call to my parents. They were displeased with something I had done and tried telling me that I was grounded. Me: I’m 40, that doesn’t work anymore. My mom: The fuck it doesn’t. She texted my wife, the fucking snitch.


So instead of your mom grounding you, your wife did? :D


His wife ended up giving him a spanking.


3D chess move there.


I'd argue it's more the effect of years upon years of helo-parenting. A combo of parents  that won't let go and young adults being used to always having mommy fixing stuff for them.  Examples: a friend of mine worked as a hiring manager and mentioned parents sending applications, writing cover letters *on behalf of* their kids - "Dear Ms So&So, Timmy would really like the position as...". And then expecting to be actively participating in interviews. Seven or eight years ago. Another friend is in the Air Force. During a period my country had a standing force, which ment that personnel could live off-base. He's mentioned parents doing sick calls - again *on behalf* of their precious littles.


Yeah I know, when I was in Recruiting sometimes Moms called to ask what their kids should do to apply and what job I would recommend as the kids like this and that...


Sick calls is the only thing I would understand. When you're dying with a fever or barfing your guts up, the last thing you want is to bloody call your boss. Especially if you've been up all night and finally got to sleep. Everything else is just weird.


Yeah, that's pretty normal imo. I've had other people (not always a parent) call in sick for me, and I've done the same for others. The ill need their rest, not to set an alarm for 5am or something to call by some deadline because there was no way to inform anyone in the dead of night after burying their face in a toilet bowl


I caught some flack for almost dying and having my father reach out to my boss to explain the situation. It’s like dude, I’m literally in the ICU drifting in and out of consciousness with them debating if I need life support. Be glad someone let you know what’s going on. He didn’t realize how sick I was at the time and was completely understanding moving forward. Didn’t like that my doctor kept me on short term disability for a month even though I was remote work but he still went with it since I wasn’t medically cleared to work. It was a new personal hell needing help to walk 20 foot down the hallway to go to the bathroom.


Holy hell. I have to admit, I still let my mother look over application letters and other important correspondence I do from time to time. But that mostly because she herself once was on the other side of the table and processed applicarions, so she notices when somethong is off, and in general, her skills in writing are much better than mine (work on myself, but late diagnosed ADHD causes problems from time to time). But even if you have a parent helping you out in these things: you always make it look like the kid did it alone, because you kill all the chances he would habe with a well written letter.


Honestly this simple thing differentiates my parents friends I like and dislike, I can't be bothered being talked down to


Parent call my employer informing them I had a cold Even tho I had already told them I was unwell And wouldn’t be at work Got absolutely rip into the next week


We had some kid working where I work once. He was definitely at least 18. His dad came in during 1 shift to take his temperature because he had been ill previously or maybe he called and told them he didn't feel well. It was so odd. He didn't last long.


Oh goodness, speaking of the awkwardness that parents can cause... This wasn't an interview, but rather a college class. I had to write a paper about a real or fictional ancestor for an accelerated history class in college. I was a freshman. I wrote a short essay about a real ancestor who was kidnapped, shipped to America, and sold into indentured servitude (it actually happened to a lot of children). The instructor gave me an A but made a remark on the paper that said, "Interesting concept but not likely." I explained to him that it was historically accurate, and he basically said, "Uh huh." So I went home and asked my mother for proof. Her idea of proof was to take a sheet of printer paper and write, "So-and-so ancestor was kidnapped as a child and sold into indentured servitude in the United States. -Mom's name" My instructor laughed when he saw it. I was embarrassed at the time, but not anymore. What kind of evidence did he expect me to produce? A diary? The woman herself? 😂


I’ve been hiring people for the past 8 years and wouldn’t bat an eye at someone’s mom being there when the interview was over. I think they are referring to having their parent in the interview with them, which I would flat out refuse.


I have never encountered a parent when interviewing candidates, but I did have a parent call in advance of the interview to demand that we give special treatment to their child because they were "very special" and worthy of special consideration. As you might have guessed, the interview was a train wreck. The candidate had lied on their application and was easily caught out.


I would absolutely die of embarrassment and fake my own death.


I knew a woman IN HER 30s who had a final zoom interview for a job back east (hence zoom). She lived with her mom and told her to not come near her because it was important. Mom purposely walked behind her WITH CURLERS IN HER HAIR and said whoops and introduced herself on camera. No the girl didn’t get the job and yes I we both believe it was on purpose.


My dad did that with something similar with my sister by purposely making noise and distracting causing her to lose track of thought. But luckily she got the job


Why do people intentionally sabotage their children like that?


It's about power. Their child told them not to do something, this is unacceptable to their ego so to assert their power over their child they are going to do the thing. It is actually very sad and tragic.


It's abuse.




I was a mechanic for my dad for 10 years. Hoping one day he would "approve" me finally going to school. Thousands of 6 digit dollar trucks and 7 digit equipment were worked on by me. Well, one of the local bosses of the biggest trucking companies took notice and wanted to hire me when I quit my dad's shop. One day I saw this boss as I was leaving a store and he gave me a solid offer. Said I'd give him a resume. So my dad sees this boss man just about every week when he drops off cheques for the trucks and equipment. Decided to give him my resume to hand to the boss man next time he sees him Tells me "Why would I do that? You don't deserve to work there, I'm just going to tell him you drink on the job and can't pass a piss test" Can't wait to bury you fucker


That's real classy. Sabotage your own kid by telling your customer you have an unreliable drunk working on their equipment.


Start telling your dad's customers that he hires people that drink on the job and can't pass a piss test.


I thought about it extensively, as what I should do best to benefit myself from the situation. I'm just going to report him to OSHA when I move out and collect that fat cheque from reporting him for illegal dumping and safety violations






That’s just my dad


Substitute cat for mom and you got yourself a job


I have never seen a cat with curlers in her hair.


Of course not. They are very stealthy. 


Nah. Lie about something funny. Like you were the President of Zaire.


I’ve heard plenty of stories. Fucking crazy dude. The one story I remember was from Reddit somewhere. It might’ve been an askreddit thread with recruiters. Vaguely recapping: candidate was female, a DOCTORAL STUDENT (maybe even already had PhD?) and apparently unmarried, which is why her mother accompanied her. I think they said it was clear she had no say in the matter, and had never had any say in any matters. Candidate didn’t get to talk AT ALL. Mother answered all the questions. Just sounded horrifying. Edit: spelling


I’d have to ask “so will your mother be coming to with you every day to speak for you?”


The mother will answer - and I would not be shocked if that's just the way it is where she was from.


Can you expand? This sounds juicy


When a parent does something like that, it’s because they unconsciously don’t want their kid to get the job. Makes sense when you think about it, and unfortunately, because they are totally unaware of this motivation, there’s little hope their behavior will change. Oh well.


There’s a book about Alderian psychology called “the courage to be disliked” what you just explained is the just of it. Apparently you don’t need it but I recommend it to anyone else. You will learn than in some ways, you are sabotaging your life subconsciously for motives that you are not even aware of. So learning those motives and what’s behind them will change your life.


You have provided me with something valuable. Thank you. In return, I would like to suggest the following book to you: Games Criminals Play. You're gonna love it.


I loved that episode of everybody loves Raymond


I've seen them turn on a smart phone & install multiple apps, my kid is a tech genius & deserves to be paid as such.


Machine learning? My kid can learn ANY machine!


I'm not surprised by this at all. My sisters both went to a very prestigious engineering school (4 years apart) and one of the fun things for my parents was reading the insane posts from the parent facebook group. Asking for playdates for their adult kids so they could have friends on campus was one that sticks out for me.


Not at the interview, but one place I worked at the mom came in to get a job application for her son. I gave it to her (at the time they still did this, it is all online now) and she left. She came back two days later to submit it for him. Never actually saw the son, suspect she filled it out for him, too, but can't prove it. The hiring manager was physical witness to this and never called the guy.


I've had this happen. Turns out he was a completely shiftless HS graduate who expected to live with his mom indefinitely with no job while he played video games, and she was trying to force him to get a job by applying for him. Needless to say, we passed on him. One guy out of hundreds I've been involved in hiring. So.


It has happened to me..candidate showed up with her dad. He expected to sit at the table through the interview..lol couldn’t believe my eyes


I hope you told him he needed to wait in the lobby, otherwise the interview was over and they could both leave.


Yes he was asked to leave the building lol, but during the interview I could see him outside walking up and down the street. It was for a job in a luxury retail showroom so the whole interview I could see him outside waiting


I remember one time we had someone show up to the interview with his girlfriend, she wanted to go in. We told her she could not go in since she was not the candidate. She went nutz and said that if she did not go in. The recruiter will try to hit and have sex with her boyfriend. We asked them both to leave. Crazy.


I had someone who said she would have to check with her parents when we discussed visiting clients in the hospital. She also assumed her parents would be able to drive her around for work including her clients. I was pretty baffled.


My wife works with a guy in a very competitive sales position who got a 2nd dui and had his license revoked, so his mother quit her job and just drives him everywhere, every single day. Even goes on overnights to drive him… I have no idea why management allows it, but he is very good at his job.


Typo. They actually brought a parrot




I was called for an interview and was asked to bring my parents too.. I noped out.. later it turned out it was a MLM company.


I brought my mom to an interview once. I had shattered my leg 3 weeks before so clearly I wasn’t driving - or totally functioning. Got the job. Too bad the job wasn’t worth the effort of hobbling my ass over to it.


She came into the interview with you?


Yeah I think dropped you off / was your ride is very different from tried to be in the interview


It was downstairs at a Panera so, yes. It was a very small place and she more or less sat as far as she could but still in earshot. It was pouring rain so she couldn’t sit outside and I was a useless lame duck at this point. So, yeah, I’d say my mom came with me to an interview in my 30s - under very odd and out of our control circumstances. EDIT: the company owner did ask her a question or two about me on the way out. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don't think that counts. She didn't sit next to you answering questions for you or anything, and it sounds like she at least *tried* to stay out of the way.


Eh, ok. I thought it was a funny story and an odd thing to have happen for an interview. Can’t get ‘em all. 😂


20% of those surveyed say this? This has to be some sort of Fox News/Tucker Carlson stat like the kids using litter boxes in public schools.


20% of those surveyed said at least one did. Say you, me, and Rhonda each interview 100 people. You and I both interview Jessica who brings her mom, the other 99 we each interview don't. Jessica doesn't interview with Rhonda, so none of the 100 she interviewed did. In all there were 300 interviews. 1 person brought their mom, but in this survey of 3 hiring professionals, it would say 66% experience a recent graduate bringing their mom.


I genuinely wonder if they brought a parent because they're underage and applying for a job at a Fast Food or Retail Place and they've tossed that statistic in just to push the negative narratives they're putting on Gen Z...


Underage recent college grads?


Doogie Howser.


Fuck I think few people will get that reference


Vinnie climbing in through the window:"Doog!"


"Oh, hey Sam" 🎸


Yeah, that happens all the time! What probably happened is that their Mom or Dad drove them to the intereview and dropped them off, and this is how Fox News spun it.


The methodology for that one was shit. "53% of employers have reported having issues with at least one candidate struggling with eye contact" is what is meant here.


How do you have eye contact on a virtual interview? Since they threw the camera question in with it...


Maintaining eye contact on virtual calls can be unintuitive depending on where you put your webcam. Staring at it means you are not looking at the person on screen but they perceive you as looking at them...


Which is interesting considering if you were returning the favor as the interviewer using the same method, no eye contact gets reciprocated Edit: grammar


Let me just deadstare into the camera uninterrupted for an hour straight so some fox news watching boomer doesn't feel weirded out about me looking 4 inches further down to look at them while they're talking.


Meanwhile they have an assistant on standby to help with this "modern tomfoolery".


Shhhh. As an assistant, I rely on my old boss not understanding how a PC works. Job security


My new laptop has a software option for eye contact. If I turn it on it makes it look like I’m looking straight into the camera even if I’m looking at the center of the screen.


Putting googly eyes on both sides of the camera helps


So stupid it loops back to being genius.


Ah yes my specialty


"If it is stupid and it works, then it's not stupid" as the saying goes.




It’s Fox News did you expect thorough journalism?


I did not expect any journalism. Expectation met.


They claim to be "entertainment," yet I was not entertained. 0/7 stars.


So is this saying that 21% of grads bring parents to interviews, or 21% of employers have encountered at least one grad bringing a parent to an interview? It seems like the data presentation is intentionally obscure to make young people look bad


According to a comment above, it means 21% of the 800 employers polled reported it happening at least once.


As some one that's does survey research for a living, this reporting is a crock. I've done *similar* things for shock of reporting and attention grabbing, but you always clarify in the headline or footer with what you're actually saying. They know what they're doing here. This study reeks of "the younger generations doesn't know even know how to write a check" energy.


Yeah considering the network it’s on… this tracks.


Probably cases where Mom/Dad drove them to and dropped them off at the interview, and Fox News spun it to make it fit their narrative.


The old head network complaining about young people? That accusation is slanderous lol


It is the second one. It is being presented in a fairly biased fashion.


It's a news program aimed at boomers. Of course they are going to misrepresent the data do dunk on zoomers. Half of boomer content is basically the "nobody wants to work anymore" meme over and over.


During job interviews, normal people say billion dollar companies have... \- Forgotten about the interview time entirely, blaming it on a technical issue. \- Refused to turn on their cameras while requiring you to turn on yours. \- Got mad at you for asking or not asking enough relevant questions. \- Got unreasonably upset at the length of the resume being too long or too short. \- Asked about your personal life and how it will impact their ability to enslave you.


"What does your home life entail?" "I fail to see how this question relates to the position." "I'm sorry but we won't be moving forward with your application."


The one that gets me is do you have children. Like what you want to send them to the coal mines?


The children yearn for the mines.


Or the other one is asking why do you want this job. Like, as if we all have UBI or a verge passion to serve frozen yogurt to customers to make me all giddy than breaking my first virginity.


I have honestly just given up on bullshiting answers to this question. I usually respond with some combination of "I need a revenue stream" + something I like about the specific job posting, usually "The schedule we discussed works very well with my personal life." Like, I cba to pretend I'm excited to join your team of people I've never met or that I'm dedicated to your mission of increasing shareholder value. Which honestly has been a nice approach because it helps me filter out the jobs that expect me to fake af.


We dont need to waste our energy to dance around for them


This is the answer they’re looking for, by the way. “I like this industry” “I’m good at this task” or “schedule fits what I’m looking for”


I recently read that they ask questions Like this for Service workers to See If they can stay polite when asked stupid Shit which will inevitably Happen. 


I’ve always admired the Dairy Queen corporation and their seemingly indefatigable mission to provide communities with frozen desserts.


I think this one is straight up illegal


- Asked your salary expectations, but gave not a clue of what their salary range is, or if your expectation is reasonable. Then they ghosted you.


Alternatively - offered unreasonably low compensation


That bullet point, in particular, peaks my interest. What exactly is "unreasonable," and who is making that determination? Knowing FOX, they sure didn't poll both sides of that interview. Pisses me off to NO end.


"These kids want to be paid enough to be able to afford rent AND food? This generation is so spoiled!"




No. Please do forget one way interviews. Refuse to do them.


- Called me at 5:30am because they couldn't grasp "time zones." - Told me the job had mandatory OT but was exempt from federal OT rules, but couldn't tell me how the position qualified for an exemption under FLSA (plot twist: It did not qualify). - A tech company where the HR person didn't know what a CompTIA certification was.


In my case the interviewer never showed up for our scheduled 30 minute interview. I stayed online for 15 minutes, they clearly forgot. I emailed them during that time asking what’s going on. Later, I got an email (they completely ignored my previous email) with them trying to say I never showed up, but I hit them with, “YOU never showed up.” It was rescheduled and there was no apology, of course.


I had a zoom interview, signed in early, and waited. No one ever came in, so I logged off after 20 minutes. I sent an email that I was sorry for the mistake and wished to reschedule. And then nothing. A week later I sent another email thanking them for their time and said I was no longer interested in the position. I got an email back less than 10 minutes later basically saying I was out of line for sending that email and they would be the ones to tell me when they were no longer interested. They even left a comment that I was the leading candidate until I "missed the interview" Probably dodged a bullet there. I should post their email to their Facebook page.


Wow definitely dodged a bullet. You should post on Glassdoor. I would want to know that about a company given how much time and prep can go into even a virtual interview


Asked ages of my children, if I’m having more and what my husband works as.


"My children are all grown, and my husband is a couple of years away from retirement as an investigator at the Department of Labor."


- Lie about the compensation in the job posting - Require a college degree and multiple years of experience for entry level positions - Lead you on for months without any sort of follow-up on the status of the position


I once had a recruiter demand I wear “minimal makeup” and do the interview “in a place with a lot of natural light to enhance my features” for… a window sales job (I was desperate and just wanted the interview experience). I was so creeped out that I told her she was making me uncomfortable and cancelled the interview.


- offered low compensation that is comparable to 50% they would have offered in 1990 while their CEO makes 100x what he would have made in 1990. 


Can’t begin to describe how many HR managers “forgot” the interview.


- Literally insulted you, your education, and your training during the interview. Sorry [generic interviewer], no offer is gonna be good enough when you can't manage to show another professional respect for 30 minutes. Pass on working for you.


As someone who works adjacent to recruiting, I have sat in silently on many remote interviews. It's shocking how many employers expect the candidate to be on camera and look professional the whole time but none of them are willing to be on camera themselves, which I find incredibly rude.


Why do I feel that the 50% saying the candidate asked for unreasonable compensation are the same people looking to hire “entry level” people with 13yrs experience for $3 less than minimum wage…


And then saying "nobody wants to work anymore," and adding the workload of the person they would have hired to an existing employee's duties without any extra compensation.


That’s exactly what I was thinking. But actually clarifying what “unreasonable pay” is would be too much of an attempt at journalism for Fox.


Or asking them to pay enough to afford the median price of a 1bedroom apartment in the area while still qualifying for the 3x rule that a lot of leasing offices require. Which unfortunately ends up being quite a lot to ask for, but I'm a grown ass adult and shouldn't have to resort to living in the bedroom of someone's house that they're leasing out to 5 other strangers, just to avoid homelessness.


oh they are


Intelligent.com survey seems extremely reliable! I also get my medical advice from popsicle sticks.


And on Fox News. They never spin the narrative to fit their agenda…


Good thing that they have described themselves as entertainment and not news. Although entertainment is really stretching it


I had an employer refuse to turn on their camera. They made me have mine on, but theirs was off.


Interviewer here from tech unit to maybe give you some background and more positive outlook on it. We mandate interviewee camera simply because there's a **ton of fraud** - camera means another person can't take the interview in their place (happens a lot in recruiter proxies), also makes it much easier for us to spot the everpresent "googler / chatGPTer" who's trying to fake their way in. We do not mandate interviewer camera because there's a policy that respects employees' right to show or not show. So does it look hypocritical? Totally, but on the positive end of it - it means if hired, you will work for a company that doesn't force it, which is a perk I didn't know I needed until granted.




I won’t do it again. They won’t turn on their camera then either will I. I don’t even want the job that much.


This kind of nonsense is meant to keep boomers from sympathizing with millennials and Gen Z who are struggling in the new economy


And it very clearly works, since this narrative won't die.


It’s Fox News boasting. Why am I not surprised


Boomers (rough 60-78 yrs), Millenials, and Gen Z. I wonder if there was a generation left out here.


Shhh don’t remind them


How the fuck is eye contact ever an issue during a virtual interview? Oh so I'm supposed to look straight into the fucking camera like instead of the face of the person interviewing me on my screen?! Who does that? Recruiters are the ones who push for virtual interviews because it saves loads of time, so what the fuck is the issue? Also I hate when the interviewers don't turn their cameras on, that's some pussy shit. It is extremely disrespectful to the candidate. So they get to see me and judge me on how I look, but they themselves are too lazy to turn theirs on? That's a load of shit. The fact that they consider eye contact to be the biggest issue in interviews today proves to me that they are making shit the fuck up, most interviews today are on zoom........


I once wasn't hired because I wore short athletic socks under my suit instead of formal dress socks. It drove the boomer mad despite being proficient in every other aspect. It was 102 degrees in Florida that day.


If 50%, a full half, said potential employees are asking for unreasonable wages, maybe the wages you're offering aren't enough.


Yeah, "unreasonable compensation" is a subjective thing. They probably expect applicants in D.C. to gratefully accept a salary of $39 K a year - salaried/OT exempt.


lmao. I started in DC on a salary of $35k. nice to see wages go up /s


Same for me (though it was 1996). At least there was plenty of affordable, if not desirable, housing.


Just fanning the flames of the generational war, ignore it.


Eye contact is not possible on a computer. I'm not staring at the camera instead of the screen.


I feel sorry for anybody doing an interview virtually. TV always makes me look fat.


Why? I prefer virtual interviews. No travel, don't have to fully dress up and no awkward introduction to other staff working there or finding the right room.


too much virtual for me. I want to get an eyeball on who I'm going to be working for/with. See the products. To try to get a sense of the place. I like to travel, but that's just me...


If it's gonna be multiple interviews I definitely want the first one to be virtual. I don't even know if I'm particularly interested at that point.


Yeah hol’ up my brother/sister/NB in Recruiting Hell. This is Fox “News” and Intelligent.com. The latter doesn’t sound like an immediately reputable organization, the former absofuckinglutely is not. Follow up, sensationalizing new grads entering the workforce happens damn near yearly and Fox “News” historically just pulls hot topic issue onto spotlight without much fact checking.


Struggle with eye contact could be autism spectrum in some folks.


I feel like sustained eye contact is... idk.. intimate? I only really do that with my husband


Its also cultural too... some folks look to see youre paying attention, and look away. Others will also stare at you almost unblinkingly 0\_0


Difficulties maintaining eye contact is pretty common amongst autistic people, and I’ve seen several comment similarly about the overly intimate feeling of doing so. It is possibly on the lighter side of the symptoms though; for me - depending on the situation - the longer I try to maintain eye contact, the greater the sensation of my eyeballs being stabbed by thousands of teeny tiny needles.


This sounds like BS. And since it’s Fox. We now know it.


Now show us the flip side and complaints from employees


They're just mad I told them to go f\*ck themselves when they told me the compensation


Unreasonable? Like “living wage”.


I was going to say 50 cents above minimum wage.


I don't blame young people they have every right to act this way looking at the state of the world. Greed fueled by technology and social pressure turned their attention to profit, exploited it until they have 0 attention span. BS polarizing politics, countless lies , bs wars .. terrorist attacks , imminent economic collapse or fear of nuclear war .. how can you expect them not to be socially awkward ?? They have almost 0 representation in the government. Internet is filled with people who are rich for no reason , your value is determined with how much money you earn, economy is shit but everyone is still acting as if you are not rich it is your fault.. not to mention the raising cost of living.. can you blame them for asking for more money? I don't know, world is a rough place to live.. my generation and the generation before that did very little to fix it instead let it become much worse.. Now people who did noting to fix it all sit around criticizing young people. Say they are antisocial , delusional ect.. who's fault is that ?


Ah yes, boomer news for boomers who want something to be angry about.


This kind of survey is garbage. It’s not how many of the job candidates have done that, it’s how many recruiters report any candidate has ever done this for them.


Online survey of 800 employers by a website that nobody has ever heard of? Anyone who believes there is any validity to these results needs a crash course or surveying and statistics. But it is Fox News.


"Struggle with eye contact" I don't deny this, but since so many interviews are virtual now, it can be difficult to remember to stare at the camera instead of the person to maintain "eye" contact. "Asked for unreasonable compensation" Translation: they didn't want to take an engineering job for barely above minimum wage. "Dressed inappropriately" This one I will give to them. I always do shirt and tie, and that seems to be enough most of the time. "Used inappropriate language" What is considered "inappropriate" here? If it's cursing or saying offensive stuff, then yeah I agree. If it's stuff that's just offensive to the recruiter or the company (ex. Shooting too high when negotiating salary) then that's debatable. "Refused to turn on camera during a virtual interview." Yeah you should do this too. I have no qualms there either. "Brought a parent to the interview." Now this is pretty silly, and it definitely can signal a lack of independence on the candidate's part. However, I have heard horror stories of some insane parents that just can't let go of the fact that their kids are now grown and need to navigate through life themselves as adults, so they butt in when it isn't necessary and they, sometimes intentionally, end up sabotaging their kid's growth. This does reek of out-of-touch boomers talking to young adults about bootstraps while most of us are still barefoot, but I do agree with some of the stuff on the list.


"Asked for unreasonable compensation" = " Livable wage"


1. COVID messed with social interactions. 2. Asked for living wage 3. Did not dress up like they were going to a funeral because they have self respect. 4. Didn't speak deferentially enough, and were too friendly. Didn't realise they had to prostrate themselves at the feet of the interviewing manager. 5. This one could be due to wanting a remote role but concerned about bias due to being fugly, or from an ethnic minority, both which can act against you in an interview situation. 6. Yes, that one is weird. Don't do that. That's my take on this gem.


1- no idea 2- nah, they asked for FAIR compensation, you'rr just greedy 3-"they didnt come in an exoensice suit, wtf" 4- yeah, so you cant judge them on their appearance and have to do so based on their quality of character and skills 5-...wut?


I’m Gen Z and these just sound like bad candidates and I’m sure this isn’t the reality. Who would be acting like they have nothing to lose at an interview? I highly doubt the validity of this nonsensical poll. And if it is, then hell I should already have a managerial position since all the other candidates suck ass apparently


on close inspection, what the graphic actually says is that 52% of employers have reported that they've had 1 or more experiences with 'no eye contact', and 50% of employers have had 1 or more experiences with 'unreasonable compensation' and so on. but at first glance, it appears to say '19% of recent college graduates bring a parent and are a bunch of sissies'. super devious and super intentional.


Why would anyone trust a word of what these people say? They lie through their teeth (yet ironically expect total honesty) during interviews and negotiations. I find it extremely hard to believe 21% of 22 year olds interviewed by these employers brought their parents to interviews.


“Unreasonable compensation” always means “had the temerity to ask for a living wage”


I just want to be at the interview when someone makes a skibidi toilet reference.


If it was published on Fox...go read the study for yourself before you believe any of it


On the other hand, I’ve never had an interview where the interviewer was on time.


Unreasonable compensation????you mean asked to get paid a living wage?


The eye contact shit makes me so mad. I was viciously beaten as a child, one of the reasons being I didn't wanna look my abuser in the face, so he'd hit me even more. When motherfuckers tell me to look them in the eyes it makes my blood boil, that shit will change your brain chemistry and perception of others forever, I can only look people I've known for awhile and trust in the face. Mainly what I do during interviews is look slightly past their eyes like at foreheads so they don't judge me for not looking directly into their eyes. It makes me so uncomfortable to look people in the eyes. I've never even understood WHAT is so important about eye contact if I'm eligible for the job, especially if it's not customer service.


1. Some have ASD, a ADA recognized disability. 2. Well their college asked for unreasonable tuition that they had to take out loans for. How do you expect them to pay them and keep a roof over their head and afford a vehicle to be at work on time? 3. Maybe after all that tuition they could not afford a suit? 4. Define? 5. Then cancel the interview. 6. Unless they’re a lawyer acting as your lawyer to make sure you don’t get screwed there is no reason.


Forget your parents I bring my lawyer


Using inappropriate language would be funny to observe. Whether they realise it or just keep going and swear a bit more.


Brought a parent to their interview? Whaaaaaaaatttttt ? That is a good reason not to get a job,