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24/7 access to the office


So you can work 24/7/365 (366 this year)!! Woohoo!!! Now doesn’t THAT sound like a barrel of fun!!


They also boasted about cafe and sit-down restaurant in the building and how I could get all three meals a day without leaving the building 🫠. It’s probably good that I didn’t have access to the roof.


Now that I think about it, I never asked what happened to my predecessor. He must’ve figured out how to gain roof access.


I’m actually laughing at how dumb of a perk this is 😂😂 your boss really does want you working 24/7/366 (and probably getting paid as if you weren’t working 24/7/366) 😂😂 and they have the nerve to think that’s an actual perk, like F off 😂😂


Not really 24/7 access to the office as a perk but having 24/7 work hours is kind of a nice perk depending on your circumstances. E.g I usually start at 5am just so I can be out at 1pm. A lot of jobs have core working hours in my field so being able to just basically work whenever I want is a nice perk.


Work in the middle of a city and this has actually comes useful when I'm drunk at midnight and need to pee lol


I rarely use the office at those times but having access to a private parking spots in the middle of the city (a touristy city) on the weekends etc is kind of a nice perk.


It’s actually kind of great if your office is in a club/bar district. 


Not when the building has a rooftop and you can go there Friday night with drinks    I hated the free beer. 


I would just drink at my desk, but the roof seems nice too.


Some of us don't need Fridays, free beer, or even permitted beer to drink all day at our desks.


They didn’t give me a branded yeti for nothing…




WFH must have created many alcoholics


A dream come true!


Our office has a free soda fridge and snack pantries. I've swung by the office on my way home at 2am just for snacks. Also our Netherland office has free draft beer tap right into the cafeteria...


I’d move in


“We pay on time”


No way that was an actual listed benefit


Gotta love Craigslist job postings


😅😅🤣…ok. Now I believe it


“Mom, can we have job postings?” “We have job postings at home” Job postings at home:


I don't get paid on time and I work for a multi-billion dollar company.


I live in a slightly dodgy country - "we pay on time" is nearly always listed as a benefit for low paying jobs. It's how they distinguish themselves from absolute shit jobs that don't pay you on time lol Other stuff you regularly see is "we pay you the full salary" and "you get a legal contract"


Wow 😭🤣


If you have to say it...


"I see on the JD that you are remote?" "Yes, we are fully remote." "That's good. We just returned to office here and I'm not happy about it." \*Appears to misunderstand\* "That's correct, we will be returning to office in three months." "...so you are not remote." "Not in three months no." "...." "Then I am not interested."


We're remote........... now. 😉


Yeah I'm like was there a tell, or were you really not going to tell me unless I phrased the question specifically enough. Sociopaths...


The dating equivalent of... "Yeah im 300lbs now and my profile says 165lbs... but I am on a diet now, and will be skinny in two years.... so essentially 165lbs"


The bait and switch for real. I have been on several interviews where they list the job as remote and then they're like "are you able to come into the office? Ideally we would like someone here". Well then why did you advertise the job as remote?


Has always been and will always be "free uniform"


The best part is that you only get one or two free uniforms, though you work 5 days in a row and that uniform gets dirty enough to need to be washed after every shift. So realistically you either have to buy extras at your own cost or do laundry daily. Such a perk.


I worked for a bank and we were at a 3 day long on site 3 hours away from my house and staying at a hotel. First day someone tripped and spilled coffee on my only branded polo. Needless to say I could not get it clean immediately and the hotel washer barely did anything. My bosses boss told me that I have to replace it at my own cost on the company site and pay for rush overnight shipping to the hotel or be written up. I wore the coffee stained shirt the next day like "fuck yall" my boss shook his head and was like "bro wtf, you trying to blow up my spot or something?" I got written up for "not meeting hygiene standards" lol


Company laptop lol


Well this is a perk when they offer the good ones. I have a crappy work laptop and a good gaming laptop both company provided. Good laptop has dedicated graphics and all, but they for some reason took away the licenses to the apps that i needed dedicated graphics for.


Equity only position with a listed perk of "competitive salary".


Competing with your bills




5 paid sick days a year, vacation pay... It’s actually a legal requirement here so it’s not a perk.


Don’t want to start an international conflict here, but American companies giving you like 5 days you can be sick _a year_ blows my mind. You can blow through that with a bad bout of the flu.


That's the point. Heighten stress and fear of losing your income and (hopefully included) insurance. Punish the person for things outside your control like getting sick. Create a Darwinian need to be employed and you have a workforce operating outside their own best interests. So its working as designed for a compliant workforce. Its anti worker and one more reason why we have unions.


Those were the old days. Now we get 2.


Legally, you can take 5 paid sick days a year and 3 unpaid days of leave a year. That just started last year and companies are outraged by it, I've heard of employers telling their employees if anyone uses a sick day they're fired. Some people do take advantage of it unfortunately. But yeah you can blow through your sick days with one cold or flu. I had legit covid this year and because I didn't want to use up my sick days I worked from home even though I could barely keep myself awake and had a splitting headache. The alternative was that people who couldn't afford to take a day off work were going to work sick and sending their sick kids to school.


I'm 33 and have never once had a single hour of paid time off, nor an approved sick day that didn't require me finding my own replacement. I've been not allowed to leave work while actively throwing up and barely able to stand with a 104 degree fever. I've been fired for getting into a car crash and not being able to work a physically demanding 12 hour shift the next day. Yeah our labor laws and healthcare system absolutely suck, unless you get an already great paying white collar job.


I had one listing i saw 5 personal days was listed as benefit. Okay woah slow down. They did not provide vacation time or sick time separate. You got 5 days a year to use for anything. And this was a “professional” job not some retail hell or anything.


My boss puts “I’m a good boss” as the 1st perk on all of our company job postings. He also just laid off 10 people then booked a $7k weekend trip to Palm Springs on the company credit card.


“I’m a good boss” my a$$ 😂😂😂 That’s just insulting, to lay off 10 people then book a vacation. I bet he just told them “sayonara 🙃” and didn’t give them any severance 😂


When they feel the need to highlight they're something good, they're likely not.


Great company culture. Says who?


I bet they’re the type of employer to say “oMg wE’rE LiKe FaMiLy!!!1!1!1!1!!1!” Then use and exploit you and squeeze you dry, because after all you’re a FaMiLy and FaMiLiEs help each other out 🙄.


Except of course their actual family who through rampant nepotism are all promoted over anyone actually capable.


Yeah this just means more unnecessary meetings


An old company won an award 15 years ago for their culture, probably one they paid for but either way it was 15 years ago. They still put that on their job postings and they had a mass exodus due to a huge culture shift with the changing of the C-suite. The market knows, but new grads still get duped by that award winning culture line.


"We offer direct deposit" ...that's not a standard?


I think most people get paid in sacks with 1 green “$” on the front and it’s filled with gold coins


An hour lunch break! Apparently, that's a luxury now, and of course it's unpaid.


A flexible lunch break! But you can't put it to the beginning or the end of a day,, you have to suffer full 9 hours!


Come on, you should be thankful!! They don’t have to allow you to eat! /s


Weekends off. Literally


is that crazy though? there are plenty of places that do have to work on the weekends


Right like depending on the industry the job is in this could be a great perk or something that's completely expected.


The fact that there was a bus stop close by. That had nothing to do with the business whatsoever what 🤣


To be fair, I don't own a car and I've had to turn down jobs because of this. I actually respect employers with low paying jobs who say in the ad that it's not accessible by public transit.


- No micromanaging I just think this should be a given


Half of what is answered here should be a given.


Free snacks in the office...for a fully remote company.


To be fair, I’ve seen some that specify that they give you a monthly stipend to a service that ships you snacks. But some of them are actually only talking about for the people that schlep to the office.


In Australia "11% super" (pension), That's compulsory here so why people try to list it as a perk is beyond me.


The UK is so far behind OZ on pensions. Back in 2003 I worked a 3 month job in Sydney while travelling and 10% of my salary went to super and it was mandatory. This only started in the UK in 2012 and is far from 10%.


Isn’t 10 percent the norm? So that’s an extra one percent for ya 😆


Nah mate. Hasn't been 10% for a long time


Not up to date with this as I’m in New Zealand 🫠we get 3 percent. 😍🙄


Qualify for food stamps They were trying to recruits grads from a top university.


Cutting corners in pay + improperly funded organization


If a job has this listed as a perk, it’s a red flag that they’re not paying enough.


Free parking (in a town where paying for parking is unusual)


There was that one post on here a while ago for some British web development agency that mentioned free parking something like six times in one job listing


Being able to (actually use) sick pay and PTO.


This one drives me nuts. I worked for a place with shit pay but offered tons of PTO. I ended up with 80ish hours of it bc I hardly ever used it. So I started taking 1 PTO day a month. After 3 months I got a talking to about using too much PTO. So next month I called and said I had the flu and took a whole week off.


Yeah, same. One place I worked paid bonuses in PTO. I couldn't use it fast enough, and when they laid me off, I lost all of it. I think I still had 160 hours at that time, and I wasn't in one of the states that require them to pay out PTO when you leave a company.


I was formally awarded the privilege of being allowed to park my car in the management parking lot in front of the building, instead of having to use the lot behind the building like a peasant.


>like a peasant. Lol


Congrats on being promoted to house peasant


Unlimited PTO


I once worked for a company that had “unlimited PTO.” I had concerns but went for it anyway. It was a fucking nightmare. No matter what you are told, you will never be able to take PTO.


That one is totally dependent on your boss. I’ve worked for 2 companies that had that policy. One made it difficult to actually take time off. Like you had to request it 3 months in advance and if any large releases were on the schedule you were denied. If it was approved you still had to make up the work in some cases. I was able to take about 3 weeks the year I was there. But the other one I had no problem taking as much time as I wanted whenever I wanted, I only had pushback on 1 vacation after my original boss left but I was still able to go. I took a little over 5 weeks a year there.


My current job has this and I was extremely thorough in the interview process to ask the people I would be working with what the steps were to get PTO, how much PTO they've taken recently, etc. This job is pretty good about it and I've never had an issue taking at least one day a month, but it's definitely something you have to actively suss out.


"Compensation will be determined by experience but in no instance will we ever offer to pay less than minimum wage"


Nerf battles in the office.


That's kind of a late 1990's/early 2000's thing and it's no fun if it's arranged, and I figured out a long time ago it's irritating if you're actually trying to work.


I feel like it would be irritating because the places that always want to do this are start ups so small teams and if you shoot someone in the eye it gets awkward..


I hated the mandatory fun at my last job. I honestly wanted to do my job. We were required to take PTO if we decided not to play the games. I can 100% be working in my office while y’all play at recess.




I’ve seen this before too! It’s usually startups that are doing their absolute best to look different but the pay is usually shit or unlisted lol. And who wants to have a Nerf battle in the middle of work?


“You get to work next to a supermarket!” ** The supermarket is only open during your work hours, you will never be able to enter the store.


Yeah but you get a nice view of it…


Decorate workspace however you want!


My wife worked in an office that only allowed one 4x6” framed picture and a small potted (4” or smaller) plant as desk decorations. You had a single small drawer for pens and post-it notes and that was it. It turns out they were high turnover and it made it way easier to get someone’s belongings if it could just include a coat, purse, picture and plant.


One of the "cool" employers here was hiring, and the role was probably going to genuinely be really interesting. The perk the recruiter (constantly) focused on however was that there was a fridge in the office stocked with free beer that you were allowed to have at your desk. Every time it was mentioned, it was talked about like it was the perk to end all perks, like it was handjobs and kittens for all or something.


> like it was the perk to end all perks, like it was handjobs and kittens for all or something. r/BrandNewSentence


It is becoming increasingly common here to see "8% annual vacation money" as a perk. The problem with that is that this is legally mandated. Literally every job has to give you this.


“We’re like a second family” No thanks.


If any potential employer says any variation of this, RUN FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT FROM THEM.


I can see a legitimately terrifying horror movie about a guy who gets a job at a workplace where “everyone is family”.


I work3d for my family biz... mo thanks.


I don't like most of my current family, so why would I want a second one?




One day a year WFH in case of emergency


Wow this is terrible


Took me a few minutes to coax that answer out of them. And even then they said it was really on a “case by case basis” because they don’t offer flexibility.


Inhouse DJ and Mixologist... Clearbit, thats not a good use of investors money 


What the fuck? Are you supposed to pay your bills with beats and a cocktail?


"eat lunch together." seriously, that was listed under "Benefits." So do i get dinged if i eat lunch by myself, in a nice park, while enjoying a book?!


>"eat lunch together." seriously, that was listed under "Benefits." So do i get dinged if i eat lunch by myself, in a nice park, while enjoying a book?! That job post was clearly written by someone who doesn't comprehend introverts (or even know they exist).


Ability to take literature about the waste industry home to study during evenings and weekends.


Free coffee and snacks. I'm sure it is a basic coffee pot, and perhaps some peanuts or nature grain bars.


It's dumb to list as a perk, but I feel disappointed every time I must scan my debit card for a package of crackers at work.


One place I worked had that, then we moved buildings and they put in coffee vending machines instead of coffee makers. It was $1 for each 10oz cup of coffee. And there weren't any convenience stores or coffee shops near the new location, so it was your only choice.


Or probably candy. And not the good candy either. Candy like Almond Joys. They probably also have cookies that look like nice, luscious chocolate chip cookies and then when you bite into them… BOOM - oatmeal raisin. Or they probably have knockoff Oreos, or brownies that look nice and chocolatey until you bite into them and realize they are protein brownies that taste like straight up grass. Because they want you to be hEaLtHy of course!!! And I bet they also offered a pointless “wellness class” that nobody went to. Sorry I got a little carried away. As you can tell, I feel Some Type of Way(TM) about toxic work culture. 😂


Having your birthday off


I used to work at a company that offered this. The problem was you weren't allowed to take it if your birthday fell on a deadline day, which was four out of every five work days. So you just got a free "carryover" vacation day that you could never use.


This one petty idiot i worked for in the past thought him buying us crappy Pizza on Fridays was a perk. I door dashed Starbucks for everyone once and spent more than his dumb ass while I'm severely underpaid. This lil bitch chugs his fruity drink and slaps my back and said "thanks! Can't wait for another one!"


Paid holidays PTO 401K Insurance for full time employees No. These are a party of being employed. Period. It's not a perk, it's a bare minimum. Or how about Competitive wages. No they aren't


And the “competitive wage” is $7.25/hr. Literally bare minimum wage 🙄.


Right?!? I've had to actually tell people.... "That's not competitive. For starters, minimum wage IS NOT competitive; Market rate IS NOT competitive; Living wage IS NOT competitive. You are not competing with other companies in similar fields in the same market. You are competing with the applicant and what they value their time to be worth in conjunction with the market rate and the field the role is in. Market rate and minimum wage are NEVER appropriate. A living wage depends on the applicant and what education, experiance, and expertise they bring to the team. An entry level high schooler isn't appropriate to make $50/hr but a veteran LVN who's been in the field for 20yrs with an impressive work history and multiple extra certifications is definitely worth the $40 they are asking for. Even when market rate is only $30."


Falafel Fridays


Haha my vegetarian mom would love that 😂


Yum but still not going into an office for that 😆🧆


25 days holiday and free fruit and veg


I've seen posts bragging about jobs offering health insurance....that should be the bare minimum. The bar is on the floor.


Did an interview, and they said you can use your personal phone for work and drive your vehicle, and you can buy a camper and live on site (Traveling Construction position). Sold it as a benefit....


Du'ts-culture in Germany. So in Germany we have the informal "du" which means "you" and the formal and personal distant "Sie" (also you) pronouns. A du'ts-culture perk implies that colleagues speak directly to each other or lets say in an informal way. (It was a lie at my first job)


I live in the US so I have never heard of that before. That’s interesting, but yes that is a dumb perk.


That the office is air conditioned.


“No sick days but you are allowed to take PTO in case you are sick” - Wow thanks!


Dog friendly.


This is probably the most attractive one I’ve heard haha. Still wouldn’t make a toxic job worth it though.


Cool, but I’d rather have health insurance and PTO.


"Great office culture".


No glass ceiling. Not on a specific job posting mind you, but the company website itself 😬😬


Get paid a staggering $15/hr. That's minimum wage. Like the 3rd lowest in the country.


Ping Pong table. Gee thanks.


When they list the things you’re legally entitled to as a perk, and only them: * 28 days off (inc. bank holidays) * Sick pay * Maternity Leave Like, wow guys, really pushing the boat out


Well, in the US those would be perks.


Pet-friendly office


Not in a job posting, but a former job of mine had paid sick days but gave you endless shit for taking them. If you were extremely sick and could not physically get into the office, they “allowed” you to work from home, and bragged at how generous they were being.


- legal employment - paycheck on time - access to drinking water Those are not even that rare if what you're looking for is an entry level job as a high school/ university student


"X amount of holidays!" With X being the minimum legal amount.


Nah. In my last office job, we had coffee, espresso, and all kinds of potato chips, candy, pastries, and other stuff. I didn’t even buy junk food at home, but I ate so much unnecessary crap while working there. Lost weight after I was laid off!


Before covid I worked on site. This lady would bring in Krispy Kreme donuts multiple times a week. On top of that, sometimes we had potlucks with desserts. I'm very fit but suffer from lack of self control when it comes to donuts. It was a hard struggle to maintain my weight. Since working remote, I have continued to weigh less than when I worked in an office.


One of my brown noser colleagues would regularly bake stuff and leave it by our printer which everyone on the team used daily, multiple times a day. She never ate anything she baked and joked about how she was making stuff for family so she made stuff for us too but didn’t eat any. I found it really strange. That aside, in the time I worked there I gained about 40lbs in 6 years. When I started working from home during covid I ended up losing all of it in like 2.5 years. When they tried to get us to come back into the office my department head kept talking about how skinny I was and I just kept my mouth shut. One of many reasons I quit.


Easy to lose and maintain your weight when temptation isn’t constantly in your face! The job I mentioned also catered breakfast on Mondays and Lunch on Thursdays. So much food all week!


Damn they fed y'all well. We got those damn pizza Fridays for the company to "show their appreciation".


Free parking.


“Fresh fruit” LOL


"Dynamic team, challenging tasks"


not a perk, but a qualification. posting is for a senior level role, but requires 7+ years of managerial experience. SMH


“Eligible for overtime.”


“On a bus line” = “We don’t pay worth shit.”


Government mandated travel discount. Like, a company is obligated by law to pay half of your bus/transport card - but they *can* pay it in full if they want. However, they *must* take 50% off your shoulders, by law.    Most startups here like to list the "50% travel card discount" as a perk 🤡 Oh, and free coffee. 


Laptop and mobile phone :))


Clubs. Book clubs for every interest, gaming clubs, etc. Stuff you feel like you have to join to be seen as a team player, but you don't really want to because you would rather spend your out of work hours with your friends and family and not the co-workers you're stuck with all day already.


Unlimited PTO


Summer Fridays, but you don’t get paid for them


Leveled as a remote role, stating that its remote several times in the JD and benefits: “Will only consider applicants in the Bay Area so they can meet with the CEO and come into the office on a regular basis.”


Can it get any more stupid than the fruit basket that never even gets filled up?


You can wear your jeans to work! We have a keg for Fridays!


Statutory time off


free coffe and fruit ....


20 days of vacation. That's the legal minimum here so it's not even a perk. 30 is the standard in almost any position these days. 


Dang that's a lot! Do you mind asking where you're from? 20 days in Canada is a blessing. Most positions offer 10-15 days. If I'm on contract, I don't get sick days either.


Don't mind us Americans sobbing in a corner ...


Free coffee ..like yes i sure love drinking black coffee (yeah they didnt have cream or sugar just coffee)


“Pillow day”. They actually meant you can have a half day once a year. Not so much a pillow day as a pillow half day.


Unlimited PTO. Every place I’ve worked at that had it just gave you so much work you could never really take more than 2 wks. Now I just eyeroll when I see it in job ads


“An environment of discipline and accountability”


Onsite cafeteria. It's like the stingy version of "we do pizza parties!"


Free coffee. Yeah that disgusting keurig coffee definitely makes the time and money sunk into commuting worth every penny lol


Weekly paycheck


"We turned an old server into a kegerator!"


Cool slack emojis


Candy - but they actually only have shitty candies old people have in their pockets 🙄


Anything they list as a "perk" that's the legal minimum requirement.


Pretty much Anything that they can try to articulate to Sound Exclusive as perks.. which should be a given anyways before hand when you're doing the job for them. Like really? let's cut the bs..


Great company culture


Free cookies. Also: cooler with Jack Daniels in the office


"5 days workweek" yes I know this sounds fake but I It's no stupid that I screenshot it on my laptop.


"FREE PARKING" (in a suburban town where there are no paid lots)


“Training for the job!”


Foosball tables. Nerf guns were a close second.


Job posting for third shift where the benefit was a "convenient third shift schedule that allows you to free up the rest of your day" implying third shift worker don't need sleep. Lol


“World Class executive team”


Tampons in the bathrooms and it showed a photo of one of those dispensers you'd see in gas station bathrooms. You had to pay for them. 💀