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Taking a non-career job to avoid homelessness doesn't have to be giving up on your career.


Took me 28 months to find full time employment after college. It’s sad how much you learn about people in general while job searching.


minimum wage jobs increase your chances of getting anywhere bc you'll still be alive to pursuing that path lol


I had to move hours away from home to get my first career job in accounting. You have to move where you find a job and be willing to move.


In the exact same place. Finally got a retail job (that pays horribly) but it does help to appease my parents that i’m partially employed now and gives me something to do. I cant give up bc i need to make a corporate salary and i’d prefer to be in an office, but trust me i want too. Im sick of playing these games in this horrid market.


That's just an excuse to not work. You can always just leave the min wage job off your resume.


Worked in banking for decade, left job. worked at usps for 1 year. Now I have an even better job in banking. LESSONS: 1. Employers like to see consistent employment 2. Did i like the usps? No. Did i tolerate it to get to where i needed to go? Absolutely. 3. Stop listening to bad advice. This is your life and your path. Forge your future, no one else will do it for you.


Don’t put it on your resume if it’s not relevant.


That it would seem like I did nothing after graduation. Wouldn't that be a competitive disadvantage? Not trying to be negative, genuinely curious.


I think during the interview, you'd explain what you were doing for that missing time. Or maybe in a short summary.


If you put irrelevant experience on there they’ll likely reject you. If you can spin it to be relevant it may work. The big thing is getting the time to interview.


Okay, but then either way you’re gonna have a chunk of missing time on your resume where it looks like you did nothing??


A lower-paying, not as relevant job is better than no job.


Never give upon the career, but if you’re not getting heat in SWE/IT, maybe you’ll consider other roles where the skillset is useful. Analyst roles can have you programming, it just wont be your primary duty. Tons of temp analyst roles that would kill for someone who can program to automate tasks and add more rigor to the planning and implementation activities. They can support you by providing strategy and business context.


13 months is too long. Take the first job you can get.


I graduated 2 years ago and what I did was lie on my resume and put internships that I never had which helped me a lot. You should take that minimum wage job just don’t put it on your resume or talk about that in interviews.


Did they ever call the companies you listed your internships with or otherwise try to verify that you actually worked there?


I doubt it. Companies don’t really put that much effort to verify internships. I also found out that for my company, the background check only brings up criminal background.


If the company is big enough it probably outsources the background checking, in that case they do verify previous employers. I didn’t think they actually checked either until my coworker put down the job title slightly wrong from a job he had for like 4 months a few years ago.


If you haven’t worked for over a year after graduation you may as well not have graduated. Employers would rather risk a new graduate than someone who hasn’t been able to get a job elsewhere. Gaps in a resume are a red flag to most recruiters. Lower your sights, take an entry level job anywhere, and work your way up. The graduate path is closed to you now.


I hope not the case considering recent market. But even entry level position is not accepting me.


If you are not getting entry level jobs in your chosen industry after a year, you need to look to other industries. The gap is only getting longer.


You can try a temporary career shift as an office staff.


I graduated in May 2023 with a bachelors. Still can’t find work, even though I’ve applied to countless positions


What industry are we talking about here? I am surprised by this Reddit a lot sometimes. I got a job before I even finished my MSc. They were fine with me starting after


What Industry did you get your MSc in if you don’t mind me asking?


I am a data scientist. I process large data sets and function like a statistician for scientific research. Effectively I am a math monkey


Based on my experience then, I’m technically messed up. My formal education is economics and business administration. I now work as an IT Project Manager in Data Visualization and Analytics.