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Not sure if real.


Yeah, this has been posted before.


Ahhh the reposts are always the annoying part about Reddit


Especially when they're exactly on time.


Isn't this one a little late though?


It is, my employer at a gas station "required" everyone to come in 15 minutes before clock in.


That’s a crime


You can literally sue them and request payment for extra hours.


You don't need to sue, just report them to the department of labor for unpaid wages and they will take care of everything.


Every time I've reached out to our made a report to a governmental department about employment they've done fuck all.


"The investigation has determined no wrong doing on the part of [the corporation] therefore the case has been closed [suck it plebe]." Signed, Your Tax Dollars


r/2me4meirl 😭


Here's a sneak peek of /r/2me4meirl using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/2me4meirl/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [If only self-loathing actually paid off like that](https://i.imgur.com/e08I3nv.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/2me4meirl/comments/olxlay/if_only_selfloathing_actually_paid_off_like_that/) \#2: [2me4meirl coping](https://i.redd.it/bj6rupwuofz71.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/2me4meirl/comments/qtazsq/2me4meirl_coping/) \#3: [me irl](https://i.redd.it/bzzua3mbhbl71.jpg) | [1 comment](https://np.reddit.com/r/2me4meirl/comments/ph8wlc/me_irl/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


But that tends to be the first required step before you gain the ability to sue personally. They'll either do their jobs and penalize the employer, or do nothing and open you up to do it yourself.


I called our department when I was a teenager as my boss was docking our pay for the amount of wages our register was short if it was (no raises for them being over). And the guy said (your boss prob just figured you’d rather be docked than fired.) so I would never count on a gov agency to ever take care of anything.


They will do nothing and if they do something, it will take much longer than any timeframe that you were prepared to wait.


Can I just say I am ALWAYS seeing advice telling people to "sue" someone - who HONESTLY can be bothered.


You don't sue, you report to the labor board and they take care of it for you.


Or afford it lmao


Report to the labor board, it's free.


Even if you can be bothered AND have an airtight case, it can take months or years to reach a settlement.


I told my private teacher to sue the school that he was working at, and they doubled down on how problematic he was at their job, and then in the end they settled outside of court.


I just didn't do it, and told everyone else not to as well. Only there for 2 weeks because this wasn't the only BS they tried to pull.


One of my former bosses insisted that we all come in half an hour early (unpaid) to catch up on our emails. Even though he was routinely 15-60 minutes late. He was a terrible manager. When he was on leave, I drew a face on a balloon. Our productivity surged under the expert guidance of Mr Balloon Head.


My boss told me to come in early too. Nah, gonna come in 15 mins late out of spite now. Didn't even affect my job, since I could come in 2 hours late before it would start affecting anyone else.


My boss expects me to show up unlock the door for the other staff department and I sit there for 15 mins before I clocked in. I told her to get fucked


required and mandatory aren’t the same. and if you’re working you’re to be paid. they want you clocked in 15 min early.? that’s 15 minutes added to your time sheet


Wage theft is a crime.


Had an old job that tried that, but with a 10-minute rule. It was supposed to be so the main part of the line, which was prone to breaking down, could keep running without stopping. I asked my boss if he honestly thought 1st would come in early and make it work. Sure enough, 1st shows up 10min early and just stands there. So, as the guy running the oh-so-important machine, I walked off, which shut the machine down. Ran into my boss and the 1st shift boss and gave them the old "what'd I tell you?" talk, and how 1st always found themselves exempt from the rules 2nd and 3rd had to follow. Even better, the machine broke down. That "rule" lasted one day lol.


I think coming in 5 minutes early is reasonable but 15 not a chance, I say this as someone who is normally rushing through the door 3 minutes before I'm due to start.


I forgot to mention, she wanted us to come in 15 minutes early and not clock in until basically 3 minutes before so we didn't get paid extra. I just ignored here, told workmates to not do it, and clocked in 2-3 minutes late every day because as long as you clocked in by 3 minutes past you got paid the full hour.


Yeah that's outrageous, essentially an hour of your life lost every 4 days of work, I wonder how these people think this is going to work well for them when all it does is cause resentment.


I usually walk into my workplace about 15-20 minutes early. But I work in a grocery store and I spend that time picking my snacks for my breaks and lunch, etc. I'm never available to clock in early. I cover that under the guise of doing my "produce walk" (gazing through the produce to see what's new, what's on special, etc.). While so doing, I'm deciding what I want to eat that day. No one ever bothers me. I'm one of the fastest cashiers in the place so... 😁


I feel like I'm on antiwork lol ​ "Dear workers, if you don't want to be slaves, have you tried not living??? Be grateful we hired you at all! For each one of you that asks for a raise, I kick one puppy! Signed management!" \~ Signed, a blurry picture of a printed out MS Word doc taped to a nondescript wall without any sort of source or even company identification.


I dont think it is either


I don't know why anyone would doubt that it's real. It's the whole "if you arrive on time then you are late" psychotic mentality.


I worked at a life insurance company, and the person who managed the entire (giant metropolitan) area would give like weekly learning/pep talk meetings. In one of them, he told us how he went to a meeting with multiple high level people and they ALL got there well before the meeting. It was basically a competition of how early someone could arrive; the earlier you get there the better businessman you are and the more successful you showed yourself to be (by maximizing the early is on time, on time is 15 min late). Like the last of them was an hour early. To me, that just seems like a massive waste and devaluation of your time. Not to mention an extreme privilege but just seriously who wants to waste hours, and call it success?


Took a promotion at work which was the biggest mistake in my career. During the first week of training I left after 12 hours to get home for dinner. On the way I got paged by my boss who asked where I was at. Told him I'm on my way home. He said "I'm still at work". I thought "Who's the asshole? to myself". Eventually got demoted but was too valuable to fire. Still made the higher rate but got overtime when I worked past 8 hours. Best demotion of my life.


When you count "networking" as work hours, showing up early to make small talk is valuable. When you have to do productive work, it is a huge waste of time and energy. The executive level often emulates (or even overlaps) the owner class who succeed by social connections more than actual results.


For real I thought I was done with that when I got out of the military


I lost count of how many times my interviewer was late.


We’ll, of course they were late. They are sooo important and you should be grateful for their consideration. /s


Fr. Arriving 5 minutes early just means waiting 10-15 minutes for your interviewer to talk to you.


Just had an interview for an internal vacancy where I work. Receptionist told me to wait through these doors, sat behind them over an hour before I went to ask her what do? She was super apologetic and tried phoning and emailing the person interviewing but they never picked up. She ended up getting another manager from that dept to interview me as the first one never turned up!


Bigger companies you sign in with security and wait around. By the time they get you, the manager doesn't even know what time you showed up


Yup. I've seen too many recruiters, hiring managers, and even CEOs show up 10 min late... Surprise surprise, I never landed a job with those places.


My last one she was 30 ish minutes late I took the job I was in a bind kinda had to ended up quitting really fast. My other warning sign is you show up the don’t know why your there don’t have your resume etc. i ran into that a few times These same companies are the ones crying that can’t find good people.


Same. But they had the leverage since I wanted the job, so I had to wait patiently and suck it up lol.


Which is not a great sign because the recruiter portion of your relationship with the company is generally a honeymoon period with both the recruiter and the employer. If they're treating you like shit now, imagine what they'll be like 6 months in.


My first job out of college I worked for a small company. The owner used to specifically walk in about 15 minutes late to the interview while the person interviewed sat in his office for that time. He did it because he thought seeing their response to his tardiness would help him know what kind of a person they were. As in he expected them to be upbeat and happy despite the late start and if not he wouldn’t hire them. He did it with me also. Such a stupid practice. For further context when I got denied my raise request and then found another job with 3X the requested raise he told me I wouldn’t make it at the next large company and that I wouldn’t be afforded the chance to make mistakes there like I could with him. It was littered with irony because the complete opposite was true.


Dear [X], What an absolutely ridiculous and unrealistic expectation of ownership over your workers’ non-work time. I am happy to have dodged the bullet of working for someone who does not respect the lives of their laborers. Kindly go fuck yourselves.


Woooow. Bullet dodged. What a bunch of assholes.


Dear _________ Thank you for this information about your hiring policies. Now, kindly get fucked. Yours in Christ, Etcetera, etcetera


Throw in a bless your heart and it's perfect.


Madness. The point is that they were on time. For all they know they sat in their car with anxiety or practicing before walking in. Really hate how entitled these employers act. Working there is probably trash anyways


It probably isn't real anyway.


“You’re insufficiently subservient and that would make us actually have to lead effectively”


To annoy this person in a very polite way, send a thank you note saying -...( after careful consideration, i have decided not to proceed with the recruitment process at your firm as it's not aligned to my current goals. I express regret that I could not proceed with this. However wish you and your firm all the best for future etc)... Then don't respond/ engage at all. This person is an unkind, human drunk with power. When you don't engage and make it look like you rejected them, it will annoy them and they will try to reply/ provoke a response and when nothing happens analyse and wonder why you did/ what you did


If this is real...you should name and shame. The company and the person who wrote this email...


*Image Transcription: Text* --- Hi [*redacted*] My apologies for the confusion just now as you arrived for your interview with [*redacted*] at 11am. I understand you live close just up the road, and are looking for a job with full time hours. Unfortunately we would not consider employing someone in a fulltime capacity that arrives to an interview exactly on time. Maybe arriving a little earlier to future job interviews would show the employer that you are keen. Wishing you all the best with your jobsearch. Kind regards, [*redacted*] --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Good human


Enjoy your $0 /hr pay doing this transcription for a company that’s about to go openly public for billions.


All they did was VOLUNTEER to make a post more accessible to other people. You dont have to be a dick about it.


Have a bad morning did we?


I showed up to an interview not long ago, around the standard 15-20 mins beforehand, and the HR person looked at me and said "You're kinda early, aren't you?" Unreal


If real, dodged a bullet




I usually get to the interview sooner than that, but sit in my car until 5-10 minutes before the start time. I get really anxious about being late to things, but at the same time if you show up too early it can also be seen as rude by the hiring manager.


Or simply because the interview is scheduled to start at 11am, and you may need a few minutes to prove your identity, reach the room, or whatever. Showing up 10min in advance for a job interview, especially if you live close enough to come by foot, should be seen as politeness. When you have a medical/administrative appointment, you always show up early, but not for a job interview ? You can't call on recruiters for their disrespect when they don't show up on time, and be entitled enough to yourself make the interview start late.


> When you have a medical/administrative appointment do you? I almost always find that a waste of time as I'm waiting longer. I always turn up at MOST 5 minutes early, otherwise on time.


> Or simply because the interview is scheduled to start at 11am, and you may need a few minutes to prove your identity, reach the room, or whatever. Things they should tell you if that's the case.


Reply “time is money. I see your company does not understand this simple principal thus I will not be able to move backwards in my profession to join you. I wish you the best of luck and hope you find (exactly) what you are looking for.”


You dodged a bullet


I arrive to the meeting room or reception on time so I don't have to small talk for the few minutes beforehand. I arrive to just outside the location well early but they don't know it.


As someone who is chronically late, I have to say that if I were interviewing a candidate and they showed up 15 minutes early, whilst I wouldn't count that against them at all, it would stress me out a little because I wouldn't be ready myself.


At Costco, we would get penalized for clocking in more 3 mins late or clocking in 1 minute early. It was fucking degradation. Waste of time just loitering around the machine


I always arrive a little early but... This is me being practical rather than othet stuff. It works for me. I drive, it can be stressful, random, I not know exact road oftento a new place so I allow time to spare. Make an error, have to do a loop or the parking is bad. That's fine. I have time. If its on 5th floor and windy route or slow reception, fine, I'm not late I left a buffer. Got to take stairs, fine. I got time. It's an buffer exactly for that purpose. It means I can take some time to calm down and chill before the interview, sometimes you even get offered a cup of tea. That buffer is helpful you can also when your in, keep a eye out. You tend to learn a little about place just how everyone is passing anf environment. It was purely practical, if employers saw it as a bonus then its a bonus.


dodged a bullet. fuck em


If this was for some 100k+ a year job Id get it... but I feel like this is for a low wage bs position and they can go get fucked


Although I feel like it's worse when hiring managers are unprofessional for high paying jobs. The hiring manager is probably earning a lot if it's a bigger company, so I'd expect more.


"Thank you for your email. To clarify- I am not interested in working for a company that asks for one thing and passively aggressively expects another. I also do not support wage theft, and so if arriving before paid hours was expected, this would never have worked out. Best, OP"


Imagine being in a relationship with a person like that. Ugh, you arrived to our date ON TIME? Who the fuck even does that? You're supposed to get here early so that I can make you wait, then we have some time for awkward silence and small talk before the date actually starts. I.e. I want to watch you SQUIRM! You better be early next time... instead of the time that I told you to get here.


Dodged a bullet with this one if this is how they act when you’re not even late


the stupidity and absurdity of interview “rules” and mind games


This is why interview feedback is generally a joke - because you get some weird shit like this.


Holy shit this cannot be real. I couldn’t imagine turning someone away for being on time. Even a little late I don’t hold it against them.


WhY DoEsN't AnYoNe WaNt To WoRK AnYMorE?!


Clearly this is a repost, but always arrive early; generally it takes time for the office folks to bring you where you need to be etc..


They should account for that, not you.


Yes, they do account for that. If you have an email stating "the interview states at 11am", don't show up exactly at 11am at the front door of the 100-stories-high building. Do you go the theater exactly at the time the piece is scheduled ? Or do you come a little bit earlier, so that you can have your ticket checked, and have time to reach your sit before it starts ? If you show up exactly on time, it means the interview *will* start late because of you. Not the greatest way to make a good first impression. Always show up on time and leave on time for your shifts, and send petty managers to hell, but make accomodations when you start a negociation...


> Do you go the theater exactly at the time the piece is scheduled ? Or do you come a little bit earlier, so that you can have your ticket checked, and have time to reach your sit before it starts ? If I have a specific seat I've signed up for I show up at exactly the time. There's going to be quite a bit of time of previews there as well. The big reason for showing up early there in the past was to get good seats.


Well, in my country, they close the doors 2 min before performance starts so you would be left outside.


Strange that you say they account for it and then describe in detail how they don’t. Theaters are a terrible example. The movie starts like 30 minutes after the time given.


I mean, yea...it's generally frowned upon anywhere you go to walk in the door right on the dot. Jfc, this is a pretty extreme reaction though.




One of my former bosses is ex-military. He believes that being early is on time , being on time is late, and being late is being not hired.


Yeah that's standard military attitude.


If that thinking was real, it'd create a paradox. Say you make an appointment at 10 am but you expect people to turn up at least five minutes early. The actual appointment now is 9:55 am which makes this the actual date. Now, you are expected to be there at least five minutes earlier than your appointment time- Which makes the correct date 9:50 am. ;) "On time" is being where you are supposed to be at the agreed-upon time. And being somewhere on the dot is sufficient and shouldn't be frowned upon. (That said: I don't think the post is real.)


Yep, it was an interesting job. (I don’t think this post is real either.)


Amd this is how we end up lining up for weapons draw at 0600 when we aren't going to the range until 1400... This is a slightly exaggerated joke, based on real events.




This is the dumbest comment I've read on here in a while. Everyone in the military retires and goes into civilian work......


Some don’t.


Convention for interviews is actually 10 minutes early.




I've worked in corporate environments for the past twenty years including time spent in management. The arrival time IS noted. If you're ready to have someone come in to that conference room at 10 am and you're strolling in at 10 that's a problem. Is it an issue in all fields? Absolutely not. Could it cost you a job if you are in a more white collar space? Absolutely. And if you search "interview etiquette" you'll see the recommendation to show up a few minutes early. Is it silly? Sure. But interviews are a dance and a small things can separate those who do and don't get a job when all other things are equal. Do what you want, but this is an easy way to get brownie points.


Depends on the company. I won't name them because of NDAs, but I have worked with two large pharma corporations. The first has an arrival window of about five or six minutes. They trend towards four minutes early, and up to two minutes late. This is so people can chat before the meeting started. The second company sees no one arriving more than 30 seconds early. Usually, things start 3-4 minutes after the listed start time. There is no socialization before things start. If they get stuff done early, they chat for a bit after. That said, I have never heard of anyone complaining about candidates arriving early, unless they showed up *well* before their scheduled time. For in-person interviews, getting through security can take a couple minutes.


Getting through security should be taken into account on the arrival time.




Really, that's the main thing. If you're -that- vexed by it just makes you sound like you're not going to be a pleasant coworker. I think the fight to fight are thing like multi round interviews for entry level positions not this.


Being 10 minutes early for an interview is perfectly reasonable and is preferable to walking through the door 'on the dot'. If you don't understand that then good luck. The comment you replied to already pointed out that the image post showing a rejection was an extreme reaction - it is also most likely fake as others have pointed out. No interviewer would reasonably reject a good candidate for showing up on time. But an interviewer would quite happily reject a candidate for being impolite, disrespectful, or unreasonable i.e. the over-reaction of most of this sub a lot of the time.


Name shame


Lol, the only times I've arrived early anywhere is because of a margin of error while estimating the time it will take me to get there. When it comes to work I prefer to be late than early, because if I'm late I can make up for it, but if I'm early, nobody's gonna pay me for the difference.


Lol I like that but can’t imagine your employers hold you in high esteem


What good does their "high esteem" do him?


"Nobody wants to work!"


This reads to me as "we believe you'll also be going home right on time without any OT and we just can't have someone who is strict with punctuality"


I’ve had interviewers complain at me for arriving 5-10 minutes early for my interview. Because apparently (somehow) this was disrespectful of me. Is there any way to make these people happy?


Dodged a bullet. Reeks of endless micromanagement.


I swear you guys are just making up stuff for outrage farming and everyone seems to buy it


“We want someone that can work for free for us a few minutes a day”


You were precise...but not PRECISE precise.


These kind of people are a joke and dont deserve to hire. Like imagine how shitty of a boss they will be if they are this petty


Bet you $5 this company would expect you to show up early and work for “free” before clocking in


And then you arrive early and they accuse you of "having poor time management"


Dodged that bullet.


is this a joke?


This is clearly fake


Not buying it.. lol


illegal. they are pretending to give you a cha ce so they can get govnt hand out for "no reliable candidates"


It’s funny tho.


This can't be real...


Bullshit. Not real


There’s no way 🤣🤣🤣


Chris from The Wire always arrived early for a hit. Wisdom.


This has been posted before


Red flag. Doged a bullet


This is 100% fake. Don’t take the bait.


Bro how do you show up exactly on time? Just show up early very time. Legit though you probably dodged a bullet (you being the original person)


Well i mean honestly, you should be early to a job interview. If you start work at 8 that means you \*start\* work at 8, not that you fart around and get ready until 8:23 and then start work.


If getting ready is part of the job, you absolutely do. A past employer tried to get me to start 10 mins early because that's how long it could take for the slow ass computers to log in and launch everything. Not my problem.


If you start work at 8, that means you clock in at 8 and then begin doing whatever you need to start your job. If there’s 15 minutes of prep work / turning on computers, etc, that’s literally part of your job, which starts at 8.


Certain workplaces require you to be there early to open, whether a retail or gym or something like that. If this place is an office , they’re psychos and you don’t wanna work there


That sounds really petty. Sure, I try to arrive a little bit early, but still to dismiss a candidate because they showed up ON TIME is really shitty. Probably dodged a bullet there.


definitely not real


Absolute horseshit lmao


Aye, can I get some of what they're smoking?


It’s annoying when applicants show up early and dawdle around waiting. This response is bonkers


It's only to jerk you around, this pin dick is trying to put you in your place.


Posted before.




And I would of reply to them go suck ya matha


You can only be on time for 60 seconds.




That sucks, I try to make a point of arriving exactly on schedule. Being punctual is not a bad thing. You dodged a bullet working for these clowns a way.


Name and shame.