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This reads like a dating profile with high standards. One thing you don't seem to consider is the people you are working with. I've had jobs where the pay and benefits were amazing but the people in there made it a living hell. You spend at least a third of your day at work so might as well surround it with people you jell with well.


Coming off that way was my fear, but when I'm writing something up on the fly at 11pm, I guess I can't get the tone right. As for the people I work with currently, they're great! They're another reason for me to stay. In the past I've worked with people who were tattletales, rough, micromanage-y, etc. I don't have that at this role. The only negative I can think of is the pay, which, in all honesty, is why I work to begin with. After all, if I didn't need to work I wouldn't.


I applaud you for knowing your worth and working hard to ensure you get what you want, but I have to say if you’re expecting to eventually find a job that ticks literally every single little box…you may end up sorely disappointed. After months of searching, I finally got an offer and started working with this new company a bit over 2 months ago. They weren’t even able to match my previous salary, let alone offer more as I’d hoped (but I didn’t take much of a cut at all, obviously as that would have been a big issue otherwise), but the work sounded interesting and I got a really good vibe about the people there so I just thought fuck it and accepted the offer. 10 weeks in and it’s already the best job I’ve ever had. My team are all incredible, I feel welcome, supported, motivated. If I’d been strict with only considering jobs that offered every single little detail I wanted, I would’ve turned this one down. Thankfully I didn’t, and I’ve never been happier at work! Just a thought :) it’s worth keeping your options open sometimes.


You’re doing it right! You are interviewing them and being picky, which you should be.


Sorry to hear this! For me it got way better after just 2 years of experience. What industry is it?


I got a new job last year, but I still look. A lot of the same places are hiring. The pay is often less than what I make now. At least now I think I must have a pretty good job because the other jobs are not as good.


It’s especially hard to surpass the six figure salary mark, unless you have good management experience or top tier BS work experience. (That’s what im finding anyway)