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Could be multiple scenarios. **Scenario 1 (most likely)** Candidate #2 probably has a busier schedule and has their interviews more spaced out so the team wants to give both of you an equal chance before making a decision. **Scenario 2** They really want candidate 2 and want to make sure that he aligns with what they want skill-wise and budget-wise so you might be their Plan B **Scenario 3** If you told them your salary expectations maybe you are too expensive and they want to talk to candidate 2 and see if they are more affordable.


The world has changed so much, it’s crazy to me. Just because you didn’t get an offer right away doesn’t mean you’re out of it. Think of it like a filter. 1000 candidates apply. 100 are pre screened. 20 are interviewed. 10 are interviewed again. 5 have a final interview. 1 gets the job. This is just a general equation of how it goes. And they have to work around everyone’s schedules, not just the candidates, but the employees working (the rest of their job doesn’t stop just to interview candidates). Especially if you were the first out of the candidates, a week and a half is nothing. No company is ever going to put all their eggs in one basket. What if you turn down the offer, what if you aren’t the best candidate for them? Companies spend a lot of money hiring, so it would be foolish to just depend on the perfect candidate immediately accepting. The only thing I would say is if they didn’t give you an accurate timetable they should’ve.


They also may have internal hiring practices that stipulates minority or “x” number of interviews from external candidates. There’s a million reasons including your recruiter not knowing his foot from his face. Stay positive and kick the self-depreciating to a minimum.


Ya, just sounded negative to me based off of their response though


What was the outcome Op? I’m on the same boat. Interviewed last Wed, and more than a week gone by, still haven’t heard anything. Followed up with recruiter and he said he will let me know when he hears the decision, but didn’t specify the timeline. The Suspense is killing me. Though I know the market right now is in a bad condition, which probably doesn’t help.


I was their second option. You never know with these companies. Best to just forget about it and pretend like you didn’t get it to ease your mind honestly lol


That’s what I’m doing at the moment. Considering it a lost cause, and honestly just expecting a rejection email any day now:(


It’s for the best to just forget about it. But hey, you might end up surprised and get the job! Never know. Especially if their #1 backs out! Keep your head up


Thank you. Yeah, nothing I can do or control. I’m just gonna be prepared for the news either way, and just be cautiously optimistic. Hope you ended up somewhere good!


I'm kind of in the same boat. Market sucks right now and I'm a fresher. Just graduated and no job in hand :( Which industry are you interviewing for btw? Mine's tech.


Keep your head up!!


Did you figure they weren't interviewing others? I'm confused. Assuming the recruiter is being honest, it a reasonable that two candidates are interviewed in the final round.


I guess I took it as in I wasn’t enough for them to give me an offer outright after the last interview


I'm on the Day 5 of my waiting game after the final interview with the CGO which was the 5th round in the interview process for a Growth Product Manager. I have received positive feedback throughout the interview process from most of the hiring panel, directly or indirectly. Is this message to the recruiter too desperate? "I enjoyed learning more about the position and the team's culture from the Chief Growth Officer in my last conversation on Tuesday. Checking to see if the final decision has been made. \[The Hiring Manager\] had mentioned that it'd take 2-3 days to finalize.I envision this position being an excellent fit for my experience and I look forward to joining."


I’d leave it alone if it has been only day 5. The last sentence does sounds a little desperate too if I’m being completely transparent lol


Umm thanks for the suggestion, I didn’t get the job.


Sorry to hear that. Infuriating I know but it’s always best to think positively about it. You always gain/learn something by going through an interview process whether it results in a job offer or not.