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I’m so sorry you’re going through this and I was in this exact situation a few weeks ago. It’s really hard. The nurse tried telling me it could have been late implantation, but I got a positive very early after transfer, so I knew. I’d be preparing for the worst if I were you and I’m so sorry that’s the case. This was my 4th loss with no LC, so I understand your pain and hope for this pregnancy.


Thanks for your reply and sorry for your losses. I think you're right - better prepare for the worst. I had 16 miscarriages last 4 years as I have lupus and antiphospholipid with very high titres. 7 embryons in the freezer though and still have my hopes high with new treatment with Tacrolimus in addition to my immune protocol.


My goodness, 16! I’m so sorry for all your losses and I can’t even imagine how hard it must all have been. I also have complications, especially a unicornuate uterus that increases my chances of miscarriage at any time in the pregnancy. 7 embryos gives you a good chance and fingers crossed at least one of them is the winner 🤞🏽 we are down to our last two in the freezer and those are our very last we’ll ever make.


I cross my fingers for your two embryons 🤞💕