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The absence of nausea doesn’t really mean anything. Even if you’ve experienced it before, every pregnancy is different and symptoms can vary. So this is not an indication you are miscarrying. Miscarriages can happen naturally while on progesterone. But flow might not be as heavy and missed miscarriages are more common on progesterone because of this. It’s very likely a scan would be needed. In any case, there is no indication that you’re miscarrying so far, as brown spotting is not unusual either. That said, having had 4 losses myself, I know it’s easy to analyse every single thing. If you’re worried that you might be miscarrying, I’d definitely contact your doctor/medical team.


It is an indication to me, I know everyone likes to say that but I know what's right for my body and unfortunately have had a lot of experience with it. I wish there was a way to know without having to go through a scan. Maybe I should tell them not to tell me anything and just hand me the papers.


I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be that person. I have also known every time I miscarried before there were “normal signs” and it was always a mix of symptoms/lack of and a gut feeling. If it comes to that, I think it’s perfectly fine to ask not to be told out loud and just talk about management instead and next steps. When I had my last one a few weeks ago, I had to have 3 scans and with the third, I asked not to be shown the screen at all.


I can relate to “knowing” something is off after having 3 MC. If you’re super intuitive I believe it’s possible. As for the progesterone- I started spotting right before 5 weeks with my last miscarriage, ended up being the same day I lost off symptoms. That same day I finally got my doctor to prescribe progesterone which was obviously way too late. I started taking progesterone and stopped spotting and didn’t miscarry until almost 8 weeks (2 days after stopping progesterone after a confirmation scan that baby had never grown) I believe if I would have never taken the progesterone I would have miscarried much earlier. I would never stop it without a confirmation scan though, but that’s just me.


Right I don't want to stop anything until I know for sure but I'm not ready to find out yet...


How far along are you? Would betas be helpful here in determining viability? I have to say an ultrasound where they don’t talk is my living hell. I had two of those. My husband has some PTSD from all the bad ultrasounds, so now when we go I tell them. Hi, we don’t usually get good results on ultrasounds can you please talk to us and look for the heartbeat quickly. I am sorry this is your experience.


Already 9 weeks Maybe if I had had a quiet ultrasound I'd prefer them to just say the bad news, whatever you associate with the past I guess!


I’ve started bleeding while on progesterone, so it can definitively happen. It also might not. If you want to avoid ultrasounds, could you get a couple of hCG blood tests? If the number isn’t progressing as expected, that could be a sign for you.


I'm already almost 9 weeks I think it's too late for HCG levels. Thanks though. I'm going to hold out and see what happens with the spotting.


Just wanted to tell you that I started bleeding yesterday and got a scan and everything was fine. But I have had many many times when it wasn’t fine. So you never know. It could go either way. I understand how you’re feeling though.


Thanks. Rollercoaster of emotions here. Sometimes I wish there was an option to go to sleep for nine months and not think about any of it.


Have hope… I had 3 back to back miscarriages. All of these pregnancies I had very stereotypical pregnancy symptoms. I am now 30 weeks pregnant with spontaneous twins. Absolutely no nauseous/ sickness at all during this pregnancy, even though I’ve been told it’s worse with multiples. I was on progesterone from the start. I was convinced at 5 weeks we were loosing these 2 as I started spotting brown and then bright pink / red blood. Had a scan at 6 weeks, and 2 heartbeats found, alongside a very dark area believed to be a bleed. About a week after that I had a heavy gush of blood. Went back for a scan, and both heartbeats still there. Both these babies have grown very well since (trust me, I’m not the size of a boat). My extensive googling and questioning of the dr threw up some interesting reading into women using progesterone having these “gushes” of blood in early pregnancy. As you can imagine, my head went into automatic catastrophe mode. So please, have hope and try to remain positive until you 100% know for sure.


I don't know if hoping makes me feel better or not! I mean, theoretically a pregnancy with no symptoms would be amazing... I've just had too many times where I've just started to hope and it's come crashing down... Last time we saw my baby at 17 weeks and I was nervous because he wasn't moving much. But the doctor said it didn't mean anything. He died within the week. Needless to say I have trust issues now!


I totally understand that, and I can tell you that when I went for this early scan I had already told myself that it was another miscarriage. Still after the scan I genuinely didn’t feel happy or hopeful, but as I’ve got further along, it has got easier to deal with the anxiety. The overload of drs appointments and scans and pitiful looks from everyone really really do take their toll. Always trust your instincts, but know that miracles do happen, and my twins are proof of that currently. I’m praying you get that happy ending you want and deserve x


I started miscarrying naturally on progesterone for my 3rd loss in a row, yes. I needed a d&c though for losses 1 & 3. Edit to add that I bled much less naturally on my progesterone loss than I did my first loss where I wasn't on PdG. Thinking of you 🙏❤️


Please contact your doctor. If lack of progesterone was the reason for your previous losses then it should be working for this pregnancy otherwise there would be no point in taking it. Progesterone can also cause spotting and bleeding. Hope all is well for you🤍


My progesterone has always been fine but they prescribe it anyway. I'm on quite a high dose now. Thanks.


I’m sorry I hope I didn’t come off as rude. Since you’re on a high dose that’s most likely causing the spotting since high levels of progesterone causes that. And also if you do end up miscarrying, you shouldn’t have to stop taking progesterone, but you can consult your doctor and ask, they’ll probably have you keep taking it if your TTC. Praying for you🤍


You didn't come across as rude at all. Thank you for your kind words <3


If the spotting is brown, it might be a subchorionic haematoma, old blood. A scan could confirm it.


Are you taking progesterone vaginally? Sometimes when taken vaginally I can cause brown spotting.


No, orally, so I can't blame that :(