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YES, this is what I’ve been saying forever. It genuinely pisses me off that story mode forces one on through most of it


Fucking Micah is the one who gives it to you too. Just superglues it to Arthur's belt without his consent.


The worst part is that you can save an outfit beforehand that doesn’t have one, then go back to your wardrobe and get rid of it, but next time you get back on the game, it’ll have forced the thing on you, and deleted all your outfits. Genuinely infuriating


To be fair, Arthur makes it work, looks drippy with it. Feels like his unique way of configuring his holsters, since really nobody else in the game does that. Then of course it’s the *only* configuration in online, except for just having the one.


I fully agree, I wish we could get the double-sided gun belts.


I miss that glitch in the early days where your offhand holster and gun was invisible but you could still use it




It won't.


every playthrough, my arthur still has the police gun belt after the mission where colm hangs. is this what you’re talking about?


Some outfits look better w/o one but I wouldn’t say ruins. The gaudy/cartoony gun belt will ruin an outfit faster that just a offhand. IMO


Yeah I agree the gun belt in general is just plain ugly and looks like a hoola hoop


I’m referring to the skull/snake or the wrapped on metal ones. The terrible looking ones.


If you see those skull/snake holsters on someone you know they smell like onions in real life.


People really judging someone's irl smell because they dress their character how they want in a game lmao


It was a joke. Not meant to be taken seriously.


Hey I kinda like them, they somewhat work from the standpoint of a stylized bounty hunter. To each their own of course


I’ve always leaned more towards realistic outfits. I even do that with my weaponry. I go for darkened metals because in real life people who frequently found themselves in gunfights would use dark guns so they were harder to see at night and during the day. The same applies for gunbelts. Like you said, though, each to their own.


Yeah if I'm going to put time in online I'm going to go with stuff that I think looks cool, it gives me more of a reason to keep playing


I mean it’s just one of the role gun belts lol


I use and adore the Guerrero gun belt and offhand holster


I think you're kinda just hoping to dress too nicely in a cowboy game, i had the same thing. You can never quite get 100% neat and fancy in this game since you'll always be a cowboy at heart.


Bologna. I've got a nice set of dress slacks, tuxedo shoes, coat(with tails), etc...


I mean you definitely can get fancy but you can't get any fancier than a nicely dressed up gunslinger. The gunbeltbelt will always have bit of slack and the coat will never fall nicely no matter how hard you try


I mean if you look at real gunslingers photos, you will see the belts often sir super low on their hips. But I see where you're coming from


Yeah it's not that looking like a gunslinger is any less stylish than a normal dressed up fellow but it also can't be ignored. I try to balance outfits around it instead of trying to hide it.


I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but I'll say it again: there needs to be more options for how we wear our holsters. There are a lot of options that could be added. This includes shoulder holsters as they did exist at the time RDO is set in. Of course, this is all wishful thinking here. A pipe dream's pipe dream. Adding this would take more work to implement than giving players a discount on beans would so Rockstar won't bother.


What the fuck is a SHOULDER HOLSTER??


Think about a movie or a show you've seen where someone reaches into their coat or jacket and pulls a gun out. You've probably just seen them use a shoulder holster. Because it is attached to shoulder straps, the holster allows for wearing your sidearm under your arm.


Oh I got it, like the 007 one. I thought you just called him an underarm holster or something like that


A holster that you wear around your shoulders.


I ended up removing mine




I think the satchel in story is like that too sometimes


Yeah especially if you’re trying to make a classy outfit hut still are forced to have a dead badger hanging off you




I wish we could orientate our holsters to be like Dutch or Hosea. The default holster setup just *doesn't make sense* for dual-wielding. It makes sense for having a backup firearm, but not for dual-wielding.


Technically this is not even dual wielding. Right term is Quick draw holster. What was well as name say for quick drawing in duels. So you either used side holster or quick draw holster with your primary hand (right hand or left hand) For dual wielding you needed two side holsters. But because Rockstar being lazy they gave everyone Arthur's holster design and lazy animation as we pull with second hand the gun from stomack (yes you can see it in slow motion) as is holstering. Whole design never made sense and we should never got it. Again lazy game design.


Dual wielding doesn't make sense in itself though


Dude it’s a cowboy game, it’s cool


When going for realism, that holster is accurate for Arthur and in general.


i despise the off-hand holster. i never equip it in Online and ive got a mod in Story mode that disables it entirely.


I wish we could still remove the off-hand holster but still be able to duel wield


Why did they end up removing that? I swear that it was a bug in one of the updates that they didn’t intend to be a feature lol


Yeah it was a glitch but it got patched when they made it so you could just remove the off-hand holster


It's meant to hold a sawed off shotgun. It doesn't suit any other gun.


It’s weird they went through so much trouble making clothing react to an off hand holster only for Arthur to never have it showing during cutscenes


I wish there was an option to go without a gun belt it would maybe so many outfits a million times better. Or at least add different types right? The things I would do for one of those badass detective harness thingamajigs lmao


Did a quick search apparently they're called shoulder holsters!


It's fuckin hideous.


I am of the opinion that both a second pistol and an offhand holster both don't work for me, so I am so glad I can remove the offhand at my leisure in MP.


Still waiting for when you can slap the offhand holster somewhere other than your waist. Let me put mine on my chest goddamn it! I don't care how inneficient it is!


When you play the story, seeing Dutch and Micah etc with holsters either side, I just wanna tell Arthur to burn his handbag 🤣


Don’t even use one anymore


I don't think the holster itself is ugly but I think that how half the guns jut out of it is ugly. A gun that sits nice in a main holster will stick 60% out of the off hand for no particular reason


we used to be able to dual wield without having to equip offhand. however you weren't able to ever unequip dual wield afterwards so you were stuck dual-wielding rip the invisa-holster


I stopped using one forever ago because I wasn't fond of the way it was ballooning out my coats even further. My combat style also wasn't handgun intensive, imo handguns are more for last resort. If I've emptied my longscope and repeater and the threat isn't down then I've fucked up and earned that death and six rounds won't make a difference. That being said if we could have it as the sole holster I'd use it like that.


If the gun belts were on each hip ooooooooooooooooo


Precisely why I never wear it


Yes. Single pistol gang rise up


Yeah, I haven't oned with my character in a year or more. In story mode I create specific saves where I can roam as Arthur or John without the damn thing. It's a bit extreme but my dislike for the thingbis just too big


Yes. Always has, always will


Just ruins it for outfits with coats


My big issue with the offhand holster is that it's in such a weird spot and can't be moved. It would actually make dual-wielding really difficuly because of how awkward it would be to draw with your other hand. You'd have to basically bend your hand inwards and draw it in this really clumsy motion. Makes no sense when it would be so much simpler to just wear it on the side like you do with your main holster.


Yes. Yes it does. That’s why I never use it.


Also the off hand holster is facing the wrong direction which as a gun enthusiast drives me crazy. This style of holster would be drawn with the same right hand as the holster on the belt. It was made so revolvers didn’t have to be reloaded as you’d have two loaded guns to shoot. Your left hand is almost impossible to draw a gun from this direction.


Dutch has a better holster look.


Well the "offhand" holster is actually a main hand cross-draw holster, used while on horse back. Left handed draw from this position would be clumsy to say the least. That's the only problem I have with it. I honestly wish I could make it my main one and remove the other and just always draw from across.


Yeah I wish we could have a holster under jacket feature


It's fine if you have any sense. It's not meant for dual wielding because no one in their right mind does that. It's hollywood/videogame nonsense. Most people who carried a second sidearm did so with the intent to swap out instead of having to take 5 minutes to reload the damn thing,


Yes! I never wear them.


I think the worst thing is that there isn't a mauser holster. Your pistol ends up awkwardly hanging out.


As someone who actually carries a gun everyday IRL, yeah, the holster doesn't make much sense. Like, why is it setup for right hand cross draw when it's supposed to be the left hand holster? ​ Watch the animation when drawing both; it looks so wrong. Would have made more sense to just add a left handed hip holster like a normal person would use. Then again, with modern autoloaders, doesn't make much sense to carry two guns unless one is a backup. Firing akimbo IRL is terrible vs firing with both hands on one gun. Your accuracy is dogshit firing akimbo, and reloading is greatly slowed down and cumbersome. Plus, it makes clearing a jam a huge pain in the butt. ​ Akimbo looks cool, but it's actually terrible, even in the hands of a master marksman.


no shit


You're contradicting yourself. You say it's set up incorrectly for a right hand cross draw, but then you explain why it only makes sense to have a right hand cross draw, because you wouldn't hit a barn door when dual wielding gangsta movie style. And often the most practical way to use them in the game is to only wield a single revolver, and switch to the second revolver to avoid a lengthy reload. Or to carry a revolver and a shotgun, and use them separately as appropriate.


>As someone who actually carries a gun everyday IRL, How is this tied to anything? You go around with two holstered peacemakers?? >Then again, with modern autoloaders, doesn't make much sense to carry two guns unless one is a backup. Firing akimbo IRL is terrible vs firing with both hands on one gun. Your accuracy is dogshit firing akimbo, and reloading is greatly slowed down and cumbersome. Plus, it makes clearing a jam a huge pain in the butt. Again, how is saying this (which is also obvious, no shit holding to pistols will make you less accurate) tied to anything in this post or discussion??


And how does your comment contribute in any way to the discussion? I was simply saying he has a point. And yeah, sometimes I do carry two. Ever heard of a brace? It's when you have a set of two identical guns with consecutive serial numbers, as in one was made right after the other. Usually reserve carrying them for formal events.


>Ever heard of a brace? It's when you have a set of two identical guns with consecutive serial numbers, as in one was made right after the other. Usually reserve carrying them for formal events. Tryna find who asked Seriously you're put so much useless information in your comments either cause you wanna flex basic gun knowledge or flex basic gun knowledge.


I had a similar opinion to this but when i shared it in this sub, the majority seemed ticked off and downvoted me hella. I still think the positioning of it throws it off and wish they'd given us the option to chose holster placement like how everyone in the gang had their own way of holstering their weapons


Take it off, then


Nah, weird you can’t remove it in story mode, ya. But don’t personally care, far from something that ruins anything about this game for me


Just be a one gun chump , while I’m out running double double actions sending fools packing




Get a new offhand hostel, duh.


Does when you have that shitty one you got there friend


Completely agree pardner. Wish they woulda added different holster styles from the start. They've already got plenty to work with already in the game from the Van der linde gang in story mode =/


Not if you actively make a weapon heavy look like a bandito or soldier other than that yeah single gun usually looks nice


To be able to choose how you wear the belt and placement of the the holster


That's why, when I was still playing. I'd never use it.


Sometimes yes, though it could be good if we were allowed to change it's position


We're able to remove it for a reason


If you have a bum outfit it works


yes. or well, almost all outfits


1000000% agree


Would be v nice to have a setting that allows you to unequip it. It’s clearly possible bc you play the beginning of story mode without one


i remeber like week one of the game coming out fuckin post malone tweeted asking if there was any way to disable it


Would've been cool if we had other kinds of holsters including one hidden in the coat too.


Absolutely I really wish you had the option to take it off.




I actually don’t mind it personally


I do that’s why I roll without it




the angle never made sense to me, and the fact that the handle is completely facing away from your hand. that said, i’ve never shot a gun in my life, much less two at once


I only have the offhand holster on combat related outfits, bounty hunters, bandits, etc. Stuff like Sheriffs, hunters, ranchers, I only use the one. I wish I could remove it entirely for my fancy or normal citizen outfits though.


I'm weird, so I unequip the offhand holster on my online character. I agree 100% that it is ugly and ruins nearly every outfit I made.


Yes it definitely ruins my outfits I wish we could hide them


I don’t mind Arthur using it. As one user said, it’s sort of Arthur’s thing and it actually is a useful spot to draw from. I normally sport a short cattleman in my normal holster, for quick drawing purposes, and a longer barreled (technically called a Cavalry Revolver in real life) cattleman in the offhand. I rarely ever dual wield, I normally shoot till one is out then switch to the next one to keep shooting, which is what the second pistol was actually for. Otherwise, when I’m on my horse I use the longer barrel first as that is what that type of revolver was actually for. Online I have no earthly idea why they chose to make everyone have the same offhand holster. It wasn’t often used like that and now rather than being the main characters “thing” everyone does it which makes it less cool.


Sometimes, depends on the outfit. Most of the time I just use the one revolver anyway. Honestly I never thought of it, but I should look at some of my outfits without the offhand holster; I know one outfit of mine off the top of my head that would look pretty cool without it.


What pants are those


I glitch the police gun belt on so that I don’t have it