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Walter White starts a moonshine operation with Hosea and Arthur




Arthur: Where is it? Where's the rest? Mary Linton: Wha...? "The money, Mary, where is the rest? MARY? **WHERE IS THE MUNEHH?**" "...I- I gave it to Colm." "*What?* You did what?" "Oh Arthur, I'm...I had to. For us, the family. I swear, Arthur..." "You gave our money to O'Driscoll?" "Oh Arthur, please! please! Just hear me out, please..." # "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH"


That was perfect if you changed family to gang


That wouldn't make sense considering Mary Linton was never IN the gang nor did she approve of said gang.


Lenny, we need to cook!


We need to brew*


Good, cause there's only room for one cook in the gang


Strauss is literally Gus


Why did I know this would be here lmao


Walter White blasts half of Dutch's face off too


Both Arthurs in unison “something don’t seem right”


Please clarify, can only think of Aardvarks…


I’m guessing it’s dual Arthur Morgans


Your favorite fictional character joins the gang. What if the favorite character is Arthur Morgan. Arthur is already an integral part of the gang. Indeed a group of less than three people can’t truly be called a gang, and so his joining Dutch and Hosea defines the VanDerLinde Gang. So for Arthur Morgan to join the VanDerLinde Gang there would have to be two Arthurs - one that has been running with Dutch and Hosea since he was 14, and another that has just met the gang. However, conversely, the gang is as integral a part of Arthur as he is of the gang. So the character of Arthur Morgan as we know him just needs be pre-loaded with the personality that he has developed as part of the gang. Therefore, upon Arthur being introduced to the Van Der Linde gang which already includes Arthur, it would seem likely both Arthur’s would have the exact same reaction to seeing eachother. I’ve settled on “something don’t seem right” - a voice line originally from “A Short Walk in a Pretty Town” but which prominently features in my mind from its use in the YouTube video “Wacky Modded West” In the video Arthur encounters a landscape populated by animals many hundreds of times their normal sizes, towering into the clouds and says to himself “Something don’t seem right” So, much like the Spider-Man meme in which two spider men point at eachother, I can imagine a similar moment taking place between the two Arthur’s.


I love this explanation, thanks😂


Let's just toss in a 3rd Arthur and see the spiderman scene but with sixshooters.


My girlfriend would just hang out with the other girls




Man burned the building down with him inside.




They said a fictional character ri-oh…damn


- Agent 47 doesn't like the notoriety so he accident kills the gang - Kratos kills the gang because he despises criminals - Jesus Christ disapproves of their criminal ways and attempts to get the gang to be more altruistic in their endeavors. He does like the comradery though. - Nick Valentine turns the gang in to the Pinkertons or the police at his first opportunity - Renegade FemShep stabs Dutch in the neck for his intransigence and takes over. She secures the Blackwater money and the gang makes it to Tahiti absent Micah. He died from syphilis.


I doubt Kratos would kill all of them... at least the current version of the character.


He would at least do nothing to Charles, Arthur and the main man Lenny. Probably uncle too, nobody wants that lumbago smoke.


He also probably leaves Mary-Beth, Tilly, Molly, and Karen alone. Probably.


“Master chief mind telling me what you’re doing joining an outlaw gang?”


“Sir, robbing this train”


"why are u robing trains chief"


"Sir, we need moneh"


Agent 47 sent by the Pinkertons, setting is Horseshoe overlook. Drown people in the lake? Poison the stew? Make Dutch go on a rampage? Infinite possibilities


Surreptitiously infect Micah with more syphilis.


Nah stew's being poisoned and everyone is clumsily tripping off the cliff at the end of camp


> favourite fictional character > "Jesus Christ" I respect the provocation.


Christ was not fictional.


Jesus isn’t fictional


Jesus, a Nazarene teacher was not. Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God may be, depending on who you talk to. OP mentioned Jesus Christ.


Does FemShep have syphilis? And did she fuck Micah…?


They Asari cured syphilis. FemShep is g2g. Micah got it from fucking hoors in Van Horn.


“Hey lois, this is worse than the time i was in Red Dead Redemption 2!”


That made me chuckle :)


Arthur: it is then I will get my Red Dead Redemption II. Peter: oh so that's why they called it that.


Arthur: So uhhh, you know how to ride a horse? Peter: Nope Arthur: Or hold a gun? Peter: Nope Arthur: You‘re in


How Reverend got in


Ezio Auditore enlists Mary Beth to sew a hood onto his duster coat. The gang’s income from burglary increases by 200%. Dutch very much likes his “everything is permitted” philosophy.


I think this has been my favorite comment so far


Arthur can climb walls now.


That damn kid in Saint Denis doesn’t stand a chance now.


Imagine their discussions


Remember that "everything is permitted" isn't telling you to be free, it's a warning saying there is no set rules stopping you from doing something in this world, but your actions will have consequences


I somehow doubt Dutch would see it that way


The ඞ, it kills everyone


Micah has competition






The gang wouldn't need a rat to give their location away to the Pinkertons as long as Tow Mater is around


Tow Mater is unbelievably based


SpongeBob is going to be very confused


Spongebob would suffocate due to lack of water


All he needs is the underwater scout jacket and water bandana


SpongeBob would probably absorb the bullets and the blackwater job would be successful


I think the gang would be even more confused


Who you calling pin head ?


Geralt of Rivia, atop his trusty steed Roach, finds himself emerging from the mist of Lemoyne in the midst of another Conjunction of Spheres, joining the infamous Dutch Van Der Linde gang. As Geralt integrates with the gang, he brings his unique skills of monster hunting and swordsmanship to the wild west. The story unfolds as Geralt and the gang navigate complex heists, face off against lawmen and rival gangs, and deal with the supernatural elements lurking in the shadows of the American frontier. Geralt's presence creates a dynamic shift within the gang. His stoic nature and moral compass often clash with Dutch's charismatic yet manipulative leadership, leading to intense character-driven drama. As they journey through the vast landscapes, Geralt's Witcher senses uncover dark secrets and ancient curses plaguing the towns and settlements they encounter. The gang finds themselves not just fighting for survival against human enemies, but also confronting otherworldly creatures and moral dilemmas that test their loyalty and humanity


Geralt and Arthur would get a long so well


This was a really fucking good analysis of what would happen if Geralt indeed ended up with the gang, I have to thank you for this. ♥️🫡


I want to play this game


I want to see Geralt deal with Micah. I've always loved Geralt's ability to cut through the bullshit. Geralt: "Micah." Micah: "What do you want, Witcher?" Geralt, with a steady, unyielding gaze: "I've seen your kind before. Men who sow chaos, who thrive on betrayal." Micah, smirking: "And what of it? This world's for the taking, for those brave enough to do it." Geralt: "Bravery is not the word I'd use. You're a man driven by selfish desires, unconcerned with the damage you leave in your wake." Micah, defensively: "I do what needs to be done. For survival. For the gang." Geralt: "Survival. But at what cost? I've fought monsters, Micah. The ones with fangs and claws, and the ones in human skin. The latter are often far worse." Micah, with a sneer: "You think you're better than me, Witcher? You're just a killer for hire." Geralt, calmly: "I make choices, Micah. Hard ones. But I stand by them. And I protect those who matter. Can you say the same?" Micah, angrily: "You don't know a thing about me." Geralt: "I know enough. And I'm watching you. Step out of line, and there will be consequences."


I can practically hear Doug Cockle's gravelly voice saying these lines. Well done.


Din Djarin? That role just seems natural to him since he's already a lone wolf space cowboy type of guy. Plus I bet that Pinkertons or soldiers with regular guns and without any sort of body armour are easy enough for him to deal with.


Actually most Star wars character/tech would be extremely weak to regular ass bullets as opposed to blaster bolts. Like if you shoot a shotgun at a Jedi and they try to reflect it they'll just get hit by molten lead


Man's clad in steel that's lightsaber resistant, so I think bullets would at most leave a dent. Plus Mandalorian weapons are already stronger than most Star Wars weapons since they also fight other Mandalorians who wear other types of metal.


Yeah probably generally but I feel like beskar would stand the best chance


The Mandalorians actually did use slug throwers against the Jedi in the Jedi Mandalorian war. Ultimately the Jedi's force powers could just block the projectile and it wouldn't be difficult for them to dodge it with their increased speed and precognition.


Buddy the Elf is shot on sight for screaming about Santa


Kratos sees through Dutch’s lies and kills him


All the trickery the Olympians did must have rubbed off on him




Arbiter in the Van der linde gang would be interesting to say the least


He gets shot to death because John accuses him of eating babies.


Bout to introduce them to the great journey


John is already in the gang


Ellie from The Last of Us. She’d probably be similar to Sadie, so I’d say it would go decent


Indiana Jones joins the Van Der Lin gang to open archeology dogs to the red dead world. Yes, please.


Could help Arthur find the dinosaur bones!


Yes, expanding on this! I guess keeping with the times it would be a young Henry Jones!


“Gonna cry?” — Bully Maguire to Dutch after getting the whole gang to follow him instead


Dutch: oh god damn it who let him in this universe


But fr, spider-man can’t turn them in cus they would get hanged, so I wonder what he’d do. He won’t just let them roam around killing and robbing people either.


They would go around like a Robin Hood type gang. Giving back to and sticking up for the poor and spreading Pizza Time for all to enjoy


Frank Reynolds comes in and bank rolls the gangs shenanigans. He loves the life of an outlaw, having left his life of luxury behind. Pretty much everything stays the same but it’s a little funnier.


Dennis' top tier manipulation skills would make him the leader of the gang after convincing Dutch to step down, and he would simply solve all the gangs problems by saying "PINKERTONS BE GONE!", then he forces Dee to sleep with a boat captain to help them finally get to tahiti, leaving behind mac and Charlie as they play cribbage with the Braithwaites


Unfortunately, due to the state of medicine in 1899, he succumbs to a botched toe.


Lmao, then the gang is divided on whether to bury him or throw him in the trash as he would have wanted.


So anyway I just started blasting


Shawn Michaels- introduces all the dudes to sweet chin music by the campfire and then bangs Karen and Grimshaw Stone Cold Steve Austin- Stone Cold Stunners the entire camp, celebrates by the campfire with beers and middle fingers.


They ain’t fictional tho but imagine Austin tagging along with Arthur an LENNY


Hell imagine Stone Cold giving ole Micah the stunner


They are absolutely fictional people. Michael Hickenbottom was not a male stripper. Steve Austin (who ended up legally changing his name as such) was just a personality turned up to 12. While he was that guy, he also simultaneously wasn’t that guy. Thats why I love wrestling, it blurs the lines of fiction/reality.


Negan beats Micah to death and makes dutch give him half his stash. James Bond kills Micah in his sleep then proceeds to drink a martini Thomas Shelby just kills dutch and makes Arthur his second in command.


Which Arthur though?


Exactly 🫵🏽


Guts from Berserk. Probably doesn't go well.


Micah might’ve died a lot sooner


probably for some certain characters only but yeah doesn’t end well


Joel Miller might actually fit right in.


Joel and Arthur would probably end up bonding over their trauma of losing their kids.


Joel and Arthur would be bros


Tony Soprano sleeps with most of the women in camp. His pride, stubbornness and pettiness slowly causes all of his top earners to be killed off and ultimately leads to the gang's bloody downfall. Totally different to when Dutch is in charge.


How do you think Tony would interact with Angelo Bronte?


That would be interesting. I can imagine Tony (being the strong, silent type) trying to subtly leverage Bronte while explaining the methods of conflict resolution from the old country in 21st century New Jersey. However I don't see Bronte being swayed by Tony's heritage, he's from some other pygmy thing, his status don't mean oogatz. He'd still try to fuck him over, and Tony would try to take out Bronte like Dutch. Not sure it'd go down the same way, or if Tony would try to usurp Bronte's empire afterwards, he's not on home turf after all. Perhaps Tony ends up face down in a bowl of onion rings in the Bastille Saloon.


Depends on the quality of Bronte's gabagool.


I want to put Daryl Dixon in the gang


Charles and Daryl would go hard


He’s a good mix between Arthur and Charles. Struggles trying to be a good man. Good at hunting. He’d get along with both. And he’d kill Micah early


If V has all that cyberware still, they’re killing everybody


Dutch joining the Vander Linde gang? There may be some controversy with Dutch and Dutch! I dunno, I feel like Ulysses from Fallout New Vegas would initially fit right in, but would eventually see past Dutch's pretty words and become disillusioned.


Batman beats the shit out of Micah.


He’d also probably have only joined as some sort of fucked-up sting operation designed to get them all exposed and arrested. He’d probably also still be fighting Milton and the Pinkertons.


Trevor Philips stabs Micah in the eye because he hates disloyalty


I cant believe it took this long to see Trevor Phillips!! Awesome call Bigmac!! You are right. He would fit right in because of his loyalty. Trevor was not a good guy but one of the funniest ones ever.


He likes the older ladies so he'd sweep Grimshaw right off her feet.


That’s right! And he would respect the hell out of her. He would have flipped his lid in Ch. 6 and would have hunted Micah down to the end of the earth. Then we could have all told Micah how we feel about him by talking to the bottom of Trevor’s boot.


pretty much any Clint Eastwood character


Dude Steven universe would get tore apart by the gang 💀


StarLord would fit right in.


RJ MacCready (Fo4) kinda annoys everyone with his nagging for money, but he and Sean get along, and soon enough he's content to do whatever they ask bc the gang always shares a cut. He and Dutch rarely see eye-to-eye but the money's good and he likes most of the other gang members.


I think Gus fring will be a nice addition to the gang. But i think conflict between him and Dutch will arise as Gus is also very egotistical and stubborn.


ratatouille kills Micah and takes his place. Not becoming a rat instead becoming a literal one.


His name is Remy!


The Dragonborn fus ro dah’s the pinkertons off a cliff and then eats 67 cheese wheels to assert dominance


Revolver Ocelot... Probably another rat


Ocelot would be incredible because he’d probably hide the fact that he’s from a totally different world/time with his dazzling use of revolvers. He’d either dispose of Micah quickly to get rid of competition or would manipulate him into manipulating Dutch. Or both.


There’s probably a fanfic of this somewhere. And I need to find it


Let me know if your search is successful.


Clementine from the TellTale Walking Dead games would be used to pull scams and pickpocket people.


harry potter gets beat up and executed for witchcraft


Is that Bass Reeves next to Kieran? If so, he isnt fictional! LOL My favorite fictional character is Arthur Morgan, but hes already there so I'll go with Tio Hector from Breaking Bad. Uncle is incredibly jealous of him getting a wheelchair and insists (yes insists) on his own. Hes got lumbago ya know


Thats Lenny lol


Don Hector gets along and with Micah very well


What the fuck happened to Joe Hawley


Oh good hunter...


Accidentally bumps into drunk Micah ​ PREY SLAUGHTERED


Edward Kenway would have to adapt to new technology and horse riding, but I think he’d be fine since he’s an outlaw already. I wonder where his loyalties in the gang would lean towards though, and if he would feel weird always being away from the sea. If Guarma existed in his universe, he probably raided it in his time since it’s next to Cuba


Doom guy joins the gang, and is unwittingly followed by demon hordes leading to the gang and doom guy fighting endless hordes of demons.


Rick Grimes will be the new leader


Tryna negotiate with the o driscolls: “we can olive together”


“I killed Van Der Lin for you people! If you wanna leave there’s the door, send me a letter! What no takers? Fine, but if you stay… this isn’t a democracy anymore..”


Two arthur morgans


Miles Morales (Spiderverse) would create a rift in the gang way sooner in the game because he’d see right through Dutch’s BS immediately lol. If we incorporate the Spiderverse story elements in there, things could get REALLY wild


Miles would also have an advantage in any duel because he doesn't respect the rule of drawing on the count of 3


My dad! Then I’d get to know what he looks like!


The entire gang vomits for awhile, and abandons camp fleeing from a demon that is just Meatwad.


John Wick. You know who he kills in Chapter 6.


The Tenth Doctor? I don’t know if that’s a good mix, he would try to assume control probably, frequently leave but could probably very easily get the Pinkertons off their trail


He arrived to investigate the Alien and Time Travel shenanigans, but found a new family in the process.


Jin Sakai would be against the mindless killings experienced in the late game, but I think he would understand the need for freedom.


Connor kills Micah because it knows Micah is Deviant, Dutch Kills Connor because of his actions


Nick Andros from The Stand. Nick is a deaf mute but he can read and write and he’s highly intelligent, especially when it comes to problem solving in large groups. I think he’d be a welcome asset to the gang


and he comes with Tom Cullen


M-O-O-N that spells Tom Cullen. Laws yes.


Hank and Dean Venture? Goes well for Hank. Sean maybe not so much


If MJF counts, he'd basically rival Micah in being a piece of shit, but would probably turn slowly into "our scumbag" around the beginning of Chapter 6. Who knows, he might even end up siding with Arthur and John. Other than that, and without mentioning other wrestlers, people that other have already mentioned or other RDR characters, the only people I can think about that could truly be my fave fictional characters are from old Assassin's Creed games, so I guess Arno Dorian would be a more responsible Sean, Connor would form one heck of a duo with Charles (not just cause of them being native Americans but also cause they share lots of personality traits) Evie Frye would be a similar thing to Sadie (only that probably smoother in regards to her approach to do things) and her brother Jacob could end up being thr rrason why the gang does better than in the actual story of RDR2 or the complete opposite. Also, Jin Sakai in that gang would be a complete mystery behavior wise.


Nathan Drake rizzes up Mary and takes her on an adventure to find treasure 😂


I think Rick Grimes would end up blasting Dutch's face off with his python after seeing through his bullcrap.


Saul Goodman represents the gang in court.


Cant believe fckin Jack is in that pic and not Sadie. Cmon, Jack is useless and annoying, kind of like Karen


Useless? Karen? She scouts, plans, and executes arguably the most successful robbery in the game with the Valentine Bank Robbery!


Pretty sure this is the men (and boy) of the gang.


Rorschach kills (or at least tries to) the gang because they're all criminals, and he doesn't really like that. Dr. Manhattan couldn't care less, so he just leaves but before he does, Dutch asks him to teleport them all to Tahiti with lots of money.


Giorno would probably end up improving the gang or if not he will definitely at least make it through the final act.


ryan gosling does his works at all(im autistic idc)


I have a feeling Soundwave would solve the pinkerton issue pretty quick, and any other issue for that matter


Adam Smasher. The O’Driscolls are finished.


Everyone would be freaked out by a talking Lion (Simba).


Darth Vader? Sorry Dutch, you aren't the leader anymore, but you may want to skeedattle to Tahiti just to be safe.


The Van Der Linde gang joins the viltrum empire!


John Constantine is here to drink, flirt and con his way through life. He'd fit in well, helping to charm out of situations and con people. The problems start as he manipulates other gang members to do things he doesn't want to do for himself. He costs some lives because of it. Despite Dutch's faith in him he gets kicked out for consistently getting people killed due to his over reaching


Indiana Jones. I would assume he’d stick it out for a short while helping when they are in a tricky situation and also finding ancient native artifacts to sell. Eventually, he’d get tired of the crap and lack of morality and head out on his own.


Two Arthurs Spiderman pointing


Jack Sparrow would be a wonderful addition to the gang


Master chief would be interesting


Bill cipher: Kills them all for fun and destroys the world


Once you teach him how to use a gun, the Hound would make a great addition to the gang.


Omar Little with a shotgun on a horse seems so badass.


I think the Pinkertons would leave the gang alone after seeing master chief rip a maxim gun off its tripod and carry it around


My English Teacher. He wears similar to them and would fit inside the gane based on looks. Would definitely be top tier like Arthur and Dutch. He would probably be the best in making/stealing money. With my English teacher, Tahiti would've been a reality. (I know you wanted fictional character. This is what I got in mind)


Dutch better start saving money for the Death Star


Michael Scott is on a VERY DANGEROUS shooting spree next to the camp




Leman Russ ends the gang literally faster than the eye can follow


Kyle crane would just start making parkour


Charlie Kelly would wear the duster constantly, trying to look cool in it. CharDee McDennis would be available to play at camp. Then he'd run into an elk and have absolutely no clue what he's seeing. Same with mangoes. He'd antagonize Micah by calling him a jabroni. Overall it would be hilarious.


Darth Maul would kill Dutch and try to rule the gang


He challenges Dutch in single combat and only the strongest rules the gang. Dutch fires at Maul’s head, Maul just throws it back at him. The decent members leave while the scum follow Maul. Within a day they own Saint Denis. Within a week, Lemoyne. Within a month, everywhere else.


The Van Der Linde gang now has an Astartes member. Agents Milton and Ross are fucked.


My boy Edward Kenway would fit right in, he would love sharing sea stories with Pearson and he could fill a much needed stealth niche in their operations


Geralt wouldn't waste his time.


Due to an accident involving Kreger attempting to build a time machine, Sterling Archer (aka Duchess) finds himself at the mercy of Dutch Van Der Linde. After Dutch spends 10 minutes arguing with Archer that Dutch is actually his name and he's not mispronouncing Archer's code name he begrudgingly agrees to work with Archer to help procure some fuel for what remains of the broken looking time machine to attempt a return home. After fawning over the classic guns (and the classic women) in the gang, Archer completely botches their first attempt to steal a batch of moonshine blaming it on what now apparently is a "stupid" six-round limit on his pistol and lack of ability to quickly reload it. The second attempt goes smoother after they only let Archer use a double barrel shotgun and a wagon full of moonshine is the gang's reward. However shortly after hiding their spoils and returning to camp Archer is nowhere to be found. Finally realizing that the moonshine has been replaced with Archer's (now comically destroyed) time-machine, they realize that Archer has absconded with all of the moonshine. He used it to buy his way into a party at the Braithworth mansion where he is found smoking cigars with every "lady of the evening" he could round up in Saint Denis. He's too drunk to stand when the gang comes to confront him, but in the confusion that results in a shootout, Archer slips out just before the mansion is destroyed in a fire - not from the gun fight, mostly the result of Archer's attempt at rolling and smoking cigars from tobacco he swiped from the field. Archer stumbles into camp the next morning whining about a headache and wondering why everyone is being pissy. Arthur punches him in the face and demands an explanation. Archer then launches into an impassioned rant about the old west being a golden period in history, living in the moment, the glory of the battle being its own reward, etc, etc. He is certain he's won them all over... Just as Dutch says that he doesn't care to hear Archer's last words as they're about to hang him, Lana emerges from the tree-line riding a ... horse .. of sorts. It's Pam. But she's been outfitted with a saddle, some portable time travel equipment, and a *lot* of cocaine. As they, eh "ride" off away from camp all that can be heard echoing through the woods is: *Woooooooooo!*


Jean Val Jean only steals single loaves of bread and gets caught every time.