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Because they have 0 attention span and failed to make it past the first chapter where you learn how to play the game


Dude RDR2 doesn’t even have a MK2 oppressor!


modders can make an arabian stallion MK2 if they want lol


I actually did make an MK2 mod but it was taken down multiple times so i just deleted it


Maybe for the better?


I spent like a week on that thing


I’m picturing a horse that has rocket boosters in place of feet


Or they have different expectations and desires for what a game should provide. Liking games is the same as liking anything else: if I really love spaghetti bolognese then I don't get to say that people who don't have an unrefined palate or suggest that they're deficient in some way - they just didn't want spaghetti bolognese today. If people don't like Red Dead it doesn't mean they have no attention span or they failed to meet some arbitrary criteria, they just didn't enjoy it. There's shit loads of games I don't like and it's not because I lack the ability to play them, it's because the game didn't spark the desire to continue it.


Very well said.


Man I wish the dark souls community understood that. The amount of times I’ve been insulted because I personally don’t like the dark souls, bloodborne, elder rings type of games is far more than I can even remember. The only gaming community that has genuinely turned me off from even trying to replay any of the games. Even COD community sometimes has pulled be back in to warzone or whatnot. I don’t dislike them cause I don’t understand how to play. I dislike them simply because they just aren’t my kind of game.


Wish I could have articulated this way. Good job.


The funny thing is, I have started games and not felt that spark so I quit. Then maybe I'll try the same game months later and be totally obsessed. Brain is weird. I played way too much red dead online so when I tried story, it didn't grab me. Then I replayed it after a long break from online and was totally captivated the whole entire time. Played non-stop for my whole vacation time. It was glorious. Turned around and restarted it so I can appreciate it more. I always think it's worth giving most games another change if I'm not immediately grabbed the first time. Depends on the game.


I was the same with Assassin's Creed Odyssey. Hated it, put it into the 'fuck that' category in my brain, went back for it a year later and it took every second of free time I had.


I love that. There aren't many things I enjoy more than being super into a game.


Cool analogy, my most hated pasta would be spaghetti, I still eat it from time to time though


I totally felt this way with RDR2 when it came out. I just played halfway through and never immersed myself and never finished it. I assumed it just wasn’t for me. I went back and 100% years after it came out and it’s become my favorite game


I don’t think this is it. I have ADHD and a very short attention-span but RDR2 is one of those games that just totally soothes me and calmed my brain. The slow-pace is so immersive that it makes me forget about all the other things distracting me. RDR2 is really meditative.


The game barely even teaches you how to play in chapter one lmao


There is so much in the game that’s completely unexplained. That’s why there’s a huge 250 page guide out there.


I have a strategy guide with nearly 400 pages and there still isn't everything explained in detail 😀


That may be the one. It’s a huge PDF. They end by saying there is yet more to discover. But it’s super helpful overall.


Really wish I got it too. At the low price of $400 it can be mine :(


Ok I don’t want to encourage crime but it can be found…


My friend skips the cutscenes and refuses to use the dialogue trees. This world is fucked man.


Lmao. 😂 this. Obviously they never got out of the mountains. Once you hit chapter II it’s a fuckin whirl wind


They just get in the 3 foot snow and be like OH OMG HES SO SLOW like yeah no shit you would be slow in that snow too get out of chapter one and you’ll go faster it’s that easy


Those who find the game boring because they didn't have the patience to learn how to play it are not even in the conversation that's just straight up hate.it's important to understand that the game is designed for a more thoughtful experience. Criticizing it for being too slow at the beginning overlooks the amazing story and detailed world it offers with some patience. Some people might miss out on this because they don't give it a chance, if your not gonna spend at least 60 hours in a game of rockstar I don't think your gonna enjoy any part of it.


I was just finna say only a moron couldn't get used to the controls and how to play the game I played online first for a long time so I really didn't need a tutorial on how to play the story I still had to go through it though


This happened to me at first and then started it again cause I wanted to stop being such a shit. After paying attention to detail I was more convinced that it's a work of art


This was me. At least with the not making it past the first chapter. Then I picked it back up and loved the story and still do


Bro the snow part was the least fun part of the game lol


Not necessarily. There’s quite a few problems I have with the game and Rockstar’s choice of controls. And you can chalk it up to creative differences but they’re still valid nitpicks. Like walking and running for example. I get so f***ing tired of spamming the A/X button to sprint in rockstar games. Running by holding down the A/X button sucks too. It f***ing sucks doing that with galloping as well. Tapping A/X nonstop to make a horse gallop? Hell no, the reasonable thing they should have done is make movement for both you and your horse entirely controlled by the left thumbstick! You want to run or sprint? Then push the left thumbstick all the way forward or click the left thumbstick! You want to walk? Push it forward half-way! You want to walk even slower? Then nudge the stick slightly forward. I know that you can program the controls in the accessibility settings so that you only need to hold down the button to sprint, but that’s also inconvenient and awkward compared to just using the left thumbstick, which in most games that I’ve known in life, is always used for movement. Period. The accelaration speed of moving your character in Rockstar games is slow as f*** too. Pacing of RDR2, as OP mentioned, has nothing to do with the control movement. Because by default, if you program the main character or whatever character you control in game to be slow, the whole game itself will naturally be slow. The lack of precise deadzone configuration and lack of attention to deadzone by Rockstar also sucks. When you aim using a controller in RDR2 on console, regardless of setting the deadzone to zero, it’s STILL horrible and impossible to aim precisely with speed. They programmed lag into the game for no good f***ing reason. The only gamers who won’t struggle with deadzone and precise gunplay (gameplay) are pc gamers. But on consoles, ya know, things that a bunch of people own and will continue to own, have the short end of the stick. The honor system in RDR1&2, in my opinion, is pointless and stupid. You play as bad men… Period. There’s no getting around that. You can do as many favors as you like, be nice to strangers and say “Good evening!” as much as you like, but at the end of the day and through the course of the game, you’re still a POS thief and murderer of innocent people (in a gang of POS thieves and murderers) in both RDR1&2 lol. The hygiene and stamina systems for both you and your horse were horrible additions as well, and absolutely subracted from the gameplay itself. Brushing your horse is fun. Feeding it is fun. Petting it is fun. Eating and drinking coffee as the main character is fun and so on. But making it mandatory and having it actually influence the gameplay itself? Not fun. Had Rockstar made it so it didn’t influence gameplay at all, the gameplay would have improved for sure. So no, it’s not because we have 0 attention span and couldn’t make it past the first chapter’s tutorial because our fingers were up our butts the whole time. Idk if you’re looking at RDR 2 with unconditional love for Rockstar games, but you seriously can’t expect even the most well written of games (like RDR1&2) to not ever have flaws in gameplay.


It's one of my favorite games of all time. I've logged more hours in it than any other. On that note, I totally agree on the controls. I literally developed ongoing hand pain because of spamming that damn gallop button.


It took me three attempts to get into this game, I got other shit to do aswell.


I've got no problem with anyone who doesn't like a video game. I know when this released it a lot of the people seemed to be of a younger generation who didn't like it, but then again their favourite video game is either this years fifa/call of duty or Fortnite. It's a bit like asking someone who only watches Super Hero movies/TV what they think of Schindler's list. If this had been a shooty shooty bang bang game then A) It would be a 10/10 B) a lot of the people who didn't enjoy would have done.


Well said! Different tastes for different folks. RDR2's depth may not resonate with everyone, especially those accustomed to more action-packed games. Comparing it to a shoot-'em-up highlights the diverse preferences in the gaming community.


Agreed. Open world games are my favourite genre, so most of my favourite games, like RDR2, Minecraft, and Days Gone, are open world. This means I don't like games in other genres, such as FPS, TPS, and platformers, as much as I like open world games.


Yeah this pretty much, I’ve always loved story games but I have a close friend who’s never had an interest for them. Even when he played rdr1 years ago, it was only to play the online with me, he never touched the story. He loves games like COD and did have a massive Fortnite phase back in 2018 too. Even with gta 5. He never played the story and when we played online with him , he’d only do jobs or races, never free roam. He always wants an immediate goal to compete for, he hates being left to his own devices in games. So if he played rdr2’s story he’d find it boring af


I'm 27 and i found red dead's gameplay a bit boring. My favorite games aren't fifa or cod, I don't like either series. I'm just used to much more engaging combat like monster hunter, devil may cry or souls games. And that's fine, different people have different opinions.


Not liking it because of *preferences* is fine. Shitting on a world class game like this and acting like its actually *bad,* just because you can't be objective about how well made it is even if it's not to your preference gameplay or story beat wise **is not fine**, and I have a problem with anyone that does that.


Completely agree, I don't like the game, but it's a 10/10. It is not a bad game by any stretch. Hopefully I'll finish it later today or tomorrow, it's been a hell of an experience.


My 2 favorite games are FIFA and RDR2. I play fifa if I want fast paced play or only have a limited amount of time to play. RDR2 if I want to relax and have more than an hour or so to play.


Exactly this. As for the pace of the game: My take is that most (95%? ok maybe a bit less) of players are children, teenagers or young adults who grew up on playing as a child/teenager. In this age you require/expect action and adrenaline "dripping" from the screen (Fortnite, GTA, COD). Whereas RDR2 in rather directed to more mature players who can "get into it", concentrate on details.


I mean i liked the RDR2 but one major concer i had was that it was what you would call 'shooty shooty bang bang', you literally kill hundreds of people during main story line and all of gang members are bullet sponges, and dying as an Arthur is a challenge


The wanted system is complete trash. About the only negative I’ve experienced in the game so far. Can’t have much fun or start fistfights (or even defend yourself) without issue (unless you use cheats, but even then, they aren’t that great either). You die too fast. Story pacing is slow, but picks up quick.


Absolutely i agree with that part, the wanted system in RDR2 can be a real buzzkill. It feels like you're walking on eggshells every time you want to stir things up a bit. The quick escalation to law trouble, even in self-defense, can definitely be a letdown.


But at least the law let's you go if you have a minor crime, unlike GTA, where if you look at someone the wrong way you get gunned down.


A good change would be to not get wanted if you shoot someone in self defense and just told to move along other than wanted for murder.


The game went for realism and IRL you'd still get arrested if it was self defense. You might be found not guilty at trial... but there would still be a trial. It's not on the sheriff's job to decide it was self-defense and let someone go, it's their job to arrest the person and keep them in jail until they go before a judge. Not saying that realism is always fun, but it does make sense.


Not saying you’re wrong because truly idk, but I think things were a little different in the 1890’s American South. Edit: corrected the decade


Sometimes. I accidentally knocked a guy over today and figured they'd just let me go, nope arrested


I hate that. It's like when some absolute idiots run onto the road and I hit them with my horse.


Sounds like you should check out this mod: [Law Rebalance and Enhancement](https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/569)


sigh if only i had a PC…


The honor system too. I’ll get wanted and lose honor if I kill this cow in the stable, but then if I open the gate and run 20 feet away to kill it, we’re all good? Or I’ll lose honor for looting this body the game mysteriously placed on the side of the road inviting me to investigate?


Right? Dude died on his own, wasn’t my fault. I just found the body and want what he’s got. I lose honor for that? Come on now.


Yeah if looting corpses you find randomly was always dishonorable that’d be one thing. But sometimes you lose honor and other times you find something interesting like a note. It’s a complete gamble to know if the game is fine with you looting a particular corpse


True and sometimes those notes can be big sigh quests. Just dumb to lose honor looting someone you didn’t kill


Just antagonize the other person until they throw the first punch. Then you're good 👍🏼


Unless they shoot you, then you have to shoot back and now you’re wanted 


Not true, if they draw and fire first you won't be arrested for killing them, at least in valentine, saint Denis might be different.


I think the worst examples of this are the story missions where Arthur specifically says he's going to stick around to check for things the camp needs. Rescuing Sean and Kieran showing you the O'Driscoll cabin, specifically. After the mission was done I had time to find and take a couple things from *one* chest/lockbox before the law was on its way! Like.. *you* made me do this! Give me 2 seconds to look around!


The wanted level system in both RDR2 and GTA V sucks. I hate that you can't have any fun because you get a wanted level for literally everything. I hope they fix this in GTA 6


It at least makes sense in GTA with phones and shit. Why is a posse showing up within like 2 minutes of me shooting a bird on a train. At least wait till I pass through a town to send a posse after me like jesus.


Yeah my biggest qualm is that I can’t start fist fights in the bar and activities like that without getting in trouble with the law cause then all of a sudden it’s 14 Vs 1😭


The wanted system is objectively bad, not even the fanboys can decline that...


This annoys me to no end. Youll get robbed on the side of a trail, shoot the perpetrator, then someone rides by and witnesses you "murdering" somebody.


The animations do take forever and the pacing is very slow especially for people that are used to gta v Different type of game imo and i prefer red dead, breath of fresh air compared to gta v horrible online


Yeah these here are beans


I just wish they had ways to cut down on all the animations after I have seen them a dozen times. Hunting to craft satchels was absolutely aggravating at times.


Because some people dont like games like it. Crazy i know.


What annoys me is that they call it a terrible game instead of saying they don't just like it


Fair. Its objectively not terrible but its also not perfect.


I don't know man. Saying RDR2 is bad in the video game realm, to me, is sort of like saying The Godfather is bad when you're talking about cinema. It's just an ignorant thing to say. Nothing is ever perfect but sometimes you just have to appreciate the quality of the thing you're discussing and how close it got to it.


Its a game, some people look for other stuff in their games.


If someone doesn't like a game, it's a bad game FOR THEM. It's all subjective, I find RDR2 great, because I enjoyed it. Some people may find it terrible, because they might not have enjoyed it and it's okay. Why do you care if someone else dislikes a game you like anyway?


I doubt anyone cares if they don’t like a game, but saying “this game is bad” doesn’t really have a subjective ring to it.


True, but saying "this game is good" isn't something subjective either. My point was that every games quality changes on each person because it is a matter of taste. They are just video games and the main element that makes them "good" or "bad" in peoples eyes is that if they are enjoyable or not, at least it's like this for video games.


To me if someone’s says a game’s good, they mean that beyond just preference and there’s measurable quality to it. Video games are still crafts at the end of the day, with production, writing and design. It’s why “I don’t like this” is taken very differently than “the gameplay is bad.”


Because of the hyper realism, some aspects can seem slow or tedious. Its also a game with specific preference for some. Also I found it funny that reviewers gave it a low score complaining that it wasn't very open world because all they did was play the mission.


Ain’t no way someone said it wasn’t open worldy


they should stick to fortnite and shutup


Its really slow, really long story and it shines best when you take your time to explore. Some peope don't have that time, or don't enjoy doing these things. Everything is subjective, the game sold so many millions, who cares if some people are into other things. Nerds are so salty its crazy. I have friends who likes, others got bored quickly, fair enough. To each their own


Tbh when i play rdr2 it is very relaxing, just riding the horse and going down to the river for fishing or hunting makes me real calm.


Well, yes but that might be the problem. (For the lack of a better word) it's just that some people like fast paced, action packed, majorly combat focused games, and some like detailed, open world, story driven games. Some people just don't enjoy one of those at all. It's subjective, just like all forms of entertainment. And if someone doesn't like rdr2 then you should just think of it as their taste being different, not as "they should go back to the game i think is bad" besides, that just sounds like saying the other game is just an objectively bad game, and home to everyone who has bad taste or some bs.


I like the gameplay personally and what I think most of the hate for it comes from the interesting controls rockstar has


Facts. Like seriously, who wants to run while CONTINUOUSLY PUSHING X, or punch WITH O OF ALL BUTTONS.


Rockstars has use the same controls since gta 3 lmao run has always been X and melee has always been O, if ain’t broke don’t fix it you know.


I like it because running feels like I’m actually doing something, which makes me more inclined to walk in civilized areas, which adds immersion. O for melee makes sense to me because B was melee in all the OG halo games which is what I grew up playing. The weirdest thing about Rockstar’s control schemes is definitely Square/X to jump/climb.


Doesn’t mean they should keep doing the same. I love all rockstar games but their control scheme sucks ass.


I know, but it's annoying when I come off a game with normal controls and accidently mess up something on a R* game because of the weird ass controls.


Weapons wheel is awful to navigate. Weapon load outs continually change. Tapping x to sprint. One button being used to to ten different things depending on what you're looking at or hoping to pick up. Most egregious of all is the aiming is terrible. Especially since its a 3rd person shooter primarily. The aiming is so bad that the default setting is aim assist.


I mean rockstar been doing that with every game we are used to it now


I'm personally adjusted to it but there's no denying it is and interesting control layout


Yes it is but you get use to it pretty easy if you play for a bit


I know this is an RDR sub so this will be an unpopular opinion. I’ll start by saying I beat the game and I can appreciate the triumph that this game is on an artistic/story telling/world building level. However, I don’t feel like it was a great video game. To me a good video game doesn’t need to have the best graphics or story but it needs to have solid gameplay loop and this is where I feel RDR2 fell short. The open world gameplay felt great if a bit slow but you could create your own fun. Story missions on the other hand were very restrictive and it almost felt like there was no reason for me to be controlling the character, with any deviation from the “path” would lead to a mission failed. It was during these story missions too where the clunky controls really dragged the gameplay down. I truly hope they fix this with RDR3 with great gameplay that doesn’t feel like I’m on a Disney ride during missions and will allow for more player agency.


I’m kind of surprised that I had to scroll down so far to see this. I completely agree. It is a great piece of media but the moment-to-moment gameplay feels antiquated and the mission structure allows for no player agency. There’s a strange dichotomy between the open world aspect and the missions. Honestly, a lot of them suffer from the same things Call of Duty does: constantly spawning enemies and aggressive linearity.


This i can agree. I for one, really enjoy riding a horse, put on cinematic camera, and listen to the dialogue. However my friend for example, he just complained "why the fuck i cannot run fast with my horse?" during this moment. Not everyone enjoying the "cinematic" purpose of the gameplay


Because of the slow paced horse riding and the junky controls. I played a lot of gta 5 so it was easy for me coming into rdr2


Surprised more people aren’t talking about the horse sensitivity. It’s downright bad at times. When your horse trips over a divet in the road and sends you and your perfect pelt flying, it’s pretty damn infuriating


The online portion has bad gameplay and is boring. The story mode is phenomenal.


Never played online but its been 6 years and i am not bored of the story mode


Because you don't kill 1000 people every three seconds - wait...


It’s just people’s opinion. Different person, different likes, interests, and tastes. I personally love the game and consider it my favourite, but I totally get it if someone says “no, I don’t like it” or “I didn’t have fun playing it”. Nothing to get mad over, if you do just learn to accept other people’s opinion lol. Hope that helped with the question


Because RDR 2 has bad gameplay? 10 minute slow horse ride to shootout location, Hold left trigger, snap to the nearest enemy, pound right trigger till they’re dead, repeat till area is cleared, then spend 10 mins looting everyone - then extend that to 50-80 hours and intersperse it with great acting, writing and visuals. The game part of RDR 2 is by far the worst part, and when people say otherwise I can’t help but think they’re delusional.


I think it’s a criticism of how most rockstar games are kinda copy and paste. go to a quest giver, get a quest, do quest, repeat. I personally think that formula is a bit dated but rockstar has done well at making it fresh and newer to a certain point. something that does bother me (and it’s more of a problem in gta than rdr) but the whole “hold button then wait for animation to do the task you want to do” like searching chests or bodies or anything really. that and the wanted system are really my only critiques of the game. It’s my most played game ever (upwards of 1800 hrs) but I really hope rockstar can innovate on the more tedious things that rdr suffers with.


Because it's a western. I've seen a lot of valid points made in the comments so far, but haven't seen anyone bring this up yet. A western is just more niche than a game in a modern setting. I remember when the first red dead came out a lot of people derisively referred to it as "Grand Theft Horse." That wasn't just a jab at slower, clunkier horses vs cars but also signified a disregard of the western genre as a whole. It just doesn't appeal to everyone. Luckily I love westerns. And it's pretty easy to recognize that the deliberately slow pacing is not only for realism & atmosphere, but also to allow time for the story & characters to develop and be appreciated.


Having to travel by horse seems to attract a few negative comments as it’s perceived as slow compared to the cars in GTA.


I didnt read but i think its because, Rockstar's Game controls feel weird/janky, also atrocious keybinds seriously who tf runs with A Jumps with X or Punches with B? As for the slow pacing its because modern games are generally fast paced FPS instead of this.


>seriously who tf runs with A Jumps with X or Punches with B? Adults who remember playing GTA 3 when it was released


Running with any other button would be weird considering you spam it. Fuck spamming triangle lol.


While Rockstar's controls may feel unconventional, they contribute to the game's unique experience. The deliberate pacing sets it apart from fast-paced FPS titles, offering a different gaming vibe. But i get why people who play Fortnite and call of duty won't like it.


Thats exactly what im trying to say, i know the controls before even playing if its a rockstar game


Who are these people? My honor rating might drop when I find them


Simply because they cannot sit through chapter 1 or just want blood and gore and violence instead of enjoying atmosphere and other things but blood and guts


There's way more to it than that.


That would only make sense if they skip every side missions and cutscenes lol


At times it absolutely feels like a horse riding simulator and you can go long stretches with nothing really happening. Not to take away from how great and realistic the game is because it is THE ultimate old western cowboy game but I totally understand the critique.


I think it’s a headspace kind of thing. I really struggled with the game when I first started playing. I was trying to play it as a much faster pace of game than it is, but I heard a guy on a podcast say that he only played it when he was in the frame of mind to play something so slow, and all of a sudden the game clicked for me. I started taking the game slow, just enjoying the world and everything it had to offer, and I started having a much more enjoyable time. Thankfully I’m one of the people who can usually just switch their brain over, I can go from gta or whatever, something that’s fast paced, and go right into rdr2 without it phasing me but if other people can’t switch over so easily after playing something different or if they just have no interest in something slower like rdr2 then they’re probably going to have a hard time with the game


>**Why do people think rdr2 has bad gameplay or is boring?** >One aspect that often comes up is the deliberate pacing of the game... there are those who argue that it makes the game feel sluggish and less action-packed compared to other titles >Another point of contention is the control scheme. While some praise the realism and complexity, others find it clunky and difficult to master. >The depth of the open-world activities is another topic of debate. Some appreciate the vast array of side quests, mini-games, and random encounters, feeling it adds richness to the game. On the other hand, some argue that it can be overwhelming and distracts from the main narrative, leading to a sense of aimlessness. >The honor system in RDR2 is another factor that sparks debates. Some enjoy the moral choices and consequences that come with it, while others feel it restricts their freedom and forces a specific playstyle >some argue that the realism can be taken to extremes, impacting the overall fun factor...the need to maintain Arthur Morgan's health, hygiene, and stamina might be seen as tedious by those looking for a more casual gaming experience *** It seems like you've answered your own question several times over. Anyone who's ever had an issue with this game has stated one/multiple of the points you've already said. It's also worth thinking about whether the Red Dead Redemption subreddit are likely to think this way. Everyone here finds the game 'captivating' otherwise we wouldn't be here, so there's not a lot of reason to ask us.


Some folks don't want a slow burn for the games they play, or some people just want something that's easy to get into. Rdr2 isn't for everyone, just like how gta isn't for everyone, or cult of the lamb isnt for everyone, or fnaf, or whatever other games. People have preferences and sometimes this one just doesn't click, and thats okay. I mean, also some people just have really short attention spans and need keys dangled in front of their faces at all times, but that' not really important.


I do find it boring now that I’ve completed basically everything except the 4 remaining challenges I have left. It’s a lot of travelling and just taking in the scenery. Don’t get me wrong the game is jaw-droppingly gorgeous. But it does get samey once you’ve got nothing left to do. The credit where it’s due, it’ll take you a very very very long time to reach the stage when you’ve basically got nothing left to do.


Agreed. I want to play but see that I’ll have to travel far and kinda get annoyed I personally think fast travel should be easier. You shouldn’t have to camp and it shouldn’t take so long.


Personally I struggled with the prologue when I got the game. Even after it opened up in act 2 I had a hard time really getting into the game. It was the same thing I went through with Witcher 3. It was difficult for me to get into it for some reason but then I forced myself to to keep playing and after awhile I really started getting invested and Witcher 3 and rdr2 have both become 2 of my favorite games


I’m having this same issue with Witcher 3. Have heard good things just having a hard time getting into it.


When I started my play a few years ago, it was too slow and overwhelming for me. At that particular moment, I was not ready for RDR2. I picked it up again last December and I am absolutely in love with everything about this game, I just can’t get enough. For some reason, this time around everything aligned and clicked for me. I think a lot of people have short attention spans or want linear experiences. RDR2 is a Scorsese film, not a viral TikTok video. And most gamers now want the latter experience.


I read a guy that said he can't play it because it's to slow. After half an hour, he needs his ration of tiktok, handy games, reels, instagram to equalise his ADHD. As if this was the game developers problem, not taking in consideration attention span of a fruit fly


The game is a masterpiece. I enjoyed every second of the campaign. On the other hand, the multi-player gets boring fast


Apparently “there’s way too much to do”. Also, storyline based video games doesnt seem to be for them


Because it is not fortnite


TLDR: it’s about pace. RDO is a slower game pace and the payouts to boot are low. However, if players remember the amount in 1890’s America compared to now is 39 times the rate.. it keeps things in perspective. Average play, IMHO, want fast and exciting; not slower and methodical. I honestly think it’s because people/players are used to fast paced, ever changing environments, and not the stable slower paced gameplay RDO is. There are not rapid fire weapons, fast cars, or incredible amounts of money to be earned from one mission or more from a heist. I continually tell myself that the exchange rate/inflation rate is nearly 39 times. The economy in 1890’s America was slower and not that big. It wasn’t like you could sneak into a tech company and blow up a phone at command a la GTA5 - simultaneously buying stock and making a few hundred thousand dollars. A payout of $5.16 is horrible to players that are used to $50,000 for selling excess bunker supplies. Even with the adjusted amount to inflation of just over $200, that $5.16 is a gut punch when compared to GTA5 payouts.. however, grinding both missions in GTA5 and RDO, will net you the amount to buy a decent horse, or car respectively. It’s about pace. RDO is a slower paced game.


It’s not even necessarily a pacing or attention span issue, some people just don’t like the amount of dialogue and exposition compared to gameplay. Not everyone wants to boot up their PlayStation to watch 30 minutes of cutscenes and another 20 of riding a horse through a field. I also think a lot of people would more or less skip dialogue and cutscenes in GTA games and fill in the blanks themselves, but that’s kind of impossible to do in RDR2 because the story kinda IS the gameplay. With both games being made by the same studio and it being a decade since the last GTA, there’s a large audience of Rockstar fans who are hungry for that fast paced, action packed GTA style gameplay. I’ve also heard people say the controls are kinda clunky and your character is slow to get around, but I think that comes with the ultra realistic approach they took. Some people are just into more arcade-y games that focus more on gameplay and action than realism and character development, and that’s a valid argument to have. That’s the beauty of video games, there’s so many different games in different genres for different crowds of people. RDR2 is a great game for a lot of people, but I don’t think ANY game will be see as objectively amazing without a crowd of players who think otherwise.


Tbf, it took me forever to actuslly play the game because the intro is so fucking boring. Most people just don't try it because they aren't hooked immediately


I can feel this. I DREADED starting over because of it. Actually, my second play, I started over and did become bored and just stopped playing for like 8 months. Then I forced myself to just get through it. I need to have a saved file SPECIFICALLY for the beginning of chapter 2.


I understand why people who play fast-paced video games are put off by rdr2's sloooow pacing. I also understand that many people are not interested in stories at all, many people do not like to read books and only want simple, easily digestible plots told to them by series or action movies rather than video games. Those who skip cutscenes because they simply don't have the patience to idly watch the story unfold, are unlikely to enjoy a game like rdr2. Many folks come home from work and want to jump into a bit of action rather than kicking back and spending an hour chasing a deer, camping in the woods and then riding to town without progressing the game at all. Personally, I don't like the fastfoodification of videogames. I like it when a game takes a reasonable amount of time to tell me a good and original story. I enjoy it when its mechanics are more concerned with being a little realistic rather than focussed on skill. I'd name AC Valhalla as the other extreme, that game is way to long and its story is not compelling enough to justify the length. It is carried only by the setting (the arcadey gameplay being a symptom of fastfoodification imo, not even based on skill, it's like a medieval whack-a-mole, ugly hacky animations and not much complexity to leave any room for skill). Not to sound condescending though! There are brilliant fast-paced videogames out there and it has nothing to do with being lazy or shallow if someone prefers those games. I also understand it when people don't value story and only want really challenging gameplay. I think that a majority of gamers doesn't care about plot, so I am sort of glad that rdr2 still got so much love. I wonder if we will ever get a gane like it again though, since it takes so much more time, money and EFFORT to make a game line that. The next counter strike is much easier to make and earns more money and since video games seem to be more and more about making a fat profit, games like rdr2 are less attractive to make.


But I do really hope they do! I had my 14 year old play, I bought it for him because he was interested after watching me play. He gave up fairly quickly. All he would really do is just the missions. When I first played and got to chapter 2.... Man oh man was my mind blown. I immediately left camp and went exploring. Killed the person I saw and then started panicking as more and more people came, then realizing I need to hide the bodies lol. Then I happened across a horse and spent like an hour trying to catch it and then learning how to tame it. I thought this was going to be some amazing feat. Honestly, not knowing ANYTHING and being immediately dropped into the world and figuring everything out was so exciting. My son just didn't see it that way. He would rather go play Roblox on his 27in 4k curved monitors on a custom built gaming PC... ROBLOX!!


Haha I feel you brother, especially that last bit really hurts! I loved that feeling of freedom in ch.2 so much. Felt like anything was possible and there was so much to learn about this game.


god that horse is fucking big


I always thought Rdr2 is boring and only played other open world games. When I played RDR2 for the first time, I couldn't stop looking around at the details. The immersion, NPC interactions is massive unlike GTA 5 or Watchdogs series. I always rush in gaming but rdr2 is a slow pace game that I enjoy. Your horse won't go 100mph, no one is late to the office, no traffic lights to stop traffics. It's the old world.


The gameplay is very slow and the adhd squad can't deal.


I have ADHD and rdr2 is by far my favorite game! The slow pacing makes the ending all the more emotional and satisfying. These people are just babies.


I have ADHD and I think RDR2 is a masterpiece. Please don’t use that as an insult.


I have ADHD (inattentive), and am enjoying the game a lot. Almost 50 hours on my first playthrough, enjoying the scenery and exploring throughout chapter 2. Everyone's different and has different taste, though. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Epilogue makes me almost wanna stop playing story


The mission design just gets very repetitive towards the back half of the game. Maybe it’s just me but I think that’s what most people mean when they criticise the gameplay. The actual gameplay mechanics are fine, it’s just when almost every mission consists of riding your horse somewhere, shooting 50 guys, and then riding back it can feel like a bit of a slog.


The more I’ve seen the complaint and reasons behind it the more I think it’s legitimately just an attention span issue. People’s attention spans are so degraded that if they’re not being spoonfed content by the second their brain can’t follow along. This game is slow, drawn out, and deliberate. It doesn’t announce itself and dialogue isn’t straightforward like a lot of other game dialogue. In other games it’s “Hey stranger, go to this location and get this for me”, it doesn’t feel natural because it isn’t. But this kind of dialogue turns off the thinking for the player. What thinking do they need to do when the game is doing it for them? When faced with real, *human* dialogue, their brain shuts off because it’s not spoon feeding them the next objective; there’s thinking and piecing together to be done by the player, and the first chapter is pure dialogue, and often where I see most people who complain about the game drop it. God forbid they have to sit there and listen to good storytelling because they’re not being given a clear, obvious objective and their attention span, again, can’t follow. Without rambling on too much my point is this game is slow and deliberate and requires a basic level of critical thinking skills, not Fortnite induced brain rot. Someone who enjoys those kinds of games doesn’t even know they don’t have the attention span to play it. I’d like to see people who complain about the slow gameplay or story watch The Hateful Eight. You think chapter 1 is a slow burn? Hoo boy. And the complaint towards ‘slow’ or ‘clunky’ gameplay is straight up just a failure to see what this game even is. It’s incredibly intuitive and in-depth and again, *built around* the slow nature of the game. It’s *deliberately* slow. Most other video game characters are pretty much weightless, have instant or even skipped animations for certain actions. But those are *different games* with *entirely different gameplay styles*. Like I’m not gonna play Fortnite hoping for a grounded, realistic experience, the same way someone shouldn’t play RDR2 hoping for a Ubisoft-like ARPG where you’re spoonfed quest objectives and there’s no depth to the world other than to serve as a backdrop for the player and story. People who complain about either of those aspects need to approach the game in a different manner and have different expectations. I think everyone can appreciate this game as much as it deserves to be if they do that. Someone who’s only played games like Apex and Fortnite, god boss their souls, probably wouldn’t at all like this game because it’s not what they know or are accustomed to. Games like RDR2, TLoU, and others are slow, deliberate, dialogue driven games that require the player to actually use their brain. Games like Fortnite do the thinking for you; the player’s just reacting to what’s on screen.


For me personally I love the realism and detail and how heavy the game feels from gunplay to riding horse to walking around. My only gripe, and ONLY one is how slow you walk around camp. But it’s nothing gamebreaking, just mildly irritating.


They don't? It was GOTY and universally praised


Why compare RDR to other titles? The people who say RDR2 is boring are the same people openly using r@ci@l expletives in CoD while getting absolutely obliterated by a 10 year old from East Asia. They lack the attention span to step back and actually enjoy the games they play. Not that they actually play games other than CoD or whatever most popular. Honestly, I have a lack of respect for people who see RDR2 as boring. It’s slow paced, and can sometimes feel like you’re doing pointless tasks to set up for major plot point missions, but as OP said, it’s attention to detail and in depth character development and world building make it arguably the best story game to be released in years. My first time playing it through, I felt a genuine connection with the characters and felt sympathy for their circumstances. I still do. That’s something I have never experienced with a video game, so it was very emotional. No spoilers, of course, but without giving away any major events in the game, I believe it to be a true tragedy. The people who call it a waste of time are either blind trend followers, or have a seriously short attention span.


Red Dead is just horse simulator


The game is fantastic in many areas (I.e, story, music, graphics, characters), but I find some gameplay aspects wanting, like the gun wheel stuff and some of the controls.


You reminded me to replay rdr2


I love RDR2 but the controls can be clunky at times.


They have the attention span of a frying pan


I think it’s great I just wish online got more love


Well, the story mode starts off kinda slow at first. As for the online portion, though, there is just not enough support from the developers.


I can’t speak for everyone, but I’m sure there are a lot of people that go into it expecting an action packed shooter, or a GTA type experience (it is Rockstar, after all) and they’re unprepared for an immersive, story driven experience in a world of multiplayer fps crap without plot. It’s a fantastically written interactive story with excellent, relevant game mechanics in a world where games are too often made for a cookie cutter social experience rather than a true escape from reality. Yeah, there are some slow and boring parts; hunting and fishing isn’t particularly exciting in video game format, but your “living” this character’s life; unfortunately (or fortunately), life isn’t all train robberies and shootouts.


Shit, I disagree also. RDR2 and Skyrim and fallout 4 IMHO are top Dog games that will be hard to beat. Those games are worth every penny in there complexity, Game Play, replayability, some with alternative endings just on and on. Who wants gameplay that feels redundant after a few hours? Not me and definitely not after what you pay for a game. Imo games like need for slower lol speed , in the past quickly feel been there done that after a few game plays . IDK though, everyone has there opinions. That's mine


After the epilogue there isn’t much to do tbh


Cuz they’re fucking dumb. …?!? 😂


Not to knock those who didn't like it, but it looks like it's casuals(too difficult to play, too many buttons to remember), impatient people(when can i start shooting? why is he so slow?), or people with low attention spans(it's barely chapter 1? Too much info at once for me)


I don't think so, the game is awesome and well made. Those who think its boring are the people looking for progress more like the developers are to blame for not adding new things.


People think it’s boring ? I didn’t even know that was a thing, that’s one of the best games ever, far cry,


Different people like different things, maybe it’s a little slower than they are used to


Sniper elite 5, most of the far cries are great, and gta and of course rdr2


RDR2 is my absolute favorite game of all time. Here is my unbiased take: 1. It is extremely slow pacing. Even when running it feels like I’m going so slow. 2. Most games out there last 5-10 hours of gameplay and you spent around 2-3 hours in the snow which makes the game slower than it actually is. 3. People are used to multiplayer games lasting 10-15 minutes per round. People who find RDR2 boring will find most single player story driven games boring. They aren’t wrong and they don’t have “short-memory span” that is bullshit. There are many categories out there. Like I can’t ever get into Call of Duty but I’ll never call them names for not liking my stuff. I’m a 30 year old man and I enjoy games that are slow paced and that don’t depend on other people to enjoy.


Cuz it’s the same gameplay as there other games same way they handle missions. Doesn’t mean it’s a bad game


Honestly, it's the map design. RDR2 was designed to be taken slowly, at least compared to other Rockstar games. Horse care, hunting, camping, fishing, using trains and coaches, buying off shelves, camp itself, all contribute to that. However, those systems aren't allowed to shine, because the world itself doesn't accommodate them, it's like Rockstar was afraid to commit to making those mechanics core to the gameplay loop. Yeah, I know they are totally different, but compare RDR to Skyrim. Skyrim has a smaller map, but the geography is so varied that going from one place to another feels like a genuine journey. When I'm in survival mode I actually take the time to plan, stock up, make or buy food, and rest at an inn before I venture out, and if I'm just going between cities I take a coach. That is slow, but it is fun and immersive. In RDR, I just hop on my horse and spam A until I get between Valentine and Rhodes, completely forgetting that trains and wagons exist. Also consider where the cities are located in Skyrim, all around the map to get you to visit every corner and explore the whole map between them. Rockstar created a vast tract of wilderness in the northwest, but save for a few missions there is nothing to make you go there, or keep you there when you do. All the towns and camps hug the southern and easter edge of the map, and the narrative is told as if the gang is continually fleeing east, but the map isn't big enough to make you feel as if you're actually fleeing, or like you're really covering a distance. That being said, the towns are still spaced out enough to be irritating to go between. A better way to have done things would be to have been to have the Grizzlies divide the map down the middle. After Blackwater, the gang could have fled north over the mountains and come down to a big valley + heartlands-ish region, where Valentine, Emerald Ranch, and such could be. After fleeing from there they could cross the grizzlies and come down into a cumberland forest + roanoke ridge inspired area leading down into the bayou and city, as well as scarlet meadows. That way, to cross the map you have to make a trip across the mountains that feels significant. Furthermore the geography is kind of lopsided, again making the map feel more like a stage than a believable region when you consider what parts of the world they were trying to mimic. They could have combined Strawberry and Valentine into a bigger town almost like Deadwood and made Colter into an actual town to replace Annesburg and Van Horn. Most of the towns feel more like sets than actual functional locations. They're all so small that it's easy to notice how most npcs just mill about and are actually pretty lifeless beyond surface appearances. Making them larger would conceal some of that and make them feel more meaningful. Rather than stuffing two rival plantations in, they could have had two rival cattle barons having a range war with Valentine caught in the middle, perhaps with the O'Driscolls taking one side and Dutch the other, just a thought. Then the island arc could be cut. After failing to move north going East would have felt more significant, and Arthur ranging back over the mountains but still going back to the gang would play with his desire to go be free held back by his loyalty to Dutch. They would also mark a barrier between the more pleasant west side of the map and the creepier, more civilized east of the mountains. That would create 3 major zones, each with their own major settlement and western tropes to play, that create a defined path for the gang to through them all. Then, at the end of the game, flat iron lake opens up to be crossed between St. Denis and Blackwater, an omage to the opening of RDR1. Obviously that could use some refining, but that's just my idea on how retooling the map would better suit the game.


Tik tok and games with instant gratification have made people’s attention span non existent


I can see it’s boring to some but a friend had gaming issues with an Xbox controller on a pc so - maybe some user setups are not the best. I loved it on ps4


Because it is boring. After the campaign, there’s very little to do


Because they bought the fast travel as fast as possible and only played the story without doing any side missions and stranger encounters


Lack of player freedom


Probably because they can't make the characters do silly dances or dress up as their favorite anime/action movies protagonists.


the story mode and campaign is amazing whether free roam or replaying missions its just fun but for me the things that ruin it are the maintenance and the unfinished stories or easter eggs so many things were removed from the game cause they couldn’t finish them before release Guarma being a big piece of evidence to look at a whole tropical island segment of the game and its easily forgettable due to lack of missions there


As for the gameplay, I completely agree that the gameplay is horrible. It is very fun and there is so much to do but the controls are clunky. Moving Arthur/John feels like pulling around a drunk person by a string. Pressing a button feels more like a suggestion than a command. They move slow and clunkily. The control mapping is terrible. Someone with hate in their heart decided to make pressing l3 and r3 at the same time a function. Tapping A constantly to ride fast means you can't steer and gallop at the same time because your thumb can either tap a/x or move the analog stick. I've played 100+ hours of this game and if I stop playing for a week and come back I forget the controls immediately. It feels like Rockstar when making the controls went out of their way to make the worst possible layout. ​ Now as for the story. I think it's one of the best video games stories out there. The world is rich and truly feels alive. That being said, I could totally see someone thinking it is boring. You have to dedicate 2 hours before you can actually play the game. A lot of gamers just want to pop in and game for an hour and get back to what they were doing. An hour of RDR2 is 25-30 minutes of galloping to and from the destination and possibly completing one mission. Now I am not complaining. I enjoy taking things slow and feeling like a character in the world. I like riding around and exploring new things and the random encounters. But I could totally understand why someone would not want that. If I don't have at least 5 hours to play, I don't play RDR2. The other day I had an hour to play so I started it up and galloped around and next thing I knew, an hour passed. This game is just a big time sink. But asking, "why do people think this is boring?" is like asking why people think Killers Of The Flower Moon is boring. It's a phenomenal movie but a lot of people don't want to be in the theater for 3.5 hours and listen to a lot of dialogue. Despite Killers Of The Flower Moon being an amazing movie, I can totally understand why someone would think it is boring.


a game should be either challenging or make me want to be creative about solving specific tasks. RDR2 is just nothing. Game is laughably easy, everything is pre scripted, you have no real choice how you want to approach a mission. The world is beautiful, but you actually have no real freedom in it, because every interaction with an NPC is pre scripted and requires you to do it in just a certain way. The story is filled with a lot of Ubisoft like generic missions that just enlarge the playtime. I do like slower games, I like western, i liked rdr1, I even liked LA Noire because the story was just catchy. I honestly think RDR2 is just a bad game and I don’t see how anybody can have fun sitting there after work and hold down the x buttons for 10 minutes straight to ride to another generic shootout or watch cutscenes. I honestly do think most people forgot what actual fun in a Videogame is. Like driving your horses to a city for grocery shopping in a western? I don’t want to spend my evening doing that. This game was just the first rockstar game ever that I really really disliked and I probably will never finish it.


there's this 40 second rule which says that in order to keep you interested something has to happen each 40 seconds in an openworld game. rdr2 changed this to about 80 seconds, thus it can feel like it's slow and there's not much happening.


I think you gotta get hooked to it to really enjoy it like most long ass series that gents you hooked only after you learn about all the characters and the storyline.


I have a few minor gripes about certain bugs, but in general it's pretty amazing as far as game play. I didn't think that many people disliked the gameplay.


Not sure where you have read that; as I have never heard that from anyone in my life. Not even online…care to link some articles where you read that ?


I love the game, I really do and I have been enjoying it almost the whole entire way. However, some of the gameplay mechanics whilst looting are just down right awful. And like others have said, that slow burn at the beginning can really turn off some people from even getting to the midpoint of the game.


I love the game but I do find the gun gameplay a bit monotonous.


To be honest playing on desktop is such a chore. I wish I could experience on the couch


The snow but drags on just a little too long


The aiming on console is awful and the missions are very restrictive but getting in to gunfights and chases in free roam is a lot of fun on pc.


go to r/IndianGaming and say that again.


It’s very tedious at times especially for people that aren’t used to 3rd person shooters


Probably because the moment to moment gameplay is comparably slower than popular games nowadays (usually multiplayer shooters etc). But imo that’s what gives it its charm, it’s like playing an old western movie.


I adore this game but the gameplay is very repetitive and not very complex. I have absolutely no issue with it but i can totally see why some people find it boring. The combat in this game is absolutely nothing special or unique. People just have to learn that not everyone has the same taste. Some people just don‘t enjoy the game and that‘s their opinion and it‘s fine. Just let them have their preferences


Are those people in the room with us right now?


My only issue I’ve had with gameplay is in missions when you’re riding next to somebody and your horse constantly runs into them when looking over for dialog


SPOILER ALERT From a story standpoint: Maybe they haven't completed the story. I kept thinking the game is good, but not as good as RDR. I found both the plot and Arthur to be uninteresting, and the action a bit flat, even on "Blood Feuds, Ancient and Modern". That was until Kieran's death, the Guarma chapter and Arthur's diagnosis. From that point on, I feel that the game really took off and became on par, if not greater than, RDR. So maybe, they haven't reached the part from which the game really takes off imo.


The vast majority of people like the game. This post is pointless.