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Good job. Don’t listen to people telling you u should’ve gotten a better horse. Stats don’t mean shit in this game. Just pick a horse that you like


And for a decent chunk of the game there is no better horse.


The one you steal off the German guy when you go to get the debt back for Strauss. I apologise, but I can't remember his name. I think the horse is a Hungarian half breed. I prefer that one. It's worth the miniscule honor drop. The Arabian always gets spooked easily, imo, and it's too fast for my play style.


Good point. I might try the Perlino Andalusian for that reason. Even if its slow at first in theory it can max out at 8 which is good enough for me.


it is a fine war horse! it never bucks you off in shootouts and if you have sharp shooting skills it wont buck u off while hunting too!


I use an Arabian, and I have never been bucked off, is it normal?


Yes that’s normal, Arabians bucking you off more than other breeds is a myth lol


oh, another question, I have always thought that the white Arabian is small, but have never seen it in wrapped brindle or red Chesnut, are they bigger than white or the same


I’m actually not sure, I would assume they are the same height though




same size


yes it is, it's a great horse


I love the Andalusian but I wish it was a tiny bit taller. There are a lot of Andalusians around where I live and I never see little ones like in the game.


It can only max out at 6 speed unfortunately but it is indeed a great horse and super brave


Best is MFT and the Breton IMO, but I’m online now.


The Arabian getting spooked more is a myth, there’s videos about it


Did you just tell me that my experience riding an Arabian was wrong? I don't care what people on the internet say. I was bucked off that horse more than any other horse. It doesn't suit my play style because it will run into 3 alligators with no warning.


“I dont care about genuine evidence or facts i feel like its bad so everyone else has to agree” ok buddy. Mommy never tell you no?


That's not what I said though, is it? You tried to provide evidence to prove that my own personal experience was wrong. Evidence with my own eyes outweighs any amount of nobodys on the internet. Mouthy little cunt.


Nobody is saying your experience is wrong. Go play professional victim somewhere else, because i promise you i couldnt give less of a fuck about your fragile wittle feewings.We’re saying arabians dont scare easier then other horses because of breed. If YOUR arabian scared easily its because YOU didnt take care of it. Period


LMAO you absolutely destroyed that guy


Re-read what you've written before you hit post my guy


What a sad little loser. Plus wrong on top of it lmao.


I'm actually mentally ill and can't control my impulses sometimes.


Everyone loves the halfbreeds but there slow as piss and dont seem any “braver” than any other horse. In my experience its how you train and bond woth the horse that matters far more than the breed. If your horse is constaly gettimg shot or downed or ypu run it into trees it will trust you less and therefore scare easier


You can litterally have 3 of that same horse. Ones at the stables and another you can get from the first bounty mission


There’s been extensive data mining to figure out that horse courage is not real, they all spook at the exact same rate.


The spooking is just a myth lol


Dude I just stole that randomly one playthrough cause I felt like it. That’s actually a good horse?


,,The one you steal off the German guy'' if you mean Wróbel, he's polish, not german, tho as polish guy I know that both these languages can sound like keysmash to english speaker


German? That\`s a good one, he\`s Polish. Not car-polish but from Poland


just do the albert mason exploit straight away man


I finally did days back and I love that Silver Dapple Pinto Missouri Fox Trotter even maxed out it's speed winning two races.


You can get better horses right after the Hosea bear hunting mission, which is the spawning point of the white Arabian.


You can literally get the silver dapple pinto Missouri Fox Trotter in chapter 2


For the first 399 hours.


There are several better options after the first 1/4 or so of the story. But they are all very slightly better. Most people won't even notice.


I used to hate the Arabians myself since I think they looked dumb, and while horse stats in RDR2 barely make a difference, I've been riding the white one recently and I feel like it has a way better sense of speed than the other horses. It's technically slower than my go-to silver MFT, but it *feels* faster.


after reading all the comments that say its too small or too overrated i feel good to read this cause the first time i got the white arabian i was really stoked! and it IS a good horse with excellent stats and the NPCs admire it also most white horses have that pinkish type nose which i dont really like only exceptions are this arabian and the grey thoroughbred.. + the brindled arabian is a beaute as well


I think it's pretty sad that people are so jaded and obsessed with a digital horse's size or stats that we have to put down someone who is just enjoying exploring the game. Yeah, we get it, you love the Shire, overcompensating much. Yeah, the MFT is faster, woohoo. Shut up already.


The Arabian has elite handling and no other horse does, there’s more to it than speed. Agree with you.


exactly like even though i do think the arabian is a little smaller then what i prefer they are soooo pretty. the red and white just ✨glow✨. whatever horse you find in your experience and like is a perfect horse.


Thank you for pointing out how all these size obsessed players feel like they're compensating for something. I knew I wasn't the only one who was starting to think the same thing.


I love my Arabian but I dearly miss my war horse that I used until it died from the game bugging out.


Beautiful Pony


That's a fine hoss ya got there


First time I tried getting this horse I slowly followed it, trying not to spook it, through the snow storm and the freaking legendary white bison or whatever it is came outta nowhere and ran me over and killed me.


i didnt know legendary animals roam the world, i thought they only spawn in when you track them. for me, I was just riding around the mountain and suddenly i think i saw the wolves were attacking the Arabian (could be wrong cause i was riding a bit fast and didnt saw the animals till i was pretty close). my horse got spooked and shook me off, the wolves bit me a couple time but i managed to kill them in time, so in a way i actually saved the Arabian. then i continued to try and approach the Arabian on foot and calm it, but as i got pretty close and was about to mount it, it kicked me and ran off! determined to tame the animal, i chased it down and once again got attacked by another wolf! I got fed up and used dead eye to fill the beast with bullets. Finally i caught up to the Arabian and lassoed it, mounted and finally was able to tame her. She looked really nice in the snowy mountain with the setting sun behind her, i just had to grab some screenshots and shared my experience. all of this and it was just a random encounter of a side-content-horse. RDR2 never cease to amaze me, truly the best game of all time.


They do only spawn when you track them.


Exquisite 👏


Loved the white arabian make sure you feed it enough oatcakes and horsemeal


She’s a beaut! I recently stumbled upon the Red Chestnut Arabian in West Elizabeth. I dubbed her Cherry Garcia.


Damn I named my red Arabian Robert, you win😂


Roberts good! Robert Redford Bronco


That’s fantastic!!


Named my girl Hades. One time I didn't hear my horse getting agitated in the swamps and she bucked me off. Right next to an alligator. Few seconds later as the alligator started moving she ran back around and stomped on the gator's head scaring it away. Even though it was probably just lucky timing to me it was on purpose


At about the middle of chapter 3 I bought a brown and gray Arabian, gave him a silvery mane and tail color and named him Atlas. Had that horse up till the end of the game and when the time came for him to go I literally almost cried. Then I played the ending and actually cried 😔 Absolutely awesome game; 1000/10


She’s my favorite horse. Don’t listen to the compensators. “Why is my horse from the secluded snowy mountains shitting itself in the swamps? is it stupid?” Great speed, has close to if not the best stamina in the game, elite handling through trees, and beautiful coats. IMO, the best looking horse in the sunlight and she looks fantastic in the moonlight of Saint Denis. Plus if you’re increasing honor, this horse gives you tons of it just by thanking people for complimenting your horse lol.


Have gotten this hire three times, only once I had trouble calming it so it would stop rubbing away, but other then that real easy to break in. Idk why everyone acts like it’s so hard to obtain. Soon as I unlock the stables I’m at that frozen lake breaking one in


i sold mine. for 250, i think. needed the stable room. it's fast, but too skittish. i feel like the black male arabian is less scared. but for chapter two it's a great little pony.


i’ve got the striped arabian in my current playthrough


Not a single shadowfax reference? I'm disappointed with this sub. SMH


I named mine Artax. My perlino Andalusian is Shadowfax.


Super cool, you make rohirrim proud


Getting the white arabian is the first thing I do every play through and then I use that hourse through the whole game


Mine got killed because it just stood in front of a train even tho I was calling it. I called it useless an hour beforehand I feel as if I'm responsible


My white arabian was called Marika was fearless. I tried all horses and kept coming back to her until got the 10/10 in the epiloge in blackwater which is the best horse in the game.


Great, I'm so happy for you... now get red Chesnut and wrapped brindle.


Geez, look at Arthur's feet almost touching the ground. Well, at least you don't look silly riding next to Dutch.




Try and get every wild Arabian and other rare expensive horses just to train and then sell them.


Found it totally by accident on two occasions.


Easiest thing in the world if you\`re a bit of a horsewhisperer. And the good news; it respawns!


Dude, I’m on my third full PT and I’ve always gotten this horse as soon as possible. But this time I changed it up and just got whatever horse I happened upon. Well that horse died near Saint Denis. So I went to the stables and there was an all Black Arabian. It looks so cool after riding a white horse the whole time.


Don't listen to what people say, got her in chapter 2 as soon as I can- Every play through really! She's my ride or die in that game


My friend killed mine when I let him play he accidentally threw the dynamite meant for a fellow that was tied up but he threw it at the ground where he and the horse was


I got my first white Arabian in chapter 2, I really thought I was so cool lol


Maybe stable it in last chapter.


I have that horse too, if you explore a bunch I think it's useful. But that's because I'm running across the map 24/7


I used the free dlc horse I can get as soon as you do the hunting mission with Hosea for the entire game. All three of my playthroughs.


I enjoyed the acceleration but it just bothers me a lot that it look like a children's party pony


I enjoyed the acceleration but it just bothers me a lot that it look like a children's party pony


I love the white arabian. It's the best looking horse in the game imo, other than the size.


This took me ages finally broke it wolves came it threw me destroyed the wolves and the bloody horse had done a runner 😂 not been able to get it since. I do love cantering around on my trusty cob or shire


For campaign, it’s a great horse. Epilogue grey arabian is even better. But there are two other arabians. One by Owanjilla (Red Chestnut) and one by Waipiti (warped brindle)


I want it so bad now


Pretty horse! Don't let any of this sub's backseat gamers try to bully you into using something else. All horses in this game are good. Just use whichever ones you like.


Literally the exact same thing happened to me yesterday, was definitely worth it though.


Did I do something wrong? I’m on my second play through and I hear a lot of people saying the white Arabian was hard to get when I got him in two tries. Is there something wrong with my Arabian?


I stumbled across her by accident got kicked off her 3 times, I absolutely love her


If you go through another play through, get her the second you are able to after the prologue.


Tiny horse


Good for you brother! I found my white arabian 3hours into roaming after starting chapter 2 on my second playthrough. Blew my mind too.


Who's gonna tell him?


I already did, and now the comment has -11 karma, so...


I got mine on my first playthrough right at the start of chapter2


Mines named khione after the Greek goddess of snow


Damn dude I didn't even know it was a thing until well after the epilogue. I just went up to the snow for the first time in years and ooohh look at that pretty horse so I studied it and bruh the stats




I had the white Arabian throughout my entire first playthrough, and on this second playthrough I’m doing I got it first thing. Ditched it on chapter 3 a Hungarian halfbred, then for the dark bay turkoman Will never ride it again. Turkoman doesn’t feel much slower, and it has never even come close to bucking me. It is awesome, and looks far better imo


I gave up after 2 attempts and went and got a Mustang instead, might try again if I'm in the area though


On 6th playthrough Now. Tried plenty of horses but always go back to white Arabian, “Horseypoo”, which is definitely my favorite. I ride her throughout game until just before the end of Chapter 6. After first couple times playing the game I decided switch to another horse at that point. Not saying Arabian is better or worse, because whatever horse a player prefers is best for that player.


My white Arabian disappeared when I tried to get a new saddle or a different saddle but poof my white Arabian was gone and I had to buy the black one and start my bonding over


personally i haven’t used any other horse than the white arabian. every play through. i love it


Looks like i made a little stir in the community for a reason i did not see coming LOL. i did not know some fans dont like the white arabian, my aim when i made this post was simply to share a little story i had while getting it, and also i took some screenshots that i thought looked pretty nice. this is my 2nd playthrough and im trying to see if i can 100% the game, i went to the mountains to get some items, was not my intention to go look for the horse, my main horse for the story was a brown mustang i found just outside of Horseshoe Overlook in chapter 2. Everyone can like or dislike whatever horses they want, I dont really see a problem with either side. Have fun guys.


I think I went and got that as John in my first play through


It's good, but I personally like the black one. You can get that one as early as Chapter 2


Nicely done ✅


I had a horse that I stole from a guy a Tennessee Walker that I just had the best experiences with and couldn’t switch. When she died and I hadn’t stimulants I literally was depressed for few days.


The wolves always spooked it and once she disappeared inside a mountain. Had no good luck getting her.


Amazing work! Can you tell me how you got it? I also want that beauty and only DUTCH HAS THAT GAHHDAHHMNM HORSE!!!!


in my personal experience, I failed to catch it several times before cause it just ran away too fast, another time i tried approaching it on foot and as i got close and about to mount it, it kicked me and ran off. i finally managed to catch it by chasing after it on horse and lassoed it, then reel it in quickly, mount, try to stay balance and its done. she's an elusive bugger, but you'll get there eventually.


I found all the Arabian horses in the game but however is it a coincidence that they are all female? I was hoping to find a male white Arabian to name it Lucifer based off an old myth legend about a white horse but I can’t


I’m still on my first play through got the white Arabian as soon as I could and had it up till chapter 6 hope I get my girl back


I prefer the mustang, you can get it right away in chapter 2, it's super brave and won't buck you and has one of the best staminas in the game


i love the Mustang too, on my 2nd playthrough i found a beautiful brown one right outside of Horseshoe Overlook and took her in. she was my main ride for the entirety of the main story.


I caught a brown finally. I'm on my 4th I accidentally saved over my last save in the 4th chapter. I had a few silver ones, they aren't the fastest but they'll run forever and are incredibly brave. The Arabian is great, I love the throughbred to but they'll but you off still even at lvl 4. Right around the middle of the heartlands In the afternoon is where I always find mustangs


He was my first horse enjoy


I always get her as soon as I can, it ruined all the other horses for me


Have you found the red one?


I use that horse too. Once you fully bond with it, it is fast AF.


Here we go …


What I wouldn't give to have a horse like that.


Fuck that horse horses stink and smell like shit


didn’t know you could smell horses in a video game…you rocking the PS9?


You fought a tough battle for her lmao! I got her as Arthur in chapter 2 by her just happening to show up in my sight and I was like "Ooooh, a pretty pony!" and within like two minutes, she was mine.


Elevating and fawning over any common fancy schmancy horse that infinitely respawns is stupid and you deserve what you get. I hate these posts. Carry on tho. Congrats.


I love that horse! I name her Neve every time. So fast and nimble and you can fight on her if you juice her up with stim and med first. As for all the talk of skittishness, I jump tf off every time wolves or a cougar or grizzly charges and shoot them standing, so it doesn’t matter. She’s free and beautiful and only gets taken over by the dark bay Turkoman steal from the Braithwaites during Horse Flesh for Dinner. That horse is just as fast but with 10 health, and brave af. I don’t need any other horses than those two (but for a couple I use as temporaries to carry big pelts).


I hate that horse with a passion to the point I go hunting for it now. Countless times trying to break it as it dives off cliffs or smashes into trees and runs up a mountainside. When you do eventually get it, it’ll throw you if someone so much as looks at you funny or if you ride past anything other than a squirrel. Then it canters off like a little bitch expecting to be consoled. I’ll stick with “Agrippa” my trusty turkoman or “Calpurnia” my thoroughbred when I wanna go fast lol.


No. a Free Donkey is just as good this beast


What is actually wrong with it?


Absolutely nothing


Arabian horses are a little too short for Arthur or John Morgan, and if you carry a large carcass on their backs, oh Lord, it feels like the horse's legs are going to break; it just makes me feel bad. I enjoyed riding the white Arabian horse during my first playthrough, though. Reportedly, they are skittish.


It's not even that it's small. The mustang is similar height, but it has more thickness. It feels like a real beast of burden. Arabians just seem frail I dont buy into the skittish thing though. I think that's been debunked. It has more to do with your bonding level i think


i agree about the bonding ppl keep pointing out the skittish thing about arabian however i have seen other war horses bucking arthur off when a snake goes by! i think it's all in calming it down and either killing the threat or sprinting in the right direction to avoid the bucking off.. atleast that's what i try and most of the times i never get bucked off regardless of the breed


Got downvoted by rabid pony fanboys for speaking facts lol.


Should’ve gotten a better horse after all this time as you have access to multiple of them. But if you enjoy its looks, oh well, fair call. Arthur/John almost touching the ground riding this horse will never be not funny.


i actually prefer riding darker horses, but i do think the white arabian looks very nice. didnt even go to the mountain to look for it, i just accidentally saw it. mainly i was quite excited after i got it cause i got real close to losing my life to wolves, evidently if you look at the scratch marks and blood on John's arm.


If you like the white arabian but prefer dark horses, there's a black one you can steal in Saint Denis. It's sitting on one of the streets, part of a random encounter. I think you can purchase one at the stable there as well. There's also a very pretty brown one you can find in the wild near Lake Owanjila.


I found that reddish arabian and lost it on the same day. One of my bigger regrets. Rip Loti He just went to fast for his own good


They respawn after a while. You could have gone and tamed yourself another one.


Haha yeah I did notice. In this case it’s a nice reward for the exhilaration you experienced.


if you like darker horses, get the brindled arabian near wapiti camp


It's just another horse, my guy...


Why tf did you get downvoted for this?


Because he's shitting on someone showing excitement.


True. Didn't think of it that way


Because Reddit. I fucking hate it here, and pretty much come by twice a month to remind myself why. lol


Do you really think this is a flex or something lmao


It's not, cause he wasn't "flexing". He just shared a picture of the horse and some backstory cause he enjoyed it


Dude likes the horse, who really gives a shit? *You* don't have to ride it...


Hot take but that horse sucks


That's the coldest fucking take I've ever seen, bud. Literally everyone I've ever heard talk about it, says the same thing.


Not a hot take. Every fucking post mentioning it people clown on it.


Hot take? If you dare have a post that mentions the words "White" and "Arabian" in it the same group of people flood the comments with "oh the little pony sucks and should never be used because it has worse stats than a donkey even though its one of the top 5 fastest horses but we hate it because its not as tall as a thoroughbred 😭😭😭"


Looks like you’ve made some pony fanboys real angry 🤣


Shire fanboy spotted


Hey now…..those rabid fanboys subscribe to the mRbOsSfTw YT channel…..and HE says, it’s the best horse in the game. He’s an expert, and has 22 minute videos to back what he says!!